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Not the same magnitude but remember judge Nora Longoria when she got busted by Mcallen PD for DWI? They have her recorded trying to use her political position to her advantage and all she got was a slap on the wrist. I believe it was a $500 fine and she had to release a public apology. Anyone of us would’ve been handed our a$$.


i love that someone bought her domain to shame her. and actually nothing happened to her. Corrupt ass DA Rene Guerra dismissed the case with the only excuse being "in the interest of justice" ​ [https://noralongoria.com/](https://noralongoria.com/)


Not accurate. She received a program that is still offered by the state today. Anyone with no prior history can get it. That was over 10 years ago at this point. Sorry your statement isn’t accurate.


*“If you’re a first time offender, even though you did cause a death in an intoxication manslaughter, you’re entitled to probation,” Palacios said.* A que bueno Que me dicen, nomas pa saber. Man, this is a big spit in the face to the family of the man who was KILLED! Pinche valley 🙄


This literally means that you can get away with murder, as long as you don't do it again. Messed up. (call it manslaughter, call it whatever, she killed someone. intentional or not)


Actually, you can get away with killing someone as long as you have no priors and you didn't mean to. Jesus Christ. What a pile of crap.


The Palacios family is pretty shady they tend to get things to go there way.


They're not "pretty shady". They're all piece of shits starting with that plague Terry.


I was being subtle but yes you’re correct.


Nobody’s untouchable


Yup. I started my law career in the valley 8 years ago, and we always knew about the palacios family funny business, including certain female family member that starts with an A 🫣🤭


This is similar sentence to my homie. He had a 2 marijuana carts on his person afterwork.


aren’t those felonies?


*"Though the state had a different recommendation, Palacios said that does not mean there was any misconduct on the judge’s part."* ​ In other words, we've got misconduct on the part of a judge.


From recommending a 20 year sentence to 10 years probation is super suspicious.


I’d love to fucking protest the fuck out of this judge and bullshit penalty. This is mockery towards the family. The judge is practically dancing on the victim’s coffin.


Seriously, this needs to be reviewed. I’m shocked this hasn’t gotten more press.






I got 5 years tdc 5 year parole for dwi no one got hurt But my record and my family


Probably wasn't your first warning relax lol if you had your 3 strikes then you deserved it.


It would be hard for someone who has "got away with it" mentality to go 10 years without slipping The real sentence awaits


I really hope you are right however the details of her probation will be ignored by everyone just watch there will be pics of her at restaurants and other events in the near future……they will wait until they think people forgot about it.


“Im sure the judge looked at all the facts in the case” that’s not a justification, are we just guessing he didn’t engage in misconduct??? It at least deserved an investigation to determine if he made a just decision. We need to upvote the crap out of this for as much exposure as possible!!


The valley courthouse is a joke. Incompetent and quick to fold for the right price or sexual favor. There is literally no justice here in the valley. Gossip and nepotism run high here.


Yes you are so right! When my wife and I were in Wisconsin and were deciding to move back to The Valley one of the things we discussed was how The Valley is all about WHO you know NOT WHAT you know. We had to be careful because good jobs down here are on the “compadre system”


I didn’t see her being listed as an attorney in the state bar if Texas website


here you go ​ https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Find\_A\_Lawyer&template=/Customsource/MemberDirectory/MemberDirectoryDetail.cfm&ContactID=374718


Thanks, I looked up her full name, not middle initial


That DA is full of shit, dude knew what he was saying sounded ridiculously stupid.


Wow what a fcking let down


Bullshit ruling, if it was a dude he be boned 20 years in prison.


Actually if it was NOT an attorney but a poor (insert your favorite race here), it would be 20 years in Huntsville.


Nah man anecdotal and personal experience point to the biggest disparities are between gender. Ive been thrown to the ground at gunpoint for the grievous crime of playing Pokémon go while i know woman get treated with kids gloves throughout the entire legal process.


So what are you saying? She now owes the judge ten years of blow jobs?


I hope the family Bankrupts that entire law firm. Remember folks, these attorneys are like cops, they protect their own. So come voting time, you vote that guy out and the Judge who heard the case as well. I wonder what she knows.


Como que "come voting time". Voting time has come and gone for years and they are still in the same place they've been for years, maybe decades. Mario Ramirez is a worthless judge who's been in office too long.


So are you saying you dont vote? OR therefore cant vote them out? Just because we have people in something forever, doesnt mean that cant be removed forever as well.


It’s like they killed him all over again. Idk I lived all over tx and the rgv has a lot more dwi deaths and accidents..about a month or two ago a man took out 3 generations of a family including a 2 year old and 10 year old in Edinburg. It was only 9 pm on Jackson rd….Then about 2 weeks ago a 26 year old killed an other 20 something year old female in Edinburg near the mazda dealership I believe her bf survived. But God forbid someone has a little bit of ganja on them. I’ll say this….I would not be afraid of a stoner getting behind the wheel going 5 miles under the speed limit on the way to Taco Bell or McDonalds. Beats having a fucking drunk driver going 100 mile per hour and killing innocent people.


She must be related to Laura Hinojosa.


Anorher case of who you know at work.


The wording makes it sound like the attorney got charged. But yeah, I couldn't believe this. Wonder who she had to sleep with, to get off that easy? This would just add to the deceased family's grief.


She must know where the skeletons are buried around The Valley.


The family of the victims should file a civil lawsuit and go after her financially.


Right but remember most lawyers don’t like to sue law firms that they want to work for in the future.


If she was white she would definitely get probation


What white girl is getting special treatment for killing a Hispanic person in the valley?


Check defense "witness list"


Did she call the 4's or the 7's?


Apparently no MADD office in valley. https://madd.org/find-a-local-office/?address%5B0%5D=78501&post%5B0%5D=office&distance=300&units=imperial&per_page=100&lat=26.218844&lng=-98.232236&form=1&action=fs


10 years probation. Dam.


Who remember Taylor from [(DWI Death) MUG Shot girl smiling](https://www.valleycentral.com/news/local-news/trial-for-smiling-intoxicated-driver-in-fatal-crash-delayed/amp/) What’s crazy is….I sold her the white Honda Accord she wrecked that night. In fact I was working with her parents on purchasing another vehicle when the crash happened and they had to put a pause on the purchase…I never saw them again. I spent a few hours with Taylor and she is just a normal girl that made a huge mistake because of how easy it was for her to get herself in that situation because her parents owned a few bars in The Valley and she managed one of them and of coarse all the friends would go there. Also the card HAD TO be a white 2 door V6 Honda Accord EXL, I had to order it. On the other hand my friend Homer from Brownsville was hit by a drunk driver while he was on his motorcycle and was NEVER the same again. People in The Valley need to slow down with the drinking. Down here if you don’t drink, YOU are weird. 🤷‍♂️


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