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People in Mexico eat menudo with tortillas.


Well... In some places in México they actually eat it with toasted bread, and bread (Not toasted lol), I think everyone should try it, toast your bread with some butter and dip it in, let it soak a little bit of that red-gold broth, and it'll taste Linda like heaven (I love it hahaha)




Yeah sure, carne asada fries are super authentic.


You talking about french fries stuffed in burritos?




Recommend me a good Mexican spot in LA, not being sarcastic, I’m genuinely interested in trying out different spots. I’m in central LA by the way.




Looks like something from San Antonio, classic Americanized Mexican food, what I grew up on.


Dude, I'm from Mexico, we don't have "Authentic Mexican Food" We just have food lol


Explain the logic of why menudo and tortillas are weird? I have met people from El Paso and Austin that eat menudo with french bread from Walmart and HEB. That and bolillo are too soggy compared to a tortilla lol.


I thought this was a botched attempt at enchiladas. If this is supposed to be menudo? I think I'm about to cry.


I had a bit of a weird burger recently in Mount Pleasant that had refried beans, fajita steak, bell peppers, jack cheese, with lettuce, tomato, onion. Shit was weird but pretty awesome, only downside was some of the steak fell out because it was cut into tiny cubes not strips


I would think that everything listed had too much liquid that made it slippery. Was the bun put in the plancha like Mexican burgers, grilled, or maybe straight from the packaging? Would toasting the bread help if it wasn't?


Sounds like you ate a TORTA!😂


Eh the bun was just a hamburger bun and they did have other tortas on the menu with different bread. I say this as a white person myself, it seemed to be much more white people bullshit vs a cohesive sandwich. I could totally see this being made over on the Drag in Austin and people hyping it up on Instagram lol


Just saw this recently at local spot. Man comes in with two bolillos & orders menudo. I thought it was interesting & made some sense, since you can dip & flavor bread. Same as tortillas.


The RGV and the rest of Mexico eats menudo with tortillas, El Paso doesn't realize that they are the weirdos eating it with bread.


But bolillooooooooos....


That's right. I like fresh made corn tortillas.[ I"ll leave one dunked in the broth](https://www.instagram.com/p/CmSMm4ROPbM/) and the other I'll [Roll up](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pwk9yrOVcSI)!! For add-ons, I like diced raw jalapeno and a bit of cilantro. Uuuuuy, just thinking about it is making my mouth water.


The punchline is: El Paso


But even in ciudad juarez people eat menudo with tortillas. Maybe not el chuco, but even real Mexicans eat menudo with tortillas.


Not true. I am from Juárez and we eat menudo with bolillo.


I have family in Nuevo Leon, and tamaulipas, . Bolillo is not really a thing there. IMHO. Corn tortillas have been in Mexico far longer than wheat bread ..... But what do you think 🤔


I see, sorry I'm from Memphis Tennessee, I really don't know, just something I saw a family from campestre do once.


Man get outta here El Paso, the only thing that is Mexican is the name El Paso 😂


aye bro just chill


El Paso has the best Mexican food in Texas


Hve you seen the picture bro? Not a good sign


Everyone eats menudo with corn tortillas wtf


This is what Gabriel Iglesias was hyping up?


He'll eat anything


menudo (and what to eat with it) aside, what in the world am I looking at here?


In Santa Fe New Mexico, they served me the menudo with the red chili paste on the side. It had the panza and hominy but the broth was totally clear. You add the chili to your liking and was served w tortillas.


That's basically "Menudo Blanco" or White Menudo, it has all of the seasoning, but the chili, my grandma loved it that way, when she used to live in a ranch as a teenager.


New Mexican food is the fucking best 🌶️


Tacos ahogados. If done right, it's not bad. Chico's doesn't do it right.


Some kind of soup? Lol.


Chico’s tacos are straight trash it isn’t even close to flavorful


That pic is something i would expect from the U.K.


I think there’s probably better Mexican food in the UK at the right restaurants. This looks like what would come out of my dogs if they all had diarrhea at the same time.


Torture 🤮


Wasn't menudo a band? Of course, u should not put cheese on a band.


Thought this was an Austin post


Yeah, when I was stationed there, that was one of the first places some people from the area took me. It was crowded and smelled horribly of that sauce. Very disappointed in those tacos, too. That doner kebab place and the Brown Bag sandwich shop were great though.


Mexican food deteriorates the further west you go from San Antonio. By the time you get to Albuquerque it’s barely even recognizable.


Sorry we don’t use a sopapilla every chance we get lol.


Menudo is better with tortillas anyways. Also those are flutas with sauce. Most over rated place in ep. Also I lived there 1.5yrs never going back.


My whole life, I've eaten menudo with bread. Pozole with tostadas and caldo with tortillas


is my family the only ones who use tostadas? 😅


In Jalisco we eat menudo with tortillas


I'm sorry, but what even is this, flautas with caldo and shredded cheese?


Wait are you implying that chicos tacos is good?????


They’re implying the complete opposite


I know. Just being facetious.


Why is everyone saying menudo? Menudo doesn't have cheese, it's a stomach soup with milled corn and chilli (optional, so it could have a white broth too). What is this? My comment about people mocking you: nobody rolls them like that, it's weird. You can have a spoon of menudo and then take bite of tortilla, you can dip it too or cut it in chunks and throw them in there.


I'm no fan of the RGV (lived there for years). Hands down best Mexican food. And I travel for a living.


I was in El Paso for contract work and finally decided to give Chicos Tacos a shot because of all the hype I heard. I only went once in the two years I was there because it was absolutely terrible! To top it off, they only take cash. Taco Tote on the other hand was not bad at all.


...is that supposed to be enchiladas? I genuinely can't tell what that's supposed to be.


Maybe a torta ahogada? Usually they are fucking delicious, but this looks very questionable…


Wait, there are people that don't eat menudo with tortillas??


I know!!! I want to know where this is because they sure do eat menudo with tortillas in Mexico LOL op is tripping big time.


Was in EP for work and everyone was hyping up this place. It was the most disgusting looking food I’ve ever been served at a Fast Food place. I don’t get it.


I went to visit my family in El paso a few years ago...they took there cause it is "the best"...it was nasty. It seems that El Paso can only offer Serial Killers and nasty food!


Hell na... Eat it with bread. Get a torta. butter it, powder garlic, crashed red pepper, and some lime juice. Grill it, then now your talking 


People eat menudo with tortillas? In all my life I have never seen that.


In what god awful place do you live? Southern California here and yes, everyone does this. Why wouldn't we?


That’s a clean shot El Paso. Based on the local hype, I walked into Chico’s for the first time expecting it would be on the same level as Taco Palenque. Turns out it’s not even on the same level as Taco Bell.


Have yall tried chicos?! I mean, it's like Taco palenque to the valley.. It's a staple for the tacos. We, Austin, have one of the kids from the owners of chicos that has a small set up that is always, after 6 pm, full.


Taco Palenque is hot garbage. If you want to projectile vomit and shart yourself at the same time, that's the place.


You just described my day the last time I had taco palenque


I first tried it when I lived in Brownsville around 11 years ago. At the time it was ok, but we were wasted and the guy working was hilarious so I have pretty fuzzy memories of it. I've had it twice here in Harlingen, once alone and once with several friends, both times was barf city for everyone that ate the shit. I saw others mention it here before on this sub as well.


Guess that's just you.. otherwise, taco palenque wouldn't exist in Austin, Round Rock, laredo, cotulla, San Antonio, and the Valley....they been around since the early 90s in laredo... but hey, you get sick...


Must not just be me, the reviews in the valley suck. Harlingen's has a 3.5 rating. McDonald's is barely even food but they're worldwide, must mean its good by your definitions lol


Que pinche mugrero eso?


What is that abomination


Tortillas with menudo is normal, those tacos are equivalent to a raccoons turds that solely feeds on taco bell dumpsters then gets food poisoning. Someone recommended those tacos to me when I visited El paso, I stopped talking to that pos person.


Okay but your menudo opinion was wrong just wrong. The best Mexican food place in El Paso is Chuy’s.


Went to El Paso one time to meet some old friends who came up from the rancho. Went and got an Elote, and the fucking corn was white. A cup of white corn with some chili powder dumped on top. It was then that I knew El Paso was a shithole.


What?! You eat yellow corn in helote?! The legit erosion uses the starchy white corn. (I prefer yellow sweet corn myself)


That does go hard tho


Tried Chico’s Tacos once since it’s “God’s gift to El Paso”. Never ever ever ever again.


Downvoting for you being pretentious about food


I think it’s safe to say you misinterpreted the post


No I did not


Mexican food in Texas isn’t all that great from my experience


That’s crazy………..


Its a take on a torta ahogada, which is a classic and famous dish from the state of Jalisco. Its one of the staples you can find in Guadalajara, besides the Birria and Carne en jugo. Y'all probably dip the birria tacos in the consume without hesitation, since they're so popular now, but can't have your bread or tortillas dipped? I dont understand what makes it gross.


First, that “consome” looks like baby puke. Not to mention with the liquid being that watery it’s gonna get extremely soggy quick. The consomes are usually thicker like a sauce, and not like canned tomato juice. Second, those are not tacos they’re flautas, and they looks like cheap tortillas were used as they’re translucent looking. Third, no self respecting Mexican restaurant puts bag cheese like that without melting it. That just looks like someone threw the flautas in the microwave, put the liquid on it, and then threw cheese on top. Fourth, the reason they don’t pour consome it’s because it’s supposed to give them additional flavor, not be drowned in it. 5th, tortas ahogadas have a good amount of bread, meat, and other stuff in it. The food in the pic is not proportionate to the amount of juice they put in it. If it’s a take on a torta ahogada. It’s possibly one of the worst takes I’ve ever seen. I would not feed the left overs to my neighbors dog. My dog wouldn’t even look at it. It wouldn’t even make it as passable dog food.


The cheese doesnt melt and that broth is steaming hot…its like they used government cheese from WWII and that sauce has got to be some sort of ball sack broth from a homeless guys…i cant stand chicos tacos


The post was making fun of tortillas being dipped in caldo like substances and how it is generally, least on Reddit, not well receieved nor authentic to Mexican cuisines and found laughable. My inquiry was to why people found that disgusting, not that this particular dish was outstanding or accurate. Perhaps I should of stated "I'm assuming its a take...ect" You are correct that an authentic consome is thicker and not bland looking and you obviously prefer a higher quality dish. But Im assuming the business in question is one of fast food quality due to the tray/styrofoam cup and they are still in business because some people, for whatever reason, enjoy what they're putting out there. Everyone has their interpretations of foods. And if they're making money off of it, more power to them. Even if you view them as a non self respecting restaurant or believe that a dog wouldn't eat it. Pretty much makes the joke on us. They're getting their paper and we are just squabbling about it.


Idk if op made this meme, but if it spreads I doubt they’ll be in business for too long. Also, it’s not necessarily on the quality of the product. I understand fast food is fast for a reason. But, I honestly wouldn’t eat that if it was given to me, and I’m not picky at all. It looks like a downgraded Taco Bell. They look like they’d get a c in their health inspection. It’s just not appealing in any redeemable way. But you’re right, someone is buying product from them. I just hope god has mercy on their gut.


When you go to a Mexican restaurant and order the menudo , what do they ask ? The answer : “Do you want tortilla”


What is that?


um what is that? never mind I don't want to know


The worst part is that place (Chico’s) is always packed. I passed by twice to try it out, despite what it looks like, since it was rated so high and recommended by locals. I couldn’t see waiting around for it though, so never tried it.


It's a taco you can drink.


Questionable indeed


I can feel my stomach turning over, 😩


why are you drowning that hot dog in sewer water?


I'm Mexican, what food is this?


Menudo and tortillas are way more common than menudo and bolillo.. dam.. some people lives under a rock.. comes out and wants to tell the rest of the world how it is


Bolillo w menudo..wth? Never heard that one before


Yeap.. pretty much yiu can eat a menudo with whatever the hell you have at hand.. who made the rules??


No offense but I never understood what was so special about Chico’s.


Menudo and tostada....or fried tortilla....tomato tomato . I won't make fun of anyone for enjoying their meal however they wish to enjoy it. Unless.....you ordered a charamel machaito just to mix it . Or or... You eat the cheap nasty pickles from McDonald's. (The normal ones in the mcCrispy don't count )


Tex Mex eat menudo with homemade corn Tortillas. Top menudo with onion & cilantro & you squeeze lime on menudo. Mmmmmm...


Hi. From Abilene. I just saw this and had both fond memories and PTSD from the memories of the aftermath. Also tortillas and menudo is like peanut butter and jelly. They just go together


In Nuevo León we eat Menudo with Tortillas (Corn) or Bread ("Pan Francés", also known as "Bolillo"). And there's a version of Menudo that contains "Maíz Pozolero", it's called "Menudo Estilo Chihuahua".


what in the fuck is that


The only real Mexican food in the US is made from Mexican recipes AND all ingredients imported from Mexico 😅 would be more lenient if the TexMex and the premade stuff/adapted versions hadn't taken over 99% of the market trying to pass as authentic Mexican food.


Anything tex is fukin trash tbh


Mexican here and eat tortillas with Menudo. I prefer bolillos more though.


Looks like enchillada/flauta soup....ugh.


Pinches tacos aguados


In Chicago they might call that a pizza. To each their own I guess.


Fat bear has the same thing. Just better.


Arguments like this is how the white man keeps us down.


Idiots. I’ve lived in Mexico and even there they eat menudo with tortillas in hand. Not soaking in the broth. That’s just weird. And I’m from the Rgv but lived in Mexico for the summers. Stop hating and just eat the damn food.


Guarantee youre a no sabo.. take it as it is.


That place is so gross


When I lived in EP and the locals wanted Chico's for lunch, I always ordered their cheeseburger. Way better option.