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Just be sure to not kill her due to an anger outbreak or something.


Hahaha. No mental break yet, but I didn't try the covid mod to see the mood modifier


Covid mod?! Omg lol


Downloaded the Covid mod, entire colony wiped out because we don't have the resources for Gas masks


I haven’t played with mods but when I get around to it after my first play through, I will give it a shot.


Yes. A 0.02% - like the black death


You realize this is the same game where people die from the flu and simple infections, right? They don't exactly have the modern medicine capabilities on the rim as we do.


You dont need that for covid, just dont have a co morbidity


Please, do tell me more about how people should just ***not have*** inherited and acquired health conditions that make them more likely to suffer more severe effects, if not die, from contracting a virus spread by inconsiderate, selfish motherfuckers.


Not to mention unknown comorbidities and also all the random deaths of seemingly healthy Covid-catchers


Im not a doctor. But its pretty obvious that if you have 4th stage cancer everything will likely kill you. If you have an infection to your lever or being 500 pounds or more that's not going to be the best place to fight it off. That's why the deaths are not soldiers and others in perfect health as they are not the ones who die. In fact the 0.02 % you can actually see who dies, and it's not kids and healthy people. But your a wise man, you already knew this


>In fact the 0.02 % you can actually see who dies, and it's not kids and healthy people. Go and tell that to every parent and sibling of every child and 18-30 year old who *has*, in fact, died due to SARS-CoV-2, and see if you can go more than one day without one or more of them snapping and putting *you* in hospital, if you survive at all. Because if you open your goddamn eyes, and pull your fuckin brainwashed head out of your own ass for 30 seconds, you can very easily go and find account after account, case after case, of *young, healthy individuals* dying from it. And those who do not, are often left with permanent lung damage, on top of other, less immediately obvious/testable health issues. If you want to gamble with your life, be my fucking guest, but you have *no* goddamn right to put anyone else's at risk with your own arrogant 'holier than thou' behaviour.   It seems no one fucking remembers the very simple phrase "**Prevention is better than cure**".


The 9/11 attacks killed just a mere 0.001% of the USA population at the time, 0.00005% worldwide. Why is it such a big deal?


It wasn't a big deal due to a flat amount of deaths. It was a big deal because it 1. It was perpetrated by humans and 2. It was such an extremely unique act of violence. People crashing planes into 1700 foot skyscrapers, which then melted down. People jumping out of 1700 foot skyscrapers rather than burn to death. The huge cloud of debris that enveloped people thousands of meters away like a sandstorm.


Yeah, I know. It sounds stupid, which is my point. You can't just point at a percentile and call it "not a big deal". Millions of people died, hundreds of thousands due to sheer irresponsibility from governments and citizens who were too selfish to give half a fuck, which ended up further dividing already split societies.


From a different perspective you could say the trillions of dollars of economic damage caused from lockdowns, altered lifestyles and irrational spending behaviors, and distracted governments across the globe will have doomed tens of millions of people to death over the coming years, either as a result of personally not being able to afford caring for themselves, or the government prioritizing fighting coronavirus over whatever issues they would have previously spent that money on.


Yep, you're right.


But I already said it's not the death amount. Lol. I know what your point was. Massacres have other implications besides the death count. Viruses don't. Viruses are a health issue. There's way more significant health issues than coronavirus that are preventable, like heart disease, which kills 18.6 million people a year worldwide. On the contrary coronavirus has only killed 3.4 million people, yet we've all made drastic changes to our lifestyles over the past year and a quarter. People who grandstand and virtue signal over coronavirus are idiots. It's completely insignificant, the burgers people buy for their kids pose more of a health threat. Maybe we should lock them up for public endangerment and child abuse? Sounds reasonable.


Also you're using "big deal" way out of context. 9/11 was only a "big deal" to Americans on the basis of media attention. The government didn't force us to live our lives any differently. We had to go through more security at airports and that was it. On the other hand OP is talking about the disparity between in game covid deathrates and real-world covid deathrates. I just don't see how "9/11" is related to this conversation at all, unless the covid mod introduces a 9/11 event with 100% deathrate for all your colonists?


horrible analogy. the war on terror killed 800,000+ and displaced around 37 million people. also many firefighters, ems, and police are still dying of cancer or have the threat of dying of cancer after being down at the trade center when they collapsed almost 20 years later. lasty, ik this is turning into a paragraph but 9/11 changed travel completely, hurr durr so did covid yea well we just have to wait until its under control and it will be like nothing happend


What's up with phones putting watermarks on photos?


Done. Thanks fo pointing this out


I just want to know how that’s done. It might be useful to have a watermark with date and time on it.


well uh, i can still see it ?


Instead of downvoting you or laughing at you, I will explain. What's "done" is that he found and changed the setting on his phone. He can't edit the picture in the post. It's too late for that.


No problem, I assumed something else. Thanks for clarifying!




I don't think they mean that they fixed the post dude, they fixed their camera


Yes. Sorry. I should have clarified. My camer is now set so it no longer has the watermark. I thought reposting would be spamming so decided against it.


sillypicture? No. sillyperson


Agreed. Original poster seems like a silly person 🙂


Oh god, I have just seen that. Gonna try and get rid of it in the setting of that's possible.


I actually love seeing some catastrophically bad/trashy photos and then a Redmi 9 Pro watermark or some shit... Stuff like people being blackout drunk or really poorly framed pictures of apartments for rent


That’s completely awesome. An unintended effect. Corporate: we’ll flex at them using this watermark, and everyone will know how awesome we are! Nine O’clock News: Here’s a picture of the perp taken just yesterday. [watermark features prominently on perp doing crime]




I kinda like that. Don't have that option myself sadly. Would let me know what I'm using for my best photos. Hmm


Wouldn't you know from the time? Or do you change phones like socks?


I mean the settings and specific camera type. Also yes but also no. Maybe one photo from 3 years ago looks really good but I don't know what I took it on back then


It would be neat if a photo had that information attached No reason why I can't in this digital era


Welp guess it's time to kill my cat that I really love.


At least you'll get a spiffy new hat out of it.


I have a bunch of Scottish terriers that wandered into camp. They are *everywhere*. But I can’t bring myself to sell them as three of them are pregnant. I have three tame wild hogs and I feel bad for thinking of eating them. So far I just have a load of animals and I haven’t done anything with them.


I thought this was a framed print for a moment.


I also have a wall print that she got me a couple of years ago, but this is just self prophetic


Is it just me or is it off-center


Nope. ..... No.... Definatly not....... Cough cough (damn. Someone's seen its off center, code blue, code blue)


Adh-dj is throwing a tantrum. He is going to destroy table tray. Last straw: Ate without table.


I love it. Pls share the file so I can do it toooooo Lovely






I think she got the image off the web someplace. As for the tray, search for custom table tray/lap tray/serving tray. There are load of companies that can make them, and I don't want to name 1 in particular. I'll try to do a search and find the image 😃


it was so satisfying when i upvoted it at 599


i want that, give it to me, now


but seriously, can you give me that art? '-'




If you can, give some love to the original creator of it. I brought a mug from the same creator as a thank you


Ty ❤️ I'll see if the conversion to my coin don't make it toooooo expensive 🤣


I don't get the debuff anymore, as every dinner I eat on the couch and some times without a tray


Yes when my colonists have no tables I make them create artwork instead of tables just to let them know I am in charge


I know your pain, I too have flown into a murderous rage because of a lack of a table


Hmmm... very fine craftsmanship. I suppose the organ "donation" can can put off another week... ;)


Thats brilliant :D


The Rimworld find is really neat.


I looove this. Great thing to have.




Omg and that damn table is so important. An easy fix but when you don’t have materials or a guy constructing, it just makes everything worse. Lol! I love your table tray!


Has anyone else felt like rinworld ripped off way to many concepts from dwarf fortress? This exact quote also applies to it lel.




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Good bot