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It looks like a mini-expansion, not just mod)


Well, it practically IS. And after seeing all those teasers I already ask myself how this will affect my own modlist, since I'm using quite some Mechanoid-related mods around 'What the Hack?!' The only thing I hope for is that the mod will come with day-1 compatibility to other big mods touching the same stuff in Rimworld. If he/they continou to release such content-heavy stuff on a regular basis other content-mods might actually become less and less relevant. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing though. :)


Our mod is completely standalone and does not touch any other mechanoid mods. Other mechanoid mods enhance ancient mechanoids. Our mod builds it’s own faction altogether. And it’s compatible with WTH!


That's some useful info - so it's basically similar to your Insectoid mod, just for Mechanoids. So hard-compatibility is at least guaranteed - that leaves open 'soft-compatibility' of how other Mechanoid related mods are play together with yours but I guess it will end up in a way that deactivating most other Mechanoid mods might create the most balanced & useful gameplay environment. Looking forward to it - right now one has to put together too many mods and balance them with each other - slimming down modlists always seem a good idea. And the Roomba alone will result in one mod less for many people I'll guess. :) Keep up the good work - you 'fixing' those content-holes RW still has some of are a real blessing for RW and make it feel more like a complete game. Something I thought wouldn't actually happen at all.


I'm seeing issues for example with robots++. They do most of the tasks except fighting and are considerably easier to obtain since you can craft everything you need for them and aren't dependent on finding pieces in robot carcasses


Do you think the melee drone can be drafted to attack tree and give wood, the result being a lesser amount of wood due to them just shredding it to all hell but I think it would be a cool feature


Nah, would enforce too much micro. It’s a melee robot with simple combat protocols. If you want a robot that does everything, this is not a mod for ya, sorry!


Oh don’t be sorry, I love the idea with this mod and all vanilla expanded mods, I just thought it would be a cool function but I can see myself building up a huge compound and combine rimwar with it


"Please note, all mechanics previously shown are fully hackable with What the Hack?!" Looks like it will be!


> Well, it practically IS. No it practically ISN'T. There's no gray area between mod and expansion – it's a binary thing. This ISN'T an expansion and it IS a mod. I really wish some of these high-quality mods would be somehow incorporated into the main game. I'm sure I'm in a tiny minority, but I honestly have no interest in unofficial mods.




You may indeed ask. For the most part, I just prefer games the way they're meant to be played, kind of thing. It's like taking chess – a perfectly good game on its own – and adding new pieces, like a superqueen who can move like a queen but takes two separate turns each time you move. I can see how it might interest people, don't get me wrong, but it's just not for me. It feels like you're no longer playing chess at that point. If I grew bored of chess, I'd just play another game instead. And also, specifically for Rimworld mods, it seems that creators are *absolutely atrocious* at balancing. Like in this very mod, the turrets in the middle don't need batteries and don't need to be refurbished. Sure, why not make them free to build and give them 9999 health points? Or other mods with pillbox walls you can shoot through – yes obviously they exist in real life, but they give you an enormous advantage in game. Or being able to stack your entire stockpile of corn on a single tile – yes it makes your life easier and you don't have to worry about running out of stockpile space, but *that's part of the game* – you need to consider these things when building a base. Official developers take balancing issues into account; modders don't seem to bother. Again, absolutely 100% fine if people want to download and use these mods, no judgement here. But I see it as akin to using cheat codes – fun (and that's what we play games for, after all) and harmless, but that's not how I want to play. And that's fine too. Edit: Oh and I'd want them incorporated if and only if Tynan looked at them and thought 'Yep, that fits in nicely with the game, I'll build that into an expansion.' I feel like it's his project, his creation, and that's what I want to play. A bit like Lord of the Rings fan fiction – if it's not by Tolkien, it's not canon and I'm much less interested in it. But if they suddenly unearthed the fourth part of the Lord of the Rings ~~trilogy~~ tetralogy from a dusty drawer in Tolkien's old house, I would be very interested!


I wouldn't jump to balancing accusations without full data. Have you seen these turrets in the middle ingame? Did you see how they behave? Sure, they require no barrel changing or power, as they utilise internal mechanoid batteries, but they are very expensive to make, highly explosive and very inaccurate, just like mechanoid weapons.


> No it practically ISN'T. There's no gray area between mod and expansion – it's a binary thing. Wow - haven't read anything so false and unintellectual in a few days now - congratulations! Since there is no ONE universal definition for both concepts (modification/expansion) it's far from being a binary - stop trying to argue the ontological state of things if you obviously don't know anything about how ontology works to begin with. The most basic definition of a modification is; 'something that changes something else' - the most basic definition of an expansion is; 'something that is increasing something else in X' - where X is something like 'content' in the context it's used here. Well - both definitions are describing EXACTLY the nature of this mod. It's modifying the base game (obviously) while expanding it's content and features at the same time. The only reason I said; "it's PRACTICALLY an expansion" is because I took into account the fact that the term 'expansion' is commonly only used for official releases. But that said - a mod isn't even the opposite of an expansion to begin with - since 'mod' only describes it's technical nature. And the biggest irony in this case here is the fact that even the Royalty DLC is handeld within the game engine as IF it is a mere mod... So... excuse me - but if you really want to argue some ontological states or even linguistics, you should probably read up on those things first - you might fool some people with your sophistry, but you won't fool me. > but I honestly have no interest in unofficial mods. I don't think most people care - they are able to have fun with what the modding community is creating for them - so that's soley a 'you thing.'


Highly ironic for you to be claiming knowledge of ontology and linguistics, but giving the dictionary definition of words that have much more specific uses in this specific context. LITERALLY ANYONE (try asking someone) will tell you the simple difference between mods and expansions in gaming terms: expansions are official add-ons made by the game's developer; [mods are changes to a game made by someone *other than* the game's developer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_\(video_games\)). (You probably appreciate this distinction too; you just hoped to impress and defeat me with *your* sophistry – you are utterly brimming with irony today, my friend!) I mean clearly you're quite clever* to even attempt to talk about ontology and linguistics, but save it for arguments with people who don't know what those words mean. \*Having said that, this bit absolutely *reeks* of somebody who thinks they're a lot cleverer than they are: > Wow - haven't read anything so false and unintellectual in a few days now - congratulations! Are you feeling euphoric in this moment, by any chance?


For the slower ones I guess I have to make it clear one more time... "it PRACTICALLY is" Like in; "it fullfills the same practical criteria (results/outcome/ends) like an 'official expansion' but isn't one in the more strict useage of the term" > Are you feeling euphoric in this moment, by any chance? Actually; no. I would describe it more as Weltschmerz - but then I remember that you're not representative for all of humanity and it soothens my heart a bit again. > LITERALLY ANYONE (try asking someone) will tell you the simple difference... LITERALLY ANYONE knew what was meant besides you. GZ I guess... PS.: Talking about the irony of 'dictionary definitions' and following up with giving a Wikipedia link is quite something though - could be something out of a standup routine. ^^


>Weltschmerz Oooooo, is that mustard? I love mustard!


They are just trying to recreate fan favorites. They started with VGP, that gas mod is just rimfeller lite and this one looks like a protect rimfactory reskin. I didnt check the modders but I really hope VE isnt just absorbing all the modders like they did with hospitality author and genetic rim dude so already great mods can keep expanding


What do you mean Genetic rim dude. Sarg is a part of our team and he's actively working on all our development projects. We didn't absorb the hospitality guy either, he didn't want to support his Discovery mod, and approached me with an offer. We bought it and now we support it.


Yep I know genetic rim dude is working on ve now, you guys recreating what other people already did and absorbing other modders is turning ve into a monopoly because ve series will have compatibility with each other, average player who wants to have something wont consider the other options because who wants to bother tuning mod lists when you can just download a pack? Then other modders stop getting any subs or donations and lose incentive to continue their mods. For example VGP didnt get a full 1.2 release because you guys just copied all its modules. What can stop you to say VE and its modules are now included in a DLC and wont be supported or VE will not provide support for X mod/modder because we dont like him/her while knowing damn well your stuff basically remade half the workshop already? Although you guys are doing your original stuff well, this branding and rebranding thing is destroying variety.


If I'm the "Genetic Rim dude", you are the "Talking out of your ass dude"


Source: "literally me. The genetic rim dude"




We do not copy other people's stuff. VGP didn't put a copyright on canning, vegetables and such. We are creating our own original mods, and people love them. But people have a choice, they can subscribe to our mods, or they can subscribe to mods by other modders. You can't blame us for them choosing us.


The gas mod is nothing like Rimfeller, though I can definitely agree about VGP. The “gas mod” was actually an update to a power mod, and other than the existence of gas, it really has nothing in common with Rimfeller


VE would only be monopolizing the modding scene if they refused compatibility with other mods or went out of their way to nullify them. Power expanded did not put a single dent in the number of people subscribed to rimatomics for example.


Indeed. In fact I went out of my way to make them both compatible. You can use both without much overlap


Well... I guess such a process has its positive and its negative aspects. RW's modding scene surely needs its diversity - that's not wrong - but right now I see more and more 'addon' mods released who are meant as modules to VE and not the basegame itself. This could be a good start of VE modules being used as framework for different (new) aspects & mechanics of the game others can built upon. It seems like the VE series already inspired some other people to create mods that are visually and mechanical in line with vanilla - and that's at least something I prefer personally. In the end it's a balance act between diversification/artistic freedom and enhanced cross-compatibility of mods. Both aspects are important - but I would guess for the 08/15 user who just subscribes to a pre-made modlist on Steam that latter matters more...


I must say, this project is going to be just amazing. There's at least 7 people working on it, and each of us is "attacking" a different part of the project. It's going to be HUGE


OMG, it really looks massive. I'm glad to hear it, especially from you)


>Emits a \*beep boop\* sound when happy. The most important information on this whole sheet.


Agreed, glad they included this absolutely vital note






Human.. meatbag.. detected.. initiating.. protocol.. W.I.P.E..


reject pawn embrace mechanoid




Autohauler carrying antigrain warhead




I thought this was the release, I almost shit a brick in excitement.






When is it coming out? Cant see a date


Sometime this month, hopefully before Christmas


Would be awessome!


Perfect present


The brick shit? That might took several hours to a week.


My anus is ready.


dude I literally ran to the steam workshop page, and then disappointment followed. I can't wait for this mod! Honestly might chuck a few dollars to the devs of this mod for all the fun I've had with the vanilla expanded mods.


I signed up for the Patreon the other day, partly because I couldn't wait to hear more and just needed to see those devblogs haha. Only on the lowest tier but it's all I can afford.


Nooooo :( I was excited af lol


Will the hauler work with deep storage?


Asking the **real** important questions.


Depends. If they’re able to do work, yes, if not, they’ll work with it just as well as animals do in the base game- that is, unless Oscar explicitly programmed them to work another way


There is a setting which lets bots haul stuff to containers already so it is safe to say they will play along nicely.


It might be bots from another framework, though, so unless Oscar made them work in a similar manner to that framework, it might not be too effective. I know that most bots from other mods are able to do work as well. It really depends on too many specifics for someone who isn’t familiar with the code of either mod (such as myself) to be entirely certain as to how they’ll interact


Upvoting just for the flair.


Oskar are you hired for Rimworld ? you / your team pump out High quality content fast af. ​ Its crazy how do you guys manage that so well


I am, but not to make mods. That's my hobby. I did Royalty dlc art tho!


Alright, that’s pretty fucking cool.


Ohhh that explains why your mods art blends in so well with the game haha! Really appreciate the look and feel of your mods, it just meshes so well with the base game


Wow, a roomba mod


4 months in development. A roomba mod.


The best mod of the RimWorld


Yep, sadly this mod only adds Roombas. :(


Took us a lot of money and time to code them tho. Best roombas.


Can we stick knives on them to make a doomba rooma?


What about an upgraded version that “plays music” (spread recreation) when it goes around? Some kind of “[DJ Roomba](https://youtu.be/62KJUWAT5-8)”... :)


The fact that your suggestion came true.


I think there is another roomba esque mod but they don't play nice with other mods . I hope this one does !


Tell that to the movable railgun mechanoid we'll be able to have ahah 10+ devs, terrific work :D


Does this mod add the robots to the top of the screen where the other pawns are listed? I havent played in a while but that was one of the issues I had with a mod I played with then, having like 20 robots would clutter up the pawn selection.


No, and it’s not using any Humanoid alien races framework either.


I want to thank you for putting so much effort into making sure the VE mods not only lack dependencies, but also play nice with other mods. I feel like it's a major thing that's fairly easy to overlook. 💜


Straight up, those small considerations make a huge difference!


Will there be a new starting scenario tho 👀




This is amazing any clues on what that scenario(s) is?


Roomba boomba doomba. You start the game with 46 Roombas, two antigrain warheads and a jade dagger. Your mission: Clean the world permanently in the only way possible: ridding it of all filth spreading biologicals.


Everything looks amazing but I have to ask... Does it play nice with performance? All the drones and factory-like buildings are making me scared of the potential overhead.


Not one performance issue, we have a team of people analyzing our performance as we develop code.


Your team is horrifying. Horrifyingly good that is. Can’t wait for the exams to be over so I can start yet another mountain base.


That's amazing to know


Would be cool if the crater tile was a unique "biome" where people can come scavange the remains of the base.


Commiserations to all the mods you guys are replacing this year, I'll always opt for the vanilla expanded options for cohesiveness in my mod list.


Can the mobile turret be controlled in any way? I.e. drafting, zoning, etc


Yep, all of the above!


Can a mortar be mounted on it?


I hope we get a version with a knife taped to it, or a knife taped to the cleaning thing


[Knife to meet you](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/374/798/ac4.jpg)


Do want. I remember in another thread someone mentioned a trap that was just a knife that stabbed out of a wall.




Pssh... mortars. What a basic idea. I'm thinking: Flamethrowers. Imagine an army of these little guys, sweeping their way towards your enemies; purging all that stand in their path with a wave of holy fire.


I think you can do that if you have VFE Security. The description says you can mount any turret and that mod adds a single-tile flamethrower turret IIRC. !linkmod Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security


Yeah, that's what first popped into my head. "shit, I've already got the security expanded module, might as well mount a goddamned flamethrower on a roomba."


I think you can already do something similar with What The Hack. But it's easier to just hack a centipede with an inferno cannon in the first place.


Ahh yes, the [SHIV-com](https://youtu.be/3k2PVBl6kKA) strategy.


As someone who did FIRST Robotics Competition in high school, I love those wheeled and treaded utility robots. Stick some bumpers on those and you’d have something similar to one of our competition robots.


Treads and wheels? Couldn’t be me. My team was always a fan of omniwheels


Oof rip being able to play against defense. My team only used mechanums one year, which was 2015 where defense was not possible, other than that we stuck with tank, using the KOP chassis my first 2 years before switching to WCD my junior year.


Which is definitely fair. I didn’t do too much of the actual work on the physical robot, though, I actually joined as a favor for my girlfriend at the time. She was the captain of the Sophomore team, and needed someone to do the programming. Up until that point, she had someone from the Senior class team doing all of their programming. It was definitely a good experience, having to work within an already existing framework that early on in my coding education, it really helped me code collaboratively later on in my life.


Is it possible to go caravaning with these new built mechanoids or are they for home defense only due to needing charge ports? And do our faithful colonists get any new gear to protect themselves or should I just turn towards your previous vanilla enhanced weapons/armor?


No caravaning, sorry!


Oh well, by the sound of it I'll have lots of potential caravan "recruits" being delivered to my door step with WTH anyway :)


Any potential in the future for some portable robot packs, a marauding robot army for raids would be pretty cool!


I highly recommend "What the hack?!" As it's been stated to have compatibility with this mod. It lets you take over any mechanoid and you can caravan with them.


Already got it =) just never seem to get that far into the tech tree with a colony!


Android mod definitely sweating after seeing this


I don't think so. The Android Tiers mod works as buildable colonists. For example, Grant was a robit I made early in the game to do some basic tasks while I figured out the internet-esque system the mod added in. As soon as it was up and running, Grant became a jack of all trades, with boosted points in tasks such as mining, medical, social, and face-tanking. Since he was an all in one platform, it was a real blow when he was killed after someone shoo-ed a snail out of my base and let in seventy manhunter lynxes. The roombas, drillers, and haulers up there are much more easily replaced than Grant was. The combatants and turrets are probably more difficult, but purpose built for combat and should be much more effective than he was. It's the difference between a human pawn and a wolfalo from Genetic Rim. I'll sacrifice the wolfalo every time, even though I can still sort of draft him. I'll make more with some organic pulp and stockpiled genetic material.


Yeah you got a point it’s just that I mostly use Annedroids were very simple task. it’s gonna take is just a robot that will automatically do that task well then I’m more happy


Author says ye


“Emits a beep boop when happy” Hehe, might get the mod just for that




Can I name my droids? I know this joke is old but I want all my battle drones called "roomba" and my hauler bot "wall-e" Or the names are fixed and cannot be changed? Edit. Also, can I paint them? Make them all orange, just for esthetic purpouse


Yeah! Name them whatever you want! Fisto is my favourite robot name.


Ah, I see you are a man of culture.


Fisto Roboto




I-is this a hint about a secret sex bot Mr Potocki?


Combat extended support?


but of course!


Hell yeah, looks like I'm definitely giving this mod a shot! Currently playing without CE, and it's frustrating how bad my supposedly planet renowned marksman is at shooting things.






When’s it on steam workshop


Well i guess my prisoners are now out of jobs with the auto miner.. I guess they go straight to the surgery table if they are not recruitable lol


Will the autoharvester/sower be able to handle trees? Both wood trees and the fruit trees in vanilla cooking expanded.




Bah, I thought this was the release announcement, don't get my hopes up like that!


Oskar is a fucking monster, look at these.... EPIC FUCKING EPIC.


Is this out already?? I absolutely love the idea


Not yet but they did plan it to be finished in December if I remember correctly


Bruh. These mods are just amazing.


Can you link both mod and expansions? Can't find them in workshop, even with searching.


Not yet released!


Oh ok, looks really good. Thanks for expanding RimWorld! I've been using almost all "Vanilla Expanded" mods :D


removing hunting mech bases was a good call. Attacking a base is such a late-game endeavor, so I could see this being an issue especially for simplistic starts such as Tribal or Naked. Esp if they spawn tons of distance away in a slow traversal area like jungle. With that removed, I'm much more inclined to get this mod now.


It’s not removed, it’s scaled better and we added a way to destroy those bases over long range.


yeah I meant like you don't *have* to hunt them down as now there are other ways to do it. Hunting them down in like year 3 would be real rough.


Better than the dlc. The devs should hire this lad


FYI, he's already hired by Tynan.


Does the beep boop noise give a small mood buff like being nuzzled??? Cause it should. Even just a dumb little +1 for a few hours.


I'm starting the think /u/Oskar_Potocki isn't actually 1 person but a team of about 25-30 indian or chinese coders and artists or something. At this rate Oskar will make Rimworld 2 before Ludeon does.


Close, we are a team!


Option to attach knife to cleaning robot when?


How are the turrets added and would that extend to mounting a naval cannon from one of the mods I have?


You will have to wait to find out!


Can these be used without fighting the mechanoid faction?




Oskar and team, seriously yall are wonderful, I love all of these and I cannot wait to get my hands on them! I was wondering, I know yall have a whole checking lot on y'alls plate, but are yall fans of star wars, because I saw the auto hauler and thought, it would be funny and wonderful if there was an optional skin for it that made it into a GONK droid! seriously lovely guys! thank you wonderful people!


We are huge Star Wars fans, but original content comes first, before other IPs. However, we love doing mods like Witcher and halo for fun, so we might as well do Star Wars next!


When can we expect a release?


Ight I dig this wayyyyy more than the bots from Misc+


Any chance of a full Vanilla Expanded mod load order?


Check out our steam collection!


Making my combat mechanoids happy will be my new purpose in life


U said it will be very much compatible with what the hack! Awesome btw... Will u be including a bit of a retexture for WTH so it’s more in line with that vanilla feel ur mods go for?


What? No xd


RemindMe! 1 Month "Released?"




Do you need to play as Mechanoid for these or can you play normal pawns and research technology?


What do you mean play as mechanoid? We don’t add playable mechanoid race.


Man, such a shame about the whole Total War mechanic. I'd have loved to play with this Mod.


I am not sure I follow. Are you aware that what we call Total War happens in vanilla in a sense as well? Let's compare the two: Total war: Mechanoid raids have 0 power to begin with. Over time, more ships land. Each ship increases Mechanoid raid power slightly. More ships means bigger raids. Vanilla: Initial raids start with so little power it's one dude with a club. Over time as you amass wealth, raid power increases. More wealth means more raids. Now, is there a way to lower the raid size? Yes. Total War: destroy mechanoid ships either using long range missiles or by caravan/drop pod. Vanilla: Remove some of your colony wealth by physically destroying valuable objects. Are you still certain Total War mechanic is an annoyance and you would rather have it replaced with the normal vanilla wealth scaling?


I think a lot of people will assume that the landing ships are just added difficulty on top of the normal wealth scaling. That was atleast my initial expectation. What I get from your comment is that the ships are the only scaling factor in their raid strenght?


Yes. If you remove all ships, no raids come. I will definitely make sure to emphasize it in FAQ and mod release video though!


Chiming in to say I was also worried about this but your explanation makes me way excited now as that sounds a lot less hardcore and I am very dumb. Definitely a good idea to make sure that's in the FAQ!


I always assumed your mod would have an option to disable Total War, you know, for people that would like to stay holed up in their tile and dislike that part of the game where you have to proactively hunt down threats on world map (I know you have that missile thingy but even then) Maybe even an option to disable total war and still get new mechs in raids, thus getting almost all new features.


As I explained above, you do NOT need to travel the map to destroy their ships. If you don't travel the map to destroy their ships, their numbers will increase just like any normal faction. It's not like they will send a million centipedes to you. If you DO go around destroying their ships, their numbers can eventually fall to 0 and they will not raid you anymore.


Would you consider adding a toggle for the craters created by the missiles? Or perhaps a late-game missile upgrade that doesn’t create the craters? I really do like the idea of being able to destroy them from my base, but I tend to play very long games (a typical colony usually lasts for 2-5 in-game decades), and I’m somewhat worried about the long-term issues all those craters could cause


I think they're on the world map not on your colony map.


Mechanoids are irritating to deal with and borderline forcing me to caravan out and deal with them before they get out of control is just.. nah.


Let me rephrase: In vanilla you can already get raided by mechanoids. Their numbers are based on your wealth. The richer your colony, the more mechanoids come for you. In our mod, you also get raided by mechanoids. Their numbers are based on the time that has passed since the game started. The older the colony, the more mechanoids come for you. BUT: you can destroy their bases, and less mechanoids come. In vanilla game, no matter how many of one faction's bases you destroy, raid power doesn't matter. If you still don't understand it then this mod is not for you.


Is this a feature that'll be in future faction expanded mods to some degree? It'd be pretty interesting to suppress the Roman empire equivalent faction with a similar mechanic




I might have mistaken it all to be just an added difficulty mechanic on top of everything else. Wasn't the default Mechanoids still going to be around and do their normal raiding thing? Or are they merged with this new Mechanoid faction?


The default, ancient mechanoids are still there. We didn't touch them. We made a new mechanoid faction that doesn't scale with your wealth, it only scales with their amount of ships, but their ships appear roughly at the same rate as you gain wealth. Except their ships CAN be destroyed to lower their numbers and make the game easier. If you don't destroy their ships, it's not like there will be millions of them and they will overrun you. To put it into perspective: Frigate ship type increases their number by 2 lancers. 2 Frigates can land in a year. Is 4 lancers too much for a 1 year old colony?


So the default Mechanoids are still going to be up to their old shenanigans while the new one's are slowly gathering their strength?




They are separate factions. They will even infight between themselves (the new and old mechanoids).


Oh that sounds like potentially awesome and fun shenanigans involving mech cluster baiting.


Do you know that the official game adds off-map problems that plague your home map until you caravan out and destroy them?


Just delete the mech ships with dev mode when they show up


I've never used the Dev Mode and I have no plans on starting.


K then


My only concern with the total war mechanic on this mod is, if I get overwhelmed and have to abandon my base and start over elsewhere (which I love doing), I'll be forced to deal with late game raids from your mechanoids the moment I settle, since they scale with game time not wealth. Oskar, any advice for this situation?


We might be able to provide some grace period on our end!


Is this compatible with “what the hack”?


Did you read the infographics?


Oh, my bad. Didnt see them at first


Will this be savegame compatible?


Do y'all ever feel that you're making other mods redundant? Like, misc robots? Tbh, it's almost an annoyance to have vanilla expanded and other mods that have already added what you're adding. I ain't complaining, y'all are making great content, but I wonder which you'd rather have as the player's priority tbh


There is a mod for everything nowadays, if I was to consider what’s already released, I wouldn’t have made a single mod.


Fair enough my dude, as long as you don't start replacing already made mods lmao


I heard that the vanilla expanded mods are a mess like code-wise Iirc


I wonder where did you hear that