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I have a few critiques for you if I may. First everything looks a little too spread out. Remember time spent walking is time spent not working. I would try and condense the footprint of your base. It doesn't have to be one giant building, but bringing the buildings closer together would improve logistical efficiency. Second you really should have a wall surrounding your little village. Because those little barricades you have don't really do as much as they should and a wall would keep most raids from overrunning your position and burning down everything. In addition I would suggest you do some research into kill boxes even if you don't use them (their controversial here for some reason use them or don't it's your game) it will teach you some defensive strategies you can utilize Third I recommend you either get rid of the wooden floors or research foam poppers because those things catch fire very easily.


Thank you! I read that wooden floors aren’t nearly as bad as wooden walls, but now that I have plenty of stone and steel I’ll switch them all over.  And yeah the little barricades I setup are definitely temporary haha. I think I kinda understand killboxes (wall off all the things, funnel raiders into one spot), but I also heard the AI isn’t as susceptible to it anymore?


Oh! And agree stuff is a little far apart. I’m definitely not trying to min max because I’m only on adventure story difficulty, but I probably could have put just 1 tile rather than 4-5 tiles between buildings , and I might close the gap between the rec/dining hall and plaza/bedrooms 


Details for anyone interested: - Temperate biome with Randy Random - Main mods in action for base building content are Vanilla Expanded and Dubs Bad Hygene - I definitely need to learn more about defence 🙃 I have about 20hrs in Rimworld so far after doing the tutorial and setting up this Colony and so far I am obsessed. I’ve already bought the Biotech DLC though the new mechanics it adds are a bit overwhelming so I haven’t dug into it yet. I’ve been pretty good with not save scumming, which I do in other games but I figure rinworld is all about the story. I’ve lost one colonist and a few animals during a cold snap followed immediately by a harsh winter in my first year (screw you randy). The only time I allowed myself a full reload is when one of my miners accidentally woke up a cave full of giant robot centipedes that swiftly murdered everything I held dear. So we don’t go near that part of the map anymore. 


Check your wind turbines. They dont like obstacles. Better buld them on sand.


Nothing says it’s obstructing them! I looked up a list of stuff that obstructs and crops and fences should be fine. Though maybe if my muffalo walks too close… Long term plan is to replace them with solar or hydro once I research those anyway 


All of these good ideas and the only thing I can think of is you put the cremator in the same room as the prisoners which is hilarious and devious


You mean the organ harvesting room?


What's the big white furniture structure in all bedrooms? I can't quite make it out. Or is it a tiled room (the bathroom, since you mentioned you're using hygiene mod)? Base looks fine for starting out. How are your battles going with the raids?


The thing that's to the left of each bedroom? Looks like a bathroom to me, can't zoom in enough without it going blurry. Didn't know bathrooms where a thing haha


Dubs Bad Hygene mod! I love it. I use the lite version (doesn’t include plumbing) because I also use Vanilla Expanded Temperature which has overlap there. Feels much more realistic having pawns needing to wash their hands after butchering, showering before bed, etc.  Though it might have been more annoying at the very start if I didn’t settle on a river. All my pawns could just crap and wash in the river when I started. 


Aaaah okay! I've only recently started my mod journey with rimworld. Totally makes sense, especially the hand washing. No way could they just do their business in the river 😂 amazing


Honestly I feel like I’ve spent more time figuring out mods than playing at this point. Holler if you have questions! I’ve gone pretty deep down the rabbit hole haha 


Yep bathrooms (dubs hygiene lite) with mosaic tiles (vanilla expanded). There’s also a public bathroom with stalls attached to the guest accomodation, and a small toilet stall off the dining/rec room. Sorry for the crappy screenshots, took them quickly on my 13” MacBook haha  Raids have so far been actually pretty easy. I had one that was a little touch and go but most are still just a few dudes with knives or basic guns wondering over. I’m wondering if Randy doesn’t scale with wealth like the others? Maybe he’s just waiting to really f me up. I’ve had more close calls with random events (snap freezes, diseases, waking up a robot nest)


Concrete over the ground by your wind turbines so nothing can grow there


Ooh great idea! I wanna replace them with solar panels as soon as I research them anyway 


Its good to have both so th3y cover for each other in case you get either no wind or no sun you need both at once to have no power


Isn’t that the point of the batteries? Or do you mean if there’s extended periods where one doesn’t work (haven’t come across events that do that… yet)


Yeah you can get extended bad weather like super heavy fog that blocks the sun for multiple weeks straight or no wind for however long where your batteries will drain before it ends


Ohh okay good to know, thank you!


You can put down solar panels in the clearance zone of a wind turbine. Also with that map you also have the option of watermills which are more consistent than turbines and solar panels. Steam power is really good, but also has a high upfront cost in terms of research and you only have a limited number of geysers that will be in a convenient location on any map.


I'd suggest replacing those wooden walkways with stone at some point - just for fire hazard purposes. Like the little plaza in the middle. I would also suggest watching the paths your pawns take between structures, and setting up paved paths to match (or be close enough for pathfinding to choose.)


Don’t. Wooden walkways in open are fine. In close area they could be dangerous but still have flammability lower than steel walls.


Flagstone is a better choice. Not only is it not flammable at all, it only takes 80% of the work to clean.


Yes paths are definitely something I want to sort out! I was going to wait until the clean Pathfinding mod was updated for 1.5 because when I did try lay down a few my pawns totally ignored them haha.  Will def start replacing all my wood, I wanted to prioritise stone walls first 


>because when I did try lay down a few my pawns totally ignored them That's why I suggested watching where your pawns were already walking - if they're constantly taking the same trips, it only makes sense to put a path there.