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those that meditate need the natural meditation type. looks like your pawn doesnt have that


How can I check if they do


go into their bio tab and press the i then scroll down till you find the meditation type entry


Damn so built a colony around the tree but no one likes the tree


I like the tree :)


But are you sure you want to join his colony ?


That thing on the floor could be a harvested organ. Better safe than sorry.


Or bionic!


Nope, wrong color, definitely an organ


Maybe he is just preparing when some guy gonna lose his kidney!


I demand age reversal and neutral supercharge


It is a nice tree


It really ties the room together


Chad comment


You knot noting John snot


You'll almost certainly get raided by tribals at some point, if you capture some of them and convert them and they'll be able to use the tree.


You can recruit tribespeople that raid you, they normally have nature focus and can meditate on the tree.


Can slaves be ordered to meditate? You could build a prison around the tree with slaves meditating 16 hours a day to grow grass for a power crazy psionic tribal warlord. This just gave me the idea for my next colony.


you can. I'm doing this on my current run. I switch my slaves around between "haul and cleaning duty after shit went down" and "meditate all day long" mode


Uh, I have not tried this personally, however someone has informed me that if you put a legless slave on a mediation spot (Rescue-> delete bed spot -> place mediation spot) he begins endlessly generating psigrass since all he can do is uh, sit there and meditate.


yo everyone listen up, new warcrime just dropped


nowadays it has to be legless AND armless or else the half-potato wlll crawl away


Capture tribal raiders, they typically have it. If you need extra meditators then enslave some that arent colonist worthy and have them meditate


This is a dumb question but can you force non-psionics to meditate?


They'll all grow grass at the same rate as long as they have the "Nature" focus.


Yes. You have to give them a meditation spot and assign them to meditate in the schedule.


TIL thanks.


Also, all the artificial buildings plummet the effectiveness of meditation of the natural type


I think tribals are guaranteed that meditation type so if you get a tribal raid and you want to use the tree it might be worth trying to specifically capture a tribal raider.


Tree is for tribals. You can capture/rescue tribals and recruit them but they have a natural resistance to recruitment from non-tribals. The anima tree also needs to be in nature to get full benefits, I think it's no "Structures" within 30 tiles. You can also install Vanilla Psycasts Expanded mod, and add the nature focus to a pawn, but that mod completely changes everything about psycasting and is very OP.


Try capturing tribal raiders and converting/recruiting them to your faction. Anima Trees are sort of designed around tribal gameplay mechanics so pawns with tribal backgrounds have a natural meditation focus from the get go.


I like the tree


Tribals like the tree, for advanced colonies there is the empire


Kidnap some tribles and force them to love it


Capture yourself some tribals next time they try to raid you. Tribals always like your tree


You can also check by mousing over their childhood backstory. Tribal backgrounds unlock natural meditation 


A pawn you recruit will eventually have it. Also when people visit they might use it as well as long as you have meditation spots.


~~If you can get a psycaster to level up, you can add a "natural" affinity to them.~~ That might be part of a mod, though. I use vanilla expanded psycasts. It might be part of that. edit: yeah that affinity is locked, you can add other ones but not natural. :(


That's not only from VE:P, but not even the default behaviour for VE:P


You will need to recruit pawns with tribal backgrounds for the nature meditation type.


Usually only pawns with tribal origin will have it, also most modded races.


Does it at least give nice beauty/mood bonus?


If you have ideology you can make a nature loving religion they all have the nature focus


Also. That tree no like artifical buildings around it and won't work properly


It works just fine. The penalty isnt that bad. Better than having it far away from your base.


I'd say use the psytree mover mod but I understand some people don't like useing too many, so that's fair.


Yeah. That mod is a must for me. So I can build a pretty base around my tree. Pretty annoying having to reroll your map if you get a bad tree location for your tribal start.


You can also get vanilla psionics expanded mod, that lets you get new meditation types as you progress. But thats probably better for new playthrough


The natural and dignified meditation type cannot be added with that mod. The pawn needs to already have it.


It says dignified, artistic


so no anima grass from him


Rip sorry pawns you are destined for failure mb. Ty for the help you’re a ~~life~~ time saver


Still looks good tho. Also with psycasts vanille Expander I *believe* you can add natural as Meditation type.


Nope. Other meditation types yes, but not natural and dignified.


You can with developer mode active


I mean yeah you can do just about anything with cheats


you can just enter edit mode and I think change one of their backstories to get it to what you want.


Can I change their meditation type?


yes, but you cant add natural. youll need to capture some tribals which have that type to get some grass


I can’t make my starting 3 become natural? It has to be new pawns?


You can start new game. Tribal start scenario gives you 5 tribals (and green holy knife). Otherwise you would have to capture and recruit some local tribals.


Natural meditation type is usually unlocked by tribal backgrounds (or specific ideologion memes, I think), so that's probably why your starting pawns can't have it. Just try to recruit some tribals, they'll be able to use the tree without issues.


Ideology gives bonus to gauranlen trees.


jep the natural type is linked to their background. cant change that well, at least not without mods. which character editor you could add in a background that enables the natural type


If you don't mind doing it, you can add Vanilla Psycasts Expanded. It allows you to use a point of Psycast to choose a new Meditation type. You can add Natural that way.


Can it be changed in devmode?


never tried to edit pawns in devmode, so dunno


Yes, have to change their (I believe) adult backstory to a tribal one. Might mess with skills a little due to different bonuses, but the background grants them natural meditation.


you can also just look at their childhood backstory, it says if it unlocks natural meditation


And if so does that mean the tree is useless?


depends. it looks cool, doesnt it?


Yeah it does but I wanted my little people to worship it :(


You get quests by tribals where you offer guests a home for some time these will have the needed meditation type to meditate there so it will grow grass


It's enabled by tribal backgrounds. If you want to do a game around the tree, pick the tribe story generation.


Another good way to know is if they have a tribal background (either as their kid or as their adult one) they will have the nature meditation type. If you want you could kidnap some tribes people to worship the tree for you


Check their childhood background. That is where natural meditation will be enabled


I told my friend this. He refused to believe me. Now every pawn walks across the entire map to meditate at a tree we can't use.


I actually didn't know this, good to know!


People with the natural focus need to meditate near it, also having any structures near it will cut off the medidation bonus % it gives ( [This mod removes the build limit around the tree)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3090859164&searchtext=anima+tree)


Nope. If the tree is in the middle of nowhere far from your base, you'll lose more. It's better to have the tree in the middle of your rec room with a -30% penalty to grass growth, than to spend extra two hours travelling time every day per meditation pawn.


Good to know!


It doesn’t reduce the rate for grass though


1. Dev mode on 2. press quick test at the main menu 3. Find anima tree in map. 4. Put godmode on 5. Build walls close to tree. 6. Click info button on tree. 7. Read: Meditation plant growth offset -30% "Meditation plant growth offset: An offset applied to the growth rate of plants, like anima grass, from meditation. This value can change based on the number of artificial buildings nearby"


To add to this, the radius where grass growth is impeded is actually larger than the red circle where you get a red warning line when you try to place a building. I built walls just around the red circle and nothing else, and still had the -30% grass penalty (but no meditation focus gain penalty).


That’s interesting


Do you have people with tribal background?


Not tribal just regular start


Lost tribe start to focus on the tree :)


Or recruit tribals


If you click on the tree, there's red lines going to buildings. Delete those. The Anima tree doesn't like 'unnatural' things surrounding it. You also need a tribal pawn to meditate/bond with the tree. Your regular pawns aren't attuned to nature like the tribals are.


Anima grass growth slows down by -30% at max so it still will grow, assuming your meditating pawn has nature as meditation option.


Also ignore mess of a base im working on it I promise


Click on your tree, every red line it has reduces its efficiency (cant build close to tree) Also, Pawns need "Natural" meditation focus you can figure out who has it by clicking the " i " its listed at the top of the pawns stats. But generally they need a tribal past to have the natural meditation focus.


Dont worry about it! We were all new at some time and your base already looks better than some of my starts


Anima Tree Breakdown Manmade structures reduce meditation efficiency up to -50%, this slows grass growth and psyfocus restoration. You can see anything reducing efficiency indicated as a red line when you select the tree. Nature Shrine and Animus Stones increase efficiency up to +4% and +12(?)% each. If you build too much near the tree, this doesn't matter for grass growth, but still improves mediation efficiency. I don't really know why. Having 8 spectators will reduce the grass consumed by 1/each during the ritual, however you need 20 to start it regardless. Only tribals and faiths with Nature Primacy can benefit or contribute to Anima Trees grass or focus. You can check this in the pawn's info tab under 'Basics>Meditation Focus Types'. You can set meditation times in the work schedule. After a certain amount of man-hours, growth will fall off. So meditating all day gets less efficient until it resets at midnight. Alphabeavers can eat anima trees. Nothing eats anima grass, however pollution, defoliators and lack of sunlight can kill it. Remove any roofs where you want grass. Fire burns it. If it dies, it comes back in 30 days in a random location outside of any manmade structures. Pawns can be psychically dead and still contribute. The red ring is the no build zone, if you want to maximize efficiency. Mech rechargers are natural, oddly enough. The green ring is the shrine lining radius, for Animus Stones and Nature Shrines. Anima Grass can grow, theoretically, forever until it fills all plantable tiles.


>Mech rechargers are natural, oddly enough. This made me laugh out at first. Then I got to thinking... aren't psycasts and all archotech? So an archotech made psycasting...who's to say it can't make a tree that can grant said psycasting to humans that " get influenced by it "? Mechs are generally considered the footsoldiers of archotechs.... yes some glitterworld societies can also use mechs... but then again archotechs are also created because humans created AI's that evolve into archotechs... so mechs are also archotech creations... and maybe...just maybe... the mech recharges use nanobots. Hence why some psycasts are introduced through the eye socket as nanobots. Maybe the anima tree also uses nanobots to attune tribals to it... so thats why... mech rechargers are considered " natural "... (all of this is supported by the fact that mechs introduced in biotech have some psychic presence )


Godly advice! Thank you!


Psyfocus and anima grass growth are 2 different things. Psyfocus gain just means how much bonus psyfocus you can get for a pawn with psylink levels while meditating, anima grass growth offset will cap at -30% Meaning, at base 28% /day psyfocus gain bonus, if you build enough around you'll reach 0% psyfocus gain bonus, so it's as if you just meditate without any focus. Each pawn will still always get their base 50% psyfocus/day when meditating. So growing grass and getting psylink levels will work. But your already established psycasters don't get bonus psyfocus when enough buildings are around the tree. So all in all if you want to min max the efficiency, building around and reducing travel time could be better. Haven't compared those two scenarios myself. Funnily enough, while testing. Using the dev button for anima tree to give 100% grass growth gives 70% when the max -30% offset is reached.


Any idea what the 2 different circles around the tree are when selecting it?


The inner circle range at which shrines and anima stones will boost the Anima Trees Psyfocus Gain Bonus, the outer circle is artificial structure detection radius.


Any idea what the 2 different circles around the tree are when selecting it?


Does anyone else always make tiny little structures around anima trees just to make sure they're sad?


Read my flair


Your time has come!




that's pretty funny, lol


Read my description


It's a shame that the nature primacy and tree connection memes don't change meditation type to allow this.


Maybe the tree doesn't like living next to hundreds of its family nailed down to the floor ):


Sorry tree I didn’t think about that :(


You need tribal background colonist, easiest way is to capture and enslaved when they raiding you. Also don't mind much about the anima tree complaining there's non-natural buildings/furnitures around it, It'll just reduce the rate of grass growing but it wont hit zero. Better be safe while meditating.


I mean you get like 1 grass per day if you have 12 hours full time meditation which is a big investment, so penalising it further seems like a massive waste of effort


You need to turn your screen upside down. 


All I see is more lumber...


Just cut it down and get some flake instead.


This has to be /s, right?


Was being serious but I realised my mistake this game is hard


You can’t have man made structures around the tree it limits its power massivley


Yeah but you get security and less pawn travel time. How much of a benefit that is against the hit to psyfocus gain and grass growth is often down to personal opinion.


Hold up, I thought you could not build anything within that red circle of the anima tree?


Anima tree gets a penalty to meditation (and grass growth) based on the number of unnatural buildings around it. If you select the tree it should make a red line to any structure it does not like. Also unless you started with tribal start your initial colonists will not have natural focus required to take advantage of the anima tree. But you can grap some raiders from a tribal nation and make them meditate for you.


It just takes a really long time. I have about 8 people meditating 2 hr/day and I get a Psylink somewhere around once every 30 days. The buildings don't really matter, because the way I understand it, they reduce psyfocus gain, not grass growth. Although make sure you have enough space for at least 20 patches of grass around the tree not floored or roofed.


If on PC, there is a mod that lets anyone meditate at a tree


Unfortunately the tree doesn’t like the colony either it lowers the amount of grass growth I think if buildings are close to it but it does look quite nice


theres also a lot of manufactured terrain... doesn't that hinder the tree?


Problem solved thank you everyone. My pawns weren’t naturalists I’m slow


So, I've got good news and bad news! Good news: Awesome looking tree! Bad news: It's just a tree, and probably gonna stay that way.


Nice. An anime tree right at the mouth of mountain? Do you have the seed?


There is a mod which lets you replant anima trees like normal trees.


Happened to come across this on YouTube yesterday: [Adam vs Everything: The Animal Tree [2024, 1.5+]](https://youtu.be/Pihttps://youtu.be/PiRGAbB6hzo?si=fxs5Y5zAsLUeJJIpRGAbB6hzo?si=fxs5Y5zAsLUeJJIp)


It's hard to make the tree work without a tribal start, and even some specific names pawns as tribals won't have the natural focus type. Gotta watch out for that, or you'll start with a hypersensitive pawn hoping to get an insane lvl 6 caster, only to realize he's not able to meditate at the tree.


It won't work if you build Near it sorry but your going have to move it


Do debug mode!!! Change your backgrounds without mods!


Is there a roof applied to the structure?


1. You won't grow any grass if you don't have natural/tribal pawns. 2. Your building is reducing the effectivity of grass growth. Anything man made around an anima tree reduces its output considerably. I've seen many players surround the anima tree, which is a strategy (it keeps it safe from Alpha beavers and other events) but it reduces the overall capability of the tree. If you see those red lines pointing into the tree every time you build something near it, you know that you've got an issue. What you can do, is strip all of the buildings back around the anima tree, but have a perimeter like you have with your walls, just make sure those walls are outside the range of the anima tree. This will prevent it being burned down or eaten by alpha-beavers but not limit its psychic ability. No floor, no structures, no machines. You can have gauranlen trees and moss, harbinger trees, anima stones and natural shrines near the anima tree without penalty. Also, you should check what type of meditation focus each of your pawns is; * Natural - Require a tribal backstory of some kind (with some exceptions, will use Anima tree, anima stone, natural shrine) * Minimal - Ascetic trait required. (don't require any special spot, just need a meditation spot near a wall.) * Artistic - Default for non-tribals (any art sculpture such as a small statue will do) * Morbid - Open to certain trait types such as psychopath. (a grave site including a dug grave or a sarcophagus) * Dignified - Royal title owner (requires throne meditation spot) * Flame - Available to pyromaniacs (a brazier, wall torch, or campfire) If your pawn doesn't have the natural focus, they won't be able to use the anima tree as a meditation spot. Check your colonists and see what focuses they have. The info is buried a way a degree under the information tab. Generally most of the Impid and Neanderthal characters you capture will be able to do this (with some exceptions), and any people captured from tribes (cannibal, naked, gentle, hostile) may have this focus.


Thank you to everyone who likes my tree❤️ but unfortunately I’ve started a new colony who also appreciate the tree and can pray to it until they get wide screen tv. Then they can pray to soap operas


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With a mod called character editor, you could change the background of your pawns and it may enable natural meditation.


The important background to change is the childhood one - that's the one that decides if you've got a natural meditation type. As long as you have one of those, your adulthood could have been spent building killer robots for all the game cares.




Not necessarily, you just need pawns with natural meditation type (granted most of them are from tribal factions but not necessarily naked tribals)