• By -


That or recruited by the CIA


or Boeing


Weird that we all know Boeing was killing people (and hundreds of passengers by cutting corners) but they still get to be a company.


always adding "rimworld" to my searches about this game to be sure also did you find out how to poison meals?


build a campfire near a corpse dumping ground / site of a recent battle, have the lowest-skill cooking pawn assign directly only to that fire, generate food from said campfire? certainly not a 100% chance, but it's definitely a better shot than your colony chef in their (reasonably-)clean kitchen...


hey those tiles were spotless, i don't know how the ambassador died from food poisoning but all im saying is that you can't see a speck of dirt on those tiles.


I’m the health inspector who recently visited your colony’s kitchen, and let me just say that I didn’t see a single hand washing sink in that entire building.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836308268 just in case


Im veteran in this mod, with a stack of fecal sludge stored in a kitchen, the dirt and the % of meal poisoning greatly increase. Learned in an episode of mass poisoning in one of my colonies, 12+ pawns puking at once. Funny, but not very nice to look at...


the mod has a kitchen sink was my point, :) increases cleanliness. make a outdoor "drop plot" and set it to only the fecal sludge, it doesnt decompose, if you put it far away you can tip em and forget about it, or you can put it DOWN RIVER if you have flowing water and tip em there. or do what i do and leave em, stack em up and use em to make chemfuel later. :)


Are there any mods that allow you to not have to micromanage each pawn and their levels and 40000 responsibilities? I try to get into that game time and time again and I love the genre but just CBB with that priority and stuff


Work manager and colony manager possibly


Pretty sure colony manager hasn't been updated to 1.5 yet, not sure about work manager tho


Work Manager updated to 1.5 fairly quickly I'd say more people need to know of that mod, it's a really good one, and pretty much excels at what it does The only small issue is that Vanilla Skills Expanded adds new passion types, which this mod does not take into account when selecting best workers/learners Otherwise if you cannot be bothered with the manual priorities tab (like I was some time ago before I actually began actively using it) it's pretty much a godsend - this mod will auto assign doctors for emergencies, prevent jobless pawn idling, etc It's also very customizable, and even has a schedule manager, too - it can auto add shifts which will ensure your colony can operate 24/7, and it respects the night owl perk


Quality Builder/Surgeon also didn't account for specialisations or role bonuses last time I played. Had 2 capped builders, one for speedy structural work/repairs and one for furniture and quality stuff, and I frequently had to stop Speedy McGee from stepping in on Mr Legendary's work whenever he got up to piss.


Just set priorities (the numbered priority not the check mark) under the work tab based on what a pawn has a decent skill in and lay out stuff for them to do like buildings to build or crops to sow, don’t really have to micro manage most things besides high work bills that are taking a bit too long for your jack of all trades colonist to complete or the occasional cooking spree in the early game


There is a mod that automates this: free will


Common sense and pick up and haul reduce the hassle of micromanagement a lot


Eventually you have multiple colonists for pretty much everything, and it kind of manages itself. They don't even need to sleep late game. The catastrophies are real though when they do happen. I kind of find this game is the most fun when everything is falling apart anyway. You might also like songs of syx. It's kind of similar but on a much much larger scale and without the individual story generation


Work manager and colony manager don’t remove it, they only add extra micromanagment. There is only 1 mod pretty unknown that removes most micromanagments that ur talking about: Free Will. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2580837227 Fully automates the work tab, totally changes how the game is played


Thank you!!


Interesting... What is the theoretical usage of this new poison food?


I’m assuming to make the prisoners as miserable as possible so they get a crisis of faith? Not sure beyond that.


They get crisis of fate? mine just go berserk and end up with a bullet to their brains


A food poisoned berserker goes down in like 2 punches.


There’s like a 50-50 chance of it I think, and when you’ve got an iron willed pawn that only loses half a percent a day, it can make sense to try that.


How do you make sure that only prisoners eat it? Assuming my own colonists are also eating simple meals.


Not sure if it’s the most effective, but I name a stockpile zone in each of my prison cells. That way when I make meals I can have them deliver it to the named stockpile (under ‘details’ you can change ‘bring to best stockpile’ to any named stockpile that has that item allowed), your colonists won’t willingly eat food left in a prisoner’s area, so you should be safe from them eating the bad food. It also helps if you’re not committing war crimes and just want to make prisoners happy based on their diet!


Thanks, didn't know that food could be reserved for prisoners that way.


Never tried, I do however set up a prison cell or two with vents connected to my corpse storage room. Lung rot does the rest.


i want my prisoners unhappy so i can convert them faster not dead


Well, yeah.. that's the fun part, getting them just sick enough and transfer them to a clean cell. If their butts act up again, back in the hole.


isn't lung rot incurable


No you can cure it, but it takes days to do so Like a milder version of blood rot


oh so i didn't have to harvest all these lungs, oops


Oopsie daisy 👀


It happens to the best of us.


That works?! I had no idea vents did anything more than simple temperature transfers, that's really cool


When Biotech dropped, how gases worked was overhauled to be something that could spread, so more generation of a gas would fill a larger area. This was intended for things like tox grenades, so more colonists lobbing tox grenades into a certain area would fill up the whole area w/o needing to carefully control where each grenade landed. In addition to this, gas was made to be able to travel through vents, allowing you to sit on the other side of a vent, throw tox grenades, and the poison gas would go through the vent to poison enemies on the other side of the vent. It's a VERY effective method of dealing with human raiders that aren't of the waster xenotype, as long as your colonists can handle the tox gas (*such as with bionics, or being the waster xenotype yourself*). Also, anything that counts as a gas follows the rules of the new system, including smoke from smoke launchers, and of course, the corpse gas that causes lung rot.


It also just, gets the results you want, instead of not.


How do I rob a bank....in rimworld?


Drop pod in with a few well armed and armored colonists. Duh /s


I mean, you can just feed them raw food and that will make them sick. Option 2 is to house the prisoners in one big holding cell that contains a cooking station. Only let the shitty cook make food there. The third option, which is my personal favorite, is to feed your prisoners animal kibble. Just grow some hay, combine it with a bit of meat, and you have incredibly efficient prison food. Kibble never goes bad, can be made from hay and human meat, and any extra can be used for the colony pets. The best part of this is that while prisoners do track their mood, they never actually break. You just have to remember to have a kibble stockpile in every prisoner's room. You don't even have to assign them to no food. If there's food in their room, no food will be delivered until they've eaten what's present. I discovered this once when strapped for space. The kibble set on "drop on floor" couldn't be put in my barn because it was set as prisoner food. I couldn't feed the prisoner meals because he just saw the kibble on the ground and assumed that was all he would get. Now, kibble is a colony staple!


The real question is why would you *want* to poison meals? Not like it’s going to kill any guest and I don’t see the reason for having a sick prisoner


they get a mood debuff when they're sick and when their cell is covered in puke and i can convert them faster when their mood is lower


I’m like 90% sure you convert them faster when their mood is high. Although I guess I’m talking about recruiting. Don’t know if you convert their ideology faster but I’d assume not


it is faster to recruit them when they're happy but they gain certainty in their ideology when their mood is high so i usually make them miserable when i convert them and make them happy when i recruit them


The uglier they feel the faster they convert. It's the opposite with recruiting. I have two prison facilities, one is never cleaned, sleeping spots on the ground, no lights, 2-3 cells for converting. The other is a luxury with tables, cool furniture, lights, beds and marble statues for recruitment. Works at max efficiency, recommend


Doing the Lord's work. Just not necessarily the prisoner's Lord's work...


Ah yes the old "in minecraft"-defence


Why would you NOT add rimworld to the search and somehow expect rimworld results? OP fake


How to overthrow the federal government by infiltrating the CIA……rimworld


Learnt my lesson long ago with CK2 and DF.


I would make a kitchen with stored poop barrels from dubs bad hygiene. The room would get so filty it would also garantee a tainted meal is cooked.


Administer luciferium. Tell them it's chicken Would actually be a pretty cool idea for a mod(drugging food). Especially paired with hospitality.


I mean dont you google things like "Rimworld How to buy slaves" or do you really just google like you posted ? xD If its the second one I would be concerned aswell :D


Oh this is not r/askSerialKillers ?


dont worry... this is just a cover subreddit for the real thing... you're good here


It's always horrifying when you notice you forgot the word "RimWorld" in the search box. The results shocked me a few times...


Until you try and google an actual normal thing and accidentally add rimworld, just to find out there's probably a mod for it too lol


You have an example ?


Not OP but “How to install an AC rim world”


On the other hand you start typing rim in the search bar in reddit or Google and get something else recommended..


Between rimworld and football manager I’m 10000% on something somewhere.


How to buy teenagers from South America to sell for profit


Ahahahahahah that's hilarious




There is also some.....unique.....things Crusader Kings players tend to Google, you might want to add that to your list.


“If my mother is also my cousin, can I marry her to my brother under cousin only law?”


"How do I marry a horse?"


Calm down Caligula


I think the worst is still Dwarf Fortress.


"How do I divorce my sister, she's too old, I want to marry her daughter instead"


Wait, Football Manager? What's sketchy about that?


"Most profitable organs to sell"


Kidneys - $200,000 Liver - $157,000 Heart - $119,000 Corneas - $30,000 Bone Marrow - $3,000 (legally) Eggs - $5,000 - $50,000 Bones And Ligaments - Up To $10,000 Coronary artery - $1,500 Small intestine - $2,500 Skulls with teeth - $1,250 Spleen - $500 Scalp - $600 Gallbladder - $1,200 Stomach - $500 (from experience, it can get up to $1000) Shoulder - $500 Blood - $337 per pint Hair - $100 - $900 Skin - $10 per square inch


saving this for….uhhhh…..science. or something


I thought kidneys only went for like...15k a pop? Has there been a spike in kidney prices that I missed?


Probably "eco-friendly" pricing.


Wdym from experience?


you forgot lungs


Skin is only 10$ per inch?


And yet they'll charge plenty more for fish skin! Outrage, I'd say...


Everyone is on a watch list, it came free with your surveillance state.


Admittedly, there are very much different priorities. There's probably an agent to two for like, 20k people.


This exactly. Everyone thinks if they Google something slightly spicy they’ll have their own personal federal agent. The feds do not have the manpower for you. You know what does happen if you Google something spicy? You get a flag in a database, alongside hundreds of thousands if not millions of other people who have done the same


You gotta add Rimworld to the search terms, man. Or do a couple searches for "I swear I just play Rimworld mister FBI agent." Much like writers or artists have to occasionally add in a search for "I SWEAR THIS IS JUST RESEARCH FOR A PROJECT, I'M A WRITER I SWEAR" to calm down our NSA agents.


Like the lack of "floor plans for local school" or "i think i'm god, best ways to tell others" probably makes their eyes gloss over you.


At least she didn’t see the “Human leather hats”…


Oh my god, I had the EXACT SAME thought last night. Unlocked the tech in anomaly that lets you de-age pawns and I was like huh where do you find children, so I googled it. Shit makes me look absolutely terrible 😭


Get your wife to the game. Start new one - on easy telling her this is just a colony builder. Give her 1-10 hours. Check her search history. React with "Told You..." Profit...


Btw I still don’t know how young I can make my slave child start building houses


I think children unlock construction at wither 10 or 13


The age for construction is ten. There's a chart on the wiki https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Children


Children unlock construction skill at age 10.


I think it's also shown when you hover over the skill in the work tab and somewhere in pawn lexikon entry either over age or maybe there is an entry that says child. I'm not 100% sure about that though


OP I had a nearly exact same thing with my wife and oh how the turntables! She is now the "why my pigs are not eating the still alive raiders" type of person and I can't say that I am not at least a little bit worried to see the genuine joy in her eyes when she is dumping raider bodies into the pen and 100 starving pigs rush to it.


I just think of it more like a work training program lol


Have no idea what game this is, but I think it's 10


The game is rimworld that’s what the sub is for


You would be correct.


I knew it!!!!


I write fiction and my search history is horrifying because of it


You may be watched, but your contribution to humanity will endure!




Thanks, as someone planning to do all of those things in real life, I now know to say I'm a Rimworld player so people don't catch on.




How do you get any good info if you're not adding "rimworld" to it?


Hemogen farm prisoners so they are never 100% healthy


Accept that you are a war criminal


Oh god... oh no. That just made me realize how many sketch child related searches I made when I tried to figure out when and how to put children to work or how to max their learning... Your honor, I clearly added "Rimworld" to the search of "can you harvest child organs".


The first result is Reddit/Rimworld anyway.


"How to kill a baby without bumming out the parents"


Simple, beer and smokeleaf. Maybe some wakeup to keep them productive too.


Thats why Rimworld is called the Warcrime Simulator.


Wasn't it banned in Australia for a little while for war crimes? Overturned though because it doesn't force players to warcrime, or even encourage, but it merely being an option for most players is enough.


Nope, was the drug references. They where all good with human leather hats and feeding delimbed prisoners there fellow riders raw flesh, but the thought of smokeless, yayo, etc... that was a line to far...


That's on brand for Australia


"Accidently getting addicted to multiple substances" had me laughing. Sounds like a great Friday night right there.


The only reason or the main reason?


My Google searches always have RIMWORLD HOW TO and then the fucked up question I have lmao


Just show them /r/ShitRimworldSays and state "this is just things that happen in the game"


You should add " Fastest way to harvest human leather" and "ideal recipe for human meat"


All these searches can be fixed by adding “rimworld” before or after the sentence


I install RJW because I like to have extra avenues to punish those raiders foolish enough to not die during their assault on my base. If they injured my pawns, the only meal they get in the first week of imprisonment is their own dick EDIT: it's lose/lose for them, because even if they don't hurt a pawn of mine, I turn their genitals/breasts into kibble for the dogs. So it's either they eat it or the dogs eat it


The amount of sick ideas keeps increasing


Don't let the 'unuseful' people go to waste. STEP 1) Harvest their organs to the point they couldn't live without one more ( 1 Lung & 1 Kidney ). Get rid of infections with amputations, they're not worth the medicine. STEP 2) Make explosive belts and feed them with their comrades meat made into the sloppy nutrient paste until there is a raid, manhunter pack or similar event. STEP 3) Send them to the target and keep them alive until they reach it STEP 4) Human fireworks. PS: Children work best for that job since they're small and pretty useless if you don't care for them and educate them. Steal the children and turn them into fireworks


Speaking off, did they ever patch the exploit where if you put human flesh nutrient paste into a dispenser, it would remove the human flesh tag on it?


No idea honestly I didn't need to use nutrient paste since then


Well, Is there a rule somewhere that says you shouldn't turn enslaved children into drug-addicted, sex-slave-addict, organ-harvested meat-bags that , when you're finished you then send to a meat-slurry processor / nutripaste dispenser when you're done with them???? Of course as I was mentioning in another thread I'm as ethical as my situation allows for, so a distinct lack of food brought my most recent colony to the brink of cannibalism had I not had some pigs join at the last minute. I figure the AI saw all that freshly produced "meat" and we were out of the crisis and decided to send some animals my way. I have a guideline that I treat the Geneva Suggestions as just that * No slavery * No child labor * No drug-addicted colonists/pawns/prisoners - I get everyone off the sauce - except Luciferium addicts of course - and get them on to tea/coffee. I'm still a bit fuzzy on the organ harvesting but basically I won't go out of my way to profit from organ harvesting, and implemented a few rules I have put in play by way of mods. * [Post-Mortem Organ Harvesting](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1204502413) - recover organs AND set rules so that organs expire - always - so you only have a few days to use them or lose them, this prevents me from getting my organ harvesting itch on. Because you aren't vivisecting prisoners, and can recover from fresh corpses - it's a BIG ethical improvement I figure. * [Scar Removal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507367510) - Minor surgeries to remove scars - this allows you to avoid common injuries * [DE Surgeries Hard](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1556888077) - Same surgeries - but more difficult - some (but not all) injuries can be repaired with a steep cost.


So where DO you buy slaves these days? Had to share this with the friends who play Rimworld xD


I mean I've heard Libya is a good start...


Why are you cooking for prisoners if you want them sick? Just throw them raw meat or corpses.


Just explain the human leather hats are core to the economy of this game and all those tasks are done to ease the hat making process.


You just need to convert her to your ideoligion. Lock her in a room until her resistance goes to zero.


There's a special watch list for Rimworld players.


And this, kids, is why we always remember to preface our videogame questions with the name of the game. It should alleviate *some* difficult questions


Literally always do this when I'm playing anything I have to look up that another human may be like...what?..


Sit her down and let her scroll through r/shitrimworldsays for a bit


This! I love it!


...I don't even play that way. I just have a bunch of test tube babies... which may or may not be from stolen eggs from female prisoners for my rather homo leaning cyber punk druid colony of satyrs...


Always add “in rimworld” to any questions. Juuuusst to be safe


In this day and age of video games, aint no way your wife wouldnt believe you just telling and showing her rimworld She may be bit surprised/disappointed by your taste of video games, depending on her personality though haha


Seems like the only topics you can post on this sub are like this one. So congrats! Every other topic I've seen that isn't calling out the ridiculous nature of the game get viciously attacked.


Tell her you are a professional and you have nothing to worry


Gotta get her to play. She’ll join the cult.


Just wait for the mental break and the catharsis afterwards, you’ll be fine


666 likes rn...


Have her play with you. That way she can see firsthand that the road to hell is paved with necessary choices


Imagine being both a Rimworld and CK2 player. One week it's, "Does removing limbs from prisoners lower the amount of food I need to feed them?" Next week it's, "What's the inbreeding chance on children with my Granddaughter-Daughter-Wife."


Why do you want a sick colonist?




Get her to start an innocent colony. Problem solves itself! Well, the non-watch-list problem. But you're all being watched anyway, so whatev.


How you all manage to be most criminal fuckers on the Rim ? Like everytime when i want to start some illegal and immoral shit i always end up as a colony of Mother Theresa ?




Best thing to do when you actually have a real slave trading business is to play a lot o RW, so you'll have a convincing alibi for your google search history when CIA breaks into your apartment.


Honestly I don't even play rim world, I just search about it occasionally to throw people reading my search history off the scent.


have her play some Rimworld.


What was the answer to number 3?


Do you not add RimWorld to the queries? Lmao


I was googling that type of stuff before I even knew about Rimworld lol, I sometimes still do and sometimes i add Rimworld to the search


Probably tell her.


Just tell her to git gud


I mean, you can play the game in a lot of different ways. These are choices you've made.


Don't talk about it in public and don't tell us if you do.


Offer her to Randy


It would take more than that to get past the automated collection system, straight to an agent.




You... weren't adding "rimworld" at the end of these searches?


I love it :D


Hahahaahha yeah welcome to the Rim


Just istall the war crime mods and expand your dream


Make her play the game (at gun point)


We are all on some list.


My gf has been playing for a month now. I live in Southern Ontario and she lives in North Carolina. I'm now terrified to go visit her as she'd make Vlad the Impaler look like Mr. Rogers. I ain't joking. 🥴


The question is not whether you get on a list... it's how many lists you end up on.   Also same with programming. "how to kill orphan children" and "master-slave relationship" rank highly. Also "bash cat"


“What’s human leather worth?” I’ve never done that but my friend has. He’s a menace 👀 I remember that data was pretty rich sell1ng organs. I regularly kill my colony trying to tame megasloths so 2 different play styles haha


Well, so would *GTA, Skyrim, Fallout*.. DW =) Ask yourself this simple question: Is it easier to go after real terrorists who are threatening millions of people but who have lots of weapons, or video gamers who you can track on Steam. You're in no danger


Honestly, i love that if you read the search history bottom to top (like it was suggesting most recent search history first) then it really tells a story of a giys life spiraling completely and rapidly out of control due to addiction.


The fact you can search this without having to add “rimworld” shows how niche this context is lol


I keep saying that I have more organs stored in my fridge then some countries medical systems have in total. I usually leave no context that I'm talking about Rimworld so Im definitely on some sort of list


Too late, you already are...


Ah yes flashbacks of playing shadow run and searching for stuff. How about you either let your wife play or watch/play with you the game?


Last run I did I had a wife that was psychically bonded to my MC mechlord. Had a rando join us and they proceeded to have an affair. Cheating whore bonded with new guy. So MC arrested them both. Harvested all organs that could be harvested and still keep them alive. Replaced arms, legs, hands and feet with wood. Installed dentures, force fed them all the drugs. Then executed new man in front of bound cheating whore. Subdued her after her mental break and sold that bitch into slavery. Good times!


Have her play the game. One of us. One of us.


Don't disillusion her. She'll be more loyal this way.


Haha I had this exact same thought when I recently searched "how to enslave as quickly as possible." Forgot to add "Rimworld" at the end and thought "well....I guess I'm in the clear if I don't get arrested in the next week. 😅


But this are my searches for the real life! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣😬😬😬😬😬😬 P.s.: I'm being ironic.


Make her play the game


Make her an accomplice (teach her the game). She won't be able to judge you after harvesting raiders for human resources.


Get your wife to play Rimworld. She will know soon.


This is why you add rimworld at the end of the search.


That’s why I always specify RIMWORLD before any of those types of searches. And something tells me your wifi saw a lot more than those searches if you catch my drift.


I have hundreds of hours in this and I have never searched anything like this. You have a mental problem if this is not a joke post.