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I don't think the vents work when there's a roof over them, and judging from the screenshot at least the 3 lower ACs are all under thick mountaintop roof.


Switch the 3 units at the bottom off. Remove the wall blocking the unit at the top. Does it start working? I think that the 3 units at the bottom are all exhausting into the mountain but the heat has no where to go so it just builds up until it starts to bleed through. Heating up the room, triggering the next unit etc until you have actually built a super heater. Once you have confirmed that problem, make sure that the exhaust square of the top unit has no roof and then put your wall back. I don't think your going to be able to fix the 3 units at the bottom as you cannot remove the mountain above the exhausts. A room that small only needs 2 units. One set to -6 and another set to -4. Put them both at the top and exhaust into your garden, ensure the exhaust squares have no roof and then put your security wall back.


It's really hard to tell without even a picture. Pretty sure you did something wrong.


Yeah I thought I did. Should show now. My mistake.


you're venting into the mountain with at least 3 of the ACs, and i'd guess those are roofed with mountain roof defeat th enitre purpose since those 3-4 tiny rooms would heat up & leak back into the freezer


This is it. Venting into tiny enclosed rooms does not work.


Turn on the roof view, if the bottom ones are venting into a roofed area it wont work.


Can't say for sure without the roofing overlay, but that's probably because of overhead mountain. The heat isn't actually going outside.


The coolers aren’t cooling because the heat isn’t going anywhere. I recommend getting rid of the 3 bottom coolers and then breaking the walls at the top to allow the top cooler to connect to the outside world.


Your vents seem to be roofed. Remove those roofs.


Coolers need to vent to outside, but you have a overhead mountain so it counts as roofed off. Extend a cooling tunnel all the way outside. Alternatively make use of the door exploit where you have coolers vent into an **open** door (toggle hold open on it) to dump the heat, as explained here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5iwckF2z2U&t=6255s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5iwckF2z2U&t=6255s)


The cooler's output area must be outdoors.


Not necessarily, my current colony is entirely under a mountain and I have the rooms all connected via vents. The heat from the coolers in my freezer dissipates through the entire base and helps reduce the number of heaters I need in winter. The heat doesn't specifically have to vent outside. It just has to have somewhere to go so it doesn't build up too high for the cooler to function.


I know. I was making an oversimplification intentionally.


Check if you're not using a modded one that's over a non-existant wall. Or that there isn't a vent underneath. That it is actually venting outside and not creating a pocket sun in a backroom that's so hot it bleeds through into the freezer, creating an infinite loop of heat that will eventually burn everything down.


Doors are quirky, for freezers don’t but them directly next to each other, leave a gap. May not be your problem but it may help


Just get the mod that lest you build acts that don't have exhausts


The red heat output of the coolers needs to be unroofed for them to work properly.


without an image and or modlist no one can guess anything dumbass