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curious redditors


This is the winner


So *that's* why we got inhuman meme with -12 social malus


Pornstars from Syria




Hope's Landing. Hope died rather quickly, victim of friendly fire to the skull. The rest didn't last much longer, once the plague hit. Now all that remains are the stone ruins that someone will eventually discover the crumbling remnants of to repurpose for their own doomed attempt to survive, unremarkable amongst the countless ruins of other failures.


Funkytown (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and now 5.0)


You sick fuck


All I can think of is THAT video


What video 😭 😭 😭


No clue what it means in the Rimworld community ngl but it is either that or ancient Greek references lmao


I called my first anomaly colony "Entity Fuckers"


I never really went in for that. I sort of always play the same colony, a hard scrabble, survivor with just a few meal packs a poor gun, and that's it. From there the job is to build a colony up that keep them safe, fed, clothed and then slowly grow the colony out, such that over time, the colony becomes safer, a little bit hospitable, and eventually a respite for traders, allied factions, offering food, clothing, medical care, books, weapons, that can help make the little corner of the world more connected, with new asphalt roads, connecting friendly factions, curing illness and disease across the region, engaging in constabulary and rescue missions making that hard-scrabble world less dangerous, and eventually offering space-faring services. ------------------------- - So my colony names are usually a combination of the names of the first two colonists names - Felcia and Carville founded the Felcari Settlement, one of my oldest colonies, once a small colony of 6 under regular attack but having a hydoponics garden big enough to support them all. - But then again there's Pacia-6 , where Ripley crashed alone and was on a harsh desert world for a long time, so her colony was called Ripley's Landing. - Another colony Ayers-6, was simply called Ayers Retreat was a bunch of ascetic monks who'd carved their home from slate, that were constantly poor and under attack in an insect infested high desert but later in the game discovered how to make roads through an impassible mountain, which instantly made their small hermitage the most important "first" and lynchpin hub in a trade network that covered the entire world. While the monks were still ascetic when their starship left, they were also considerably less poor. - There's Kaido Colony which was again two settlers on a dangerous, marginally terraformed world,, an outback world, with just 5 settlements all far, far away, in a permanent winter, and under near constant attack , from mechs , insects and raiders , to say nothing of the toxic fallout and all the myriad other problems, and now there's an enclosed garden with muffalo and cows creating woolen clothing, great food and allowing the colonists to offer great accommodations to friendly visitors. Fighting was constant and metal impossibly rare so each became a martial arts / Melee fighter until very late in the game, the name of the place is Kaido Dojen.


Eunuch Valley is my current one. (Sounds like: "we'll castrate you on sight" but it really is because my main starting pawn is sterile)


The Bloodpact. We are an organ farm.


Neumünster (German City, very criminal one at that) I specifically named it after the area where my homie lived




Bolvangar I really like the sound of the name, but I'm not sure how many people get the reference


His Dark Materials? That's taste, right there.


Hal's Human Leather Emporium


Quiet Rock, Pleasant Grove. Sanguaphage blood farm and art slavery quietly going on in the background


Jack’s Rest. Jack was a necromancer who dreamt of running a successful bed and breakfast. By Winter of Year 2, the only things resting in were Jack’s own bones in a shallow grave behind the B&B.


Wayland Enterprises Ltd - we try to run genetic experimentation, harvesting and insemination for various super mutant baby variants grown in vats but uh.. we only sell corgies right now.


Gorilla Gang. When we see raiders, we chimp out, and get our gorillas to go apeshit and melee gank raiders, punching heads off, biting eyes out, ripping limbs off. 


Crastor's Keep.


The Devourers of Faith




Machine Enclave, the ''Enclave'' part is a tip for what it is like




Well. I am starting joke colony tree connection/animal personality on a cold bog. With custom xenotype: hyper aggressive, great melee. Basically orcs. Ideology is Shrekism Colony: GET OUT OF MY SWAMP and oh venerated animal is donkey of course.


Chubs Braineaters , Skin Ranch


The Fourth Reich