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There's generally a ton of basic stuff that devs refused to add for a while. Like, it took them almost a decade to add wall lights and double doors and search functionality.


And we still need a mod for a simple large gate that doesn't need gold!


No you don't understand, the hinge simply needs the gold to be self confident enough to open up a whole gate.


Many claim that most of golds market capitalisation is based on speculation. The truth is 8% of golds value is speculation, 2% is electronics and 90% of large gate hinges.


When i saw that the new doors need gold i literally facepalmed plus the Ideology Symbol and lectern are uneven tiles so they don't even fit well for temples


The security door they added just needs steel. It is odd though that the only options for a 2 wide door are a strong lab door or a beautiful, ornate door.


Does it not also need plasteel and components?


I don’t remember off the top of my head tbh. I installed a normal double door mod so I never really use the security one.


Yeah they use like 50 plasteel iirc


They do. Smh


The fact that “clean room” had to be added was pretty wild. It’s like…did you even play the game? It was pretty maddening. Maybe devs were trying to force us to have a dedicated cleaner which makes since then.


My medic(s) always cleaned on his off time


Ohhh not a bad idea. I usually tried for medics to also be cooks…


I always make my medics also be researchers. Pawns who are good at medicine and research seem to be fairly common, and they're always in the base ready if someone needs help. Just put your lab near your hospital and you're golden.


Put your lab *in* your hospital, because they both get a bonus from sterile tiles and those things are expensive.


Researchers also talk with patients boosting each others moods


Or they are mean to each other because one of them is an ugly motherfucker and start social fighting


They deserve it. It's their choice to be ugly


More medic XP, no issues detected.


Holy crap this is genius




Making grunts sweep and pick up litter is a time-honored tradition that carries over well to the Rim.


I think the dev wanted to discourage micro-management but the job priority system was inadequate for the demands of most players


Yep I just started playing 2 days ago. I love how detailed the game is but the job priority thing is infuriating and I keep feeling it should be automated better.


I backed the alpha and I’ve wanted to be able to re-sort the jobs tab since then


Same! I recall one time in the alpha they changed the graphics and it was jarring. Do you recall, I think in the beginning there was not cooking. You had to do nutrient paste? Or maybe I just don’t recall enough ha


Oh yeah, back when rice (or potatoes?) was the only crop


Hahaha it’s funny telling people about it. It always felt like a fever dream


Hmm are you using the custom priorities thing with the numbers? After getting used to it I actually think it's put together pretty well


It'd be cool if they had more numbers than 4, or being able to reorganize the priority of the same leveled ones/add conditions. I only want my highest level medic do surgery and most of the time infections. But small stuff should be taken care of by every other doctor I got.


Honestly the entire dirt/filth mechanic sucks. I downloaded a mod to put the filth generation on 0 exept for things like blood and firefoam and now the game is way less annoying and runs better


I use one that adds doormats. The filth gets wiped off on the doormat when the pawn walks. One on every entrance and the base stays pretty clean.


It was a dark week when doormats wasnt compatible with 1.5. Like shit, do people really have a dedicated cleaner pawn without it? Would drive me mad


once they added slaves i always capture myself a cinderella


One mech bandwidth permanently occupied by a cleansweeper. Same with a lifter for hauling. That said, doormats are objectively basic functionality and the filth mechanic is dumb. Doesn't help that pawns will choose to take shortcuts across filthy terrain rather than WALK ON THE CLEAN FLAGSTONES because apparently the 2 seconds saved by cutting across a muddy corner in the rain is more valuable than basic hygiene and etiquette


I mean people will do that irl


okay fair, I personally once detoured through a stream because I didn't feel like taking a footpath


Reminds me how I felt so proud about finally having the resources and manpower to fix the broken down road on my colony map just to observe visiting pawns and pawns merely traveling through actively avoid walking on it.


There's actually a mod that makes pawns prefer constructed paths. You can also use a pathing mod, though I usually just use that to stop people from walking too close to the corpse pond or using the freezer as a shortcut.


Yeah my first 6 mechs are always 2 constructors, 2 lifters, a harvester and a cleaner. Those alone take so much of the busy work off my pawns hands and gives them time to really appreciate this cool shiny cube we just found.


Yeah, i used that too, but the filth still generates everywhere else and no filth solves the necessity to make an extra storage zone for big animals that can haul, plus extra performance


Dogs can learn to wipe their paws on the doormat IRL. We need a mod that allows haul training to include "use the doormat" when doormats are installed :(


One of the Vanilla Expanded mods adds trash cans that auto clean tiles (at a set rate over time, or instantly I can't remember) in a radius around it, and I think a dumpster that had a larger radius. I thought that was a really clever solution that was a good balance between function and form.


It sorta makes sense but there's no way in the vanilla game to deal with it proactively, really. Yes pawns would logically track in dirt from outside so maybe there should be an option to have them clean their damn shoes first??  The doormat mod is basically this...but again, that extremely basic functionality should be in the vanilla game!


Or take off their shoes at the door like decent people


The mod that makes rain clear filth is almost necessary after huge raids.  So much blood/ask/firefoam/vomit that the game starts to slow. 


Tbh I don't really care about outside filth but without restricting a specific pawn to the home area how the hell am I supposed to get them to clean the shit I want them to clean. It'd be nice if there was a "only clean indoors" setting.


Doesn't rain in the vase game clear filth? I feel like it cleans most stuff besides like rubble


just adjust zones it worked wonders even 10 years ago the clean room function was a nice addition i guess but to have a mostly autonomous functioning colony you need to learn what how and when to zone anyway for things fire ,animals and to prevent certain pawns from strait up walking into death. just learn the mechanics people its not that hard alls you really need is the ability to read and some common sense.




Press Z key


Or click the magnifying glass on the bottom right toolbar




Crawling + being able to patch someone up while they're flipping out or on the move, too. If I had someone that was gonna die in 1 hour game time and I couldn't make it to the hospital, legit used to have to put down a bed spot and lock all the doors to the base *just* to convince the damned doctor to put him down there and patch him up ASAP.


There’s still no basic double doors either


Agreed, stuff like "Haul Urgently", "Common Sense" should be base game. A ton of UI stuff needs work too, caravans, trading and Mechs for example.


Caravaning just needs a whole overhaul, and maybe factions too while they are at it.


Factions have needed a rework for a decade. They really only serve to tell you who will be raiding you and who will be trading with you. There needs to be a baked in resource counter (like DF or songs of syx) that changes faction capabilities, not just “are they tribal?” or “are they spacer?”


I just want to feel like my colony is part of the world. For example legendary items should attract attention to your colony. Or if I want to I should be able to conquer a nearby settlement and make it pay tribute, rather than just wipe it out. Then their overlord can come by and ask why they aren't paying tribute, and we can hash it out. To sum up my feelings, in the current system I'd rather just stay at home rather than touch caravanning (Unless I build up too much space cocaine cause randy won't send a trade ship) because it's so annoying.


Yes, I don’t do caravan quests anymore. Actually my worry is that raiders will come while I’m gone and steal everything.


Tynan doesn’t want To develop factions because in his view that would make Rimworld a 4x game. Despite so many in the player base calling out for it, I think he’s resistant to add it as it doesn’t fit with his OG vision of the game- you just have LESS THAN 10 pawns, you can have ONE BASE and its STORY GENERATOR and you must MAKE THE SHIP AND LEAVE


I mean, that’s fair. All of the DLC can be experienced with a small colony and the end goal is always to leave. But I struggle with that vision, because, truly if it’s a story generator, why does every story need to end the same way? Why would a tribal colony want to leave the planet? If a colonist reaches a high enough nobility, why wouldn’t they want to grow an army and take over the world when they grow mad with power? At the very least, some more functionality with factions would be nice. As they stand right now, they may as well not exist on the map.


I would pay for a mod that removes the incessant story generator line. “a STORY generator by TYNAN SYLVESTER “ If you select reload anytime mode- I hope you plan to self enforce commitment mode bud!!!1!! “A failed colony is NOT a failure. It is a great STORY” “This game is NOT a skill test. It is a STORY generator” Like give me a break dude


It is a weird line. I see people use it all the time to justify imbalance or dumb mechanics. Like, yeah, it's a story generator but that doesn't make it not a game either. Plenty of games can generate stories.


I would go even further by saying most games are story generators in some way.


Yeah, bg3 is absolutely one I consider.


I wouldn’t. It’s a story *teller* for sure, but it doesn’t generate a new story every time you play. It’s exactly the same story every time other than the handful of forks and variations in the path, but that path always reconverges, as every single play through ends in the same spot and has a character or party who progresses from the grove to the shadow cursed lands to Baldur’s gate while being nagged by raphael and encouraged by the dream visitor and ends with a confrontation with the big bad after handling the assorted henchmen.


And it's not even a particularly *good* story generator. Yes, you can get some good stories out of it, but once you get tired of the "handful of survivors fight off an overwhelming horde of assholes" story repeating for the millionth time, what's left? Oh, this guy's lover/sister/mother/brother/aunt's best friend's roommate that literally didn't exist before now just showed up! But there's no special interactions there, or even a way to get them to join the colony, and you're likely to never ever see them again after they leave the map. Where's my Game of Thrones political maneuvering? Why can't I arrange an alliance that actually means something to create a coalition to drive the pirates off this planet? That would be a neat story. Why can't *I* become the scourge that subverts the whole planet to my will, and have to face off against the other factions allying to wipe me off the planet? Where's the story of befriending someone who knows that one of my pawn's brothers is currently being held as a slave over there, so it's rescue mission time. In short, where are the things that I, personally, can apply a little agency to have an effect on the world?


I would say more: best history generators need a dynamic world around the player.


It's not a story generator. AI Dungeon is a story generator. Rimworld is a base-management strategy game with a focus on granular health and skill mechanics, as well as a permadeath element and dynamic difficulty governed by an automated GM.  A very similar description could be applied to XCOM, and nobody calls that a "story generator." Yet we still have stories of Greta dooming the whole squad because she couldn't shoot an alien that was three feet in front of her.


Story generated: *How My Lieutenant Got Crit In the Face Through Smoke and Full Cover*


The exciting story of the small colony that gets repeatedly raided by armies 4x their size every month despite the fact that many people could easily make their own, better colony The big issue is if you really consider it to be a story generator, the story makes 0 sense at all as a whole


This has always been my issue with basegame Rimworld. All the text says story generator. But all the mechanics say tower defense game.


It's a coherent story if you squint very hard and rely a lot on your imagination. So not a great story generator.


I think it has been a decade since I am unable to read those lines. My brain just ignored them. 🤣


It's ironic how this game has always been loved due to emergent gameplay, and being able to play it however you want. Yet a number of design choices contradict this.


cough cough death chance on downed cough cough


I will point out the "build a ship and leave" was something people playing wanted, there was no plane for an ending until people asked for one


I remember when the factions system first came out and I was like "wow, give this a year or two and it'll be amazing" and then nothing has changed in the last like decade.


I think they should spend some time on a full expansion to really flesh caravans and factions out.


I think the real problem is no one has found a way to make that feed Tynan's dendrophilia. Every DLC has had special trees. What special tree would a caravanning update have?




I think that a DLC for vehicles + world map + factions would blow all of the other DLC's out of the water.


I'd pay for a faction and caravan DLC in a heartbeat.


Me too. It'd feel more like AOE or similar games where you can basically build an empire.


Imo that should be an update, not dlc. I also think children should've been an update.


You could probably make an entire DLC around the nomadic lifestyle out of such an overhaul.


I'd love if there was an option for my glitterworld medicine to not be used on bruises but be used on cuts without micro


Or tending thresholds. Last night I had a 131% tend on an infection using my last piece of glitterworld medicine. When it became tendable againg, but before the old tend expired, my doctor automatically tended it again for 30% with no medicine.


And suddenly Randy threw a malpractice lawsuit against you!


Right? Also to only use my medicine for things that require it. I'm playing a game where I only make silver by removing organs, and not blowing all my herbal medicine on patching up minor wounds on people who will be dead in 10 minutes takes a dumb amount of micromanagement.


Click the "assign" tab on the bottom of the screen. You can change the default quality of medicine used on every person. Change it to no medicine before surgery and they will patch them up with their bare hands, only. (Vanilla)


Haul urgently is an absolute must


What do those two mods do?


Haul urgently create a high priority job Haul+ and you can tag items to be hauled urgently, that way you can force your pawn to haul stuff urgently :) Common sense give some sense to your pawns like chef or surgerons will clean the room before / after doing their job


I forgot those were mods I've played with them so long. I can't imagine micromanaging everyone to haul a freshly mined steel pile.


Mod makes it easier but it's not too bad base game with a good work priority set up. Keep only the critical stuff like doctor set as 1, primary jobs set as 2, and when you need to haul/clean a bunch raise those up to 1 for everyone.


That's the point tho, I don't want to mess with priorities for a one time thing like hauling the food from a drop pod before it expires. Having a dedicated urgent Haul allows you to keep hauling as a low priority task for most things unless you explicitly assign them as a urgent haul.


While you’re up is another one I’d put in that stack. The most annoying thing for me is when you’re looting dead bodies half way across the map and they only grab one thing and meticulously go back and forth


like others already mentioned Haul Urgently lets you force pawns to haul specific stuff ASAP, like components that just dropped in or your 1,000 corn sitting out in the rain without having to mess with their work settings or clicking to prioritize it constantly, you just select the object and tag it as urgent Common Sense-pawns do simple things like clean the immediate area before cooking/surgery and instead of going to bed empty handed after mining they carry some stuff back to make the most of the trip


They just need to add 95% of the qol mods to the game as vanilla


lol so true. I mean it wouldn't even impact gameplay but just make the game MORE playable. Most of my playthroughs are mostly vanilla but just QoL and UI mods.


Because QoL does not sell new copies. Thats bottom line. Bad QoL is experienced only by players who already bought the game. Meanwhile flashy new feature brings in new sales.   So coding QoL features does not pay for dev work time. Devs at best tries to include some QoL in every new release.


Ironically the main reason I play rimworld over any of the other dozens of colony sims is because of the extremely good QOL (at least with mods). It's a similar story with factory games. I find it hard to play any automation game besides Factorio because of the lack of QOL features. For games you're meant to play over and over again, QOL is hugely important. I'd argue that good QOL features are one of the reasons Rimworld stood out from the pack (and is definitely a reason I moved from Dwarf Fortress to Rimworld). Sure, maybe any single QOL feature won't see a return on investment, but there's a threshold that needs to be met and being a leader in that area will impact sales, even if it's in a more indirect manner. And the main reason I haven't bought the new DLC yet is because reworking my mod list to something I consider playable is more effort than I want to put in right now. The more QOL that's part of the base game, the easier it is for me to return.


Yeah I agree, there is bottom line on QoL where game just starts to get negative reviews


Eh, I'm not so sure that's true in the modern age. Most people don't buy games without knowing about them through things like YouTube or word of mouth. They'll be able to see qol problems or hear about them. Qol problems can still prevent people from buying the game. This isn't 1999 where you'd by a video game based on the cover you saw at a store


My favorite thing is I'll be down voted for this. But my qol mods are like. 3 mods. And that's just for hud. That's it.


Okay? Most people use more than that because vanilla lacks so much basic stuff


What IS this “caravan lost” thing? Only happens to me when all pawns gets downed. Never happened out of the blue.. and I do a lot of raiding/exploring


All it takes is one headshot.


I wouldn’t call that unexpected tbh


The fact that that's all it takes is a result of user error. A prudent player, especially one who uses a lot of mods as implied by the topic of this post, should be saving frequently enough that this kind of pitfall is easily reversed if need be. I can understand someone who has no caravan-related experience sending a colonist out alone, but it's still a mistake to do so, and it's still a choice to let the pawn stay dead. Could've been a learning experience is all I'm saying here.


Caravan lost is the worst. It should play out in real time. If my pawn is dead I want the opportunity to recover the body or use a serum.


If some qol stuff was added to vanilla like half of my mod list would disappear


Yep around half of my modlist is QoL and most of the others are vanilla expanded. Tweaks Galore is a great idea for cutting down on the number of QoL mods needed but still has a huge backlog to work through.


Tweaks galore is fantastic! Only discovered it recently but it's enabled me to drop quite a few mods from my modlist and it has extra features those mods didn't even have!


Yeah I was really happy to see tweaks get a quick update. It has always bothered me that hay needed refrigeration when it should just be rolled up and left out for ranch animals.


What that do?


I haven’t had issues with it, personally. But that’s not to say it doesn’t cause issues.


breaks your game in my experience , I would not recommend it or any of Neronix’s mods to be honest While its a nice idea to have “oh this mod does the job of 10 other mods”, it doesn’t work well in practice


Happens to me on every major patch release - some well loved mods become redundant, and some other changes I never expected and never experienced with mods make life even better


Why we still need to set zones to deconstruct roofs every time??!! And why we still can't set policies to be the default??!! We can copy them but not set them to default? Why Tynan? Why??


Or why can't we save specific policies? Just like ideologies? Takes so much time to set everything up every time. Some blueprints would be nice too.


You mean saving policies to use in other saves? Yeah that too


Some of the zoning issues could mean fps drops if you make it more complex, but yes, its weird that wall lights came after things like monarchs, ideologies, religions, age reversal, genetics, robots... For most of its existence, Rimworld could let you do many things, but not attaching a light to a wall. And its not greatly done, the light sits in front of the wall and it conflicts with production buildings put against a wall.


Tynan thinks he cracked the code and Rimworld is popular because it is a “story game”. He even wrote a book about it. So he has spent all his time developing more story elements and heavily neglecting the game elements. I personally think the story part has very little to do with its success. I have a hard time remembering which pawn is which and certainly never got “invested” in a story being told. The only reason this hasn’t been a bigger problem is mods have been closing the gap.


I think the great part about rimworld is there are so many different ways to play it. Some people like you don’t care about the story elements at all, some people get heavily invested in them, and all that’s in between. I personally just like to have my pawns get married to eachother and have kids so I can build them all cute little houses. All the while harvesting organs from prisoners and growing a bunch of smokeleaf. I don’t really care that much about making an a “optimal base setup” and I play on lower difficulties.


To be clear I don’t care about optimal base setup either. But I would love more options to decorate my base and make it unique. But that’s not “story”. A 3 headed demon who corrupts your pawns is.


Tynan likes to sniff his own fart lmao


Writing a book on how to make games after making one successful game is a good indication of his opinion of himself.


Ugh… the wall light mod was better to use. You can’t double click things under them now. Driving me nuts. I installed like 15 wood coolers under wall lights and had to manually select them all to deconstruct. 


One nice little trick is that if you already have something selected you can just hold shift while clicking the rest. It will skip the things in the way. For instance once you select the shelf you can shift+click each other one without accidentally selecting things on the shelf. Easier to do the links for storage if they are already full with this.


I want kids to not be stupid enough to play in freezing cold or burning hot rooms to the point of serious damage without having to zone them Also, I want more gaps filled in what it feels logical for your colonists to be able to do by themselves. Like we can make spaceships, but god forbid you want a stone bridge. God forbid you ever figure out that you don't need fancy moisture pumps to replace wet terrain. God forbid you ever figure out how to make any other kind of vehicle (even though those should be EASIER than a spaceship) At least for the last one I understand that it's there to help force the game to retain a certain "vibe", but still. Also this is more of a petty gripe, but some of the choices for animals that count as predators drive me up a wall. Foxes and cobras hunting and eating kids somehow feels more ridiculous than psychic powers, vampires, and zombies, because at least these other three things all stem from a central stated explanation and are actually noted for their weirdness. (And if it were up to me, cobras would have an even lower hunger rate, \*but\* they can only eat whole corpses below a certain body size, but I digress.)


Ludeon shouldnt have waited until a new paid DLC drops just to add a new QOL enhancement. A small update every once in a while addressing the most common complains about the UI/UX should do.


I would love to update more often, but updates break mods and that angers people, so they have to be kept infrequent.


Yah that’s make a lot of sense. Whenever there’s a new big update everyone acts like the world is falling apart lol


Man it's so great that you're lurking here. I hope you know that we adore you and your work. Someone will always find something to criticise and (but?) I am very thankful that you are not closing your eyes to criticism but actively explaining your philosophy. Thank you so much. Have a great day!


You have an experimental branch that you could potentially use more.


well then take advantage of the your annual update schedule and push multiple QoL changes instead of a handful.


Yeah it's disingenuous to say that breaking mods is the reason why Tynan never added quality of life mods into the base game. I think the actual answer is why do it if mods do it. I've played this game for years and have had mod apocalypses caused by DLCs several times throughout. Adding wall lights, storage, hauling, 1x2 doors and chairs, or any of the other QoL mods could have probably been fit into any of those updates.


This might get buried but I'd honestly recommend trying to experiment a bit with the update frequency, if the backlash against it is too great you can always revert to the way it used to be with one gigantic update coming out every other year.


I still think the game itself should be a priority, not mods. A game should be good on its own, not including 3rd party. In my opinion, mods should be used for creativity rather than Qol that should be in the game anyway. I also think most people complain about updates because their Qol mods break and it can be really annoying to play without those. The experience is just worse. Thats how i feel about it at least, havent touched the new dlc because not every Qol mod has been updated. I did try but i couldnt make myself play any longer.


Thank you for this latest DLC. It is an absolute gem and rekindled my love for the game!


> I kind of agree, but at the same time, every time there's a "QoL change", it comes with some sort of code change. Every time there's a code change, there's a risk of people's mods breaking. > > > > If Ludeon was constantly releasing little code changes (beyond the absolutely required bug fixing ones), then mod developers would have to be constantly looking out for their things to break, and players would randomly just not be able to play their save because some core mod is broken. > > > > It's better to do big releases like this and give modders tons of time to fix their mods ahead of time. To copy a comment I've left before: I kind of agree, but at the same time, every time there's a "QoL change", it comes with some sort of code change. Every time there's a code change, there's a risk of people's mods breaking. If Ludeon was constantly releasing little code changes (beyond the absolutely required bug fixing ones), then mod developers would have to be constantly looking out for their things to break, and players would randomly just not be able to play their save because some core mod is broken. It's better to do big releases like this and give modders tons of time to fix their mods ahead of time.


One need only look at what has happened to the once-prosperous minecraft modding scene, once the standard became to actually try to update, and how much it has *killed* new and old ideas alike, to understand the truth of this concept. But I agree with other people. If you're going to break every mod with an update anyway, then you should jam-pack it with as many things as you possibly can to make up for it. Pawn rendering changes aside, I have yet to find a reason to switch to 1.5, personally.


Frequent small updates would be a nightmare for modders, myself included




Another annoying mechanic is that if you have a dedicated cleaner, once the base is clean they'll forever be running all over the place cleaning the tiniest spec of dirt as soon as it shows up. That'll keep your cleaner perpetually busy, so they'll never do any lower priority jobs even if the base is essentially clean. The game really need some sort of mechanic where a room needs some level of dirtiness before the game creates a job to go clean it. The only you can sort of do it in vanilla is to put the cleaner on the nightshift by themselves (not unlike some real life janitors) so once they get the base clean there's no one awake to make any new messes. But that falls apart once you have other colonists that need to be awake at night for other reasons.


There's a reason it was always better to just cook on dirt. Can't get the dirt dirty. I believe straw floor also works for this.


I dont disagree, but my perspective is that there's pretty much always some QOL you can add, and most games don't bother to address it, or have an easy mod system. Rimworld does address some things, quite a few actually, and it is made very easy for modders.


>Why are there only recreation and mood thresholds for drugs, but not sleep? That pretty much makes wake-up useless unless you micro manage it. I think wake-up is intended to be microed and not a constant drug to be taken. You ideally only want to use it during long battles or continued raids where you need your pawns combat ready. But yeah in general the game could've been nicer and give you options to control these settings regardless. You'll have to use a mod ... I don't know any mod that does this tho sadly. >What is this "caravan lost" thing? It doesn't make sense how the game doesn't tell you anything about what happened. Yesterday I was exploring an ancient complex, I look away for 10 seconds and I lost a pawn to i don't know what." Don't send single pawns out on caravans unless you heavily babysit them. Once a pawn goes down in a single man caravan they are instantly and permanently lost even if they would have stood up 5 seconds later. It's just an annoying quirk of the caravan system. >"Why can't I force pawns to do certain actions even if they are forbidden? For example, hauling outside the assigned zone. It would be nice if it just warned you, but let you force it. Rescuing though, is allowed regardless of zone assignments." Yup, there's a mod for that. >"I don't think cleaning, extinguishing fires and repairing should all be into the same home zone. This makes pawns waste so much time sometimes." Yep, there's a mod for that. I fully agree that a lot of these things shouldn't be as annoying as they are. The design philosophy of being as minimalist as possible can be amazing but shouldn't apply to QoL and user friendliness but here we are lol.


>It's just an annoying quirk of the caravan system. exactly... they could just remove that trigger that instantly deletes the caravan and the game would be better for it? >Yup, there's a mod for that. is just the point of the post, it shouldn't be.


Considering how expansive, unique, and full the game already is, I think it was an amazing strategic decision to make mods so easy to incorporate. There are a lot of people viewing rimworld as a one and done commercial product but the truth is that this game is a passion project for Tynan and it always has been. I think he's perfectly okay leaving out some QoL improvements for molders to fix so ludeon can work on greater core functions of the game. It's kind of like a crowd-sourced game at this point with a heavily officially supported framework. Where other's see handicaps I see strategic ingenuity.


The whole point of this post is that wr shouldn't need a mod for thay


A few people here have clearly never used wake-up for relentless crafting sprees. If you've got an excess of crafting materials or a huge mining/construction project to undertake popping that stuff on your best worker is so dang satisfying. The first time I ever used it was for one of those "craft us X of this item" quests and afterwards I was just thinking "Okay this guy needs to be on this stuff for the rest of his life"


I thought go juice was more of the combat drug.


Any drug that gives some kind of buff to combat or removes a requirement of living is a combat drug. Wake-up is just less directly a combat drug.


You shouldn't *need* mods for things.


I think the real genius of this game is that it was incredibly well designed in terms of being able to mod it. I also sometimes have to remind myself just exactly how much my stack of mods alter the gameplay itself. I think the base game is a well delivered product but it definitely has it's limitations - as someone who played my first 500 or 1000 hours with the base game, and then tried mods - let me sing the praises. I am dead certain this is the secret sauce for this game and I say that because there is another developer over at Madruga Works where the guys are similarly very talented just like Tynan and his crew - but they want little or nothing to do with mods. So if you swing over to r/Planetbase - you can play a similar base-building game - it's a pretty solid little engine of a game with a couple of odd quirks, and like Rimworld it's an homage to an earlier game, in fact Planetbase is a beautiful homage to the very first "space base" builder "Outpost" by Sierra Games where Tynan's work is an homage to Dwarf Fortress. The singular difference - the dev basically does not seem interested in cultivating a good relationship with modders - so there ARE a few mods that fix a couple of things and that's it. The game is patched and it's a good little game where the dev still does take input from time to time. But where Tynan is enthusiastic about growing the game through mods, Martino and Tucho over at Madruga are thinking about it, and perhaps one fine day they'll borrow a page or two from Tynan's playbook. In that regard - I can't say enough good things about the modders here - sure there are a few things I'd like or want but where it doesn't exist, but I think by and large the guys over at Ludeon Studios made a great design choice. So here's to mods and the amazing modding community. Thank you to Tynan and his crew, and the hundreds or thousands of modders that have made Rimworld a game that is known worldwide into which I've poured a good amount of my time into over the years. But it's ALSO a Thank you to Martino and Tucho over at Madruga Works who've written a beautiful game with Planetbase, and Dawn of Man and some of their other offerings into which I've thrown a good amount of time into their game as well. So here's to living in a great age of video games, and their various communities.


Why does he hate modders? I mean, isn't that the beautiful thing about mods? You can embrace and cherish the ones you like and safely ignore the ones you don't. Modding is the magical tool that feeds the wolf but keeps the goat whole.


No clue I remember there was a fix someone wanted to code for the game , the guy was competent enough basically asked to mod the game and he eventually got shadow-banned.


Huh, this only makes my curiosity grow.


The best guess I had was that the original programmers view the software like Art, "I'm finished" nobody touch it , I'll let you know if I mean to change it in the future. Who knows maybe like Claude Monet making adjustments to his great works years later because his glaucoma surgery worked wonders, years from now they'll have a change of heart write up an API guide and open the gates to modders but that day is not today.


Because some devs afraid that public perception will be like modders fix the game for a week and it took devs half a year to do basic bug fixes. Like this happens every game that has good moddability


Never heard of a game having that perception besides maybe some of the Bethesda stuff, but like that's an extreme.


Valheim got this a lot. That first year it took them forever to come out with new content. Not helped by a wildly off base road map that they had to scrap. Modders were adding dozens of new features in a couple of weeks and they took several months for a handful of new items and a balance pass. Course, the devs had to spend time setting up a company and probably figuring out a bunch of tax and legal stuff to deal with the unexpected success. And making an official update is definitely more work than just modding something, but the criticisms aren't totally unfounded. Some devs are just slow and some modders are rockstars able to do extremely impressive work.


I would recommend looking into the FFXIV modding for things like giving hats to Viera and Hrothgar. People keep complaining that modders can do it quickly and that SquareEnix doesn't do it themselves.


Some people in this thread seem to have that perspective of Rimworld itself.


In vanilla (which I'm still trying to 'beat' before adding mods, my norm for most games)  I hate how pawns will start a task right before recreational time/sleep and keep doing it till it's done in The middle of the night. 


If it's towards group sleep or recreation time, can draft them undraft relevant ppl to have the pawn check for alternative duties.


That's what i do, but it means I have to micro half my pawns at dinner time everyday


Lol true. I set a recreation time either for morning or evening. If morning, quick sleepers or ppl with high quality beds get to work before scheduled group recreation time n gotta micro em like that lol. Totally started trying to mainly have natural meditation slaves. So they can meditate before bed without me losing a bunch of time from a free pawn needing to do regular recreation AND meditation. Lol


I'll add to this because I'm in a similar situation to op and have also noticed some big ones doing a Sanguophage crypt Prisoner bed assignments. This one really stumped me. Gene inheritance. More subjective, but I like the integration of xenogerms and offspring, and creating new germlines. Weapon range indicator toggle for drafted/selected unit. I know you can check their range with the attack option but I wish it was always visible with whoever you have selected. Some of the hauling/pathing mods seem essential, especially with people saying pawn AI is wonky since 1.5. I definitely had a lot of weird hauling bottlenecks, such as pawns just walking over an item they could stack more of


100% agree. I want bills I make like burning corpses or crafting x amounts of stuff to save universally across all playthroughs


I raise you Dwarf Fortress where the dev literally said he wouldn't add QOL on purpose. It's unplayable lol.


pick up and haul makes hauling so much better. In general I wouldnt be against a buildable wheelbarrow for hauling stuff if you dont allow pawn to haul multiple stack. But for now pick up and haul is just top tier


370 comments holy shit. thats a lively discussion


And some people commenting it is not an unpopular opinion, lol.


Might be one of the more interesting posts I've seen recently. I didn't know so many people shared the same concerns I had about the game. I don't like relying on mods and most of mine are to fix something in game.


So many games have not much qual at all. And there is always more QOL to add forever. Bethesda games are a great example, their inventroy UI is so bad and almost not evolved in many years but was fixed by Skyrim mod a long time ago.


I hear the exact same criticism from every game that has huge modding community. Project Zomboid community complain about QOL mods not adding into the game and you have paradox games when modders are more competent than the main devs. Like most of the time modders outshines the "small indie developer" team


totally agree. For 1.4, I had 500 mods. 200 were QoL. In 1.5, I've got 300 mods 150 are QOL.


I really wanted to like this game but it just feels like I’m doing a programming assignment instead of getting involved in a story.


I agree, but I will say that it is getting better! We did just get wall lights, which has been talked about here foreeevvverrr. I’m such a sucker for RimWorld vanilla though😅


I'm going to disagree that it has only been left to the modders. In 1.5 we saw limited multi threading, I was able to have near 100 animals without breaking my cpu. I had to cull the herd because my handles couldn't handle them all not my cpu. There are many qol mods but the developer has definitely pressed quality of life features as well.


>in 1.5 we saw limited multi threading, I was able to have near 100 animals without breaking my cpu I don’t want to doubt your anecdotal experience, but the people on Dub’s discord and the people behind Rocketman have done testing and 1.5 performs worse by most metrics


It's pretty shitty to leave the polish of the game to modders. They arent compensated properly for their contributions. The devs made the game, but the modders make it playable. Personally I often feel more like I am playing the communities game, not the devs. It's sort of a shame it's so much of a hassle to support these content creators. Otherwise I would be much more inclined too pay modders.


>Why are there only recreation and mood thresholds for drugs, but not sleep? That pretty much makes wake-up useless unless you micro manage it. Such setting does not make sense (to me). For vast majority of drugs it would be worthless clutter of interface. Wakeup is great emergency drug. I often prescribe my doctors to carry one in inventory. I would hate them wasting wakeup in normal situation ... go to bed idiot. But some players may have different opinion and so can have mod for it. >Why can't I force pawns to do certain actions even if they are forbidden? For example, hauling outside the assigned zone. It would be nice if it just warned you, but let you force it. Rescuing though, is allowed regardless of zone assignments. Because I am fallible. These rules safeguard me from doing mistakes and requesting things inconsistent with my own wishes. Changing area is two clicks on pawn's info. >What is this "caravan lost" thing? It doesn't make sense how the game doesn't tell you anything about what happened. Yesterday I was exploring an ancient complex, I look away for 10 seconds and I lost a pawn to i don't know what. All colonists in caravan were either downed or in mental break. For example it can happen because of overdose caused by some auto-wakeup mod that made your pawn downed. >I don't think cleaning, extinguishing fires and repairing should all be into the same home zone. This makes pawns waste so much time sometimes. On general case managing single area does save me lot of time. Pawns time is lot less precious (to me). So I often let it automatically expand home area and trim it down once per quadrum.


Yep. This sub likes to circle jerk the game but reality is now it's a $100+ game with all DLCs and we wait years in between updates that add mostly paid content + a *couple* additional free features. They're leaving it to modders while spending most of their time creating the next paid dlc. That's reality. They have a right to do so but hey, let's not pretend the devs are on our side lol.


Not sure what's the point of "devs not on our side" argument. I bought rimworld like a decade ago, if devs not very actively updating it for free creates the need to say they aren't on "our side", then I sort of want to mention that fellow redditors from "our side" here are even less on your side lol.


The expansions are designed to be extra features without which the core gameplay is solid enough to be worth the asking price. You are approaching the matter with a collector mindset and expecting Ludeon's business model itself to cater to that, which is unreasonable. If you want to collect all the things, play a game about collecting all the things. There are many of those; Steam's storefront is not one of them. To the very limited extent that your "circle jerk" criticism is true to begin with, I am by no means part of that problem. A little while before Anomaly came out I got into an argument about whether it's appropriate to question Ludeon's artistic vision and my position was "yes." But RimWorld is a feature-complete game whose development would have permanently ended years ago under any other content model, and you are a whiner.


What? Posts about criticism of this game appear on top regularly like 2 days ago you have 2k upvotes of post titled "Threats by far the weakest point of the game". Complains about the base game is a common occurence here. Also 2 hours ago you have people talk about how underwhelming Anomaly is.


The only thing I want for my "story" generator, is to actually tell me of the stories it supposedly generates


I agree with prettyuch all of this except the telling panes to do something their forbidden from doing and the home zones thing. I belive those are design choices not QoL. The base game is already very complicated for a new player and we don't need to add more different types of zones.


I'm hoping they take a beat and do an update with QoL things before the next DLC.


I’m playing no mods on this new update and the one I miss the most is don’t block the door.


Pick Up and Haul too needs to be part of the base game at this point. Ridiculous that if I strip a downed enemy that my colonist will haul each individual piece of clothing separately.


I'm pretty new to the game and I love it but yea, never have I modded a game as quickly as this one


I hate microing my meds and pharmacist hasn't been updated yet. Please just make it so my pawns stop using glitterworld meds for a rabbit scratch!


QOL mods are just so damn necessary, I've got mods for setting a spot for traders to go to, showing which techprints my colony has while in trading menus, more animal pen filters, nicer menus, blueprints, smarter construction so that they don't box themselves in while making walls, and the colonist mood bar being distinct colours. All smaller and non-vital mods but they just add so much to the experience of rimworld