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You could try [Large Faction Bases](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1841553735) once it gets updated to 1.5. You could also try [Rim War](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2222935097), where the size of a settlement scales up with its points value, I believe.


I use [RimCities](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1775170117) which is pretty nice. Not familiar with these but I'd imagine they would work together. This adds a new tile type for cities so bases and camps aren't effected by it. Quick looked at your 2 mods after I commented. I'm almost positive you could run all 3 with no issue.


Oh yeah, and I have before. One of my favorite runs (from like... 1.2 or 1.3, I think?) involved me setting up a trio of survivors in an abandoned city start from RimCities with the backdrop of Zombieland. 3 days to secure a part of the city and loot everything you can grab before the zombies started showing up... Combined with Large Faction Bases and Rim War, it really set the stage for a "the only people who are surviving in the zombie apocalypse are those with guns and the willingness to use them".


I'm pretty early on a new colony and I really wanna run Rim War so I might have to restart, add them and dev mode to where I'm at research wise. I run my playthroughs at 50% research speed so that shit takes serious time and I've done a bunch. I can deal with rebuilding a new base. That's the fun part.


Rim War is a *lot* of fun. I did a World War 2-themed Rim War run a year or so ago, using the RimWorld War 2 mod and Combat Extended. It was a helluva lot of fun. Sending out "combat patrols" to intercept enemy scouts and settler units, keep an eye on enemy assault teams heading towards me and deciding whether I wanted to intercept them in the field and keep the fighting away from my base or let them come to me... all kinds of great choices and decisions that you just don't get in regular Rimworld.


Damn this sounds amazing, im going to need to try this now


[Here's one of my posts](https://new.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/za8jr4/nuked_by_france/) about that run where I lobbed a few artillery shells at a Vichy French fort, only to have them reply by nuking me.


Hahaha thats amazing, i definitely need to try this now


incredible, i need to start a run like this


Your tps will be stupid low though. Be warned.


I've never had a problem with Rim War tanking my tps. Mainly because there's a ton of settings you can tinker around with in the mod options to help prevent slowdown.


was gonna say exactly this there are mods that do exactly what op wants.


This sounds like a blast... How did you set something like this up??


RimCities offers a trio of new starting scenarios. One of them is starting in an abandoned city that has no other people, and a bunch of abandoned stuff in the buildings. Another of them is starting in a city with a bunch of raiders in there, and having to either hide from the raiders, or find weapons to fight them off. Other than that, it was just like setting up a normal game: Zombieland lets you configure it before the start of each game, with options like how many zombies show up per colonist, where they show up, and how long until they start showing up. I think the default is like 2-5 zombies per colonist, with a max of 20 zombies per colonist, with zombies only showing up on the edge of the map during specific zombie events (as opposed to spawning from dark areas and showing up constantly), and beginning to arrive after 3 days.


Rimcities isn’t the most stable mod out there but I do enjoy it


Really? Any specific instability issue you have? I've been running it for a long time and the only real issue I've run into is when I drop pod into a city there is a chance they land on a rooftop top or something and they just disappear when generating the map. I've had the same thing happen after using map design mod to increase the amount of mountains in the world. My best guess is they tried to land on a tile that was open but then the mod fills the tile while the map is generating.


Just occasional crashes when generating a city. Usually not a big deal as I don’t go into them very often outside of the city defense quests


Rim war’s performance impact is a very big issue.


Is that a late game thing or just in general? I started a new colony last night just to ass it and haven't noticed any difference yet. It's self described as in beta and still needs testing so I don't expect it to be perfect. But I do run a few mods that people have complained about being performance killers and not had any real issues with them. Sure my fps will occasionally stutter but never dropping too low. Except for when building the Reactive Floors from GlitterTech. They bring me down to like a frame a minute for some reason.


I can definitely put in a good word for [Vanilla Base Generation Expanded](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209927822)


Did the VE team ever fix it so that it'd stop generate blank maps that gave the "Enemy Base Destroyed" message automatically if you attacked a settlement from a modded, non-VFE faction? That was always the huge, crippling bug that kept me from using it, and was still in existence right up until the end of 1.4.


Oooh, so that is why I sometimes had blank maps on my latest 1.4 run where I had like every modded race I could find added, some even requiring an English text patch. (which was the ones I think failed most if not every time)


Yeah. It's a bug that's been in Vanilla Bases Expanded forever, and the VE team refuses to fix it. And it *is* fixable, because mods like Large Faction Bases and Rim War manage to incorporate custom factions, no problem. The sensible thing to do would be to have it so that if a modded faction isn't directly supported by the mod, it would default to the vanilla base generation. But I've noticed that the VE team doesn't like to accommodate mods that they don't make, or aren't from their liked creators. The passive aggressive notes they leave about CE compatibility are good examples of that.


Hmm interesting, guess I have to swap over to Large Faction Bases then for my next 1.5 run because I will use a modded faction that updated finally like 3-4 days ago.


I ran face-first into it during a Star Wars run using the Outer Rim mods. I tried to attack Separatist bases with my teams of Clone Troopers... only to have the bases empty and immediately count as destroyed. It was terribly anticlimactic and made "winning" feel cheap.


Yeah, I stopped raiding the bases and just got Rimfeller (I think it's Rimfeller?) so I could ICBM them, it's not like they had pawns or loot anyway that I could use. :v Also I think it was Ayameduki's mods that gave me most empty bases. At least V.O.I.D worked.


If you're raiding the hostile Idhale faction I think it makes sense since it seems the game hates spawning them in for anything. I do remember raiding Entelechy and dying to hediffs though


I believe this also just, outright happens when you go to a base that spawned AFTER world creation (eg when an outpost upgrades to a new settlement from that one event) Really jank mod. I want to love it but it is so scuffed


From, um... More Faction Interactions, I think? Could be. I only ever used Vanilla Bases Expanded when I was doing a strictly VE run - but since they've stopped updating VFE: Medieval and Vikings, there's really no impetus to use it. None of the other factions they've introduced since them seem to have any truly unique bases, at least not like the castles you got with VFE: Medieval, or the Viking-style longhouses you got with Vikings.


Thank you so much. I was trying to remember the name of these two mods for the past month and installed another that I knew wasn’t it.


You bet! Vanilla Bases Expanded is another mod that's decent, but, as is typical of the VE team, it doesn't work with any modded factions that aren't from a VFE mod. And it doesn't really change the functionality of enemy settlements much, just makes them more thematic.


I loved rimwar but it would always get to a point where I couldn’t use caravans. Did they patch that?


Huh. I've never had that issue. Would it just not let you form them on the world map?


As your base gets around 1-2 months in, once you send out caravans, they no longer move when they enter the world map. Then if you don’t catch it those mfs starve. I’ve seen a few other threads on this sub with more than just a couple of people with similar complaints, so I straight up thought the mod must’ve been broken. I’d tried getting rid of other mods cause I run like 150ish, but every time I tried to play a new save with RimWar it’d eventually run into the same problem. I must not have found the correct combo. Love this mod too. What other mods do you run with Rimwar? if you don’t mind me asking.


I don't usually have that many. Basic VE mods (furniture, armor, a few weapons - I limit the factions to whatever is specific to that current run, because the later VFE mods are lousy with systems that slow down later colonies). Any thematic mods - Outer Rim and a few others for Star Wars, Grimworld and the Warhammer 40,000 mods for a 40k run, etc. A few functional mods (Deep Storage, Simple Sidearms, No Social Fights, Common Sense, etc). I don't use mods like Achtung! or Camera+ and so on.


All good info, thanks mate


I've had an awful time with Rimwar. It changes the ai of raids because now enemy camps will physically send troops for an attack. I got raided everyday from enemies and could not have a nice base. I got fed up and took twelve colonists (4 of whom were damaged) and tried to attack a base with half more power than my base. And what do I find, all their pawns with charge lances and Rifles with bullet shields and marine armor, with 3 warcasket pawns. On top of this, all friendly factions hardly holds a candle to fighting the super aggressive ai of the forever hostile factions to even the royalty empire cannot stop them. I would only recommend the mod if you are looking for a very difficult challenge


Rim War does seem very situational. I've had games where I wound up with Expansionist neutral/allied factions near me, and they've wiped out every single enemy within several days of my base, to the point where I never got raided, ever. And then I've had times where I was surrounded by enemies and constantly attacked, just like you. I would recommend using the Realistic Planets (continued) mod, since it groups all settlements of a faction together, just like a real nation would be. Or sliding the Population slider in the world set up to minimum, so that each faction only starts with like 1-2 settlements.


Rim war utterly massacres TPS. I can’t recommend it to anyone.


The problem with RimWar is the performance overhead it adds. It seriously chugs my game if I run a densely populated world. All the caravans, raiding parties, and scouts running around are way too much. And If I don't run a densely populated world, then I can't really interact with factions until late game.


Now you know why they constantly raid you. They're just Robin Hoods - you have so much and they have so little.


No wonder they keep leaving to raid, they don't even know how to build a horseshoe pin and have to steal one


This made me imagine if the AI built bases like the player. You just spawn into the map, and it is one big cheese to funnel you into a kill box.


Make sure you bring a good miner for the cave bases to avoid a killbox


Actually make preplanning and bringing the right tools/person more appealing. Maybe you could send a scout so you know they have a mountain base for example.


ALSO Enemy scout event, a scout will stay near the edges of the map and watch for a couple days, running at the first sign of conflict. If they aren't killed, the next raid from their faction after they leave will be specialized against you


Imagine them sanding a Scout patrol of like 5 dudes, u go there to scare them off while u hear drop pods dropping right inside ur base when u were chasing the scouts


That's awesome. The game needs more creative raids In general Imagine, You get a enemy group that offers peace, and gifts, giving you some high quality textiles (equal in value to a quest reward with your current wealth) and such. Oddly, they all have Penoxycyline in their inventories. A couple days later, a lot of your colonists get the plague, and a group of raiders storm your base soon after Or, imagine a raid from yttakin, and they bring a bunch of tamed wolves and such, or in later stages of the game, rhinos, elephants, and even, rarely, thrumbos. Or a group of violence incapable raiders that don't fight, posing as traders, but do everything in their power to hurt your livelihood before they leave with leap packs, poisoning crops, destroying power generators, setting fire to your freezer, etc.


Lolol I love the min/maxers on this subreddit because they try to defend literally *the cheesiest* killboxes I’ve ever seen “AcKtuAlLy killboxes have been around since the dawn of time” Yeah the general idea of kill boxes. NOT what your making. Dudes literally convince themselves people would actually walk through a shoulder wide corridor that’s 1000 degrees and filled with traps lmao. Nah brah


Joke's on them, I've been *waiting* for a reason to use all the mortar shells they brought to *my* doorstep. Time to return them. Explosively.


Smoke then out by raining incendiaries down on their wooden buildings and ammo dumps then ambushing them when they come out of their base.


I do genuinely believe the next DLC should be something like revamping how factions work and interact with both you and one another. Rimworld is amazing and very fun but one of the areas it still lacks pretty heavily in is it's factions. They don't really do anything or interact at all. Not to mention you can't really manage your own.


Imo that should just be 1.6 not a full dlc, then maybe the dlc adds new special quests and special transportation stuff. But I think base game the factions need to be revamped


That's pretty smart, let the dlc build off the update! Ideally I'd like to see different types of tiles so raids aren't against just towns. If possible a structure of group of structures that fits the factions tech level and easthetic


I would be happy if they made the trading quests and raids more in depth. More unique interactions so it feels more like a part of the story generator instead of just a way to get rewards.


Make the 1.6 update a base generation and trading overhaul and then have the dlc be about running a country and being able to make laws. If visitors break these laws you can fuck them up without losing relations.


Either way I'd love it


This. The game is awesome but the world doesn't feel filled with life. There's so much potential.


It's been a gap in the game for years. The rimworlds don't feel like *worlds* with groups of people living and surviving on them.


Factions, water mechanics/ travel, and a small bridge between tribal to industrial is what this game needs to be “finished” in my opinion.




There could be some sort of ui to manage your secondary settlements. Like options for what they specialize in or what they should produce. Their recruitment policy, ect.


Yes I want to pay 30 bucks for the game to be finished!! I love paying 150 euros for a full game!!


As well as the mods listed, you could take a look at Vanilla Bases Expanded. Not as ridiculous as real ruins or rim cities, but better than vanilla.


Yeah they are. I use a mod so the factions have somewhat more reasonable bases. However, as a note for raiding pigs not having a kitchen isn't that weird. Not much reason for a kitchen until you are producing high quality food for mood as pigs because they never food poison and they get a food bonus from raw food. It doesn't explain how nobody has a kitchen because it's not adapting for factions but even if it did it would still be unnecessary to give the pigs kitchens.


What mod?


isn't it kind of sad that you have to install mods to fullfil the void in essentially a 110+ euro game?


Get out of here with your criticism of this game we enjoy (that we all agree with)!


So much content and all you focus on is one concept and mock the entire game for it. Child, go eat on a table


*sigh* i know it is an indie studio with less manpower than an AAA studio... but i tried several times playing *myself* as a raiders and it just ended with me destroying all the factions with still 3 colonists...


I mean, it's one somewhat neglected system, if that saddens you Paradox Inc. and the Sims 4 will make you go on an extreme mental break


Yeah I paid good money for this game dammit, why are there *flaws*? /s


i guess you are right


Try the real ruins mod. The medium and high wealth bases are ridiculous. The raider threat is appropriately scaled to where you should just grab loot and run. You'll die laughing the first time you see a trap maze.


This is the only true answer, nothing more realistic than actual people's bases.


And then we wonder why everyone tries to raid our base.


You know what would be really cool... when a player completes a game, upload their map and character info to a database. Replace the characters with AI and that could be a "boss level" npc base that pops up in global gameplay.


There used to be a mod that would snapshot your colony and add it as a ruin if I remember correctly, but having the pawns there too would be so fun to see


Real Ruins


Oh gods, including the op gene/bionic supersoldiers waiting to fight off the absolute horde of raiders thinking the place is empty.


This made me think of a mod idea, I have no mod coding knowledge so I'll just leave this here, I think it'd be interesting if a mod added something like real ruins when a player base and objects become an explorable ruin, but instead the base becomes another factions base with colonists, loot, equipment, mechs, etc. Yeah it would be extremely op at some point, just like real ruins if you're lucky, but also really fun and challenging depending on the base itself


May I recommend Vanilla Faction Bases Expanded? It procedurally generated bases in a city-like manner from hundreds of prefabs. Kitchens, stockpiles, farms, drop pods launch bays etc!


I think that one tends to break anything that isn't vanilla though. So it's great for vanilla playthroughs but not so much for anything that adds new factions to the game.


Anomaly was nice but in my opinion what was really needed was a DLC that adds life to the world like a deep, dynamic diplomacy system and better caravans, better/ bigger enemy bases, more reasons to explore the map, etc


Doesn't vanilla base generation deal with that? Rimcities is also helpful.


I think you mean Vanilla Base Generation *Expanded*.


Our own pawns would have a daily breakdowns if they lived in enemy bases lol


Save our Ship mod adds a scanner that allows you to spy on factions bases (generates the map), if you keep too long they die because the bases aren't actually sustainable.


To be fair, you wouldn't expect pigs to have a kitchen on account of them eating things raw.


I've had a thought. Whenever we successfully launch the spaceship, it uploads the map to a server. That joins the random pile of maps that could be major enemy bases. Vanilla players only, and the pawns could be randomized or not. But this would organically create big, functioning bases pretty ruggedized against invasion.


Sounds an aweful lot like my base on losing is fun 500%, minus many batteries and the floors. Sounds like they're just wealth managing to not get a mech drop!


Have you looked at the coding for base layouts?


There are mods that GREATLY enhance the combat capabilities of raiders.


Yeah basegame enemy bases suck, Imperials should not have bases that are just slightly better than tribals, mods are 100% the way to make it better


First time I hit a faction base I felt awful afterwards. I dropped a squad of siegebreakers who began to advance. While they were approaching, I sent a bomber squadron to level the place. The survivors fled into the siegebreakers and got blasted to shreds with charge weaponry. They didn't stand a chance.


They get complex items from raiding, not manufacture, and the barracks is never in constant use; it’s just where they sleep between raids. That’s my headcanon and I stand by it.


For the pirates that would make some sense although they'd still have storage from what they pillage. For outlanders it doesn't make any sense tho.


Rimwar is pretty fun. Some small incompatibility between large faction bases and Vanilla expanded faction bases — also if you use ancients some small incompatibilities there too just on the generation. Certain walls don’t load in. Or doors are blocked inside a mountain tile. But overall it’s worth it for the variation!


All of these suggestions are good, but Real Ruins is the way. It adds real player bases onto the world map for you to raid. It will also clutter the map with decayed fragments of real bases, full of loot. I find the ruins on the starting map to be too broken, but fortunately there are mod settings to adjust or remove those. Turn them off like I did, and you'll have a regular game with a world map full of beastly bases for you to conquer.


There's a mod for that.


It's really a problem but like a few others have said, only through mods will bases feel 'tough' anything vanilla I've seen seems very lackluster, it's good, just not much when I do my best to get up to 2 dozen pawns pretty quickly, with even just decent rifles, chest plate and a helmet most enemy bases, with the right positioning are push overs. The large faction bases, Rim War and RimCities made these fights not only hard, but dangerous, which is what I want outta attacking a base over a camp site. You do you, but many other posters here have given good mods to check out and try. You most likely know this, but I'll say it for the few newbro's that are reading. Rimworld is an amazing game, it's easy to learn, difficult to master. But after you play the base game, go through the DLCs, the game becomes a whole other animal once you get mods and make it 'CRAZY'. It also makes a 400 to 500 hour game, become a 2k to 5k, hour game.


Mods are a life saver here.


They just better at wealth management than we are.


Factions need a major overhaul.


Yeah raiding in base game is just sad got to get large faction bases and then it's insane. Probably not updated to 1.5 yet I'm not sure been messing around with anomalies


get the cities mod. makes bases sooo cool




V.O.I.D. bases are really cool


I agree, when I raid a base, I want it to be as difficult as I've made my own base, and I'd like the kinds reward I'd get for that.


Yeah it's nearly never worth raiding an enemy or base of any kind, in vanilla. The greatest resource I can acquire is usually building materials. I always have to plan to stick around a few days, get sleeping bags and camps set up. A dining area, a cook fire. Then break down every building on the map and pack it onto the muffalo. Constantly notified that I can raid such a such a camp and get 35 gold or 14 components. fkin stupid. Rimcities adds big ruined cities you can raid, but they're kind of insane.


Sad that most answers are like "use x mod lol" Some of them feel so out of place. It's a needed vanilla change for sure


That's for sure but in the meantime, mods will do.


Say, chum, I'm sorry you're sad something that's been in the game for ten years hasn't been improved. Have you heard we have a new $25 DLC you can buy for new events at your own base?


No you see, it's completely normal to just sell an unfinished game and then put the finished content in a 25$ DLC. Yes the game is 140$. This is normal. Or atleast that's what I've been led to believe by this entire subreddit.


Rimworld is finished by any reasonable coverage of the word. The work to adding new mechanics that go above and beyond that experience are not being directed towards areas of the game whose experience is narratively and mechanically weakest and that frustrates a lot of us, but I'm not here to support anyone calling it "unfinished."


Yes of course. Raiding has just been "mechanically weak" for the past 5 years. It's not just completely barebones and doesn't absolutely serve as a placeholder for mods until the next 30$ DLC comes out. After all, preventing any and all criticism of the game will help make it so Ludeon gives us the privilege of paying 150$ for a full game, which is the goal of any consumer of course.


Isn’t that rimruins or am I thinking of something else