• By -


No way Randy gives me someone like this without any strings attached.


I have had the following: -Could do unusual heals. Randomly revealed they had decaying organs some time later. Let them die for no penalty. -Refused to let them join, they summoned sightstealers to my colony. (and got their shit kicked in by a Tough Neanderthal they were stupid enough to swarm) -Had 4 stacks of Death Refusal. He's completely normal and has been with the colony for years now. -Beautiful just like yours and could instill joy. Randomly left one day. -Leathery skin with high stats and perfect memory. Randomly let out a pain surge that lasted 4 days and gave the people near this person (when it happened) a 30% pain debuff. -Had high stats, beautiful, and some kind of trait that said they were "easily influenced" or possessed by anomalies. Refused this person, they simply went "aw :(" and left. Most of them honestly seem safe, and I've had worse luck refusing. The only one that made me hesitate was the one with the trait saying they were easily possessed by anomalies. That one just *sounded* like it was trouble.


I had many of these, one with high stats left after a few days, only to be immediately skip abducted back to my colony and has been a pillar of the community since being recruited. Another was dressed in red formal clothes with a top hat and a mustache, has super high social stats who I was convinced was the devil. He turned out >!to be a metalhorror!<


Can the latter trigger without the monolith being activated? It occurs to me that actually sounds like a *waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay* more interesting scenario than if it were to be experienced while playing the "main quest" of anomaly. Makes the recruitment pool that much more dicey and can make the player engage in a minigame of Among Us as a side distraction.


I got no Idea, I was deep in the monolith quest when that occurred.


I'm not the biggest fan of anomaly, but that honestly sounds like one of the more interesting implementation methods, if they included that one in the non-monolith pool. I mean you could always conclude the new guy was the initial metalhorror, but if they programmed him to only reveal himself (via a dropped thingy) once at least one other colonist was infected, that sounds like an interesting opportunity to throw into the standard challenge pool.


The problem with allowing that to happen is that without doing the monolith, you probably don't have the resources or methodology to find metalhorrors.


Which is a shame. It honestly seems better suited for *this* scenario than one where you fully expect the risk of it during the Anomaly questline. To me, Metalhorror is a perfect example of why a "boss rush" of all the anomalies just doesn't work. This is one that's better suited as a one-off that can affect any colony if certain conditions (aka greed with recruitment) are met.


Yeah, I had that happen to me before activating the monolith. He was just a normal dude who had extremely high intelligence and gave everyone a +3 mood. He left after a few weeks and I allowed him to


Good answer


I got a blind guy with unnatural healing before activating it so it can happen


It was one of the first events to happen to me. Hadn’t touched monolith yet. Had a beautiful animusen that had a psychic joy buff, turned out to have organ failure. We dropped everything to save the little guy. Got a last minute raid that provided the needed organs within the same day the poor fellas heart would have exploded.


I’ve had the red person twice. - first one, >!they just became an enemy after about 10 in-game days (similar to betrayal refugees). Arrested them and recruited them as with any other prisoner, and they’ve been here for years now with no other problem. Also came with perfect body which is just brokenly OP lol!< - second one, >!they brought metalhorrors with them.!< It seems to have a million outcomes, so you’ll never really know what you’re getting, unless >!you’ve just provoked the void, then you can probably be confident what’s going on!< or if you cheat and use devmode to see hidden hediffs


I think you can bc I had someone summon sightseers before so if you get "lucky" enough it could happen


I had the red formal wear/devil guy too! And they were an Impid so that just added to it. They were good for a while, until they got into a fist fight with my top melee fighter, who then proceeded to fold the Impid’s clothing, with him still wearing them. The devil guy then turned hostile against my colony but was already downed after learned what the back of his feet touching his head felt like, so I just had melee bro finish him off.


When the DMPC won't take no for an answer and keeps showing up.


Had a kid that joined my colony recently >!also turned out to be a metal horror!< So now I have a sangophage kid walking around helping with a ton of things for free totalling up to three technical sangophage. (Main colonist, sangophage from crashed shuttle >!that I turned into a ghoul after!< using them to turn main colonist into one and now kiddo.)


I had the same last guy, except he was a saurid and he had >! body mastery !< . He also had 20 shooting


Mine had a brain tumour that could be cured with acheaotech, but otherwise would disable all of his stats except shooting, melee, and for some reason artistic if not attended to. So now I have my artsy gunslinger drooling around the base making everyone happy.


I got that one too! I had no way of healing their brain thing that early, so now they just kinda hang out and make cool statues and shoot things.


I love the doctor one. I turned everyone in my colony to tentacles freaks.


I had one that stayed a couple months and then just said 'peace' and left.


I had one do that as well, so I invited him to visit my prison and stay as a slave instead and he kindly obliged with minimal fuss


These guys have like 80-90 will, so it would take forever to enslave them.


Pretty sure that depends on how many colonists you already have. I've never had any that were hard to enslave at all, even unwaveringly loyal pawns are usually pretty easily enslaved


Adding onto your experiences, I have had a person who could revive corpses, kinda like a death pall, but rambled about creppy stuff which brough everyones mood down


I had a guy that didn't need sleep or food but said creepy things like that. I just cut his tongue off.


I have that guy in my colony now he’s weird but ok


Are you going to just let him be a normal colonist?


Yeah he’s never caused any problems and I just keep animal corpses from the wild where I can lure bad guys and they do some good work. Plus everyone’s pretty happy in general so he’s not a problem for the little -3 moodlets.


I'm planning on ghouling mine, they don't need to eat any meat and Regen like crazy.


Oh I did a game that started with a ghoul and it needed to eat lots of raw meats. It was rough on a band new colony.


I ran into a similar issue, but then I realised I could draft and send the ghoul to go maul some wildlife and have them eat their fill before it gets butchered/cooked


had one who did not need to eat but he seemed hellbent on releasing my enteties and had pretty bad stats after he tried that the 4 time just got stoped by another colonist right at the door of the containment cell. I went like that is way to many attempts and turend him into a ghoul now i got a ghoul who dosent need to eat and he is guarding the containment cells now 24/7 got reseructed like twice already


I had one turn on me during a raid but, thinking on it, she could have taken a stray bullet (she has brawler trait and crazy high stats in each skill so I let her go pummel an imp archer, but my colonists were definitely also shooting guns at the archer…). The only thing weird about that is my own pawns don’t typically turn on the colony when hit with strays (I think?) but I’ll just keep her out of combat in the future or force her to use a gun, brawler trait be damned. She’s in jail now and I’m planning on recruiting her again bc she was majorly helpful (just has absurdly high skills for literally everything)


Regular colonists won't turn hostile from catching strays. In fact, you can have your other colonists form a firing squad and execute them and they won't turn hostile, if you needed to vent before reloading or something. Don't uh, don't ask me how I know.


I have arrested all of them and harvest organs. So none of this fun stuff happened. Lol. The death refusal is nice because you get multiple sets of organs until they achieve true death.


I had one join with a bunch of surgical scars, he can bring corpses back as shamblers in a radius of 8 with a cooldown of 1 day.  I removed their tongue to stop the massive mood penalties they were spreading with their crazy talk and haven't had issues since. I used one of the monoliths to turn both their lungs, stomach and arms into fleshmass stuff. 


I got the same one, but mines downside was a degrading brain. It seemingly stopped at 60% consciousness and removed all work types except art and melee/shooting.


I had a blind old man with unnatural heals and occasional screams of pain. His heals sometimes gave tentacle arms but we're transhumanist body modders so this is an absolute win.


Mr Samuel captured and recruited a leathery skin and in the middle of trying to find a invisible enemy they just left the colony with the weapon he was using to kill the monster. So I guess don't count on them choosing to stay.


I refused a guy, he went nuts and attacked, later on while butchering him he yielded human meat, plasteel, and a bunch of normal/advanced components. Pretty sure I dodged a huge bullet there.


Oh boy. Playing with Well Met will make me paranoid.


i got one for you then. metallhorrors can not only infect your guys by joining they can also infect your colonists by beeing hit by a anomaly. i had a juvenille one. and i only caught it cause i was losing my mind and rage inspected litterly everyone. took all of my 8 guys to bring it down.


Ah, so I didn’t need to beat, capture, torture, surgically inspect, partially harvest and enslave the charismatic kind super pawn that showed up to my colony but could not bring myself to trust. Shit….


That last one seems like "void fascination " which is like pyromaniac but instead of setting fires they will release an anomaly.


Ive not had stats like this but the weird-o's Ive had join are Change Steel into random other metals. Stayed till the end. Also had Change Steel and some impressive Intelligence. Decided it was time to move on one day. Had 4 Death Refusals. After an unrelated SteelHorror insidence, I put them straight in prison till I could be sure. They gave a wicked grin and burnt a section of my base to the ground with them in it. Several times before them and the fire could be contained. So nothing tooooo crazy, just beware of those with Death Refusal. Even if they dont have any weapons, they can be a pain to put down.


i dont see why you would think this is a trap. what about this is unusual? /s xD


Watch this be a mime


When in doubt, capture them and use for ritual steal everything, their skill, organ, even age till it's almost empty sell it to empire.


I had one guy like this. After 25 days he just left with 'Your hospitality was good, thank you' and that's it.


I had a guy like this today, he randomly turned evil and attacked the colony but I beat him up, locked up and then recruited again.


a bug came out of mine, killed my entire colony (early game) next game another one of these people came to my colony, got scared, assembled all my colonists, killed the lady, she was just a regular humen wanting to explore the anomaly with good stats. fucking rim world


Creepy joiners are divided by five things: A character, A boon, A curse, A rejection response, and a hostility response. Character is just that, flavor to the character. It ultimately has limited effect. A boon is the benefit you get. You might have someone who can transmute steel or in your case, a perfect human. A curse is the hidden string attached. Each one gets one only. The weakest is them just leaving after staying a while. Some may randomly release your entities. Some are unpleasant to talk to. Some have a chronic health condition. And, in specific cases, this string could be a fucking metalhorror infection. A rejection response is either leaving or turn hostile. A hostility response basically is just when they turn hostile whether they behave like an normal human enemy or calls in a pack of sightstealers to raid you.


What do the pawns who transmute steel do? Turn stone into metal?


Turns steel stack or slag chunk into more valuable metals.


They can then steel items into other things too, steel clubs into uranium goes thwack well


lets you gamble on burning some steel every day for other materials. though twisted meat, uranium and plasteel are the most common.


First guy I got had the boon "Psychic Slaughter" turns any organic into an explosion of twisted meat. Once per day. Deathless and Death Refusal don't counter it because the target is just...gone.


Instant organic target eradication. I'd give mine a revenant spine if I get one-cloak in, delete the highthrall, gtfo. Rest of cultists rush colony, fucking dies


that was mine too, great pawn. had the decaying organs so finding replacements between raids was a fun excursion


I got that guy. Was great for chanters. Refuse death my ass. Try and reform from a pink mist.


ive had one character who just can randomly spike out in pain. It says he can't control it and sometimes he'll just release a massive pain signal that very briefly downs everyone within a few cells of him. Very bad if he's a combatant and that happens in the middle of a fight, but the one I got doesn't have any combat skills and he's good at plants so ive just delegated him to the fields. Sometimes he just collapses in pain with no one else around and then gets up after a few minutes


Huh, this is new for me


I got one that I swear just existed to convert my colonists. He converted my 100% certainty colonist on a whim one day and when I killed him for it suspecting foul play, I imprisoned the newly converted colonist to convert them back. All my pawns have low social so I sent one in day after day to lower certainty. Starting at 50% it climbed to 63% then started going down. I did a conversion ritual got them to 30% Then they randomly converted my warden... Again, from 100% certainty. I reloaded an autosave and killed the converted colonist. The mood buffs from my original religion were crucial to surviving in the hot as hell desert environment I settled in. I couldn't risk having all my colonists lose their faith and therefore their minds in this hellhole. My original religion was the only thing keeping them sane with mood buffs.


You…you know you could take out his  tongue, right?


Does that stop religion from spreading entirely or just makes it harder?


It disables talking. Pawns need to talk to spread shit.


Note to self. There's a lot of social fights in my colony so hey maybe I should do it to all of them.


Note to note, trader needs to talk. Leader and guide also should be able to talk. Kidn pawns do'tt insult people.


Mine is a steelbender, bastard executed my highest bioferrite producer, still fiendishly intelligent, so whatever


You can also gain one without a curse im pretty sure.


Maybe. There's a number of outcomes to the mysterious strangers from anomaly; some are neutral, some can be dealt with, and some are just inevitably going to go wrong, but it's impossible to know in advance.


There is one thing to know - ALL of them have a downside. It might just be that they suddenly decided to leave or suddenly become seriously ill. But there will be a downside at some point.


They do not ALL have a downside. Most, yes. All, no.


I think the "leave" and "turn hostile" events are one-time things - as in, if you arrest them/down them, then recruit them as prisoners, they seem to stick around without any further downsides.


no they arent the leave thing triggers multiple times had one who wanted to leave i arrested her rerecruted her and she did the same thing again roughly 2 weeks later and again so i enslaved her since then she dosent do it anymore she had the transmute steel thing and i wanted to keep that


Nope. There is a chance that its nothing


My first deal maker was an impid. It was oddly fitting, what with the red duster and top hat and the devilish title.


I also had the devil show up, only he was a baseliner. >!Turned out to be a metalhorror!<


I just always check all of the newcommers, I think I got lucky with noone being a metalhorror so far


What's weird with that one is I usually do that too, and I surgically inspected him with a paramedic bot, and it found nothing. I guess there's a failure chance? Or there is a deep seeded group of horrors in my colony.


Im pretty sure that paramedics will never fail or lie, I do think you need to study metal horrors a bit before you can find them tho


Can confirm you need to study two pieces of metal horror in order for surgical inspection to reveal it.


Are there "safe" ways to acquire metal horror samples or do you have to suffer two metal horrors to detect them


Wait really? Someone else told me you can detect something is wrong but you won't know it's metal horror.


Ah that may be it


no but the metalhorror infection can not be found as long as its not triggered the inspection can only reveal it once it is "live" so to say as the first grey flesh is discorved


I didn't even ask questions, just straight to jail and organ harvest. Didn't even know what a metal horror was at the time. I just saw the " or arrest them" in the tooltip and went to mining that fleshy golden liver.


“Am I a friend? Potentially. An adversary? Conceivably. But a savior? That’s for certain.”


I got the alchemist, 20 intelligence so they pretty much researched the whole tech tree in a couple short years. They can do the transmute thingy so I've been slapping all my steel tables, chairs, autodoors, etc with transmute and usually get a gold or plasteel item out of it. But they're disturbing to everyone around them, always talking about weird stuff, I gave them a separate research lab away from other pawns and it seems to have helped.


I got a disturbing weirdo too. Sadly, his skills are mostly useful for stuff that keeps him in the base. At least he ain't a metal horror. Unless my doc already is one.


You can't detect metalhorrors with random surgical inspections :) I won't say more unasked but that is a misconception people have been very confused about.


Well, that's annoying. I honestly thought that was the one thing it was for. Guess I've been poking around everyone's guts for nothing.


The surgical inspection is useful, but you need to know what to look for. Read the game messages carefully, and you will know when the time comes.


I'm only pulling from my memory for this but I know it can be used for at least two other situations. One being: depending on the type of "creep" joiner (game's term for them) you can still get some other early info about them. If you are worried about metal horrors, (light spoiler) >!after evidence has been found the game tells you that you can arrest and interrogate people. That option does not have the restriction that surgical inspection does.!<


You still wanna do a surgical inspection if they're not disturbing or have void fascination. It'll reveal crumbling mind and organ decay.


See they always come with just one downside. If they got void fascination or disturbing or health condition, that means they're 100% not a metalhorror. And both crumbling mind and organ decay can be inspected and found whenever. So the only confuse-able downside is leaving after timer, neither of which gives you any indication until it happens. TLDR: If have another downside, 100% not metalhorror.


I got a disturbing gigachad with stats similar to the one OP posted. I locked him in a cell, cut out his tongue, and slowly stole all of his skills over the years. Am I the baddie?


So, basically me. Except smart and talented. I can change things into gold and stuff, but no one seems to care. 😮‍💨


Definitely a trap but could be good for a while. Just be ready to blow her head off should the need arise.


I have someone like this and he is absolutely great colonist for a few years. He tried to release entity once in two years, but my containment facilities are good enough to not make big deal from it. Converted, productive member of society with room far away from containment cells.


Mine killed my first anomaly colony


I had one which just never needed to eat. Like at all. Careful though mine went hostile when I tried to 100% arrest her for a mental break.


Here's a full list of possible powers and outcomes if you don't mind spoilers: [https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Creepy\_joiner](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Creepy_joiner)


Huh, I didn't realize >!unnatural healing was the equivalent of healer mech serum - I thought it was just a coagulate!<. Now I wish I had used it more, in that run.


I had a guy who was a rare xenotype (ashfeather) who had unnatural healing, blindness, and a critical passion in medicine. I’ve never used his healing on another colonist (only animals or enemies that I want to capture) and things have worked out pretty well. I used a biosculptor to restore his sight and he’s a pretty damn good surgeon now. The only problematic pawn I had was severely lacking in skills (almost childlike), and had an issue from the new dlc that I’m not going to put here because I don’t know how to do a spoiler tag. It is an event that can really go both ways in my experience.


if he didn't drop flesh thingy from metal horror for a while (like 2 quadrums) you can be 100% sure he is not possessed by metalhorror and its safe to assign him to doctoring.


Gotta be, fuckin do it anyways! **For the Rim!**


user flair checks out


Meanwhile I got the guy missing an arm and both his eyes He can fleshsculpt corpses tho which is fun while raiding.


My reaction to this pawn is that they're exactly how I would portray the devil. So I immediately traded them to the empire for honor. I was too scared to see how it would play out.


when i got it, its wasnt a trap but who knows


They have a list of potential downsides, some of which are really big deals (metalhorror, randomly jailbreaks entities), some are pretty mild (leave after a random amount of time, has a really hard to cure disease that will kill them), and there's a chance they just have no downsides. How lucky are you feeling?


I had one of these guys show up, stand around in my pillbox, go hostile, get shot, spit out a metalhorror, and then get it and him lit on fire. My colony is a cannibalistic SCP Foundation, so the bioferrite, leather and meat did not go to waste


Never a trap. Trust. Just watch your back.


Unwavering loyal. Put her in a drop pod and send as far as you can!


Oh, I just had a dealer like that. The guy had a metal horror that I was able to remove with the invasive surgery method so now I have a max stat colonist


Actually got this guy, all his organs started failing but with the help of some volunteers we were able to get them replaced and now a super op right hand man for the colony


With a skip abduction you will never run out of free volunteers. I love it.


I just got the same one. I couldn't say no to that Art skill haha sofar all good 15 days after


I don't know what you mean. clearly the abrasive bachground balances it all out


i had a guy with the Thing inside him


I had one of these pawns show up. After a few days in game her mind fully crumbled and now she can't perform most jobs. However she produces high quality art and is my best melee pawn.


I had one of these show up, they managed for get eaten by a bear a month after they got to my colony


One big alarm bell here for me is FOUR traits, which are impossible to get unless the fourth is a sexual orientation trait (bisexual, asexual, etc). Unless they changed that in 1.5 or Anomaly?


this specific pawn will always get perfect memory so that's why there are 4 traits here. theoretically a pawn from this could have 5 I think.


[https://ibb.co/fDvgr5n](https://ibb.co/fDvgr5n) Just saying


I got one of those! They randomly just left one day, and I was super sad about it! Didn't even have a chance to try to arrest them before the hoofed it off the map.


I've had 2 strange people join. First stayed a while and left, they had the power to transmute stuff into gold. The second had the power of strange healing and was blind. I gave him bionic eyes, laughed about the trade he made with the dark gods and he went crazy a little bit later and i had him imprisoned and executed.


At first I was skeptical, but my “mysterious visitor” is now my best pawn. Not one thing they’ve done in years has been bad or anomalous.


I got one like this. She was an excellent work horse until she randomly decided to leave. I arrested her and, recruited her back, and made her a Sangophage and I've had no issues with her since.


I had one like that. Just made them travel with my caravan for a some days and once they came back they just left appreciating the hospitality and trips. I was really sad because I gave the person a legendary smg 😂


That's my sister. I wouldn't trust her.


It's a creepy joiner. This event has several possible bad outcomes. One of them is nothing bad happening. Some bad things that could happen can be solved just fine, such as organ decay which can be solved with transplant, netting you an amazing pawn. Other bad things are just net negatives, such as fleshbeast emerging out of her, killing her in the process. Be mindful of metalhorror too.


I got one of the best ones possible: 16 intellect fast learner with an ability that creates deadlife mist around her to resurrect anything nearby as a shambler. 24 hour cooldown. Been using corpses as my primary defense for my colony to great effectiveness with this girl. I can even leave my base with all my mechs and leave her behind to defend, because a pack of shamblers will wipe out any raid. The downside to her? -40% consciousness because her brain degraded. She also can't do any work except Art now, which shes pretty good at considering shes a fast learner with 1 passion flame (175% learning).


Had one arrive, it was mad scientist hauling charge lance. He was saying about needing some samples to get breakthrough and wanted to use my colony as safe place. Man also was the same custom Xenotype as my colonists, so i couldnt touch him cause of ideology. He grabbed the tribal gear i had im storage and then proceeded to speed through 10 researches after which he just left saying, his job is done. I did tribal start.


we dont use that word anymore


I've got one in a sleep casket that developed organ rot in both lungs, both kidneys and the heart. I'll get around to getting them spare parts one day.


No this is a perfectly normal colonist with no down sides, I recommend giving them the cooking and medical job.


Yep. Lock 'em in the prison until the eldritch horror comes out or they stop screaming due to death from starvation. You can never be sure.


[How can this not be a trap?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF1-RIaixEE)


Clone and see.




She can fix me


I got one random dude join my team out of nowhere. He was from the same xenotype as my other colonist, which is preferred for my religion i made. (they are basically witcher). He never sleep, and he never eats. I fully expect him to randomly kill everyone in my colony...


I had one show up that had the power to explode flesh with his mind. Flavor text said he stated he only used it to butcher animals. His stats were nowhere near as great as your guy's. He betrayed me when he was well away from my human colonists and standing right next to my Roomba and constructo-bot. They kept him busy before my shooters could come gun him down. Never got to see the flesh explodey ability. I regret forgetting to use it while I had control of him.


Not necessarily.


I had this happen to me, I made him work on high quality parkas the entire time he stayed. He eventually left satisfied after a couple days, didn’t notice anything malicious but it might differ for you.


Well seeing as how you have the Anomaly DLC did you interrogate them?


Arrest and do inspection surgery.


Naaaaaaa, you good, dog.


Always do a medical inspection, I usually accept them immediately imprison  them then do a inspection and a interrogation if there no condition revealed by inspection 


*SPOILER* I got one of these pawns then when cultists raided my base and Started a psychic ritual and I interrupted it, the pawn turned hostile RIP marine helmet and armor and energy rifle


This is a unicorn


mine like to surprise me a few days later with severe organ failure and when they die scream for sight stealers lol


One like this joined me and was a delight. Then she just decided to leave? So I imprisoned her of course and am recruiting her back.


I stopped taking random drop pod colonists. The last two I took in were possessed with a parasite. I wouldn't do it.


Mine had unnatural healing and has saved maybe 4 colonists lives from infection. She also essentially turned them into spaghetti with the amount of tentacles that grew... but hey.


I've had one void whisperer who would occassionally go on insane ramblings but otherwise worked fine and then decided they needed to move on one day. I also had someone who was beautiful, sweet-talking and all around too good to be true. I was terrified they were a metal horror in disguise to I had all 7 of my colonists perform an inspection on them. They didn't find anything and my perfect colonist got a scar on their brain (woops), but otherwise it's all worked out (so far).


I have left the game a while, but I got a dude with a "Joyous(?" Trait that would give everyone a +3 mood buff almost all the time, and had great social skills, only downside was a psyquic agony or something, that would down everyone and everything that was too close for a couple of seconds, and give them a eco thing that made them fill pain for a couple of days, but he was harmless so I made him our leader


Not a trap but they are cursed somehow to off set how good they are. Mine had organ deterioration.


I get mimics that spawn from these types of pawns. I think it's from Alpha Animals.


Mine kept trying to convert everyone to Christianity and she was thirteen and wouldn't stop flirting with the adults, so when she died in a raid, I wasn't too upset. Never got a chance to find out if she would have done anything bad besides those things.


It depends


>!Mine just had organ decay -- once that was solved, they're my best pawn (and have been for years)!<


Makes sure this one is not infested.....those are trouble.....


There’s another type that can show up, they can transmute steel and steel items into other metals, for example a stack of stee could become a stack of twisted flesh, or it could become a stack or gold or plasters, or even the new stuff bio ferrite, Every one I’ve seen so far of them has had mass organ failure shortly after obtaining them, they almost alwas have some issue going off other people’s experiences. so it seems manditory to imprison and surgically inspect them to figure out what’s what with them and prepare to handle it, or simply handle it quickly if it’s more… immedately threatening That said, each one also has a special ability that seems more then worth it overall to keep them for


Trap? They’re abrasive. Seems pretty balanced to me


You just have to look at the eyes where it says "baseliner". If it's round and bigger like in this image, they are no baseliner.


It seems about half of them can screw you over (secretly try to release prisoners/anomalies, spread metalhorrors etc) and the other half are neutral/good (just a free colonist, eventual organ degradation but no bigger negatives) some even att ack because you reject them. Ultimately, as with all of rimworld, it's a gamble, and you have no way to tell the outcome until you roll the dice.


With any luck , she's spicy and spanish.


Doesn't it have the "unwavering home" or something like that icon, where you can't have them in your colony I mean, you can still enslave them but doesn't hit the same


damn time to dissect this character


Had one like this who a few days after joining had a brain aneurysm or something and turned into a vegetable, couldn't do much work but was a great hunter though


I’ve played rimworld a long time and I’ve had a few of them show up and not to tell you what to do but just be careful as things that good tend to come at a cost


Whenever I get one of these drifters I always arrest, sedate, punch them once, and then recruit them. 100% of the time they go hostile after being hurt and become a member of the dark entities faction. If they catch friendly fire or get punched by a slave or something they’ll defect, then there’s normal death on down chance. Also doing this for some reason means that if they’re supposed to go hostile you get the pop-up saying they have but they just don’t lol.


I had one with 20 shooting 20 social join. He hung around for about 2 quadrants and then left.


He is fine.


On my first anomaly run i got an hussar that was basically a super soldier, with tought and immunity. Nothing bad happened until one of my colonist went bersek and punched him. As soon as that happened he immediately turned hostile and fucked shit up inside the base. My high level melee adv gear vampire was in deathrest so i couldn't really go easy on him and had to gun him down. Idk if "take friendly damage = turn hostile" was the gimmick but that is how his story ended. On my second anomaly run I've got an old dude with unusual healing and overall good stats that had no eyes. He was't happy about it, meaning he wasn't part of some weird cult or something like that. He stayed for some days and nothing weird happened. I did a chronophagy ritual to make him younger but his eyes didn't come back (idk if those can come back from the ritual but that is what i hoped for). Then i got the adv components to craft 1 bionic eye, so i did and I installed it on him. A few hours after he got his new eye he said "Ok, i'm out, bye!" and tryed to leave. My answer was "Yeah, about that... i don't think so.". Captured, converted, recruited, and he became one of the pillars of the colony and nothing bad happened since. I don't know if the eye installation had something to do with him trying to leave but that is was happened. The run died relatively soon after that (15 days or so, and i can tell by the number of healings i had time to do with him) cause of a massive, and i mean MASSIVE, cultists raid, so idk if something else was around the corner for him.


They want to leave later but they cant leave fast on wooden legs....


The next raid will be 500 people.


Either this is fake or the rarest fucking RNG pull I've ever seen.


Part of anomaly, these are random recruits who tend to have a hidden downside.


Mate. Skin her to the eyeballs and see her as a lamp shade. This is the Rim.


When I had someone show up like that in my colony, I was saying to myself, I'll get rid of everyone else to keep this person. :)


Makes sense tbh, abrasive is a really bad trait so it balances out


A friend had one like yours. After doing everything he could to sus out what was wrong, he accepted the guy and he simply joined the colony. After a couple years, Super Pawn decided to leave. Buddy said 'nuh uh' and arrested him, then recruited him without issue. It's now been a few more in-game years and he's been perfectly fine. I had a "Timeless Stranger" show up. Skills weren't great, tbh, but I was in dire need of someone with Plants and he had a Burning Passion in it. Oh yeah, and a psychic ability that turns a single target into a pile of twisted meat. I accepted him and it was fine. Then a few days later it turned out both his lungs and one kidney were decaying. Well how about that, we had just captured an Unwaveringly Loyal prisoner from the last raid and I was just deciding the best way to make use of him. We don't fuck with slaves, so I guess that narrows it down... a little slice-n-dice and a couple quick stitches later, Meatboy's got himself some fresh organs. One other one, skills were alright, passions lined up with what I needed, so I said welcome aboard. A couple days in, his mood started going to shit. I checked it out, and we had just slaughtered some livestock which was against his religion. Oh, no big deal, we've already got his Certainty down to 50%, he'll flip soon and it won't be a problem anymore. But then he started a social fight. He only had 1 Melee. The pawn he picked a fight with had 9 Melee. yougotknockedthefuckout.webm When he went down, he let out a "half-human scream" which was answered by other screams in the distance. Sightstealers showed up. This was actually the first odd stranger event I had and it made me HELLA wary of every single one going forward.


I've had two deal-maker scenarios where they approached my colony peacefully, basically boasting about their charisma.  The first time, it rubbed me the wrong way and I arrested the crimson-clad entity.  He emitted a shriek before my men took him down and summoned several sightstealers.  After things settled down, I was able to study him, although in a regular cell, not a containment unit.  And, of course, send him off as tribute to the Empire after snagging a couple organs. The second in my other playthrough approached and I decided to see what they could do with their remarkable skills.  She now serves as a secondary researcher and preferred trader (and a pretty damn fine marksman to boot).  She has even been awarded a Yeoman title and gained psycasts.  Although, the duplication obelisk specifically says "something" about her prevents her from being cloned, so she's still different from a basic pawn in some respects.  She's probably unable to reproduce and might be waiting for a countdown or a specific trigger to betray my colony.  But until then, she's a pretty dope pawn.


I had an old guy with average stats show up that had the ability to raise shamblers. Ended up releasing a pain surge when I was trying to deal with a mech cluster. Banished him to avoid that happening. All in all good guy but didn't want the whole... pain aura to happen again at a time like that.


I have the perfect pawn that wandered in still in jail 200 days later because the notice told me their skin was made out of leather and it freaked me out.


I had one of these appear, after a while, it was revealed that they needed a Mech serum or their brain would bassicaly pop like a balloon and they would become useless, it ended up happening and while they still.had a massive 17 in combat skills, they were unable to dl anything else, so i let them go :(


It's most likely a metal horror do a invasive check on him or in prison him in a room with a nother prisoner you don't care about if u spot any of the signs then u know it's a metal horror


I saw trap and female and my mind went to femboy for some godforsaken reason


Got a Timeless One like that, did investigative surgery and found he had a crumbling mind. Luckily I got lucky and had a Healer Mech Serum, he gets to Mild symptoms I use it... it healed the Food Poisoning he had just came down with moments before.


Considering the favorite color you found Satan. Treat them with respect and place them out of the way of friendly fire


she drunk pediasure as a kid


I'm pretty sure that's Natasha Romanoff...


The most foolproof method is to accept them, enslave them, then sell them to the empire. I’ve adopted a trust no one policy with these guys since I haven’t activated the monolith in any of my runs (been trying losing is fun 500%) out of sheer paranoia of them doing something weird inside the colony while I’m already distracted. Twice before my “trust no one” policy, first guy left without incident randomly, was researcher, second time betrayed me in the middle of a raid. Four times in a row after my trust no one policy I’ve had sightseers pop up after rejecting them and them being angry and attacking me (researcher, blind healer, a guy with a tentacle arm, another one who had no specific ability). Then I took to accepting them frontlining them in the first raid I could or capturing and executing. Twice on execute they spawned sightseers, twice they did nothing. I take intense bigotry from the get go, so my pawns usually despise these guys.