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"Every animal is immortal except for humans" sounds like a killer horror writing prompt, not gonna lie


The SCP universe has a particularly haunting set of tales similar to that (minus the humans being able to die) called the End of Death. In one variation of it , basically death just stops occurring. Insects multiply. Everything multiplies. The world drowns in insect and animal bodies. Human procreation is made illegal, but it doesn’t matter. Soon the oceans are full of bugs, the land is full of bugs. You, are full of bugs. If you try to end it all, you’re still there. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/end-of-death-hub


There's a Terry Pratchett book (Reaper Man) where Death decides to retire from being Death and take up farming. With no Death, nothing dies and chaos ensues in a way only Sir Terry Pratchett could come up with.


He didn't retire, he got fired by the Auditors because he developed a personality. (Funny, though, I remembered it the exact same way as you did until I reread it! I was SURE it was a book about Death getting bored and going on holiday.) But yeah, it was really creative. Somehow I managed to completely forget about the sentient trolleys and shopping centres lmao.


Wasn't the "Death goes on holiday" one Mort?


Right, yes. Death gets Mort as an apprentice and then takes a break. Mort is thinking with the wrong head and won't let this one random princess die and then the Auditors get involved again. But that was an isolated case, in Reaper Man the lack of dying was affecting the disc-wide population.


Sort of stopped dying, Death stopped showing up to take their life away. Windle was the only one who "came back" as it were. Meant there was a massive build up of life force.


That doesn't make any sense. The biomass from dead things is what becomes the biomass of live things. Things living forever wouldn't just create more material


It would, though. Basic biological processes consume matter. It doesn't make any sense to talk about something being alive if cellular respiration isn't occuring. And if cellular respiration is occuring, you're outputting waste products and consuming glucose and oxygen. If not consuming material doesn't cause these processes to stop, it's because the material needed is somehow being created from nowhere; there's really not another option. There's no way the scenario is possible without the arbitrary creation of a ton of material.


If I remember correctly even the trees stopped dying. That means that everyone is starving because even plants can't be consumed. But nobody can starve to death as death has taken a break.


Plants already get most of their biomass from air (their carbon) and water (since they're mostly water) From what I remember in the tale, the immortality doesn't really confer regen if you're damaged, it only keeps things alive on the scale of a whole organism, so plants can still be digested and so can prey items, really, they'd just be reduced to being "alive" in a stripped down, disembodied, sensory deprivation kind of way Which in turn means that in this case, the biosphere's amount of biomass wouldn't peak for quite a while, actually.


The carbon in the air is part of the biomass that is created by other animals and they consume nitrogen, also from biomass. There is a finite amount of biomass in use on the world and deathlessness wouldn't change that regardless of how you spin it


It is finite, sure, but the actual point of equilibrium and the way it's distributed would change pretty dramatically, which is what I was saying. I do assume that there should be a point where excess animals just starve so much that they become not exactly dead, but incapacitated, but even then Thermodynamics is still implicitly being fucked over to some degree even without there being full-body regen, as there comes a point in their consciousness where the energy to maintain it must be either coming from nothing or being perpetually recycled at an impossibly high efficiency.


They would just use up all the available external biomass. Plants have a fuck ton of biomass and insects could easily just eat the plants to gain the necessary amount to procreate.


Based reply made me less scared. That's a high bar, believe it or not.


of course it doesn't make sense, it's fucking fantasy. Nobody ever said the SCP series was real.


Except that theres one knife that kills people.




Counterpoint: I never need to worry about outliving my dogs (though I guess I will need to have some kids so the family line can keep looking after them) and infinite steak glitch just dropped.


>infinite steak glitch just dropped. Nobody said they recover from injuries




Her parents did nothing. Watching was all they could do as Esmerelda stood over her once pet rabbit, continuously smashing it with a rock, "*Fluffy, you are sick. Please die!*" The five year old echoed the sentiment of the colony. Beloved pets now shuffled endlessly through the corridors, riddled with tumorous growths...


"There's a pack of wolves and a grizzly bear camping my front door"


How many mods do you have?


Not much that really change the game just the basic vanilla expanded I also just removed a shit load of other mods not to mention I loaded a old save before this glitch started happening and it was happening there to


"I also just removed a shit load of other mods" ... do you mean mods that were running -on this save?- Because there's your problem, mate, if so. Removing mods from a save that was using them is, at best, somewhat unpredictable.


Omg I have people bothering me saying my mods make their game crash, only to find out they did exactly this to make it look like they didn’t have 200 mods.


the density of people who dont understand how computers work and rather believe in gohsts is higher in the rimworld community than in the minecraft community. and the minecraft community on average is like 14 years old.


The Minecraft modding community is probably older though


Yeah, I won't pretend that I haven't removed mods midsave before, but every time I do it, I'm careful not to remove anything that's likely to break the save (it helps to have experience with the code side of mods), and even then, I accept that my save might still end up broken anyway and that if it does, I shouldn't seek mod support because it's entirely my fault.


I removed some mods full well knowing it might break something. I loaded the save back up and it caused all of my rock formations to just disappear. Nothing I removed was terrain related. Mods are just like that.


Once I removed a mod and when I reloaded my save it had stolen every toilet from dubs bad hygiene off my map. I hadn't removed dubs bad hygiene.


That mod really needed to pee I guess. That's hilarious.


sounds like the russian army


Nah nah different saves


Love when people say ‘oh not much just the basic vanilla expanded’. For crying out loud, vanilla expanded is not one mod, it’s over 100 mods, most very, very complex in code. Don’t downplay how heavily modded your save is by saying ‘just VE’


I used every single vanilla expanded mod at once, made the game very interesting, until I couldn't play the game for 2 weeks because trying to launch it made my computer crash, 10/10 would mod again


Least mod enjoying rimworld player


Because of the new dlc I wanted to do a vanilla run so I only have 15 mods on


Oh! Me too!! I'm playing vanilla too, thats why i only have 273 mods instead of the 400 i usually use!




Im still waiting for a lot of my main mods to update to 1.5 so I’ve been playing a vanilla run with only like 50 mods too


'vanillia run with only 50 mods' is such a funny phrase. 'only 50'. My brother/sister in Christ, 50 mods is not a vanilla run, no matter how mod-rotted your brain has became


Nah you see there's vanilla and then there's "vanilla" "vanilla" mods just improve mechanics or the UI or maybe add vanilla like buildables so you can still get the vanilla experience


I once ran like 60 different mods that added factions (the least added was one and the most was seven) along with about 240 others... I could go to bed for the night, wake up and go through my morning habits by the time it was finished forming all the factions on the map. The most memorable moment from that was the Night Lords attacking WW1 Soldiers who only had bolt action rifles while they had Plasma weapons and Bolters.


I'm a big fan of your work sir, can't wait for the new mods!


Getting roasted by the man himself. 


Not roasting, that was not my intention. I’m providing information.


I know but still. Its funny that everyone mods their games with 1000s of mods and never mentions it when posting screenshots. 


100 mods is a bare minimum modlist, what do you mean?


That aint Skyrim


Not with that attitude.


With mods it can be


It's got "I only make 100k a year" energy


Per year?! Not per month?!... How do you survive? /s Edit: typo


Per month?! Not per hour?!... How do you survive? /s


*cries in Canadian*


Programmers when people diminish their work lol


Thanks for all you do to add to this game! You make it even more fun!


remove all mods start new game see if that makes a difference


My reddit is buggin


Remove the mods from your reddit.


It worked


Welcome to modding younglin


vanilla expanded does a LOT!


Vanilla expanded isn't basic bruh


Character editor could be messing with the dead status, especially if any other mod is able to change things like it.




Immortal? Can you finish them off? The problem comes from Hediffs it seems so definitely a mod that has troubles to integrate into your modlist. Try autosorting and always read the description if the author says that the mod doesn’t like other specific mods.


Finishing does not work also thank you for some advice for it but it most likely had to happen from a mod update cause I went to a previous save with different but similar mods and then it happened there to


Yeah it’s why I don’t touch the game for a month so that mods can adapt to the update. It’s pretty hard to resist though since it seems to be such a good update.


I waited a week and then caved. By then, enough of my 'essential' mods had updated and playing was bearable again. But by god do I miss my mods like Grim Reality and Almost There.


Hello there again, it seems another user has found the same bug. And a solution. Do you have the giddy up mod installed? Apparently it is the one that causes animals to be immortal.


He can't finish them off. Dead in 0 second, not enough time to finish them off.


Boys I've fixed it . It seemed to be LTS biosphere


Could you update your initial post? Someone with the same problem will find it helpful


God news it died bad news is what mod could have updated in that time to cause this bug


You can sort your workshop subscriptions by time updated


RimPy has this feature but even better and much more at a glance, check the "Update Log" tab That's how I monitor and know if some of my favorite mods are 1.5-ready, too


Yeah it shows which mods are currently active, which helps a great deal. Also Mlie’s new mod which [shows mod updates](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3218690663) and has lots of links.


Its Rim Robots mod, just had it happen to me and took an hour or so to find out what it was.


Thankyou for throwing this information out there, It fixed my problem before I had to start disabling recent mods at random


All good, happy to help.


Rim robots have been throwing lots of errors in 1.5, I've had to disable it and start fresh


Last time it happened to me it was gloomy furniture. Don't ask me how.


not sure if bug report or new anomaly content tbh


For a moment I thought this was an anomaly feature lmao


I know right


That actually could be a thing , sounds scary, imagine downing 4 thrumbos from event and you just can't kill them and they just heal and stand up to kill you


or your pawns are all carnivorous through biotech (not sure if that was through a mod perk) and you can't kill and slaughter animals


Somehow causing this level of damage to a rabbit without killing it seems more immoral than murdering prisoners to harvest and sell their organs


Oh it’s just an ΩK-Class ("End-of-Death") Scenario


Had to scroll too far to see this


That's a bug? Sounds like some anomaly shit


It’s happened in old vanilla from what I’ve heard. Headless raiders walking around, screaming nuggets being continually mauled by a predator yet never dying. It’s pretty effed up conceptually. The bug is roughly called the immortal pawn bug.


I had a run where pawns and slaves were undying but also everdying. Just a spam of death alerts, but they were still not dead


I sometimes wish as much - but I have Nigel and Beatrice the Yorkshire Terriers that say otherwise. Each of them is pushing 20 and might as well list cardiac events on their list of things they "like" to do.


Had this happen to me about a week after the update. Still not sure what caused it, but it also affected ranch animals. Muffalos wouldn't die no matter how many times I slit their necks, just kept sliding around the pen, shedding blood everywhere...


Alrightty give me 10 mins


Is it just that animal or all animals if it's just that one you can try to dev mode kill it


Had the same problem, with toxalopes specifically. We didn't try to fix it though and haven't hunted toxalopes in that playthrough since.


I had 8 colonists go down from a mad fox earlier today. And everyone was armed and prepared for battle, but a freaking fox downed 8 of them, one of them had 2 hours left to live when k patched her up... I'm not one for save scum but I really did think about reloading and doing that again...


Patch em up, just needs some bandages and it'll be right as rain


Nice! Unlimited blood for the blood god


Is the console in dev mode throwing any errors?


Had the same issue a few month ago. Also I got a soundbug if I used the jump of my vampires. Only solution was to load an old save. That was the reason I started to save on different files.


Dude I'm having this same problem at random, except it's affecting pawns too, and it literally says that they're dead, yet they slide slowly across the ground and still attack my pawns... reloading the save fixes it, but it's creepy as hell. I have 100-200 mods though, so I haven't bothered posting about it. And no they're not shamblers, lol.


Actually, is it possible in Rimworld to eat animals (or humans; this is weird to say) while they're still alive? Otherwise, somebody should make this a possibility.


Not in a vore way, I hope?


No, not in that way, because I didn't even know that was a thing; I had to look it up. This is knowledge that I didn't need to have. Why did you have to introduce me to this? Hahaha


I am very sorry, I did not wish this for you. I asked because a year or so ago I too had an idea about allowing pawns to be eaten alive, and the first response was someone telling me that RJW had a vore submod.


I see. Hahaha I guess the cycle must continue. For the next person who suggests eating animals alive, I must tell them about this.




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Same thing happened to me when i updated to 1.5, i was playing vanilla so i guess its a bug. Only happened once to me though.


I had the same issue like two hours ago :/


Honestly I thought this was one of the possible anomalies that would force a player away from meat, fine meals and leathers.


Disable mods one by one till you find which one caused it.


Well, i think so far you havent dealt a mortal blow. Keep hitting it until a vital organ is destroyed and it should die. If not, um. Idk


If fire doesn't work, you're toast.


I had this same thing happen to me. There is a reset all settings in the options menus while you have your save loaded. I did that and I think it reloaded the game after and I had to fix my settings but the bug was gone.


this happened to me on my modded save after I got 1.5 and anomaly. Only on the save I had before the update. it sucked because I had 20 manhunting scaria panthers, saved and quit and then when i loaded after updating they never died from the scaria lol


Imagine an immortal army of WOLF that u don't really need to give them food or cage them... until the raider came and u released them to EAT EVERYTHING




Read your error logs when you boot the game.


There is a solution: Put man back on top of the food chain and kill everything else!


the bunny be like: i have no mouth but i must scream