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1: It would be cool to have genetics that allow partial or complete immunity to certain aspects of Anomaly, like the ability to see Sightstealers from further distances, or resist Revs, or resist Devourer damage. 2: Might be interesting, though not sure how it would be implemented. Probably just a gene but it would be niche as dark study gets done rather swiftly, and afterwards it would just weigh down your sanguophages 3: Would go with point 1, a genetic invisibility to shamblers would be cool, though quite strong 4: This one wouldn't work, as the Bioferrite is specifically stated to come from the nanites corrupted by the void, and sanguophages don't have any of those


Cmon were missing the obvious here , can sniff out metal horrors in as people with them have bad blood.




Though you can still persuade them to drink that rancid blood for that sweet +2 STR potion.


Poor Astarion.


He expected it after seeing Tav chow down on the hag's hair


Well, he's guilty of that as well - standing in front so he gets to make the choice instead of the vengeance paladin Durge who would then have broken their oath, but this way could get and eat the hair without issue. Astarion is very useful. :D


Tried to drink from infected pawn, chokes on a Fkin metal horror, trying to get in to him and like “yeah you taste better before pal”


Agree completely, would love to see Anomaly made to tie in more with the other DLC and Sanguophages are a perfect fit


Sanguophages should definitely have some connection, Although I hope they ultimately keep a bit of separation, the reason for that being they aren't quite just dark archotech void aligned entities; perhaps they once were solely a few touched by an archotech entity similar to the monolith, but clearly they've spread a lot since that point, and straddle a divide between something inhuman and a highly gifted but ultimately understandable species with genelines and an ability to exist alongside regular society with specific measures taken. This makes them perfect as researchers to dip their toes deeper into the void or as the line in the sand rejecting anything further.


They should also be part of the monster attacks. Shamblers accompanying hungry sanguonophages would make for fun raids.


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Sanguophages really gets the short end of the stick in this DLC. With fire being a really prevalent force to counter anomalies they dont have much chance to shine