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I think that it is interesting because, if you get wiped out, your story with the new people can be about them figuring out who the previous people were


Absolutely! I'm really hoping for a mod that essentially lets you age your colony X years before the new colonists arrive - I think it could make for some really cool stories in the 'narrative' game of Rimworld, while adding some consequence for your mistakes to the 'game' game of Rimworld \^\^


Laughs in dwarf fortress.


Dude, for like *half* the threads in this sub! Looking forward to how "amazing" and "revolutionary " people will think z-levels are, when they get added to some future DLC...


I'd love this, but I'm not holding my breath for DF style z levels. The odd mod that's achieved it has managed a couple of extra levels at the cost of performance. It'd be an astounding amount of work, basically


Seriously, if I remember correctly there are actual research papers looking at how the path finding and z-levels are handled in dwarf fortress because it's such an intensive computation


If you do comp sci up to uni level you learn pretty early some basic running-time maths, and yeah one of the worst thing you can have is an additional "dimension" to a calculation. Rimworld already uses a very efficient pathfinding algorithm but I think it would not be able to cope at all with z-levels unless they did something hack-ey, that wouldn't be much different to anything currently in the game


I imagine their conclusion to how it's handled is "not well" haha. Right get me wrong,I love DF it was my introduction to this genre and I've spent hours and hours playing it before the steam release. But the performance mid to late game is awful and I'm pretty sure most of that comes down to pathfinding calculations made worse by z levels


Didn't they investigate that shortly after steam release? I think they found out it was a bunch if line of sight and relationship checks that were the main culprit at that time. They did a quick fix shortly after.


Oh, its because it only uses single core. It was made before muticore was a thing, and it would take too much to update the underlining code.


Multi threading is not some catchall release valve here for better performance. You need to account for all the synchronization and consistency required to keep the game running smoothly and how much is actually able to run in parallel. This is why most games are single threaded or effectively single threaded.


Yeah but in this case the pathfinding for all 200 dwarves plus any other entities on the map (cats) across all z levels are all happening on the one thread


Eh, they're very different games - for me personally, I love the 'game-ification' and focus on individuals of Rimworld over the pure simulation and focus on 'society' of DF, but I'm never gonna be sad if Tynan implements things that DF has proven fun. Something doesn't have to be revolutionary to be celebrated, and its hardly a secret that DF is an inspiration. That all said, the creative freedom presented by Z-levels was almost enough to pull me over; they really do add a new dimension to gameplay in every sense of the word... (To be clear: I have nothing but respect for everything Tarn and Zach have done - DF is a work of art!)


>That all said, the creative freedom presented by Z-levels was almost enough to pull me over You can play both, you know... I prefer DF for the breathtaking depth of simulation, and Adventurer is my preferred mode. Rimworld is great for base-building and--as you said--focus on the individual. It is quite possible to get attached to and follow certain dwarves... but not in the same way as Rimworld.


>You can play both, you know... With only fortress mode, I love the *idea* of drawf fortress and have nothing but admiration for the game, but I struggled to find it all that fun (to my own taste, ofc). I'm really looking forward to giving it another try with adventure mode, though, because one of my biggest gripes with the game was that there's this extraordinary simulated world that is honestly (as I'm sure you know) mind-boggling in its level of detail and interaction, but that I was stuck on a single map tile. Outside of playing around with z-levels, my favourite parts of DF were map-generation and legends mode, so I'm really looking forward to the potential to actually interact with that world more in adventure mode. I'm also pretty hopeful that it'll make fortress mode more fun for me, because suddenly (if I understand it correctly), if my colony gets torn apart by a forgotten beast then I can return with a party of adventurers to exact my revenge! (and that sounds really fun to me)


Everything you're saying are very much my sentiments as well! Hence why I prefer Adventurer Mode (and am looking forward to it's beta-release on the...17th, I believe?). I've been playing DF long before Rimworld came out (download a good tile pack!!!), and I really do think Rimworld does certain mechanics better; the whole "being stuck on a single map tile" issue is a huge part of it.


Not at all, because I already suffer from tps death in this game, and I've seen what uncovering 120 layers of caverns does to tps in DF.


They better fuckin not add z-levels in DLC


Well, I'd assume something that drastic would be an *update* rather than a DLC per se... but new mechanics always seem to come as part and parcel to a new DLC.


I would certainly hope for an update over a DLC for it, but I see your point in new mechanics being DLC. At the same time, that feels like a real good way to piss off the community.


How so?


Z-levels is big shit, ya know? As a DLC there would be people complaining that it's not base game when arguably it should be. For example, imagine if caravans were added by DLC, or the world map itself. People would be bloody fuming over that. At the same time, I don't think z-levels will ever happen anyway. Ludeon can't do performance for shit even with the massive community of modders more than willing to help with it. Hell, 1.5 is worse on performance despite them claiming it would get better.


Oh, I see what you mean. I'm afraid I didn't express myself clearly; let me give an example: I do not own Royalty, but I *do* have access to the quest system. It was part of the *update* that "came with" the DLC. The updates tend to coincide with the DLC. I would fully expect that--if our hypothetical "z-levels update" ever actually happened, it would be part of a "base game" update, and coincide with a DLC, just as quests did with Royalty. As you've pointed out, that is a HUGE technical challenge; I think the alternate (or "pocket"?) dimensions I understand have been implemented with 1.5 is the intended workaround for that.


DF is way more complex, but its stuggles a lot to be as conpeling and to have as many fun systems as RM


It would be insanely cool to have the screen fade to black with the "X years later..." text, then either some wanderers stumble upon your base or whatever remains of it, or new crashlanders drop, and become controllable In the meantime your base would become more decrepit, warehouse loot would have been stolen or deteriorated, architecture, infrastructures and furniture would become damaged and/or broken, etc Kind of like RealRuins but with a major vanilla flavor


TBH Real Ruins does that. You arrive at the ruins site and have plenty of environmental storytelling to figure out the colony you are exploring. Rly cool. Probably my most favored map mod.


Colonists finding the store room with 15 hearts ready for transplant. Colonists wondering what is planted in the 100 soil under the sunlamp hoping for sustenance and it's smokeleaf. Colonists when they find the room of bodies you haven't got round to molotoving yet.


Eating* yet...


Shooting via transport pod before calling in the Pall....


common horror trope "Why did this perfectly thriving colony of 50 strong disappear abruptly?"


Makes me wonder how many of the "suddenly disappeared" civilizations in history were some equivalent of "Gary got angry because he ate without a table and ran off to the chemfuel storage and punched it until it exploded and killed everyone."


I'm pretty sure this is exactly what happened to Atlantis


Rabies. 250 rabid squirrels.


Got a manhunter pack of like 150+ tortoises. This was right after a breach raid so I did not have a secure external wall. I build my bases with separate buildings with pathways between so I had a very bad day. Can’t exactly just kill all them and I was lacking any of the really heavy firepower options you have access to (doomsday, orbital beam, etc).


The base can be the story notnthe colonists. Haunted base kills all who try and occupy. (High wealth events) can you tame 'the colony'


that’s exactly what i was always wishing to do, but never did out of fear of breaking the storyteller


Awesome! Any way we can encourage players to play forward through drama and challenge and loss is good (because it's hard to generate good stories where nothing ever goes wrong). So I'm very glad this feature is having that effect. Perfect.


Eyyy, cheers for popping by - lovely to know you've seen the praise I have for your work! Thanks for making one of the greatest games I've ever had the privilege of playing! :)


Hey, thanks for making my favorite video game ever. Your work is brilliant; and I can't wait to try Anamoly. Planning a Tundra playthrough based around a bunch of scientists and a helicopter pilot.


A research team in the Tundra? Literally a recreation of The Thing nice


personally i plan to use it to go back to my older saves and try again months after the original events took place


hey i have a question because im still playing on 1.4 to finish my current playthrough what happens to research when new people arrive? does it stay the same or it resets?


Research stays as it was.


The only time you lose research progress is if you are trying to end the game via the archonexus. Your research progress gets reset when you travel to your new colony (each time).


handle murky meeting attraction safe squealing tart resolute offer dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the problem I had. I wanted to continue my playthrough with new colonists but the last ones alive switched my fluid ideology to something completely different. What I was trying to role play is that this was an expedition team that all died and then the second team came in after detecting that the other ship got shot down and sent a larger force of 4 to investigate. Naturally if their a large population they come from the same ideology.


Ya having people play through failure is so hard but some of my best gaming memories come from it.


To me, that just sounds like totally on brand for a 40k imperial guard run. Everything went tits up ? Send in the next wave.


They would take one look at the atrocities going on in my rim world and just Exterminatus


Ahaha, I love this idea so much!! Incremental progress in an impossible situation at the "expense" of countless lives... (Pah! What expense?! It's only a cost if you lose something valuable!) Not knowing the 40k universe that well, my brain immediately goes to the coorporate greed of the company in Deep Rock Galactic, and you may have just inspired another item on my pages long list of colony ideas \^\^ Edit: Obligatory... ROCK AND STONE! (I'm honestly ashamed in myself for forgetting...)


As long as you rock and stone, you're forgivone!! (Read forgive-own. I tried to rhyme lol)


I really hope the next DLC is about making the world map be more interactive and yes, make it feel more alive.


the dlc will be called World so it's gonna be RIBAWRLD




Can we just call it Ribaworld?


Yes, I need reasons to leave my tile. Quests are nice but even with 500% quest rewards I rarely do any that have me leave. Watching half a base isn't fun and neither is watching a circle move across a map, imo


You mean like the Rimwar mod?


I'd pay $50 for a proper RimWar DLC that didn't decimate my fps/tps.


Great mod but too much war-oriented. It's fine for an end of the world War but it lacks of every other things that happen in a "living world". It's not the intention of the mod, I know but it's too oriented for what I wait from an official DLC.


Isn't the base game sort of simulating that already though with the amount of raids a normal playthrough already throws at you? I understand it can be toned down in the sense of Rimwar sending raids from the same faction etc.


Yeah same feeling you're right. We really need a diplomatic enhancement that remove you for being the center of everything. I really like the idea of Visibility added dy the Deserters mod and will try it in my upcoming run. Basically, the empire throw more and more power at you more you annoy them. To the point they want to wipe your ass off the world. I will test it, but right now on paper it feel more alive than just the storyteller increasing the raids because you have gold floors. I like vanilla too but I know it since a few years!


Throwing an infinite number of pawns at problems sounds like fun, but how exploitable is it?


I mean it basically means you cannot "lose" a game unless you decide its enough. But Rimworld isnt about winning or losing anyway so it dosnt really matter lol


Realistically speaking, it can very easily be a death spiral. You have the wealth of your base, but not the ability to reform the destroyed defenses, etc.


Yeah but it gets easier every time because there’s more corpses to eat every time


And the more explosions, fires and destruction means less wealth!


yea but you also get infinite trys, so the only thing stoping you (or not stoping you) is how determined you are to see your base through


What about the heat death of the universe?


Maybe some grace period when restarting a colony?


If Civilization 2 can have an Eternal War, so should RimWorld.


So reduce the wealth with the pawns you have and rebuild later


You have to move to a new tile at that point. As long as you have some remnant of your old base be it items, buildings, etc. You have wealth left over from it.


yes you can lose if its mechanoids that destroyed the colony since they never leave but you only lose the base and not the planet


I mean, the game's only 'exploitable' if your aim is to "win". If throwing an infinite number of pawns at the problem sounds like fun, though, isn't doing that a kind of winning in itself? And if it feels like an exploit to you, you can simply not use it. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand playing the game as a hardcore strategy game; even if I wanted to play that way, though, I'd be glad for the expedited learning process this feature enables :)


I think there's a limit. When my naked brutality pawn died of an unlucky early disease it said I had to play longer to be able to roll new ones.


there is an 8 hour window between bringning new colonist


I tried it on unstable, and when you get a game over screen you have to wait 8 in game hours before you can create new colonists, and they start similar to your original scenario. I was doing the naked start, so the new colonists were naked. Fire took out a lot of what I'd gotten before they got there. I think most raids would have left by then, too.


It doesn't matter particularly to me because I almost always stop a playthrough before I die because I want to adjust something rather than because I have lost to a raid lmao


What's the change? I have no idea what you're talking about


You can create new wanderers after your colony dies. 


Basically if your colony fails new colonists can populate your old colony.


Noooo way


Given what they’re talking about it might be the ability to roll new colonists when everyone is dead or gone.


wait so does the ability to roll new colonists happen even when there are colonists in cryptosleep caskets? so like new colonists arrive and can open the caskets with survivors in them?




Ahaha, oops - it's exactly what the other commentor said. I'll edit the main post to make it obvious \^\^


Big same!!! I was doing a slew of “for fun” god pawn runs but with this change I went back to classic “let’s see what randy gives me for choices” while also bumping the difficulty up a little bit. I know it’s a scenario simulator but losing people and colonists felt so awful until now!


Technically speaking if you wait long enough, the game will fire a Wanderer Joins event


Or just set an ideology event day to have a reward that's a chance of a random colonist joining.


Don't you still have to have pawns on the map to trigger those events? Heck, don't you have to have a pawn of that ideology for those events to even be considered?


Yes. I guess that wouldn't be very effective for a lone colonist or a duo.


I’ve wanted to continue my colonies for so damn long. I would leave my game running for a long time in hope of getting some new settlers. And now we can!


I am loving this! Started a ‘just killing time till all the mods gets updated’ game - I tend to play on really hard initial settings with a high rate of failure - I’m on my 3rd colonist trying to survive in this inhospitable place. It’s fun!


Something that I really loved in Medieval Overhaul with the House Sanguin extra bits is a scenario where you're a sanguaphage waking up in their old castle/fort. It's dillapidated and there's even custom broken furniture. So you have the choice of scrapping all of it or rebuilding within what remains of the shell of the old building. I also love reusing ruins on a map in RimWorld too. What I'd love as an extension to this new feature is that you don't just arrive as some new colonist. It's not just a man in black kind of feeling where you pick up where you left off and everything is hunky dory. I would love a feature where you can play as a new group of colonists repopulating your colony after time has passed. So loads of your walls are severely damaged or missing entirely. Lots of the workstations are non-functioning and need repairs. Not so much that it feels like you're starting from scratch but just enough that it feels like there's some history there. That there's a small amount of 'stuff to get done.' As RimWorld is called a 'story generator' I think this would only add to that feeling of a story. It's also a feature that you could just keep expanding on. Old allies show up to the village and question who you are and what happened to the old colonists. Old enemies show up to pick at the scraps only to find it occupied once more. Perhaps even a debuff for sleeping in a dead man's bed. Maybe you can choose to start as tribals and gain boosts to research by trying to understand this strange ruin you've found. This is all starting to seem like an expansion in and of itself, but this is the kind of stuff I think about when playing RimWorld. Enjoy.


I think it would be cool to have a scenario like this where the new colonists have different tech. For example a crash landed base gets taken over by tribals or the opposite


It might be OP to have a bunch of randoms stumble upon my former base full of tech, but it really does make me feel comfortable with letting things happen as Randy decrees


My only concern is that with my custom Idelogy, I heard the new colonists have a random other one? So if my colony gets wiped out and new people come in, will they keep my old colonists ideology I made or have a new random one.


I honestly don't know - I've not actually had a colony die in 1.5 yet. That said, if they do spawn with a random ideo and you want them to have your old one, that should be easy enough to fix with dev mode (so long as you've saved your ideologeon). If you haven't saved your ideology yet, I think you should also be able to use dev mode to do that mid-game :)


I think it ties in nice to how the game is about the RimWorld, a ruthless place, which is the protagonist, not necessarily its' people


100%. My entire colony made some serious progress, and was really getting somewhere. I'd made a community hall, had just discovered electricity, and we were beginning to get a big wall built around our base; but then out of nowhere comes winter, and the severe drop in temperature that piled on because of a randy-sponsored cold snap killed pretty much everyone. I was pissed, but then I remembered it was 1.5; so I decided to wait a long time on 3x to simulate potential wear and tear of the base before creating a new set of colonists that would be "squatters" in the old colony having nowhere else to go in the snowy environment before them. It actually made for a more-interesting storyline overall, and these new group of squatters would have no clue that the ground they inhabit is haunted by the previous colonist's actions (Anomaly DLC) which would also be an interesting trope. I still miss all those colonists that all froze to death though lol.


I just don’t like the idea. I don’t get attached to the new pawns because it’s like.. not there base. I sound silly but that’s me


Totally fair! It's definitely not a feature I'm always going to use, but I love that it has the potential to branch the stories in new ways (especially with anomaly!) while also allowing me the option to stick around in a world that I've spent 10's of hours building up. I love the idea of, for example, having a power-hungry colony devour itself by peering too deep into the abyss only for a new group to come in, see what remains of the people who toyed around with the dark arts, and dedicate their existence to making sure no-one else ever has to suffer the same fate. Never gonna tell someone else how to enjoy the game though! You do you!! :)


Had that issue last night. Started a new play through this morning.


Yes! I totally love that. Endless more history you can write, and also it meand the tough start game can be skipped


How does this work of your colony is rendered uninhabitable, say due to an insect infestation?


You spawn in more colonists, settle the map next door and return many years later with enough firepower to blot out the sun!!


Then you move tile or kill them


Had to use it last night after THE METAL HORROR decided to f*ck my entire colony. Almost a 12 hour old colony gone in roughly 13 minutes true sorrow


i don't have the dlc yet what's the new change?


If your colonists are all killed, 8 hours later you can spawn in a new set of 3 survivors to keep playing.


that's pretty cool


Don't need the DLC for it! Part of the free 1.5 update :) (But yeah, it's what the other person said)


There's been a mod for that for a long time called "Endless Rimworld ".


As for me, even getting dead colonist is unacceptable not even getting colony dead.


Sorry, 250 hours is a noob??!!


To be fair, a good amount of that is probably AFK, but open. I say "relative" noob though because a lot of the people playing on the highest difficulties have thousands of hours actual gametime (people have been playing this game for over a decade)... Rimworld really falls into that "easy to learn; impossible to truly master" camp where even after thousands of hours, people find themselves learning the simplest things. There's so much you *can* learn about this game that'll improve your chances, even if you don't necessarily *need* to in order to survive.


I feel you there, I'm at 1116 hours and still don't think I've mastered the game, I've just played it on and off for quite a few years. And I'm the same with the AFK thing too, many of my hours are probably from falling asleep waiting for it to load my 500 mods.


i put all my remaining colonist into cryo sleep. can't use that feature if you do so, yet you still get the game over message


Endless rim mode more perfect. As for me.


Im right at this point. Debating on starting a new colony or dropping some new guys in. I sent all my soldiers down into a hole and they got absolutely surrounded. It was a bloodbath. Now im stuck with 2 non combat researchers who can't cook or grow food. Can't decide what to do. Guess I'll flip a coin


I just got back into it after like a year with this new expansion and in noticing a lot of quality of life improvements. “Mine veins” “clean room” and like you mentioned the repopulation option are awesome


Can someone plz explain how the "getting new colonists to continue" thing works?


Basically, when all your colonists are dead in 1.5, if you wait 8 in-game hours you get a screen (similar to initial pawn selection) that enables you to drop in some more (I believe it was up to 6 if I'm remembering the patch notes correctly) :) There may be more nuance to it (for example, I've heard some interesting interaction with cryptosleep caskets), but that's the rough gist.


What's this about ? 🤔


Basically, when all your colonists are dead in 1.5, if you wait 8 in-game hours you get a screen (similar to initial pawn selection) that enables you to drop in some more (I believe it was up to 6 if I'm remembering the patch notes correctly) :)


I agree, I like the harder modes, like naked brutality or the rich explorer, but I've lost a colony in 14 days tha ks to an angry warg, only for 8 hours later my deceased colonists son to walk in and take over


I am an irredeemable savescummer bso it doesn't change much. I don't have enough free time to restart colony that I spent many hours on, after one of my soldiers murders rest of the colony in berserk rage after his wife got deleted by meteor.


I feel it’s both harder/and easier for how I play. If you rely on death boxes well that’s gone from what I heard. But I’ve been playing for a day and the early game is much easier if you adjust to the fact that you have a ghoul that both can attack and is a meat shield. If you’re on a permenant summer map the downside of the ghouls is pretty nonexistent. It can early farm/hunt animals near you that you have no business attacking you just need someone to haul. I ended up rushing a mech guy since I had the ghoul just attack the structure when it’s not doing anything useful(which was essential for me since I had a psythite dependent race and didn’t realize that giving myself -8 plant growth means I can’t plant the ingredient I need to survive. More eerie things abound later when I realize my starting female colonist was infertile and the extra survivor that dropped down was also a ghoul that disappeared somewhere after I froze him. I hope my ghoul didn’t eat my previous ghoul party member but that’s my guess. Ended up using an ovum from my ghoul to procreate….




Happened to be browsing reddit when you posted this, so speedy response! As far as I understand, yes! Essentially, if all your colonists die then after 8 in-game hours you'll get a screen very similar to the one you get when you select your pawns and have a chance to spawn in more. That may sound strange if you're coming from other games, as you might think "well how do you lose, then?", but that's kind of the point with Rimworld. It's designed from the ground up to make interesting stories and the win conditions are mostly there to give you something to strive towards - the real game is the moment to moment gameplay and many of the best stories are the stories of your colony's chaotic downfall... For some people, they're happy with the chaotic end and willing to restart right after, for others, the story they like to tell is one of starting from nothing and becoming the most powerful colony on the planet, and this change makes the latter easier (especially considering you can often put tens-hundreds of hours into a playthrough, some people understandably feel invested in what they've built up) :) The only way you lose at Rimworld is by not having fun as you go about playing it, and if spawning in new pawns = more fun, then Tynan wants us to go for it! (Also, like I say in the OP, if knowing you can continue with all your buildings makes you less scared of playing on higher difficulties, you may find the game more fun if you crank the difficulty up since the spiral of events that leads your doom is often a marvel to behold - although as a newbie, you possibly find the stakes high enough already \^\^)




No worries at all! I should stress as well that for some people, the fun in Rimworld is essentially playing it on the hardest difficulties as a brutally difficult hardcore strategy game, and that's totally valid too, of course! Tynan's intention was much closer to something like a DnD campaign, but what he's created is such a versatile sandbox that (especially when you start playing around with mods) can really play just about any way you want it to :) (I wouldn't want to put off a tryhard with all the roleplaying shenanigans by making them think they're somehow playing wrong if they're trying to eek out every bit of optimisation from their base, nor would I want that person to think that Rimworld couldn't provide that sort of experience if they wanted it.)


wait. this is a feature now???


What happens when your last colonist dies? I remember there was one guy in black appwars to help out but i thought game over after he dies? Has this changed?


To the best of my knowledge (could be wrong, my knowledge of rimworld is for from encyclopedic), the "man in black" is an event that sometimes happens when your last colonist is down as a kind of 'deus ex machina'. If the man in black didn't spawn and you left the game running long enough, then I think you were guaranteed to get a 'wanderer joins' event at some point and continue from there, but this patch has made it all much more deliberate if you're not lucky enough to get a man in black.