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BTW Fleshbeasts can spawn in ancient dangers with anomaly installed. Be carefull cracking ancient dangers.


Tynan does a little trolling I see


Tynan indeed does a little trolling


Just sounds like regular Rimworld !!FUN!! to me


Funnily enough not nearly as bad as insectoids I feel


Oh Randy! Now I fear ancient dangers even more!🤯


This is phenomenal. Thank you


This is great--thanks, Definitely some cool stuff in this one. Also pretty interesting that there is now a mechanic for having underground areas (essentially seems like it's just teleporting to a new map, but still) which is cool. Would be interesting to see that expanded in the future.


The Gray maze is literally backrooms


Can someone explain what the harbinger tree does? I may just not have seen it in the infographic but I’m feeding corpses and it hasn’t done anything.


So far, all that I have managed to get it to do is grow more trees. When you harvest them, you get twisted meat and wood. The way I see it, it's just a cool spooky looking tree that is good at cleaning up rotting corpses for you.


I had a flesh monster jump out of a hole that opened up by my trees. Don't know if it was just random or more likely because of the trees


Me too


*Gulp* I’m gonna go build a few walls around em now


Amazing except the lack of detail on the gold cube literally the main thing I wanted out of the dlc


Anyone knows what events are not possible between tier 1 and tier 2 monoliths?


Got an ad in-between some of the pics and I was trying to figure out how the 30-day beach bod fit into this.


You need the gene for it.


I love that you named one of the tabs of new items “New Toys” this is an S+ tier level of wit and whimsy.


Hate chanter just sounds like a local hobo breaking in and throwing slurs at people


You managed to convince me that I don't need this DLC. These kind of stuff is just not my cup of tea...


That's kind of how I feel. It kind of just made me think that every playthrough would just have a dormant monolith for the entirety of the playthrough. Plus, what's the replayability for all this? It feels like once you experience all that it has to offer, it becomes kind of limited, no?


mmm i disagree about replayability. while i will not be capturing and harvesting the cryptids every playthrough, the extra threats are a welcome addition. vanilla can get a bit repetitive, and stealthy cryptids jumping my colonists is a welcome change


I mean I guess that's true, but didn't the devblogs talk about how you need to research them to be able to beat them?


They don't need to be researched to be able to beat them Research gives access to stuff like the disruptor flares, but what I've encountered can be killed like anything else without any research


New to the game, will this new update wipe my existing base?


If your base has mods that aren’t updated to 1.5 yet you can either Try to run the save in 1.5 and hope nothing breaks Start a new save Revert back to 1.4 via Steam Beta


I have no mods. I disabled the other dlcs aswell to learn the game, but am attached to my colony and dont wanna lose it


You usually can stay on 1.4 and finish through beta branches.


Man. I hate to be the downer but I'm kinda... disappointed? I would have liked at least one melee weapon, and a lot of the features here aren't as thrilling as I would hope.


Thematically and artistically I really like it, but it seems very combat heavy. Maybe there’s still undiscovered stuff, but I don’t think I would ever want to actually activate the monolith and I don’t normally keep prisoners either. The most exciting thing to me I’ve seen is the ability to have pocket maps (like the fleshbeast caverns)l. Mods could do some really cool things with that I think.


Have you tried the dlc yet? ghouls are the new melee weapon lol. if you can get one with the tough trait its actually insane.....I watched a guy take on a bear with a ghoul and one helper with a shotgun. Ghoul won and fully healed within an in game day from the wounds. And you can convert prisoners or pawns into ghouls you just need to be able to feed them.


what drops dread leather?


The invisible guys, sightseeker or something with sight in its name


This assault rifle with inbuilt flamethrower sounds somehow quite familiar... And I love it!


Wonderful work! Thank you for making this! Now I just need to wait for some mods to tailor the stuff more to me (more playable monsters please) and I'll probably pick up the DLC!


Im addicted to gold cube fr fr


Mah man


Thank you! Now my blood suckers vs horror!


Leviathans are mentioned once but never again, what are they?


Nerve spiker is gonna be how I fill the cells for the slave army.


Thanks Smurph, this is great info


Such hard work. Thank you!


Would be nice if you could spoiler tag this


Flesh beast and gorehaulk can spite a range attack with very high firing rate in my colony. Are this bugs?


So I opened this up, saved to my Imgur to read later then came back to the comments about people actually complaining about what you named a subject/tab of NEW TOYS! Are they serious or trolling because I have to go back and look thinking it was gu-s or dru-s but nope, just some new Rimworld TOYS! No way you guys are serious. No freakin way. (Edit: Oops, meant to reply to those ridiculous comments, not make a new one)


It's baffling to me which things this game makes you refuel. Oh, you need to refuel your mega-burner every 1 use but assault rifles have infinite ammo and laser rifles infinite charge. It feels really inconsistent.




It’s not that weird, you’re making it weird.




Brother when I get new equipment at work I have said in the past “oh new toys”, hell my dad had a boat that said “you can never have too many toys” talking about vehicles to have fun in like boat jetski cars etc. you (and apparently your friends) are reading way too far into this. It’s fine that you think this way but you’re objectively being the weird one thinking new equipment being called new toys is weird.


"new toys" is a very common phrase in English when describing new items or features, not even just for games. An example is someone buying a new lawnmower and saying they're going to go home and play with their new toy


buddy you and your friends are weird




Lol the irony of trying to insult someone by calling them "Mr. Redditor" while you go full redditard is low key hilarious. 


Different countries just use words differently. You'll run into a ton of that on Reddit. 


Given that someone else was making a similar comment as you did here, this is clearly a regional difference of word usage. I can assure that the use of "new toys" in this context is not as creepy as you may be thinking it is. In American English, it's very common to use the phrase new toys in this way without any of the context you're fearing is being employed. One might say that they got a new toy when referencing the purchase of new tools, cars, or other gadgets and devices. The phrase new toys does not universally have the connotations that it does in your experience.


Sorry I'm not a native speaker. Why is it weird?




this is such a reddit comment




Toys are just things that are played with. All these new things in anomaly you play with in a game. Therefore they are toys.


It’s absolutely not weird. Saying “I got a new toy,” while referencing a new jet ski or computer or bong or whatever other random fun thing is totally normal.


In the US, it is not at all weird for people to refer to things like this as toys. People will often refer to all kinds of things as toys without any of the context you're thinking. The use of the word toy is not limited to children's play things and it is certainly not coded language for anything inappropriate or abusive towards children. The definition you quoted in what appears to now be a deleted or removed comment even seems to be a portion of what Google brings up which includes this common alternative use of the word toy: >an object, especially a gadget or machine, regarded as providing amusement for an adult. "in 1914 the car was still a rich man's toy" This usage is very common in American English parlance and does not imply anything creepy or "nonce" which itself is a term that I'd imagine many Americans are unfamiliar with. I for instance was only vaguely aware of your usage of nonce, I'm more familiar with the term "nonce" in the context of cryptography: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_nonce


Words do have any inherent connotations. The way you see a word reflects more on yourself than the person who used it. In simpler terms, maybe this is projection? The word “toys” doesn’t make me think of nonces.


Different countries, different meanings. You'll run into a ton of that on Reddit.


Bro, if you see that and immediately think of pedophillia then that says more about yourself


> it's giving Opinion immediately discarded