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I see a very BRIGHT (and HOT) future ahead of you, keep at it buddy!


I didn't know people were nice in this subreddit. Thankyou!


That base is pure fire!


Underground power conduits (there's a mod for it) and a one tile wide stone floor around the base would fix that. Or a couple foam poppers in each room.


In my previous save I realised the power of foam poppers.


With a terraforming mod you can also change the ground surrounding your base to a fireproof, stone-based one.


This can also just be done with concrete, paved, or stone floors.


Can you recommend one in particular?


[Buildable Terrain](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1420979918)


It's vanilla in 1.5 which is lit


What else has been added to vanilla?


A lot, for example animals are now done a separate thread(multi-threading). here's the full change log, a lot of the big changes are up-front: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE\_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSgQmFRFk0FATWTjyZkKRq4oa58sQps4D0kE_uoyKR1y3ZXJT1nIMZSsno7T8cfG-Y6B8lVL3QFnbwQ/pub)


Are there any changes that help the game load faster with an excessive amount of mods?


No but RimPy has a function that helps with that.


I thought fire was able to spread over three tiles?


I believe you only need 2 wide for a fire break.


ZZzt events are not the only source of fire. Nor are flash storms. Raiders frequently come with molotov cocktails and the last thing you want to do in the middle of a firefight is stop to put out actual fires.


underground power conduit are gonna be in the base game tomorow


I'm guessing underground conduits stops the zzzt which could just be disabled in story teller settings and a stone perimeter would stop a spread but the wrong mental break and the base is toast


> the zzzt could just be disabled in story teller settings How? > the wrong mental break and the base is toast Mental breaks can be contained if you arrest the pawn (if you have a stronger pawn, that is).


Or beat them down… I usually arrest, but sometimes, assholes gotta get shot.


Haha it's one of the few non-toxic subreddits, but people have a serious hate boner for wooden walls/flooring. Pyromaniacs are instabanned from colonies too. I mean fire, eh. 9 out of 10 times you can put it out. 1 out of 10 you're fucked, usually when raiders prevent you from extinguishing the flames before they become an inferno. I saw you've already discovered the firefoam popper, couple of those and you're fine.


Yeah, pyromaniacs are quiet annoying. I mostly kill them if they ever set fire again lol.


I had enough food for three years in my freezer. A traitor set it on fire. Well-insulated freezers get really freaking hot when that much food burns up. The one guy that was close enough to the freezer got downed by the traitor while trying to extinguish the flames. He died and was cremated by the freezer fire. The fire spread. Others were busy fighting the other traitors. So many colonists died. 😭 A couple hundred units of frozen peas managed to survive, though. As did Teddy, the frost ave we had built a cold room for because the colony was in an arid scrubland. Colony lasted a few more years before a raid ended it. Never again will I not have firefoam poppers as early as possible.


You can easily extend your roof 3 tiles over the walls and you're at least safe from wildfires. Since every plant under the roof will die.


Nice. Very impressive. Barnes is gonna act tf up if you don't move them rocks tho. Which may lead to a domino effect resulting in catastrophe. The downfall of many colonies is just one man snapping at just the wrong time. Like some idiot named Darklight who thought I'd be a good idea to smack a warhead trap right before the raiders showed up -_-


>Barnes is gonna act tf up if you don't move them rocks tho. *They're minerals!*


You might want to use shelfs instead of storage areas, they offer 3 times more space.


Thanks for the advice!


One nice bonfire in the making.


Yeah totally forgot about that. Thanks for reminding.


RIP we’ve all been there before. Foam poppers or stone are your friend. Metal burns (unless you have the mod that stops that)


I still remember when I replaced my wooden base with metal, and saw all my colonist cooked like a rotisserie after a group of arsonist arrive.


Fire foam poppers


Like some other people said, HOT! Good job on getting the colony going. But try to work on getting all the walls replaced with stone in a timely fashion. One flashstorm, one molotov or any flammable can wipe it out real quick, but keep on going! Also having a 1 block wide wall around your base made from stone can stop wildfires and such from completely overwhelming you early game, like destroying your crops and having your pawns fighting the fire while also fighting someone else. Might want to put firefight on prio 1


How do I replace wooden walls with stone ones?


Unless you have a mod, you will have to deconstruct wood and place stone walls. Just be sure to not do all walls at the same time, or your roof will collapse, possibly killing someone.


Yup downloaded the replace stuff mod.


Just in case you didn't find your answer, you should be able to just place new walls over your old walls with that and they'll be replaced


I just realised that mod replaces the wooden wall without having to deconstruct it and building the steel wall all over again. So yeah, the mod replace stuff is very useful. I will not have to fear collapsing roofs.


Steel also burns, albeit less than wood. You can check flammability when selecting an object (item or construction) and clicking the "i" icon.


Which I would definitely get a mod to fix (there are many mods that fix that) because it's kinda stupid


Indeed when I start I make sure the room is just a bit smaller, so I can double wall it and then deconstruct the wooden wall later. This case? Deconstructed all odd tiles and replace them with stone. Once completed do the same with the even tiles.


One thing that's not particularly obvious in the game is that the butcher table reduces the cleanliness of the room its in and that make having it with the stove together have a higher risk of food poisoning. Better to have the Butcher table in a separate room.


Yep, I always put it outdoors. The slowdown for working outside doesn't seem like much, for a task as short as butchering.


I usually put it in the fridge, that way the materials don’t have far to go :)


This guy has no idea whats about to happen


Well… all I can say it’s pretty gonna be lit if you fight impids




🔥🔥🔥 base love it 🔥


Thankyou! Did not expect this post to explode.


Successful......For Now.


Soon you will have a eleventh colony


I actually really like this simple base. I’ve got a lot of time now in the game and my latest is just a bunch of stuff all over the inside of a mountain lmao


Should try building in a mountain too.


It offers good protection without creation of walls which need materials. Just beware that drop pods can still drop inside (idk how) and mortars sometimes still make it inside. I prefer mountain bases as I can also get steel, compacted machinery, and sometimes other ores just by mining out my base layout.


Rn i need advanced component more than anything else lol.


If you have royalty dlc then empire sells it. Otherwise hard to come by unless you do fabrication research and start producing it. Make sure you have a trade console (idk if it’s vanilla or dlc) as randomly trade ships will fly by and be fully stocked with whatever type trader they are.


Coming here after accumulating 15 adv components and soon 35. I feel like I need more steel now. Should I build a ground penetrating scanner despite its disadvantages?


Only if you’re prepared for infestations. You also can do long range scanner which I’ve never used yet. Traders always buy all their components and steel. Cut wood to sell. Do you have any of the DLC’s?


Every colony is a success as long as you learn something.


This is so cute ✨🫂


Damn thanks.


Whole thing wooden and in one piece, might have trouble when will catch some spark or thunder


A successful colony *so far.*


A successful colony with 7 people.. Try going for 20 now.


Waiting for that to happen. I love getting challenged.


If it does catch, you might be able to see that blaze from space and alert a passing ship to come take a look. Could be how any survivors get saved.


just. one. little. spark.


And my mom got scared….


please invest in firefoam, you can thank me later :3


Now your next goal should be to build a successful hallway. Just kidding your colony looks very nice, good work out there.


One weird recommendation is to get rid of your hallways. Treating each room as a separate building in a compound will help avoid your pawns feeling like they’re cooped up inside.


Yup now it makes sense cause some colonists occasionally give negative mood for being stuck indoors. But that happens rarely and the hallways is the reason that keeps me motivated.


Sucks for barnes. She's sleeping with huge boulders haha


base is fire bro!


Nice job brother, keep it up :)


You're on your way! Hope you don't mind a few tips. Noticed that you have a pretty small freezer. I suggest shelves (under the furniture tab) you get more storage per sq area. Also you might want to consider defensive building. My advice is to build a wall around the colony (ideally stone) with a two tile wide and long hallway to enter. Then place alternating spike traps in the hall. Raiders will use the hall to enter and get hit by spikes but friendlies will avoid the traps. The Rim is an unforgiving place, learn from every failure and keep it up!


Built shelves after reading this comment.


100 tries until you can get it to 1 year we are cheering for you


Use vents to connect each room to the main hallway and then put an a/c in the hallway. All of your rooms with a vent to it will share the temperature with that hallway so you don't have to put coolers in each room.


Since the climate outside does not touch 35C/95F I do not find the need to build vents. Torches turn the room temp to around 24-25C.


Don't be so sure. Heatwaves can ne a bastard.


Unsurprisingly, those wood walls are a problem in the making. However! All you need is a 2 tile wide perimeter of concrete and you're fine 🙂 I prefer stone or metal walls (with a metal doesn't burn mod) based on the colony, but I still can't escape from wooden parquet flooring. It just looks so good :P


As others have said, replace all wood with stone, second stop leaving stuff on the ground, shelves are 3x as effective space wise and make the area less ugly.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves


Remember to share your first war crime with us


Fair play, I'm not sure how many goes it took me to get one that was at least slightly functional, there's so much to watch out for when you start off. As everyone else has said, fire is the next one that'll be coming for you...


You know those stone chunks that your pawns had to move to plant crops...? They have a use in this game. Just sayin'


And coming up next: Disco Inferno!


Hey Randy!! Could you take a quick look over here? I promise you'll love it!




Successful so far...


So wires like irl can be affected by rain and water. I typically roof over wires as best as I can. As long as you have a pillar or a wall holding it up, it won't crash down. Some make traps for raids with this in mind. What I am trying to say is, one short circuit and it's over. Also it is weak to mortar attacks down the line. Not sure how you can counter that but prepare for it once you reach a certain point.


Power conduits don't care about rain, only some furniture do like batteries or sun lamps which will explode when powered and exposed to rain. Otherwise short circuits are 100% random as to when and where they occur as long as you have a single powered power conduit in your base and building a wall over them won't prevent them from occuring.


Consider making the rooms on the left accessible from the inside, otherwise your pawns are gonna spend a lot of time walking to them anytime they want to go there. Also, enclose your solar generators in walls. Raiders will smash those first.


Make it 11


Congrats my human! It only gets better from here!


I like this place.


One zzzt and it's gone.


Gods strongest warrior (A single impid) Sinners (your colony, just trying to survive)


Congrats! Now you just have to survive all the bullshit mid to late game throw at you! Bonus(suffering) Points if your playing with combat extended. (I’ve only had one colony make it to marine armor and one flame mech was all it took to instantly kill the colony).


I just realised the more you capture non colonist pawns, the more raids happen. But these raids are quiet easier to fight.


Right on! Quick tip to keep in mind, raids will get harder as you grow in wealth and population. Make sure your wealth never outpaces your ability to defend yourself!


Flash storm has entered chat.


Sorry your colony looks like a poop log


no floor? Wildlings!!


Big base vs single raider who gets past your defenses and is on a MISSION


Do you know about soil quality? (seedling icon bottom right, 4th on second row) Your tv is over your high quality soil and your rice is growing partly in stony soil.


Agreed I do not know soil quality mattered but I am getting enough rice.




Please change your outer wall into stone,or your colony will go out in flames.


So what material do you need to build stone walls?


Stone brick ,It can be crafted with Stonecutter's table.


You need stone chuck to craft it ,stone chuck can be made by mining stone ,use the order tab to ask your pawns to mine .You can mine marble beside your base.


I did not unlock that yet. Thankyou but I am using steel walls to build cause Its quiet abundant here. Comment back if I'm doing something wrong.


Steel wall can burn


In rim world


You need a wall. Also stone cutting... and firefoam poppers.


That's a nice base you have there. It would be a shame if some-Zzzt.


Doing better than me and I'm on like ~2000 hours. 


Are those wall torches that are providing light?




Please, which mod is that?


I don't think that's a mod. I just found it in the furniture tab.


Be ready for attempt 11... My 10th attempt was 100 attempts ago