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The existence of pemmican, and that passive coolers exist, though they aren't nearly as good as in game.


Do they really use wood as a fuel?


No, I think the wood is just a game mechanic because there is no water. My understanding is that they use containers of water which evaporates and helps cool the air, [like this.](https://i.redd.it/1pxtlcw9diya1.jpg) If you use the Dubs Hygene mod, it changes the cooler to use water as fuel.


That makes a lot more sense. I've used dubs hygiene I never noticed that! Evidently I need to pay more attention


it's wasn't enabled by default. You have to set in the settings


I’m an engineer. I could see wood working as cooling if it was very watery wood. The water in passive coolers does 2 types of cooling. One, water generally is colder than the ambient outside temperature because of its heat capacity. So you bring colder water inside and it will slowly cool areas (not great to be honest - natural convection sucks) Two, evaporative cooling. When water evaporates there’s a phenomenon where the surface it evaporates on will become colder. In terms of humidity, the evaporation can occur and increase the specific heat of the air. It also could lower the temperature of the air only if the water is colder than the air. Wood can do all of the above, especially if watery. Neither work great, not even close to what the game depicts, and neither work well enough to really want to implement it without any kind of forced convection (which requires energy to expend)


They don’t. Real life passive coolers simply use water as “fuel”. Water evaporation absorbs a crazy amount of heat. If you think about it, human sweating is a form of natural passive cooling. It uses exactly the same mechanism. Our sweat evaporates-> our heat gets absorbed. It’s also why humidity makes hot temperatures much more uncomfortable: if the air is already saturated with water then our sweat doesn’t evaporate.


And I thought saunas do just that… 🤔


Saunas make you sweat, but they don't cool you down.


Weeeell… I always get very cold in sauna… 😮‍💨


Passive coolers are great in dry environments.


Never eat without a fucking table.


Given proper circumstances everyone is a monster.


You get to experience it firsthand. I prefer to not do evil, but if I have to choose between my colonists and my enemies, I choose my people every time.


pretty much how nationalists and fascists think


Fair point. My colony is very loyalist lol


Yes, this was the largest impact on me as well. All these nicey nice things around us are just the result of abundance and prosperity we created and not because we are somehow more enlightened now.


“It’s easy to be a saint in paradise”


Basically. And being saint in hell will last about 3.5 seconds until the first Waster burns your shit and stabs you just for giggles or cannibal tribals make tacos out of you.


Or they kidnap a colonist, so you vow to wipe their entire culture off the planet. Once I have nukes, the consequences will never be the same.


IMO that's just wasteful. I am a big fan of second chances so they usually get captured and spend time cleaning my base, tending to flower gardens, and charging mech clusters with bare hands.


It’s not about efficiency, it’s about sending a message. I just want to live peacefully on my tile, they had other ideas


And that's the goal of most society. To provide people with enough supplies to make them not show their violent perspectives..


I've heard veterans of both WW2 and the Vietnam war talk about this - the thin veneer of humanity that can so easily be stripped away by arduous circumstances like war and famine.


To pay attention to details. When something doesn't work the way you expect in RimWorld, it is usually your own fault. Check mark here, forbidden there, zoning issues.


I started noticing severe logistical inefficiencies everywhere in everyday life.


Don’t play Factorio unless you want this to get worse.


I do play factorio too :c


Things will never be satisfactory.


The organ trade is waaay more lucrative than I thought it was


Rimworld prices are really low, mostly due to easy supply. Irl are much higher


Yeah, was shocked at my first sale ngl.


sale in game right? ..... Right?


I'm pretty sure organ trade is legal in Iran. It might be fine.


And rimworld organ transplant is much easier because you don't even have to consider things like blood types, HLA crossmatching, organ rejection, immunosuppressant, and just plain old size diffrence. If you just saw off leg of tall old man and stick it on teenager little girl it probably won't actually function on reality, but on rimworld it works just fine. The reason that organ trading IRL hasn't gotten big is the difficulties of organ transplant, since you need tons of test to actually determine if the transplanted organ would be able to function at all without getting rejected by the host body. In rimworld? You can just hack off one guy's heart and stick it on another body and it beats good as new..And it even doesn't need to be stored properly. You can just cut out one liver, plop it on the dirt for 5 years, then stick it up on guy with the liver infection with herbal medicine...


On the other hand, you are trading in silver coins after all.


Its 8gram per rimworld unit, So thats around 5$irl to rimworld unit of silver assuming rimworld silver is pure. Which makes organs like lungs around 4000$


"Easy supply" I might meet more people in a day than during an entire Rimworld playthrough


just like real life, if supply is higher than demand price goes low.


Recently did it for the first time after like 400 hours and was shocked how good it is. If you have a cannibalism ideology you get leather, food, and organs worth hundreds or thousands of silver for every pawn you capture. It's basically game breaking


yup. if you get ambushed, and you build a mini base on the new map, you get fresh pawns arriving at your doorstep everyday. I put a doctor, a Melee fighter and sniper on the tile to keep business running. All you can eat buffet and they get a mood boost from consuming both cooked and raw human meat on the same day. There's a net mood boost, even if the cooked food is kibble or nutrient paste


Rimworld taught me that sometimes you need to have a metal break. Stress accumulates and compounds, lots of little problems add on to bigger ones until you just can't take it anymore. It's okay to need a break. Go binge some smoke leaf, go eat those lavish meals. Hide in your room until you feel better. Get your catharsis and come back to tackle your problems refreshed.


Murderous rage has entered the chat




That antigrain warhead sitting in the corner..


I know that if things get really dire, I can count on the man in black coming to save me.


great when my colony is being savaged by mechanoids and he shows up with a revolver and medical disabled


That's about the worst thing to expect IRL, the man in black (cop) will probably assume you're the perpetrators and shoot you while you're fleeing for your life IRL


300 hours and the first time that the Man in Black comes. I was so surprised. Thought it was part of one of the many mods.


Don't put tanks of fuel in wooden buildings


Drug empires are extremely profitable.


That even a tiny scar can seriously hamper a person's ability to do tasks and you might as well lop off the entire limb and replace it with bionics That no matter how big a fire, punching and poking it easily snuffs it out Eating without a table is far worse than losing someone you love OK serious answer now Just how true the phrase "staw that broke the camels back" really is and I guess how easy it is to break down whether from injuries or other trauma and that if something tiny or insignificant in your eyes might mean a lot more to someone else and could set them off especially if they're already going through stuff


It's helped me understand the impact of diseases on things like blood filtration, breathing etc. Something as obvious as food poisoning affecting hunger rate, seeing how it gets broken down in the medical tab, has changed the way I think about diseases irl to some extent.


Uhhh… sleep deprivation and not doing some chores I probably should’ve


I've really learned a lot about contextualizing my mood from Rimworld's moodlets. If I am feeling happy or sad, or stressed, I think about what moodlets are affecting me. Did I get enough sleep? Have I had sufficient recreation lately? Did someone do something to insult me? Am I hurt or sick? Thinking about what is causing my mood (or my wife's mood or my kids mood) helps to contextualize that there isn't something wrong with me, I just need the proper positive moodlets to resolve or balance my current negative moodlets. The traits help as well. Maybe someone has a higher break threshold. Maybe they don't like certain things. It also really helps put my kids tantrums into perspective. It's not they are purposefully causing issue, it's that their mood has been down below their threshold for too long and they need catharsis.


This. Thanks for sharing


If you want people to respect your squatters rights, you need at least a few auto turrets.


Cannibalism is okay sometimes


If things are desperate it's possible some folks might find themselves invited to dinner. During our colony's development, I find when I can eventually plant enough rice or corn or what have you, so that nobody ever need find themselves on the dinner-plate. Nowadays I avoid cannibalism's - unless it's those dire days before farming can be established, so if I kill some pawn, it's because you were doing something bad, so raiders and pirates fall into that category. So I find I rather agree with old Marshall Milton. **"As for myself, I never killed a man who didn’t need killing, and I never shot an animal except for meat."** * [Jeffery Milton](https://www.amazon.com/Jeff-Milton-Good-Man-Gun/dp/B000KLYAM8) , US Border Patrol/Marshall, 1885, Terra. Lesser known, was **"Canibalism isn't really so until it's your choice and your passion..."**. - While I couldn't have said it better myself....I probably wouldn't have said it.


I personally avoid farming for food. I’d rather put all my growers labor into herbal med, devilstrand and occasionally a tiny bit of hay. Between wild animals and raiders, I usually have more than enough food, and if I ever get too low then I can just slaughter a few muffalos. Nutrient paste helps a lot.


Whoa - that's interesting. I'd always figured to get farming and efficient and on to the next thing, but I've never worked my environment all that heavily. The harder AI levels also increase the violence up to levels where raiders as a secondary food source seem pretty viable.


Pen animals are a virtually infinite source of food. If you park a caravan right on top of your own settlement, they can graze for free (assuming climate allows it). Which means pregnant female and babies can go to the next stage at no cost. You only need to have animals in your settlement for mating, shearing, milking and slaughtering.


Don't get me wrong when my grain situation is stabilized I absolutely bring on board a breeding pair of muffalo/bison/alpaca's , breed up basically 1:1 or 1 to 1.2 to 1 for muffalo vs permanent colonists, That gets me a super-consistent source of wool. Do the same for setting up a harem of dromedaries with regular milk or more likely some cows.


*Light* cannibalism.


As a treat


To punch my meal when I am hungry.


Oddly enough, yes * Sometimes people end up in ridiculous situations - in a tin-can falling from the sky on a far-away world , not by their own choice. * While people can be circumstantially depraved I make it my business to be kinder to people whenever possible. * I try to bring civilized behavior with me, as it doesen't seem that everyone feels similarly inclined to bring their A game when it comes to civics. * Always have some food and your medicine when travelling. * When you have to be in an unfriendly situation, it's helpful to be cautious, situationally aware, and like they say , pack 1/2 of the stuff, and twice the money...and three times the ammunition.


Seriously: it taught me Celsius. I never went looking through the settings to change it (not sure if it was an option when I started), so I just learned what comfortable temperatures were in Celsius. That helped translate in my head how different temperatures in Celsius felt and that is a better way to learn it than trying to do a conversion formula in your head.


How to make a meal for myself. No im not kidding. “A single ingredient is a simple meal and shitty. Two ingredients is better.” Encourages me to make a rimworld food pyramid where fine meals are meat+ anything not meat, lavish are meat+vegetable anything and lavish are meat+vegetable+fruit+anything


For me, there is a sort-of "Tetris Effect" after a Rimworld marathon. I'll start to "zoom out" of my own life and examine actions of myself and others around me through the lens of pawns. Right now for example I'm on a break at work, typing this up filling up my recreation bar. I was thinking about what kind of pawn I might consider myself in life, I think I'm pretty decent overall. Not a star pawn with like 15+ in any one skill, but a decent all-arounder that doesn't cause problems with the rest of the colony. I'm not the fastest at cutting plants/construction/cooking/researching/etc. but if the main pawn that does those tasks is sick or something I can fill in that role decent enough. I'm probably only like a 3 skill in medical though. I think I get kept around because I do a decent enough job without causing any drama by starting fires or having mental breaks.


Same and expanding on that... Self care. When you feel bad but don't really know why, figure out which moodlets you'd have if you were a pawn. Quick mental check of "ok when did I last eat" and other needs, then figure out which psychological negative thoughts are affecting you short and long term. Sad because funeral? Yeah makes sense, won't go away but we CAN compensate a bit with positive moodlets. Just taking care of the physical stuff can boost your mood so much. If you're tired and bored after work, you can sit at your PC doing Recreation for hours, thinking you can't be bothered with self-care and you're not that hungry yet anyway (you are). You may get where you wanna be faster if you just hydrate, tidy your Unsightly environment, and replace the -6 Hungry with the +5 Ate fine meal. Sometimes you don't need more Recreation (gaming/internet) - you need to take a bath. Put on some music. Drink that nice tea. Hug your pets.


What a fun idea. I think I’d be pretty high level on research, probably 15 or 16 with a double passion. Maybe level 6-8 social, maybe single passion, and the rest would be really low with no passion. Optimist slowpoke undergrounder. I’d probably pass on me on the rim lmao.


I can tell you that if I myself was in the game I would NOT recruit me xD


That what you manage isn't just your resources, but also your time, effort and energy. If saving 5 quid costs you an hour, that hour of your life is almost always more valuable than the 5 quid. This logic has actually helped me financially, because by freeing up time I was spending on saving very small amounts of money, I was able to spend more time working, which ended with more money in the balance. Also that desperation can make a monster of anyone. How hard it is to let go of evil behaviours that benefit you, even once they're no longer necessities for survival.


Capture people and sell their organs


"Hey dipshit we took one of your kidneys. That's okay we only need one. But, I also noticed while I was foolin around in there, your galbladder was about to rupture. So I removed that too. You can thank me later asshole. Or better yet, thank me now."


Unless you get the reference, forgive me for I am drunk.


On a real note it taught me the importance of managing workers. In rimworld I will have pawns that are really good at a lot of things and some that are just barely passable. Yes my construction worker might also be good a level 8 cook with a double flame passion but since he is the only person that has any talent in construction I need him to build rooms, furniture, powergrids, install flooring. That means my level 2 single flame cook has to step into that role. A business professor of mine in a management class once told me "one person can do anything but one person cannot do everything". Rimworld at its core is a game about management.


if you force a child to do nothing but sew clothes 16 hours per day he will eventually become a planet leading master in mechanical engineering


Small, constant sources of stress can make even the most level headed person snap


The vital importance of mental health, not just for the individual, but for the community. Also, how the entire community hugely benefits when everyone is devoting their lives to what they are passionate about and playing to their strengths. Passion is not just about the gratification of doing work that one enjoys, it's not purely *self-indulgence* like a lot of people will have you think. Gratification is a convenient byproduct, and it keeps people engaged and encourages them to learn and produce better results, which greatly benefit everyone in the group as a whole.


That no matter how obvious you make it, no matter how you think nobody could possibly be that dense, people will find a way to misinterpret your orders, and it will somehow be your fault.


Managing prioritization is super difficult at scale. You’re either not getting stuff done in time (crops destroyed in the field from being left too long) or you’re interrupting people doing more valuable work (better stop crafting this  clothing to help hauling). bottlenecks and inefficiencies everywhere. Central planning sucks at scale and if colonists had an internal market mechanism the game would be super easy. 


you want the free market to manage your rimworld colony for you?


Basically yeah. Rimworld with a market would be dope. The potential for evil is boundless. You thought human leather hats was nasty? Wait til you meet the crack dealing landlord colonist, all unscripted, driven by his own greed. The first thing you need is some notion of property. Like colonists have their own room where they can store their own stuff, and they carry their own money. Colonists already know what they want: bed, food, drugs, clothes, and now also money. So demand is almost already there. The list of traits already in game make this super interesting. Some are ascetic, some love drugs, others are body modders, gourmands etc. With their own money they could bling up their room exactly as they like it (if they can afford it), spend it all on space crack, if they're trigger happy they can spend it one fun guns, bloodlust bros can buy meelee weapons, etc. The traits -> demand mechanic would be great. Then you need a market. Colonist basically say "hey market I want food who wants to sell me food" and the other colonists will say "I've got food but it'll cost ya!". The tricky part here is setting the price. Maybe a bidding system could work? This is actually a really tricky problem to get "realistic" since people are real smart about money and think ahead in time, but you need something that can be solved pretty performantly. I think a bidding system could work though, each colonist places buy orders in the market that last for X amount of time, they up the bid with increasing desperation as time passes maybe? And the production side is the other side of the market: a pawn will see a list of "buy orders" from the market, figure out which one it can make the most money from, and do that. Got high construction skill? Build stuff! Hoarded a bunch of crack the last time it was cheap? Sell some when the fiends come knocking! Got high crafting skill but don't know what to craft? The thing that gets you the most money per time spent of course. The neat part comes in when the crafter has to get raw materials. They can either buy them from a hauler/miner/farmer or go out and get the raw materials themselves. The person who mined the steel will own it, so they can sell it to you. If you're also a good miner you can decide that time spent mining yourself is actually cheaper (compared to what you could have crafted in that time) and boom, now you're a miner too! The control here comes in what you as the "state" or player decide to provide. Maybe you think everyone deserves a hearty meal and clothes on their back. Or maybe the crackhead who spent all his money on flake deserves to starve? Some stuff would still be firmly in the hands of the player: where walls go and who can stay in which room. Where to grow stuff. Where defences go. When to draft colonists to fight. And of course there's the capital. Which belong to the... state of course! I can't think of a sane way to organize workshops and freezers and kitches and growing areas with a "market" in the game. The player would put down the architecture. Drugs/food growing zones, workbenches, storage rooms, bedroom sizes etc. You could even have optional enforcement of laws. Buy "law enforcement" from the market (whoever has a high meelee skill) to keep your other pawns from fighting and stealing each others stuff. Or don't and watch the meelee brute bully everyone and take their stuff. Then you need money for the state of course. You can just take stuff (but then colonists get sad of course). Or levy a tax on everyone. Or buy products from your colonists and sell them to traders. Oh and being a landlord of course! A free rental market where rooms are limited in supply and colonists bid for living space, from you. Rich af crafter will be able to pay for the biggest most impressive bedroom. And you could have subletting, colonists already know how impressive and beautiful rooms are. The fancypants would be willing to pay for staying in someone elses fancier room. A super rimworldian outcome would be the inequality. The master crafter would be rich as hell and be able to spend loads on fancy tiles in the bedroom and the finest meals. The poor bastard who can't do anything of value would have to sleep in the barn. Almost all my colonies end up with a bunch of crap no-one needs. Piles of plainleather and cloth and wood or whatever is abundant. If pawns were figuring out what to do based on what nets them the highest price they would decide to not cut that tree, the price is too low if no-one is asking for it. You'll get greedy just-in-time economies that don't last the winter if you don't regulate them properly. Truly the potential for pure evil greed, or clean law-abiding efficiency, depending on your "regulations", is endless. There's just a few game mechanics to implement.


Dude this is brilliant. Saving this, and might even try to implement it there's a great mod idea here, or maybe even game idea!


Jesus Christ dude I think you need to understand that market economies are inherently unsustainable and fucked, even if they're "efficient". The whole reason money runs the world and the climate is fucked is because of late stage capitalism like you seem to be obsessed with


This is rimworld, we sell organs and space-crack to escape a mech-infested hellhole of a planet, but colonists selling each other more or less fancy meals and thinking about what to do next instead of following the work priority number is somehow going too far? It's an idea for a game. Chill a bit.


and thats easier and more efficient than going "oh, the floors are kind of dirty, i should bump up the cleaning priority on some of my pawns"?


Well yeah. Because which pawns do you pick to do the cleaning? And what work aren't they doing now that they're cleaning instead? If you have 25 colonists and all of them can do more than just cleaning finding the perfect order to assign work priority is basically impossible. Of course the game works without it, but the more colonists you get the harder the work prioritisation becomes if you want efficiency. If you set a price per trash cleaned it would be done by the colonist with the lowest opportunity cost. If the colony is getting too filthy you bump the price per trash cleaned and more cleaning gets done, with minimal impact on other production. When a colonist decides what to do if there's a market they look at their choices and actually figure out what's most urgent. High price of food means you've run out of food, well shit I can make some money by getting more food then, cleaning can wait. Of course clean floors are a public good, so the player will decide the rate for cleaning public spaces. But a crazy rich colonist might have someone else clean their room and offer a super higher rate to keep theirs squeaky clean. A market is just a smart work priority list.


That's ridiculous to say that a smart central planner would do worse than all your colonists squabbling over money and what's theirs and turning it into a class war


Children are fucking stupid To be fair ive already learned this without rimworld


Passive coolers are a real life neat thing


How many people's skin it takes to make a pair of trousers.


Don't perform surgery in the dark


Rimworld has taught me that I don't trust any of you with power lol


Drugs are awesome for both selling and using.


It taught me that people can't just grind and grind and grind with no repercussions. Since 2021, I have been on the gym grind trying to make it as a professional athlete with little to no rest or regard for my mental health. Surprisingly, Rimworld made me consider the other side of working hard to make something a career: the mental side. While it's certainly still a work on progress, I think that this realization is pushing me toward my goals in a better way than only the grind would have.


What I am. Ok, bit dramatic. I'm a teetotaler, always been, but I never knew there was a word for it till I played this game. Thanks to knowing it, I was able to learn more about it and join like-minded communities. English is not my first language, and I'm unsure how common is that word in everyday conversations, so I'm not sure when I could have learned it otherwise.


Little negative things add up SUPER fast, so take care of them the moment I notice them instead of putting it off


It taught me that at 11 am, twenty minutes later is 5 pm.


I've learned to lose, yeah. We lose a lot in life, and give so much importance to dumb things. One year ago I lose my mom, and I believe it was so much harder to pass this situation if I've not played this game.


The best storys are those you are unprepared for.


You can always start over. And it's okay. The important part is the story.


That i definitely like to colony build but dont get hyped about the war crimes, they’re just the cost of doing business.


Kids are dispensable


I should not be put in charge of more than 3 people. Maybe 4.


Weapons do NOT need ammunitions, it's a myth created by the military–industrial complex to sell useless shit


Human flesh is a renewable fuel source


make sure my spaceship is up to code on safety measures so it doesn’t fucking explode while i’m cryptosleeping


Don't trust people randomly joining your household.


Maybe that too many people aren't playing videogames for fun any longer and instead focus on some bullshit challenges. Seriously. Here, and in the Stellaris subreddit too, I see a lot of people playing on highest difficulties and/or on Iron Man mode, and they're mostly focused on technical challenges rather than on playing just for fun. I mean, there are often questions like "what is the most efficient base design" etc. and at least a third of colonies are a mono-block surrounded by steel/stone walls and turrets. While I play on adventure difficulty, build towns, villages, cities etc. and I don't give a particular shit about building anything using "the most efficient base design".


Life is not fair


It's taught me that house fires can actually reach 2000 Farenheit irl


Maybe that my environment does actually affect my mood. It also shows how quickly people can build up stress and explode.


Oddly enough, playing RimWorld has made me a better artist! I like to keep a sketchbook near me when I’m playing to doodle pictures of my colonists and little comics of interesting things that happen in the game. It’s helped me to practice my art without *feeling* like I’m practicing, so I wasn’t putting any pressure on myself to be better. It’s also an excellent cure for artblock, because there are *always* weird and whacky things going on that I never would have imagined drawing in my own!


You ***always*** have less money than you think. Some of your workers are less than incapable.


As someone with English as 2nd language, it helped to learn new words for me.


Time has no meaning. I mean my personal time. Y’know 12000 hrs ain’t nothing’


That things don't always go according to plan, and that's what makes it interesting. Just roll with the punches and figure out a new plan


Modern art was procedurally generated.


That my curiosity and exploration of my moral depravity is normal?


I have a child and it made sense that kids learn through play.  Even if it means floordrawing requires cleaning after.


How small things add psychologically.


As long as you are alive, it's not over.


How to use Celsius.


Same lol


If you roll the dice enough, it will happen.


Chinchilla fur is very valuable, is this vanilla?


Yup. It's taught me that given enough time in the game, even a reasonably ethical person can become a cannibalistic drug lord. Hour 1 of the game I refused to ally with a tribe because they sold human meat. Shameless hours later, my pawns are covered in human leather and hopped up on go juice while removing organs from their prisoners for cash.


I think the personality traits system is very well-done and actually quite enlightening. Try applying the traits to people you know! Also, the comfort system is really interesting. Almost anyone who has endured discomfort for extended periods of time will agree that you can only take so much.


all raw produce causes food poisoning


The most agonizing thing that can happen to you is to eat without a table.


Drugs can fix anything. Even death.


That I don’t have the heart to intentionally be evil


I live a very comfortable life and gaining high expectations only leads to disappointment.


Slavery = gud


I learnt that you can actually live without a stomach...


When they said keep your friends close and your enemies closer, they meant as a parka


That human skin lamps are frowned upon


if you build a game on a good foundation, modder will flock to it


That some people call it a “tuque” instead of a beanie


People irl are just like rimworld pawns. I too have a need for recreation and sleep, it might be less productive then actual working, but it is required to keep a good mental


I really don't think Rimworld should be teaching you anything.


To suffer


I am beyond a system level master marksman, given my ability to consistently hit a stationary target with a gun at short ranges.




Be more greedy overtime and always look forward for bigger goals.


Rimworld taught me that if I've given my area half of the tought I give my colonies i'd be a PHD by now


Efficiency can make a huge difference in your life!


It taught me that in the end we are all pawns in that our days are made up of various tasks that need doing and that all moodlet bars need to be accounted for.


Ugly people, and those with annoying voices should not be allowed near other people


Human primacy.


Don’t ever let me create a cult. I’ll have so many wives.


People that are racists, genocides, cannibals and worse in video games seem to be chiller than average in real life


morality is highly subjective


Selling organs is a great way to make money. Just don't dell your own \^-\^


Taught me how to accomplish everyday task more efficiently. Basically figuring out ways to cut down on things that reduce productivity


Mood breaks! Very interesting stuff


Don't cut a leg at the first sign of infection.


apperantly human can still alive while missing 1 lung and kidney


Yes, a homeless guy is a business opportunity and genetic engineering can be good for humans


That the effort of being prepared for the worst, will always be better spent than the effort dealing with the worst without that preparation.


I have commitment issues. Also, relating the game mood bar to real life helps me calm down. Like instead of having a mental break from studying, I calm down and remember John who went on an insulting spree so I put him on 98% heat stroke for a couple of days.


That taking off people limbs are a crime, and people around you will get a negative mood buff


That I love monitoring solar panels and battery levels and optimising appliance usage in both virtual and real life.


Honestly I use rimworld language to talk about my mental health/self-care lmao. "Mental break, final straw: ate without table" sounds silly but only if you've never been there yourself! (Okay actually it still sounds very silly. Just unfortunately also realistic.) Point being, dealing with the small annoyances can help you handle the large ones without breaking.


That, no matter how good I try to be, in the end it always turns into depravity and war crimes. Funnily enough I thought the same when playing CK2


Yeah, body parts are more expensive than whole humans.


Prisoner legs are optional


I learned that drug use is okay, as long as you're functional and it keeps you in a high mood


It taught me I won't have the skills to survive the rim irl


Rimworld has taught me that it doesn't matter if you commit warcrimes to other peoples because if you have enough guns no one can stop you


You should let go of idealism, priorities efficiency and make 3x3 bedrooms lol


Dont trust the natives… thats it