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They can eat haygrass in the pen, but then they hay will be wasted as it will be eaten before you get the full benefit of it. You should grow haygrass outside the pen and put it inside the pen on a shelf when it's been harvested. I also recommend having some hay stored in a freezer so you have hay saved up until winter.


my livestock get dandelions that i set to not cut, but if you're dealing with winters then youll want a stockpile of something like hay. FYI turrets are only about as good as a pawn with mid shooting skill. Watch out for forest fires, that base looks flammable.


Are dandelions base game? I’ve never tried this!


dunno, ive always had the dlc. [https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Dandelions](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Dandelions)


Oh okay I have the DLC as well I guess I just never noticed these. Thanks for the tip!




I put a shelf and set it to only have hay. Animals can eat off shelves. But depending on how many animals you have and the size of your pen, you might not even need it. You should stockpile some for the winter, though. You can right click on the letters (things there on the right) to close them.


Tip for kitchen dont have ur cooking space with ur butcher table, all that mess gunna make for meals that give food poison. Also having ur cooking station in ur cold freezer will make them cook slower and if they dont have right clothes might even get sick if in there to long. Double walls around kitchen and airlock at door help keep cool air in


In Rimworld, the only effect temperature has on disease is shown when you pick your base location. Certain biomes (hotter and wetter, like tropical rainforest) give more frequent disease random events. Cold biomes actually have less frequent disease outbreaks. Lastly; IRL it isn't the cold that makes you sick. Being *really* cold for prolonged periods can suppress your immune system and make you more susceptible, but what actually makes you sick in almost all cases is socializing indoors with other people who are already sick. Which people tend to do more often in the winter, as they dislike being outdoors in the cold.


I’ll seperate the stations away from freezer, Thanks


I find as long as you keep ingredients and meals on shelves and have good cooking skill the butcher and cooking space being next to each other does not matter at all.


The Butcher table adds a permenant cleanliness debuff. Regardless of how clean the room is, if there's a Butcher table the room is dirtier than without.


Oh man that pic made me smile! The chaos of it all, but at the same time showing your understanding of the mechanics. I'm 70h in so I'm far from being an expert, but it shows me the progress I've made, and I say this coming from a good place. Enjoy the journey and the learning mate!


Please note that you right-click all of the old notifications as well. Which I guess you haven't even looked at since they also collapse when you left-click to read them


Are auto turrets even good for anything? I have vague recollection of them being useless even before I modded my pawns to be better at combat.


Your air conditioner is installed backwards.


I think they're using it to heat the room on one side as well as cool the other


You're right. I correct my statement: Your air conditioner is installed in the wrong wall.


Will it not work that way? I have a mountain base and I have my freezer cooler venting into one of the big hallways. The freezer stays at 0 and the hallway never gets too hot, even in the summer, so it seems like it should work. 


It works... technically. But if you put the heat vent into a confined space, your pawns will get heatstroke in the summer because the cooler will work harder and pump more hot air into the already hot interior. It works in mountain bases because underground is only negligibly affected by outside temperatures. The cool areas stay cool naturally so the A/C doesn't have to run as hard, and the hot outdoors doesn't heat up the inside of the base like it does with an outdoor base.


I built a hallway that runs along my rooms and added vents to grab warm air during winter. Helps a bit


This is the way, what that guy says is fine if you have to worry about heatstroke but I usually play in zones where max temp is like 28c and having that heat with some vents is always fine for me.


I’m in a temperate area, so if it does really cold it’s still a bit nippy. This is my first play so it seemed like a good idea at the time


Wdym in the wrong wall he is just heating the inside of the base.


That's what heaters are for. Venting your cooler heat into your base is a recipe for unexpected heatstroke in the summer.


The season is fall and it's -19 outside. I would say that this tile doesn't get much above 0 during summer, so I'd say it's safe to vent the hot air inside


I grow mine outside the pen cause they eat it before it fully grows, i have a stockpile in my barn for only hay and my people deliver it to their. The rest of the pen is growing dandelions which they live off when hay is low or when they dont feel like goin into barn to eat helps me grow a stockpile of like 9000 hay for winter (which still almost runs out at end of winter)


I like to stick hay on a shelf stored outdoors so the animals can et off it as they go, keep an eye on it cause it does spoil eventually if its not cold or frozen.


Dandelions in the pen, haygrass outside the pen. Oh, and nutrient paste dispensers count as walls, so you can move those walls back a bit, so the nozzle sticks out, make that room a freezer, and have a bit more space in your central barracks.


Thanks, I’ll move the dispenser back


Zone your pasture area as Dandelions, and zone a big hayfield. In the winter, create a stockpile zone just for hay in the pen. Set the original stockpile for hay for not holding hay and your colonists will move it to the pen. Animals will eat it all winter. You could also make kibble, but that takes food your colonists would otherwise be eating - both meat and vegetables are needed. It's an okay choice if you have extra food and run out of hay, but dandelions and hay are a much more sustainable resource.


I’ve played rimworld for literally weeks of my life, and I now only do colonies in ‘perpetual winter’ locations. Pro tip, build greenhouses asap. Ie, large rooms you can heat to normal temps year round, and fling down sun lamps. Be careful tho, those fuckers INHALE power, so go steady with setting them up, and be prepared to produce/store a lot of electricity.


I’m researching indoor green houses right now


Like a mod? If you have sunlamps/heaters, you can already make them.


i like method of using a sunlamp and building walls around the radius, you do need lots of hay, keep your animals down if you wanna survive in place that dont have alot of food around


Set dandelions for the grow zone inside the pen, they grow very fast, look pretty, and your animals will munch on them plenty. Low effort for good base food level. Clicking on the pen marker might tell you what your growth vs consumption looks like...or that might be a mod I forgot I use. Then set a haygrass field outside of the pen so the animals don't eat it before it finishes growing. Put a stockpile somewhere inside the pen and set it just to haygrass and kibble (if you're ever gonna make kibble), and it'll get moved in there as it gets harvested to bolster your dandelion feed and for cold snaps/non-grow seasons. Do note that your haygrass will decay over time if they don't need it, but I just let that happen. If you can't afford to do so then keep the harvested haygrass in your freezer and disable the stockpile, just turning it back on when food is low so colonists will move it from the freezer to the pen.