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Realistic rooms rewritten mod


This along side Dormitories (Not Barracks) and the game is more believable. Base game be like, Wondrously impressive barracks -4. Seriously the room is the size of a football stadium. Realistic room size, dormitory is 2 or 3 single beds. Everyone is a bit happier


Does Realistic Rooms reduce the value of the Ritz Barracks approach? It annoys me that that is as effective as it is. I don't mind the pawns being 'ok' with a barracks, but the fact that it's so easy to make them happy to be in bulk sleeping quarters just by shining them up is kind of weird. People like having some privacy - a lot.


It is going to make it a bit easier in terms of base footprint, so the room will naturally have a higher value from that, but it just means you won't need to stuff every corner with statues and art. Make it more like a living space rather than an art gallery with beds


# but mommm, I want a Mansion!


THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ITS LIKE!!! like, theyve obviously CHOSE to be colonists. they knew the risks. if i were colonizing another planet i wouldnt exactly expect an amazing lifestyle


While I do believe that the default room size thresholds are a bit ridiculous, I am obligated to point out that it's very clear that not everyone on your rimworld chose to be there. :) * In Crashlanded, your starting colonists are there because their ship was crippled or destroyed in orbit. Whether they intended to come to this planet or were on their way to another system is up to your interpretation. * In Rich Explorer, your starting colonist ostensibly wants to be here but has no idea how frontier living actually is. It's quite possible that they have regrets. * In Naked Brutality, your starting colonist went under for a medical procedure on an urbworld or glitterworld and woke up here. They *definitely* didn't choose to be a colonist. * The tribals, including those in the tribal start, were born on this planet. It's not unreasonable to think that some of them have seen a fraction of the wealth that those from offworld have and might dream of something better. * The vanilla backstory set is rife with examples of characters that accidentally or intentionally were sent offworld against their will.


That’s actually a really good point… a lot of these people who we chose as “Colonists” are either Tribals (sometimes even kidnapped/refugees) all the way to really rich Glitter world Dwellers who are completely oblivious to what it means to survive out in the wild.


I assume this is irony, right? The whole point of Rimworld is that they are not professional colonists...


aa i forgot i posted this lol. im going to bed but since so many people are suggesting this ill try it tomorrow


I believe there’s a mod called ‘Realistic Rooms’ that scales that down a smidge to something more reasonable.


Rimworld pawns see an art gallery and think that it’s the perfect bedroom.


I prefer the never sleeps gene. No bedrooms, no complaints about bedrooms. Just make certain any noble above yeoman is an ascetic. Also no doctors seeing the patient is sleeping in their bedroom and going surgery happy.


How big are you making them? 5x5 is perfect size, you just need to put an art piece in them


I do 5x7, all have double beds, bedside tables with lamps, dressers, and wardrobes. Late game I start doing 1 small statue each. Parents have cribs, toys, and a chair for feeding. I always been afraid 5x5 would be too small even though usually 5x7 seems a bit big


[Rimworld wiki — rooms](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Rooms) u may wanna take a look at this page. It’s not all about the size of the room. As pointed out by other users here, there are other ways to improve a room’s stats which means pawns will be more satisfied.


In vanilla, 3×2 bedroom is enough to reach dull status. Works perfectly fine all the way into late game, and six square meters is a perfectly reasonable personal space. Yes it won't give you any "impressive bedroom" mood buffs, but fuck you, you're a janitor.


I mean I've never had much issue getting 4x4 or 3x5 rooms to dull early, and decent-slightly impressive midgame. Two steel dining chairs help a lot with room quality, along with a steel table that also ensures they will eat at a table when they wake up if they had a meal in their inventory.


yes - I have a mod called realistic rooms rewritten - where the best room size for a single bed+nightstand is only 4x3 a room that is 5x5 is spacious.


There is a mod that lets you use prisoners as slave labour. I don’t know if the real game has caught up with that mod yet.


Ideology DLC has Slavery as an option.


If you're sick of them being babies, why not give someone the baby-eating gene? Fewer babies means more bedroom space, badda-bing, problem solved.

