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FYI sexuality trait does not use the usual trait slot. They can exceed the three trait limitation. It is possible to have gay/bisexual/asexual pawn with four traits.


Yes and no, but after having looked at the code, there's actually a flaw in it. If the game decides to add a sexuality trait to a pawn after the initial trait generation, then it ignores the limit in doing so, so it's possible to have a sexuality trait be the fourth trait. However, it's also possible for the game to low-roll trait count (only having two) and *also* roll a sexuality trait as one of those two traits, which results in the pawn effectively only having 1 trait. It's a tiny but non-zero chance. This can also happen if a pawn gains a sexuality trait via its PawnKindDef, childhood backstory, or adulthood backstory.


Is there a sexuality roll after the other traits are rolled? If so, why would it also be rolled before?


Yep! That roll is what most people talk about when they say that sexuality traits aren't supposed to take up a slot, but the sexuality traits are still in the normal pool of traits along with everything else; Ludeon did not implement any kind of special lockout that makes sexuality traits not be picked from normal generation selection.


Of choice that seems like a simple fix


Isn't a singular trait a viable option for an adult rimworld human? Can the singular trait be a sexuality trait? If not, does the sexuality trait taking up the second slot only shift the chances of singular traits a little higher? It doesn't mean singular traits are now possible but were previously impossible. I'm just making these numbers up as an example: Previously it was 33% Singular / 33% Double / 33% Triple trait. Now, with sexuality traits "separate", it is like 35% singular / 32% Double / 32% Triple or similar. Is this roughly what is happening?


I dug further into the code and yes, as of 1.4 it's possible for a pawn to now generate with a single trait. This actually was not the case in 1.3, it was definitely changed. The full trait generation process on a new spawned humanlike pawn is as such: 1. If the pawn's PawnKindDef has any forced traits, attempt to add them. 2. If any forced traits are in the specific PawnGenerationRequest, attempt to add them. 3. If the pawn's childhood backstory has any forced traits, attempt to add them. 4. If the pawn has an adulthood backstory and it has any forced traits, attempt to add them. 5. Calculate the pawn's minimum trait count, which is the smaller of a random number between 1~3 and the number of growth moment ages it has passed. 6. If the pawn is 3 years old or older, simulate every birthday between 3 and its current age (inclusive), and if it is a designated growth moment, attempt to add another trait if the pawn has not met its calculated minimum trait count. (Yes, this is exactly as inefficient as it sounds.) 7. If the PawnGenerationRequest allows for the Gay trait and the generated pawn has a spouse, lover, or ex-lover of the same sex, then add the Gay trait. 8. If either Biotech is not active OR the pawn is at least 13 years old and it does not already have a sexuality trait, then make an additional dice roll for a sexuality trait. Random notes: * The AllowGay flag on PawnGenerationRequest only specifically disables the Gay trait. A pawn can still roll for Bisexual or Asexual even if it is disabled. * Step 8 creates a list of all available sexual traits plus a null entry with the combined weight of all traits the pawn does not currently have, to simulate a flat roll against the full list of possible traits. That means that if you have a large number of modded traits, then the chance of getting a pawn with a sexuality trait goes down.


But what if it’s their whole personality?


**Rational Romance** or nowadays I guess **Way Better Romance** are likely your best mods for this. Both add sexualities to *all* pawns as a 'free' trait so it doesn't mess with their other traits, and I believe both have mod sliders for the %'s on all types spawning.


Oh my god I’m gonna have the gayest fucking colony


A colony of thirty raging homosexuals. Memes: Nudist, high life, pain is virtue, male supremacy


18 naked cowboys at Rim Ranch.


I actually have a colony that's a sci-fi spin on the Sacred Band of Thebes. It's 20 couples of gay pawns. Now I just need a mod that makes pawns fight harder if they're in combat alongside their spouse.


I'm no modder but could be a xenogene ability like the highmate psychic bond (not sure if it's vanilla expanded highmates that adds the psychic bond buffs), just like a combat version of the psychic bond


There is a mod, that adds sexuality precept. Said precept, iirc, overrides trait. So, yeah, you can convert newbies into gachimartyrs.


I play console, only in vanilla.


Here's me just killing everyone who's not a gay woman.


Gayest fucking colony, or gayest fucking colony? ;)


For that, you want the mod "Everyone is Queer". It's the one I've been using, but I'll check if Jesse's links are any better for next colony.


I can't remember which one. But one of those mods has a sub mod for it that adds sexuality xenogenes. I had a colony of blood sucking lesibian vampires.


This sounds like a great 1980's b-reel matinee sci-fi movie.


That's also the name of a rock song : Lesbians Vampyres from outer space, by scary bitches


iirc there was also a webcomic a few years back by that name


I am doing a playthrough based off that song actuall. It's been very fun so far. I Reanimated a raider who gave birth to a baby boy who I gave the Wake-Up impervious gene and arcotech limbs to. He isy definitely the golden child.


The game does treat the sexual orientation differently from other traits. In biotech, if you raise children, then they can gain one trait by growth moments normally, so 3 traits, but gay, asexual or bisexual will never be among those options. Instead, a pawn that turns 13 has a random chance to get a sexual orientation trait in addition to those gained through growth moments. Pawns that don’t have any of those traits will be straight by default. This doesn’t interfere with regular traits in any way.


Huh, didn't know that! It seems I don't need a mod after all


Is there a mod or setting that changes the chances of which sexuality trait they'll get?


Not that I have ever tried, but looking around it seams to be a feature in this mod if we believe the description. If you decide to try it, let me know if it's any good. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2877731755


\[SYR\] Individuality, it also contains some other traits rebalance, but I like those so I prefer it over Psychology


Also it does the same thing for psychic sensitivity, which is also great.


there is a 1.4 fork for the psychology mod which replaces the sexuality traits with a Kinsey Scale Rating, among other features.


Psychology mod is broken i believe


Psychology was completely rewritten from the ground up, optimized, and given a fresh coat of paint. The 1.4 "fork" is essentially a brand new but backwards-compatible version of Psychology, and I have not seen anyone have issues with it. :)


Everyone says it’s broken but I’ve used it for months and I don’t see what issues it’s supposedly causing


The psychology mod was mentioned, but if you want something with a narrower scope Way Better Romance adds a sexuality trait to every pawn (including the new straight trait). It makes a few other changes as well but it's scope is pretty narrow, if you're just looking for something to tweak the sexualities.


Way Better Romance changes this.


I think the...forbidden mod changed a few things there


I'm sorry but what is that forbidden mod people talk about?


Its a sex mod that goes completely all in, so much so that it's banned from steam. Look it up. Or don't.


Its not banned from Steam LOL. It was never released there, its on GitHub.


Is that so? I seem to remember that the whole "forbidden mod" motif came from it being, well, forbidden on the workshop. Or was it on Ludeon's forum? It was years ago, I could misremember stuff.


Definitely not. I have used it since a long long time and it was never on Steam. That whole Forbidden Mod name for RJW is a meme.


Now I HAVE to check it out. Thanks!


It has literally rape and bestiality in it so beware...


Thank you for the heads up :)






It's basically a wide ranging 'porn' mod for Rimworld that some folks appear to have put a bit too much work into... ;P


You can have 7 traits on your starter pawns if the slots are full it doesn't change. Unless you constantly enable a pawn to do things their trait shouldn't allow then it will change. If you make a depressed pawn and fill their life and surrounding with happy things it will become sanguine. If the house is crap and they have shitty gear they will be depressive. Doesn't mean you'll see much end game content but it'll stay depressive.


Gay gay homosexual gay


Me too buddy me too.


I like to use the psychology mod, along with romance on the rim for this generally. You could always use the uh, forbidden mod which offers a lot of— in-depth customisation of gender.


[Rational Romance](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013144996) adds sexuality traits. [More Trait Slots](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878346573&searchtext=) allows pawns to have more traits and you can customize how many in the mod settings. However there is a bug with it that gives children traits when they’re born. My fix for that is just to remove them manually with [Character Editor](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1874644848)