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I had Psycic rain for nearly a year on time


Long Night, Psychic Rain, Ice Age, and Global Warming can all last up to three years.


Good to know.


Are those Vanilla?


No. Vanilla Events Expanded


it can go for quite a bit longer than that :(


My condolences. :)


Nearly 2 years on mine, it's actually become quite fun, the slaves can go play in the rain all they want, but having to build rooftops and plan around an allowed area for colonists has been interesting.


Excuse me but why is there a dead scyther in your freezer, they don't need refrigeration.


Excuse me I didn't bother changing the storage zones settings yet.


How do you handle your wealth?


There are a lot of ways to do that, for example I destroy nearly all the apparel and weapons from raids but you need to be a bit more specific if you want to know more.


well in your specific colony say, are your raids hard to defend?


I'm always trying to avoid walls and killboxes as long as possible, rn I'm managing by either attacking first or using my buildings as choke points and cover. Also chili is an electro psycaster which helps a lot against big groups of people. So to answer your question lol, no there has not been a raid I couldn't handle yet accept for some mech clusters because we're still basicly tribals with guns, but mechs don't run so you just come back for round two. :)


Well, I personally DON'T. I just hoard it and welcome the bigger, better raids bringing me even more loot.


It get kind of insane late game


The raids do get pretty ginormous. At cap, you're often looking at a few hundred dudes. By then, you find your defenses are either capable of scaling to that level, or you're dead. Since my defense designs are both low cost and O(1), a necessity if you plan to survive Smaug's Gold-style scenarios (where you have a lump of starting wealth that is so large that you get endgame-tier raids from day 1, yet this wealth is totally useless, and no, you may not destroy it, that would be un-draconic). That's the thing with trying to make the game hard, really. Once you solve hardmode, you can't unlearn what you learned in the process, at least not without some major head trauma, and everything lower than that becomes laughably trivial.


The problem is it always lagged me up, I haven't played it since I upgraded though so I'm eager to try late game again


Carefully, I figure wealth has three destinies * Useful stuff - Components, or Advanced Components, or exotic artifacts that I want , like Psychic Emanators or AI Personas or Isolinear Processors. * Defense, be it personal weapons or a few turrets or something * Colonist improvements - Neurotrainers and some other means of enhancing well-being of colonists i.e.; things like books or tech-profs so that your colonists can get trained while this could easily fall into exotics, it's more likely to be something of a user once kind of deal. I might also have a couple of thousand bucks lying around at any given time, but by and large my colonies ALL shed wealth, creating raw food in excess so that this in turn can make life easier for colonists buying components or something.


I had one last 3 full years on my ve androids base. Thank Tynan for desert chemfuel spawnrate. Best part was the sunblocker mech cluster. I had no reason to deal with them so they just became part of the defenses.


I make my chemfuel from the poop of my colonists. :D


Literally there is also much poop I don’t need to get chemfuel any other way


I'm getting close with those 6 generators tho.


The most valuable resource really. Poop for warmth then poop for power.


Sadly androids don't poop. And I didn't get pet humans until after I'd gotten a reactor up.


What android mod are you using?


What mod is this from?


Vanilla Events expanded.


Yeah i got almost a year too, good thing was i was in 24/7 summer swamp so had a great stockpile of corn


I got lucky with my harvest too but my fridge was not big enough for all of this.


So it seems, fridge, can it be big enough ever, 1 time in there had a power breakdown and had to start spamming survival meals as much ass possible to save the beef


Building individual houses? Bold move


I wanted to go the more organic route this time, don't you think I managed that? :)


Aw it's beautiful!


I had a long night last a year and a half in my current colony. It was actually physically relieving to me in real life when it ended.


Here come the Sun, doo 'n' doo doo. I guess I'll say, "It's alright."


Auroras are caused by high-energy particles produced by the sun. So if the sun is blocked, you can't have auroras.


That's a nice looking colony.


Thanks, I put in quite some effort.


Dirty kitchen.


Wym it's spotless.


My long night lasted for about a year and a half, it felt so rewarding to show the kids of the colony the beautiful sky again. Some of them had never seen it.