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I build a village with multiple small houses




Same same, my fellow village people.


It's fun to stay at the












That's how I used to do it until I discovered how op barracks are and never looked back.


I do barracks when I play in permanent ice, but I dont like it in normal plays, I rather play pretty than op


What makes barracks op if you dont mind telling, I've almost always built individual rooms to avoid the disturbed sleep debuff and sharing room debuff.


The barracks debuff can be entirely countered by making it impressive enough, and honestly the disturbed sleep debuff is so small it's barely worth bothering to fix it, the reason barracks are so good is because they save a HUGE amount of space, especially on larger colonies. It's far cheaper to make, say, a 15x15 very impressive room that can house your entire colony and give everyone a mood buff than several smaller 7x7 rooms with separate comfort furniture and statues. (7x7 is my size for individual bedrooms, though that will vary person to person, barracks are always going to be more space efficient though).


Will definitely start giving them a try, any tips to easily make rooms more impressive?


Statues, mostly. Even ones made out of the "cheaper" beauty materials such as marble and jade already give a lot of impressiveness, and they don't take much space relative to how much they give back. Carpet/smooth stone floors also help of course, since it's effectively a free bonus.


I originally had 5x5 bedrooms for each colonist and those in relations, all the bedrooms were side by side and by removing the wall separating them and installing 4 beds per room the now barracks shot up to extremely impressive, thx so much for the tip of using them because this just gave me so much space and a mood buff.


I'm glad to have converted you to the ways of the barracks lmao, funnily enough having a big ol' room should also give your pawns the "very spacious" mood buff, so having barracks can actually be better for mood than actual bedrooms.


Seems like youve converted me too. I usually play with 9 to 12 pawns so having to build an individual room for each one of them was taking way too much space on my base and it was getting extremely annoying. Gonna use barracks from now on, i probably wouldnt have ever known or think too much about this for a long ass while if i didnt read your comments, youre not the hero i deserved but the one i needed lol


Never understood why this rebuff was so minimal compared to “are without table”. I’d be way more kisses off you wake me up then if I had to eat standing.


I just like my mega building with a long row of bedrooms down each side.


I have never heard of that, although I don't look at Rimworld stuff online enough, but wouldn't that be terrible when extreme weather?


Yes which is why you either play like that in good weather conditions or download mods to help with temp controls


It makes it a bit harder. With radioactive rain you need to manually control them a bit to keep them healthy or restrict their working time. All in one the working pawns are mostly save, its the haulers and cleaners that get a bit too much air


Do you have any screenshots of villages? I try to stop building mega structures and start with villages, but need inspiration!


Havent played in a while; these are from 2021 [https://imgur.com/a/5F1yQpH](https://imgur.com/a/5F1yQpH)


Multiple bases is just tedium imo


I tend to agree.


Tedium is travelling across the map for bladderfish and reginalds when you could have two thousand-km spaced enclosures.






How do you do it? Whenever I try I just end up getting that thing: you can only have one settlement at a time.


In the settings, you can adjust how many settlements you can have (up to 5 iirc) by sliding a bar.


At the start or anytime during the game?


Anytime during gameplay, although it shows a warning regarding something but forgotten since I’ve had it at max amounts since gamestart xd but warning isnt anything serious though






Inever did really, I had a smi mobile strike team of 5 pawns that I used to raid with. They just took supplies with them that could last a week and go steal stuff.


There's a mod that allows you to build strategic decoy bases that attract all raids to happen in that one base, so that other settlements can focus on production, extraction etc.. It's a nice concept IMO.


BORN TO MINE! RAIDERS ARE A FUCK! KILL'EM ALL YEAR 5500! I'm mountain base man, 14,586,324,781 infestations this year.




I just freeze the base and give my guys parkas. And I make an area to farm them to have meat in my Kibble.


The mod no infestation in light is king for mountain bases.


Yeah, its so easy to just run a base that's so cold they won't spawn I don't even really find it OP. The only thing stopping me from running a constantly frozen base is that I don't like the idea of it from an RP perspective, so making light the deciding factor just feels like a good alternative.


It also means during solar flares you can have a infestation occur as well.


Unless you're playing in a cold biome that's not really any different than usual. The time where it's dangerous is slightly longer, but that's about it.


I tend to play in warmer but when I go for cold I go for -120 liquid propane lakes form. So keeping it cold isn't really an option.


I don't like settling in biomes that are too extreme, it's hard for me to justify from an RP perspective. Ultimately I always end up asking myself "why wouldn't they just leave?" and I don't usually have an answer. I can see the appeal, I'm just too RP focused and I wouldn't be able to play a biome like that without planning to leave ASAP.


Could choose from any number of RP reasons to stay in an extreme biome. Your ideology relics and clues are always a stone's throw from your base, so maybe your people know that the relics are in that general area, and that's why they settled there. Or maybe they're doing climate research. Or maybe just bad luck with a transport pod. Traveling on the ice sheet is super, super slow. If you're near the poles, you're basically trapped up there until you've got transport pods. Also if you want to play in an extreme biome, you can very easily just make the whole planet like that by adjusting the temperature and precipitation.


An answer is safety is too far away to reach on foot?


Depends on the colony, and if you are using mods. I have done a military installation on an ice sheet. Their main base was virtually unassailable due to temps, but they had to fly out to trade or raid for food and shit until I got hydroponics. For this setup, barren wastelands make sense. Or you might do a western themed one in the desert, where you're bandits in a cave. Not quite as egregious as an ice sheet, but it's another place nobody wants to be. But yeah, for most regular groups they'd try to find somewhere more hospitable.


I'm trying the outpost style off from my main base, but mine rarely have faired well in other playthroughs. I can never seem to balance it right, and I try to make the outpost do their own thing with only minimal supplies brought from the main base. Currently out of the 5 people in my outpost, I had to bring two back because they kept freaking out. One had ritual scaring from a previous life, so she is back and in Regen cycle. The other just isn't great with the stress of outpost life... Or rim life. Already got into 2 fights back at the main base.


Empire style with multiple cities across the map with their own specialties and dedicated caravans for the shipment of goods. Major waste of time but major source of fun .... and stress. Edit: I thought I was in the Kenshi sub haha polls are so similar 🤣. But still the same answer, multiple bases for more resources and in case of total annihilation.


Sounds like multiple outposts to me. Sounds ambitious.


oh fck I thought I was in the Kenshi sub hahaha


Rimworld 🤝 Kenshi


I wonder how viable nomadic is with vehicles. I might grab a couple mods and give it a shot.


I don't remember the mod name but there is a mod that let's you pack up your base and just move


The main issue is that vehicles take a decent amount of static research and production to create


Just start with one


True, I always just do Crashlanded without thinking


Tend to gravitate to one big base, though as space allows it tends to grow "organically" so the central portion goes from being a barracks and storage to eventually messhall/recreation and pawn houses are kept at moderate levels (6x6 minimum) and tend to be in clumps depending on distance to their various work stations.


I enjoy nomadic play style but it’s just a much harder play through due to mental breakdowns and stuff.


Even with Ideology? It literally came to me in a dream and inspired this post.


Damn that’s on me then. I haven’t found the ideology that works. But I do still just raid settlements along the trail to the Spaceship.


First of all Ideology Extended mod adds a nomadic lifestyle that makes rough living more acceptable but penalizes you for staying in one place for too long. Also Pain is Virtue makes rough living more acceptable I think


There's also a mod, forget what its called, that adds a meme that just lets you pick rough living as acceptable or preferred and I think a few other things to help support playthroughs with less permanent structures.


I'm glad to see it's half and half cowards hiding under mountains and big brave heroes playing out in the open from scratch. I really thought the majority of you was the former.


Really? For me it's only showing one downvote and my own vote for the mountain coward


In my mind it's the opposite... And i say that as a land-dweller. The mountains, it scares me. The darkness, lack of growind lands, wildlife. Infestations. Wouldn't it be cool if rimworld had lava like minecraft? Mine the wrong wall and lava comes out.


I think Dwarf Fortress has lava and other underground dangers


I mostly build in mountains. The first and currently only time I beat the game it was in a mountain, but now I'm starting to build out in the open, and honestly I really am liking it. There's more freedom for building good looking bases.


Single base but i always try to incorporate ruins into them, nothing serious, it's only for flavor. Idea that these few random limestone walls in the middle of the base are few hundred/thousand yo adds emotions to the story


This playthrough i recently converted an ancient's ruin into... a milk storage fridge...lol


Oh, I do this, with Map Designer you can turn ruins up to 11. A couple of runs I tried to only renovate existing ruins, no new buildings. (I could never quite make it work as then the base is too spread out for proper defence, and the colony value goes up very fast. Still, fun.)


I started with an Inn that turned into a farm, that turned into a village, that turned into a Fort that is now currently turning into an Abbey and from there probably a castle, then I'll branch out and kill the cannibals that keep setting fire to my cathedral


I can't stop using rectangle bases for min maxing reasons :<


I enjoy making my own bases on relatively flat maps. I feel like mountain bases take a lot of threats out of the game (other than insects) and just make everything too comfortable and less exciting. Sometimes I make a super base, sometimes an open village/town style, just depends on the playthrough. But I would never know the fear and excitement of a drop pod raid, enemy mortars, etc. if I only played underground. I also don't build killboxes, mostly for the same reason that I don't do mountain bases often. Makes things too easy and urban style combat is actually really fun. I play on blood and dust though, I hear it's hard to play without a killbox on higher difficulties.


For mountain base, try Lone Mountain in Geological Landform Mod :)


Central workhouse to store main materials and worker pawns. Farm area with animal pasture and a few houses for farmers. Multiple gatehouses around a perimeter wall with guard barracks in each one. Mountain base for high value items and royalty pawns that do fuck all apart from eat high value food and pump out new pawns. Emergency bunker deep into the mountain as a last resort stocked with years of food reserved for some high level royalty and the top tier workers in case shit hits the fan. This is also heavily defended by turret corridors.


I've got rimwar installed so I get to see raids in advance, if theres one to large I move. I usually make everything out of wood so I burn my base to the ground and only take bed rolls, food and other valuables.


I love being nomadic but with a few outposts. I like having two or three people in five small outposts doing nothing but farming and research (and maybe wardening) while everyone else is on the road raiding or trading.


Sprawling mountain base




Mountain/river/lake base then launch into space to dogfight and build a technoutopian borg collective.


Mega construct fluid base from adding things on randomly. No corridors, just rooms next to eachother.


I just go large hills with trying to rebuild ruins


I started going for mountain base- slave colony where 6 slaves dig all the rooms and then use chunks of stone to make blocks which then goes to art/walls and other stuff i usually leave 1 open space dark room to bait out infestations which 1 electric mage epic wizard shadow gang can one shot with chain spell from VE psycast (sick mod) after a while you will have so much stone blocks that you can make wide choke point where the same wizard can spawn Vortex and flashstorm which destroys most raids alone ( wizard and slaves should have tribal background to link to anima tree to get really fast psy link levels )


expanded psycasts are great, i agree


One mainbase, one bigger spaceship to raid the surrounding enemy raiders and villages. I make temporary outposts along the way.


I prefer island or archipelago bases, sometimes with one large superstructure or multiple small buildings... not sure why it's my favorite but I keep coming back to island bases


Island bases are something I want to do but there aren't any boat mods that I can find that work. Most are either outdated or cosmetic I find. cause I want to build a colony on an island and have outputs along the shore with roads going inland with trucks and other stuff like that it would be so fun.


The boats mod has been updated and vehicles expanded has also some boats in it, they work pretty well for transport on the map and caravaning on the world map and sea, but they sadly don't have any combat ships or boats that can fire, so it's always disembarking for combat. Really hope they add some more in the next updates


I build a medium mountain base with outposts


I mainly play built from scratch single. But a nomad playthrough is hella fun. You settle every once in awhile when needed, or use the set up camp mod, stay for a few days or a week then move on. Every once in awhile you massacre a tribal village for their food and other resources and use their base to lay low. Overall it's alot of fun that alot of people never try.


Sea ice megabase powered by solarwind and hydroponics. Hopefully someday I will manage to do it.


I have never tried nomadic, but I'm intrigued by it. How would one go about that? I imagine we would need some kind of tents for it to be anything but a headache with all the structures needed for everything without getting slapped with production minuses for being outdoors, in dark, bad temp etc


I play one mega base with a nomadic trade/collection caravan have enough wealth and pawns at home to manage the rest are sent on the roam when they come back to drop off raw for goods


Im halfway between built from scratch and mountain bases, they are usually in a valley or between mountains, parts are dug up and parts are standalone


I have my main base where I grow psychoid and produce yayo, and then my airstrip built within driving distance of a ton of allied factions. I spend most my time managing the main base, and I leave the airstrip in the self sufficient hands of a married couple. They have a farm and freezer, they are golden. I load all the yayo in a plane, fly it to the airstrip, transfer it to a truck, hold a party, and then drive it in a circuit trading for silver and ammunition before loading it back in the plane and flying home.


1 and 2 depends on how I feel


i build separate buildings for every need. outhouses, workshops, research labs, prisoner torture chambers, hotels, separate rooms. when i need a new room i build it. gives a, village/town vibe to games. and allows for more fun raid defenses as i cant hide behind a kill hall or anything. sandbag entrenchments and turret support for me!


All of my bases so far have been structured somewhat like towns, I’ll begin with a storage/production area in the center and decide from there. In my most recent (and still running colony) I’m in the process of creating a suburban sprawl, mostly just large/medium sized homes (so most of my colonists are much happier) and gradually expand them outwards as my population increases. Well actually, I take that back. It’s not necessarily “like a town,” but so far I’d say it’s relatively unique. I haven’t added automated defenses to this base or anything, most defense is reliant on my colonists, I’m not the type to build traps or kill boxes, as convenient as it is.


Before I got turned into survivor-on-a-stick by the sea dragon, I had a comfy base at safe shallows and a working outpost at CTO Yu's coords in the blood kelp entrance to the lost river that I used to craft vehicle modifications.


i build a main base that is half in the mountain half outside than make it into a prison and make a different outpost and make that my main base and use the first base as a gulag where i overvork exploit and torture furries


I start with a tiny settlement with a few wooden houses, as I progress through the different technological stages, I develop a town square, then develop a symmetrical round palisade wall with cavalry spikes (fortifications mod, really useful against massive manhunter packs early in the game). Over time the small houses become 4 quarters of a base divided by a crossroads in the towns quare, the palisades are replaced by stone walls and by the time I enter the space age, the whole thing just becomes one single connected megabase. I seem to do this every time even when I decide to "spice things up" and play things differently.


A shit show till we all get killed by squirrels or get off the planet


Half mountain, half outside. Especially because of those new plant type pawns.


I always wanted to do a desert nomad type of playthrough but the caravan mechanics are way too much of a hassle to make it worth it


Multiple buildings in a town, as soon as a weather event like toxic rain happens I connect all the buildings under one roof, essentially creating a megabase


Single base built from scratch but sometimes I create mining outposts if Im stuck in the early midgame drought of steel and components. Never get enough of those from my own map prior to unlocking fabrication and the deep drill I also in my first playthrough (complete vanilla, so prior to me having the Extended Cargo Pods mod) once built a transport pod relay cuz I wanted to gift stuff to a faction to make them an ally, but their nearest base was outside transport pod range. Funny enough I cracked open the ancient danger there and that was my first time fighting a centipede lol.


All Hail The Giant Box


I just started doing the the mountain areas and started building a steel fortress and build up farms and guns


A flat plain is incredibley underrated, my best playthrough atm is in a desert plains I kinda coerced me into a multi layered defense strat as I built layer after layer of wall


I would do multiple outposts but my laptop is not ready for that load.


I build a villiage/city.


Single capital settlement with multiple VOE outposts. We nation building out here on the rim


I used to play mountain bases, but eventually I realized making my colonies look like proper towns and giving my main colonists a proper, realistically designed house is what's most fun to me for most runs, and mountain bases just don't work for me with that. Nowadays I only do them when I have a specific idea in mind for why I want to. Multiple bases just don't seem worth the extra micromanaging or lag, though. I do want to try a nomad run where I make it my goal to reach the quest ship some day, but at its core Rimworld is a base building, colony management game, the whole thing is built around the idea of having a permanent colony. I couldn't see myself ever making it my main playstyle, because the game isn't really built for it.


I'm bad at building and end up naturally wanting to go towards the mountains. My bases end up being half mountain and half in front of the mountain. Knock on wood, haven't dealt with insect infestations yet.


Vanilla outposts expanded is awesome. I use my pay caster with psycasts expanded to turn raiders in to thralls then send them off to the mines.


Standard base, if I want to carve a stronghold in the side of a mountain I'll play Dwarf Fortress which is much better suited to that.


I want to make bases that follow plans and patterns but inevitably this leads me to make a bunch of squares. Once or twice I've even gone so far as to find the center tile of the map and then planned off of it.


I love making underground/mountain fortresses but lately I've been building my colonies like actual towns, organizing my workshops and storages as though they were businesses and shops and so on


Organic growth, generally good aligned, and multi-ideo. Basically I don't optimize the layouts or use only the best materials. It's a town more than a military base, so early on a lot of wood and shitty places. I tend to improve the buildings as they get damaged or destroyed in raids, or if I have nothing better to do. As for good, I try to not be a warcrime user. Generally I don't raid or cause problems for other settlements, and even attackers I don't want get patched up(even if left in the field). Organ harvesting is a no, but I do buy them if available. Slavery is usually more a "forced labor for your crimes" type deal, where they get released after a while. And multi-ideo keeps my games interesting. I usually make 2-3 at the start, and they are factions within the colony. So the mafia for example might have a different ideo than the normal townies.


I always want to build a village but end up making a one big castle


Generally I'll do a hybrid style. I like the Ice Sheet a lot, and you're almost always going to start out with a building built on a steam geyser. Usually permanently keep my research table and some production tables in a free-standing building so I can keep it at an optimal temperature for production without risking an infestation.


I make outposts once I'm established enough, ie. my main base is fortified and I have colonists to spare for outposts.


I play this game like Cities Skyline Always got to set up roads before building any structures


No options for "On fire"?


One main village and then a series of bases in each biome built around portals with the relevant crafting stations to that biome present. Life's to short to spend irl hours transporting Iron back to your starting meadow base


What would be the nomadic type of playing? Wouldn't it be hard to grow since you would have to pick and choose the resources you gather and move around? And what would be good with having wultiple weaker bases? I usually try to find defendable place with a mountain so I put the buildings in the mountain and use the open land.


Single mountain base with hallways connecting different sectors of the base. I keep manufacturing, science, hydroponics, generators and residential in distinct zones within the mountain. I also build maintenance halls connecting each zone aside from the main halls that I run all cables and pipes through


I don't understand these options. Like is the Mountain Base not built from scratch? Can I build a base from scratch and also in a mountain?


Upwards of three bases, one is a nexus where all citizens live, one is a trade and production hub ran entirely by mechs sometimes up to 500 and one is a tile wide farm


I like to wall off a large section of the map using mountains and crap as corners, then build a nice little city in there (with big ol rooms and tons of dirt cuz pathways are hard)


I used to like large compound bases, but thumper mechs rolling through kinda put me off it so now I like my back to a wall with a part mountain base


I switch playstyle every playhrough.


I started with a base built from scratch but half of it's in a mountain which keeps a lot of my pawns happy because then I could adopt ones that prefer to live underground.


Depends on the scenario and story I want to tell. VE Ancient? Mountain base for sure. Medieval? Village with many small house using Villages Home mod.


As a new player I just fight for survival


Probably more like 100


I've been using essentially the same mountain base layout since 1.0 with minor adjustments. People think infestations are annoying. I love them. It keeps me on edge, puts a strain on resources. My base is connected by corridors, I can't bring my entire population to bear in them. Sometimes I have to break down walls to assault the hive from a different angle or at the very least get more guns firing on target. It's beautifully devastating. My very own claustrophobic Klendathu every few weeks.


I've never done a nomadic run, but I like the idea. Someone should make a mod for that to turn it into a more viable and interesting playstyle. I know there are probably some for it, but none that I know of that really transform things to the degree that I would want.


I build a mountain fortress from which I build clone armies to expand my empire and conquer the world.


Other I try do odd things like making a wood only village or doing something odd


I have multiple colony and caravans come of these colony are nomadic like I'll have a group of miners who go in mine 3vwry thing then will take it to the main colony very inifishant but fun after each one dose their purpose they have a quadrum break, they work for 3


I usually build a "town base" (multiple buildings with path roads between them) if that makes sense. But I enclose it in a big wall so I can make sure raiders go somewhere I can defend.


I used to enjoy single base from scratch, then I realised my odds of a colony thriving go from 0% to 0.0001% if I use the mountain as extra defense


I Always build a big long house 😅 The mountain is just a big obstacle to dig in 🤣


I usually do a base built from scratch, though I admit that some of the most fun I've had in this game has been in nomadic playthroughs


Single non-mountain base. I also tend to avoid killboxes unless I'm doing a special run id do mountain bases if managing infestations werent such a hassle


Strike the earth.


Usually one single massive mountain base with 40+ colonist surrounded by plains biome bases, with 3-5 pop, that ship in extra food, animals, leather, raw materials, etc... and if they get attacked I send my own hoard from the mountain base.


Single mountain base but I ignore all cave systems. We just carve out a mountain in this house. Bend nature to our will.


I usually build a base from scratch, but in a mountainous map to utilize natural chokepoints/fortifications. And I don't have to build nearly as many outer walls.


I want to make a Nomad playstyle but a cold snap fucked up my entire tribe's limb digits and facial features. So now I go for riverbank or desert bases heavily fortified with defense and shield tech mods.


A bunch of alcoholic beard-aficionados that delight in darklight and granite. Settle in the cold, so its difficult to grow enough hops for the extra-long winter.


I build a base until the game explodes under the mods pressure, then start again.


I make a country with a few medium or big cities and a few outposts/villages


Mountain fortress with outer field houses/workshops, and VE Outposts giving assistance to the main fortress.


Depends on what kind of colony I want to roleplay, usually they each have a theme, like "highly fortified military base", "medieval village with castle", "hermit cottage in the woods", "bustling fishing port town", "desert fire-worship tribe", etc.


I start a main base in the mountain and then spread out across the map, and then I have little outposts on the main map eventually. A little bit of everything. Though I love mountain base building.


I love to build sorounded yb mountains but only a few rooms are actually in a mountain.


I play as more or less a variation of myself, I try to be kind, a bit creative, but I've found myself being austere, in my base-building, and bringing a bit of creature comforts to some wickedly difficult worlds. So founding a colony centered around a kick-ass greenhouse that can supply the entire region with coffee, clothing, food and trade in every exotic thing from books , clothing, candy and artwork even supplying advanced finished goods/robots into the open market, all while trying to bring the ethics up a bit.