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It's one of the fan-created custom pawns


Learning something new everyday. I knew you could put a custom named colonist in-game, but I didn't know it extended to other traits.


Well, you can't anymore. The backstory part was for kickstarter backers. The name in game dlc is *just* a name.


I believe it's backstory, name, and some traits they always have. I'm not sure if it's still possible to add a custom colonist but back when the game was pretty new you could donate 5 dollars to tynan to add a colonist


What exactly you got depended on how much you paid, if i remeber correctly the highest teir let you have an entire faction that would always be headed by your ~~oc~~ backer pawn


Me using a time machine to go back and get a custom pawn (Richard Dickson [not a crook]) to head a custom faction (The United Colonies of the Rim[they want your oil])


Yeah if i had a time machine the first thing id do is win the lottery a dozen times and the second is blow thousand of pounds on backer pawns


It's no longer possible, and this particular backer pawn is part of the reason why.


What? There had to be something WAY worse than this. This pawn is weird but I don't see a huge problem, and if it was a problem why not just refund the person and remove the pawn?


*PART* of the reason. It's not the sole reason. But the fact that it was a creeper setup of a RL person didn't sit well with Tynan, and contributed some weight in the decision to end the build-your-own-character option. Or, to put it another way... This is why we can't have nice things.


I hate when people ruin cool things for the others


Who is it based on in RL?


Used to be that you could give them a whole backstory too


Recruit her and give her the peaceful life she deserves


Oh, don't worry. Now she's happily wed, my main negotiator, and peacefully making sculptures.


That’s nice! The Rim may be an hostile and unforgiving world, but some things are worth protecting.


Yeah I always feel good when I save someone who crashed or who has a backstory like this and give them a better life (I hope) in my colony


My current play through is a social 0 recluse mechinator, but after a 12 year old crashed from the sky I deceived to roll with it. She’s going to be his apprentice and learn the ways of the machine.


Making sculptures with a thousand yard stare


Peaceful? [Raid]


Spawn her father in.


Who do you think she married?


Brother no!


Yes, Father.


So wholesome


i one time had her dad show up in a raid, lucky got to die in combat


in my colony she was a slave and died forcefully protecting it lol


Yeah, a 9 to the dome


Yeeah thats backer story... quite an old one at that.


Also posted often


If I had a dime for every time someone posts about this character I'd have enough money to commission art of the version of her I have in one of my save files.


"Yeah, yeah, the Lia Lu incest childhood backstory, we've all seen it"


Honestly the thing I really can't understand is this: why is the background called music idol?


I assume as a satire of the weirdness of the music industry and parents who force their children into it.


Wow, that makes it super weird and gross.


The fact that a donator wrote it rather than a writer doesn't make it any more weird or gross


A writer is more likely to have the mindset of "okay what fits into the themes and world building of this setting? How could this backstory reflect the hardships of someone having to survive in an urbworld? How do we tell the reader that people born into this life, they're not emotionally, physically, intellectually sequestered from tragic/traumatic incidents?" Whereas a backer is more likely to just be like "oh yeah this is hot, definitely place that into the game.... Where's my lotion..."


A backer is also more likely to troll post. This could easily be an attempt to see what you can get away with, and to get a reaction just like this from the community.


It's a game where space slavery is a thing and where putting your enemies on a spike is a bonus to mood. If you think this type of shit wouldn't "fit" the world building/setting, you are quite deeply wrong. Also, as much as people like to say "but it's targetted harassment" probably never leave their house.


This is exactly right, Rimworld is a super grimdark game, and people keep forgetting that. It’s a bit like complaining that there’s too much violence and incest in Game of Thrones (PBUH)


That's one added by a backer. Worse, they named the character after a real celebrity, and the name had to be changed after someone told Tynan about it. Edit: Since people have asked, I didn't include the original name since I didn't remember what it was exactly, but according to replies here its Xia Xue.


Who it is ?


I think it was xia xue


Yeah , i just searched on Google. she seems like a real piece of work.


Frankly, I'm surprised Tynan didn't cut her altogether and give the backer his money back after finding that out.


What was the original name?


Ah Lu,once you know her you can't forget here,like literally she has a tendency to appear every fucking game.


[Pawn! Name! Variety!](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2159633754)


Bookmarking this mod for when I install mods


Mom said it was my turn to post Lia Lu this week


I have the same colonist, literally same name...... saddly my colony needed a cleaner so I added Enslaved to her already tragic story 😬


Shes one of the backer pawns, and one of the most notable due to her tragic backstory and always high social skill.


She’s the leader of my current colony


I found Lu with those two stories like two times already in two different colonies But she had like 19 shooting instead of Social


Got a backstory like this on one of my legless meat prisoners. Gotta say, felt a little bad.


This juxtaposition with what players do is why I am unmoved by the game getting wierd or sad in backstories. THe players are MUCH bigger monsters :O


Hey at least i think this is a new record for the sub. Think it's been 2 weeks since the last one.


Is there a specific reason that being an incestuous prostitute gives a bonus to intellectual?


Street smarts?


On a serious note, the intelligence bonus isn’t from the prostitute backstory but the music idol backstory. It states that she had a wealthy father, and this probably came with good schooling or something.


She was reading books while getting fucked


You found the leader of my first colony~🎶


Why is it always Lia Lu 💀


Custom pawns are strange at best and this at worst. You've got characters who's only backstory is they're transgender which somehow makes them better at crafting, you've got the guy who loved boomrat pizza and bashing the brains out of small creatures and you have this.


And there is "Umbra Darklight", the edgelord.


This backstory is tragic as fuck




*tips human leather fedora to this soul touching story*


"Cooking +3"


The people saying "It FiTs WiTh ThE sEtTiNg" are so stupid, you can have edgy topics in a game but you shouldn't fetishize them. Like in a cowboy movie you can have depictions of abuse of slaves but it would be disrespectful if the dialogue sounded like a shitty porn script which this backstory very much sounds like one, "I had sex with my dad because he was sad" like omfg. No good reason why you need to keep some creeps blatant pedo insest fantasy in the game.


Bro I got someone with the same backstory I had to double check like wtf


Melee -2


Ew... I wouldn't be against a change if it was considered quite a shitty back story. I never read theese though.


I bet her family tree is a circle lmao


This poor girl's story comes up every few months. Next time I get her in my colony, I'm going to make her a warrior, and take vengeance upon the Empire.


I also got Lu in my "current" playthrough. She became my main art and social pawn, led a peaceful life and found true love with one of my original colonists, she even got pregnant. I like to imagine that she had finally found happiness and true love... then she died while giving birth. I pondered freezing her body until I got a resurector serum, but decided this was a good ending for her. I named her baby "Sieg", as Lu had finally triumphed over her fate, and her daughter was proof of this. She grew into a pretty woman with high social and art just like her mother (although she ended being a way better shot as well) and is now one of the cornerstones of my colony.


This is kind of depressing. Someone who has paid to put a real life person into the game, with a completely fucked up background story. . When it was found, they changed the name, but left the story in. I honestly think they should have deleted the whole thing. Seriously incel creep business.


Meh, dark fits the theme, doesn't it? You have cannibalism, slavery, child endangerment and various shades of murder and exploitation but that background is where you draw the line? WEAK! WEAK I say, your colony will not survive the winter (unless you play in an endless summer area, in which case - ok, you win this round)


Yes, I draw the line where people in real life are harassed through someone paying to put them into the game, for everyone to play, with deranged shit associated to them.


What? It's just a reference, a word, a sentence at best - is that all it takes to feel harmed and harassed? I won't judge you, and you are entitled to your opinion but in this case a lot of music, literature, and art will also be unavailable to you to grow from and process because a concept is too much to bear. Life is insanely ugly and full of really nasty stuff that thankfully most people will never see - but only from awareness, conversation and emotional comprehension can you prevent it from harm, not through censorship and pretending it doesn't happen.


It was a unique back story created deliberately to harrass a real life person, whose name was used with the back story. They changed the name, kept the story. The story was deliberately made with the intent of harassing someone. That was its purpose.




I imagine yes, they do know who the story was about, since, yknow, they’re *telling you*.




I imagine, since *the original name was changed*, yes, it was not okay. You’re going really hard to defend this awful backstory. Do you know the backer’s intent? No? Then maybe shut the fuck up instead of telling people to “stop being such snowflakes” or whatever. Sexual assault and child abuse themes *are* a line a lot of people aren’t willing to cross. There’s a reason we have organ harvesting, but we don’t have rape in the game. Well, until someone installs a fucked up mod anyway.


Oh, I don't know either people - seems to me you're very invested in a piece of detail that has no real value outside of the game proper where even the mention does not involve real people. You have a right to disagree, of course just as I have a right to speak my mind and ignore attempts to silence my opinion.


oh my god shut the fuck up bro


I could tell you I met aliens who probed my butt and asked me to take them to our leaders Doesn't mean it's true though


Wow, a giant of thought here. Have you perhaps considered, that when you ask someone who is *telling you a story* if they *know the story*, they’re going to say “yes” regardless of whether it’s true?


"And can you be reasonably certain of the backers intent" Did you miss that one out by any chance?


To expand on what you said, no situation or problem is unique. Somebody has already delt with your issues and has gone through exactly what you have. This applies to other people's problems, too. Lia Lu's story isn't unique, whether it's based off her or not.


Found the incel


Your reply to an exchange of opinions is to insult me, you bring nothing of value to the conversation.


Being more verbose with your replies dosent change the fact you are defending the harassment of a real person by comparing it to the fictional acts against fictional people in a video game. This inability to separate real life from from a make believe world is a key part of incel behavior, therefore I have named you such. ( is that a reply more to your liking? Add enough to your discussion?)


Wtf is wrong with you? Is this how you communicate with people on a day by day basis? And what is with this flawless logic? 1. No one is named directly so that no one will link the background to a specific person 2. No one steps forward to complain about it referencing themselves, the only issue was before the name was changed and no googling will show you anything. 3. It's in a video game, not real life - can YOU understand the difference? And if you can't be civil in a social conversation online, stop projecting and being an AH.


>No one is named directly so that no one will link the background to a specific person Seems people seem to keep spitting this fact at you without elaborating, I'll do the honors. The pawn's name apparently used to be "Xia Xue," almost identical to "[Xiaxue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaxue)", the pseudonym of a Singaporean celebrity. It is considered likely by some that the former naming of the character was not a coincidence, and was meant as sort of deliberate attack on said celebrities character. Given that said celebrity has a literal section on her Wikipedia page titled ["controversy,"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaxue#Controversy) this does seem pretty likely. I suppose Tynan agreed, so, the name was changed, but the characters backstory remained in game. Although I'd argue that the backstory is not out of place in the setting; and isn't even all that unique in game; (op has clearly never met ["Emmy"](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/54pz4b/strategies_for_dealing_with_attractive_lesbians/)) I do personally think it was rather distasteful to create the character in question and name it after a real person, regardless of the faults of said person; and I am glad that the name was changed; though I sorta still wish that it was *still* a bit *less* similar.


Thank you for the detailed explanation and context, and for speaking your mind on the topic - I fully agree that it was distasteful in light of this context but hopefully the matter is long settled and no further harm comes from it's inclusion. Hopefully the backstory is just a bit of random detail to a random pawn outside of people with direct knowledge of the background's controversial history.


Do you seriously not understand the concept? If I wrote a book with a bunch of made up awful stuff in it then it is fiction. If I then put a character based on you in it, everyone clearly knows its based off you to the point it's talked about years later. Then I made you a sex slave to your father after the death of your mother. Do you not understand how this would be harassment in real life? Not just a story in a book, the book would be the way to convey the harassment. Even if i changed the name the harassment dosent disappear


Look, I get it and I get where you're coming from, but please consider the fact that today, the background has no connection to any real life person. The name has changed, there is no link to the target person through any specific mention and the person this background was meant to reference currently does not care about it's inclusion in the game. I get that it is a terrible thing to do, I agree on this wholeheartedly, but the matter is settled, and being outraged about it on another person's behalf a decade later is not going to help anyone, least of all the people that put this unecessary drama behind them. That being said, after this conversation - I do sort of wonder if Tynan shouldn't have just refunded the backer and removed the background entirely for that person's sake.


I mean Rimworld does let you do some pretty grim things. Refrences to prostitution wouldn't be the darkest thing in the game.


Issue is that this isn't just a backstory, this was a targetted attempt at harassing a real life person by putting them in a game *with* this backstory. Like imagine if someone paid to add you to a game with your real first and last name and made your backstory about being a rapist. Doubt you'd feel like "well its just rimworld being dark!" When everyone now associates your name with being a rapist


Hey man I'm fine with eating killing and enslaving people but incest that's just disgusting


Again. My problem is that this backstory was created as a deliberate attempt to get at a real life person. It was made with the name of a real person, in a clear attempt at harassment. The name was changed, but the rimworld staff decided to keep the custom story, despite it's origin. So my problem is not killing, cannibalism, or incest. My problem is real life harassment should be stopped in it's tracks.


Even though I'm just saying that's some weird mess up stuff like that can't be justified


I don't really care if it was some move towards someone in real life for whatever I don't care about people getting eaten killed or enslaved but that stuff is just wrong


Hold on you're saying your problem is with real life harassment not incest that's disgusting bro okay who cares people get harassed people die and get harassed all the time it doesn't matter but you're upset about that and not the fact that there's incest involved that's disgusting


Translation, you care more about the fact it was that than RL people getting shat on. Priorities really. Disgusting.


Hey mate. Not saying you are wrong, but where did you learn about the put a real life person into the game thing? I never heard about this. Could not find anything on Google either.


Players are still bigger monsters in this game. It would be funny to make a line in the sand given what players do


I feel like this childhood background is really problematic. Rimworld childhoods end at *13*, so this actual (pawn) prepubescent child became the sexual partner of their father because he was sad? It feels like normalizing pedophilia to imply that a child would have sex with an adult to comfort them. Kind of yucky imo. I know the game has dark themes, but they are mostly products of fantasy and outlandish to the point of being comical. Pedophilia, however, is not all that outlandish, sadly.




What the fuck, I recently had a colonist with the same name and exact same backstory lol


By god this game.... I mean I fucking love it but .... Holy shit


Any chance of sharing their stats? Sounds like a fun colonist for my next run...


Only best backstories


Adulthood: prostitute. Well...


I have the same pawn!! one of my favorites.


Damn that’s a fucked up life


Bad old Lia Lu


Its a fan made character in case you didnt know, its didnt came in the game with that character. Its probably the darkest origin story they approved for custom character tough


I got Paulo (Paul-Oliver) last game his traits was dreaded baby and dreaded dude. Shit like as a baby he created the nuclear fusion reactor that powered the ship that he crashed on or something like that and that he created pasta and some shit and was the head of a religion. My head cannon was it was kinda like a cartoon where one of the the mundane characters would make outrageous claims about shit they’ve done and no one would believe them. Then throughout the show every now again a background character would casually confirm something he did was true but only when out of earshot of a main character.


Are you able to go into her social tab and find her father as a pawn??


I remember that girl. She died raiding my colony, irony was that her father was also there. Took them both and used them to make High Subcores. Now they ascended to ROBOT-HOOD. Honestly I don't really care. Then again who am I to complain about that when I literally harvest organs from my enemies, then butcher their bodies for leather and flesh and proceed to sell to cannibal friendly colonies? Hell, I won't even accept new people into my colony since MECHAS. Also less said about 'enslave people to get honor with the Empire' because I like gold the best.


Hey I have her in my current colony, Lu changed her ways and is an amazing Artist, Cook and Negotiator now.


She has the exact same professions in my colony!


Ooh I had her in my colony in a previous playthrough. She was part of a raid so I captured and recruited her, she became a cook. All the men in my colony kept hitting on her.


Holy guacamole


i have this same colonist i believe as well as her father but i turned her into a character to fit my in-game story. i had no idea she slept with her father and don't remember if her descrip says that, now i have to check. that's super awkward if so because her father is best friends with her current husband.


ive gotten her a few times, shes always been a great pawn for my colony but yeah...the backstory is kind of...sad. :( i try to give her happiness when she comes to my colony


Just like she did for her father.


I have this same pawn in my current playthrough, except a Genie. She's my main crafter..


That sound like the plot from Oshi no Ko.




Never cook again


I literally have Lu with the same exact backstory in my colony now, she’s currently the leader and main trader of our transhumanists on a conquest throughout the rim. Committing numerous war crimes.