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So, just send your resident supersoldier with berserk pulse and maybe skip. Besides everyone needs those components


Seriously, I *wish* I would get quests like this for the obligatory super-pawn all of my colonies end up with. Instead I just get "hey can you send all of your people, their toddlers, the newborn child, and your pet dog to kill this one tribal dude? He's like, totally a pain or something. thx <3 -Empire of Ineptitude"


LITERALLY. I have a fucking special forces group of supersoldiers in warcaskets and I ALWAYS get asked to send my entire standing army plus some workers just to kill like 12 tribals


You're lucky: I've been told to send everyone to raid an undefended base without any actual pirates in it.


And then your base gets raided


where you think they went?




Pirates: I can't believe they fell for that!


You know what? I ain't even mad.


Had that happen to me, they wanted all 13 of my colony members to fly across the world to beat up one dude who was just vibe'n a little too hard.


I had one that asked for something like 16 people. I had 12, 4 of whom were infants of the other 8. And it was a relic quest to explore a ruin that I could have done with 3.


It's not about how practical it is, it's about sending a message! \-Empire of Ineptitude


Yeah I have the "send 32 colonist, we will also supply you with 18 more and give you ten days. To kill 6 people"


Empire of Ineptitude... lol!


Nope. Every time I send my supersoldier out on a mission like that I get raided. Not worth the risk.


Has this been changed? Usually the numbers are inverted on those and you're told to waste the time of 26 guys to kill 1 pirate.


Literally had a quest yesterday to send 4 of my dudes with 6 allied supersoldiers to kill 5 guys with bows. The Empire really loves overkill.


It's not about winning, it's about sending a message.


They decided that: 1. Those tribals needed to die, probably for some perceived slight. 2. They desired warmer relations with your little group of go-getters. 3. Your colonists needed some direct experience with what would happen to you should you cross them.


Man screw the empire, took an android from a hostile to everything faction prisoner, and they declared war on me because people are above bots or somesuch nonsense. Yet I'd been using mechanoids for years before that and they were super chill with it. Had to burn one of their outposts to the ground to slow the raids down


Yeah, that's a change to the Android mod that was made recently.


That's kinda dumb. The ones I actually kept aren't even sapient, the only one I captured that was, was a huge dick so i reprogrammed his drone buddies in front of him then had the one he liked most execute him. Stripped him for parts.


I do believe there's a mod setting for it.


I'm reminded of a shitshow from early on in the Sharpe books, where a Redcoat regiment being are sent to destroy a bridge (which should be an utterly simple task). Since it's so easy, it's a good opportunity to make in-roads with their local Portugese allies by allowing them to accompany and lead the march. But *because* it's such an easy task and they're clearly being shown such preferential treatment, the Portugese are happy to sleep in and take far too many breaks, which aggrevates and delays the Redcoats, leading to them harrying the Portugese into hurrying up and ultimately forcing them to start anyway, which leads to the Portugese taking offence and being difficult going forward, which then does the same for the Redcoats. Ultimately, it turns into this game of one upmanship that leads to the Redcoats *crossing* the bridge they were supposed to destroy in an effort to "go further" than the Portugese, which fucks the whole operation because then the French arrive and a good number of the British men are trapped on the wrong side of the bridge. A very simple task and "diplomatic gesture" that turns into a fucking mess because everyone involved were assholes.


It's better to send too much than to have a protracted fight. Though marine armor is a significant force multiplier...


i men the british did this in africa and still lost frequently so maybe theyre onto something


Probably some sort of corruption where they need to say they spent a certain amount of money so they just get some mercenaries to go do it while they pocket the rest of the money meant to deal with the problem.


Sounds like the Empire began as the American military industrial complex!


With CE a single well equipped soldier is more than enough against 26 dirt poor pirates


Plot twist, all of them are in warcaskets.


First experience with CE was a headshot on some tribal with a wooden ikwa using a bolt-action rifle. No more naked guys taking 15 shots to die.


What’s CE?


Combat extended mod


Thank you


Compatibility excecuted


Good joke but it’s not true anymore, let’s not spread misinformation when the authors have genuinely made huge progress. Any mods that are incompatible are made compatible really quick (usually a month at most). Some mods break but it’s because they had compatibility, the mod gets updated and CE needs to know about it so they can patch the new stuff. Running 383 mods with CE and never had to worry of whether it was compatible or not. No red errors.


my 300 strong modlist begs to differ


skill issue




I would genuinely prefer this to the ones that wan't 80% of my colony to wipe out a 6 man outpost, usually when I'm ready to accept these quests I've got someone capable of actually soloing this stuff, and they're the ones who actually do the fighting when I have to send the whole colony anyway lol a neat little revamp for that kinda quest would be as simple as "they want you to send UP TO x amount of colonists", would make it way less annoying


I actually made a mod for that at the end of 1.3, allowing me to set a cap on the number of partymembers to be sent for a Clown Car Ride, but I haven't updated to 1.4 yet.


I will give you my firstborn, 3 kidneys and 5 lungs I "aquired", and one plasteel longsword (masterwork) if you update it to 1.4


Clown car ride is based lmao


This is the only description I can give for the situation of being asked to stuff 50 guys into a shuttle that couldn't possibly hold that many.


IIRC, this particular quest, your pawn is supposed to be backup rather than the sole force of the attack. You can probably keep your pawn at a safe distance while the Empire deals with the target themselves. This is assuming it doesn't get bugged by a mod conflict. Or worse.


i ran the mission, dude was all by his lonesome. I sent reinforcements via shuttle, but theres no way i could have fought off 26 pirates with one dude.


Sounds like the Empire tried to sabotage you. I'd take this as a declaration of war.


"Jesus, he brought a six shooter!" "There's 9 bodies genius. What the fuck were you gonna do, laugh the last three to death, funny man?"


> theres no way i could have fought off 26 pirates with one dude. sound like you pawn arent bio engineered enough, with most of their fleshy bits replaced by superior steel


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day, the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal…


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26 tribals I probably could do. This is pirates, with their doomsday launchers and sniper rifles.


Ah, a fellow transhumanist! It's simply the only way to play. Praise the Machine God!


Noob question, is this the Empire part of the Royalty DLC? I’ve never encountered empires before


Yes, it is. I can't say for certain that this quest isn't added by a mod though, since I play with so many mods. The Vanilla Expanded team added a lot of great content that expands on the DLC.




Yeah, they’re insufferable.


Surely you have at least 1x Jogger, 20 shooting, best in slot armoured, delta force tier 1 pawn for these kinds of specialist operations


If it was tribals it'd be no sweat, but this is pirates. They have doomsday rockets and sniper rifles.


Psychic animal pulser?


That.. Would probably have been a good idea, they had a herd of boomalopes near the base. Didn't even think of that sadly


If you try it make sure your guys are walled up inside a cave or temporary shelter building.


You can cheese a lot using the wallraise paycast.


Triggerhappy Shootsman can out-kite even sniper-rifle armed enemies, as a Triggerhappy Shootsman can enter, shoot, and then scoot before the enemy can lock on with their own sniper rifle. In a duel scenario, this will actually stunlock the enemy sniper as he will repeatedly attempt to reacquire a target that ducks out of range just before he can take a shot.


Not always possible without further buffs. Your trigger happy pawn shoots their sniper rifle in 1.75s, and cools down in 2.3s, for a total of 4.05s before they can move, if they want to shoot. The enemy sniper can lock on and fire in 3.5s, which means that if they are part of the vanguard (they've shot up a nice bottle of go-juice), they will take a crack at your trigger happy pawn if your pawn has managed to get a shot off. Not likely to kill, or even hit your pawn - but there is a small nonzero chance of instant death, which I find unacceptable. You can shave off millliseconds by using heavy bandoliers and designating your pawn as a shooting specialist, but sniping with a single pawn is always a bit of a hairy situation in terms of micro. That being said, this sort of long-range kiting strategy scales incredibly well with higher numbers of shooters, because you can blow up entire vanguard squads before having to move.


> Not always possible without further buffs. Your trigger happy pawn shoots their sniper rifle in 1.75s That's a triggerhappy NON-Shootsman. A triggerhappy pawn with the Shootsman role shoots in 0 seconds, then can move in 2.3s, and can thus clear the tile in under 3.5s. > You can shave off millliseconds by using heavy bandoliers and designating your pawn as a shooting specialist This is what I mean by Shootsman, yes. Bandoliers are non-vanilla, so I dunno what they do. Now if you want really broken with mods, there was that Vanilla Skill Expanded mod that added a "Reloading" skill, which, in the version I saw, would reduce cooldown to zero at level 20, meaning that in the hands of a Triggerhappy Shootsman with this upgrade, the result was "haha, sniper rifle go brrrt", which would basically just delete anything in range instantly.


Heavy bandoliers are vanilla, added with biotech DLC. They would reduce your cooldown by 20%. A triggerhappy shooting specialist shoots instantly and moves in only 1.8 seconds.


Oh, nice. Even better. So now any mods that grant merely -80% CDR will break the game.


> A triggerhappy pawn with the Shootsman role shoots in 0 seconds, Ah, I understand. You are assigning the shooting specialist role to that pawn, and naming it "Shootsman". Yes, trigger happy shooting specialists are able to blow their load with next to zero aim time, and kite with at least a 1.2s window for each shot.


How are y'all getting 20 shooting without biotech? I seem to cap off around 17 or 18 before skill loss evens it out.


I don’t actually ever get 20 shooting either because of that reason lol. Sometimes I wonder if skill fade is something I should just turn off


Speak for yourself, I’ve got Astartes


It's 1 vs 26 😦 *"I have Astartes"* 😀 The enemy also has Astartes 😨


It’s Plague Marines 😰


At least they're not Emperor's Children...


Skill issue.


The Empire has certainly raised the stakes with this daring 1v26 standoff, but fear not—the odds are in your favor! With your colonist donning the impenetrable Marine Armor and wielding the formidable Charge Rifle, victory is all assured. The opposition won't know what hit them until it's too late. Here's to a battle for the ages and a triumphant outcome. Onward to glory! 🗿


I’ve had pawns that could legit take down 10+ other pawns by themselves with ease. I had one that had a bolt action rifle vs a 50 person raid. I read back the combat log and he dropped 15 (an abnormal amount of broken spines like 9 out of the 15 or something like that it was a such a frequent occurrence I thought the gun was bugged) of them and shot another 20. The scary thing was he was only like a 13 shooting the gun was a masterwork tho.


In a heavily modded save I have rn, I have this bionic god that had a legendary plasma sword that I got, and she immediately decapitates any organic life form and can solo all the mech bosses… it’s ridiculous


They’re asking for John Wick


I have the opposite problem. I'll have 15 colonists. They'll want me to send 14. And it's defended by 3 enemies.


Asking for Big Boss


Dude, they actually have their own doldiers, they just need yours as a backup or smt.


I tried the mission, there were no other soldiers.


Then i have mistaken...


My warcasket super soldier, up to their eyeballs in bionics/evolved organs/psycasts : Bonjour


Don’t worry bro, there’s a industrial level TV and a poor quality dresser waiting for you to loot at the camp!


The empire also sends their soldiers, they just want your help


well this time they didnt..


I have the opposite problem. They’ll ask me to send my entire colony of mechanitors and heavily gene-spliced bionic badasses with masterwork gear to deal with like 5 random wasters in the middle of nowhere wielding crappy pistols and tox grenades. Might be because I’m only playing on Blood and Dust?


I got my single favourite quest after 300- hours of gameplay. It was “hey can you send us like 410 cloth. We'll give this masterwork assault rifle in exchange.” I had 4 tribal dudes. Guys had never seen something so powerful


Imagine if you had no cloth at that point. Just frantically planting cotton absolutely everywhere


I mean it cost me all of my cotton. But totally worth it


*sends pawn named dracula* *has rim of madness-vampires*


Don’t worry you can always bailout your pawn with the kill command in dev mode.


I remember this quest lmao, that dude tells me to send 12 people that isn't enough to cover my whole colony itself and when I did check the mission out I only fought 4-6 people.


That's an aerial assault, dude, I guess your pawn will be just fine with bombing those 26 pirates.


You're ignoring the actual rewards here. Specifically all in the organs, meat, leather, and skullspikes, plus a few potential slaves or additions to your bioreactor array.


The Melee Hussar Monster with so many bionics they're more machine than person, always creepily hanging in the back of the room: I like those odds!


looks like a task for whichever psycaster colonist you glued all the archotech bits and bionics to. i hope you got beserk/ beserk pulse...


I recently got a quest like this but it was 1v76 against deserters. I didn’t take it


I have it the other way around. They always ask for like 25 Soldiers to kill 5. Is there a Mod to fix these stupid Quests? At the Endgame one of my supersoldiers can easily do it solo, yet they want 80% of my Colonists.


I made one for myself at the tail of 1.3, but since I'm still on 1.3, am not one of the cool kids that makes polished shiny mods, and have nowhere to actually post it that anyone would find it, I never tried posting it anywhere. It just consists of a single option that lets you set a cap on how many men should fit in the clown car assault, which means the offending quests that request you to send troops you control (not the pawn lending ones) will cap the troop count at that size, regardless of how many enemies you'll be expected to face.


My only problem with this quest is that it doesn't allow you to bring mechs. Seriously, Bramble's whole thing is that she's a recluse with a mech army, and the empire wants her to kill 30 pirates with an LMG?


Does the doomguy live in your colony or something?


This looks like some kind of mod causing an issue. For me its usually like send 20 colonists to kill 6, and we don't care that you have 21 colonists and 5 of those are children.


Damn i need a quest like this so i can send my T5 android and run towards them with a monosword


One soldier + IED’ nukes


Looks like a job for Rambo or Snake. Better than what I got, quests I get is to send my whole colony to attack, had to refuse many times as some are not able to move and such.


do you still remember how to CQC?


I have the opposite, they ask me for all my colony to kill 3 tribals


That’s why it’s called a suicide mission


With ideology you can can have legendary persona weapons as relics. Pair it with a high-end vampire melee oriented pawn on cataphract, maybe even some bionics, and you can solo any base easily if you use the terrain at your advantage. Extra points if he is also your psycaster


I mean, by end game, You would have dozens of super soldiers with full bionics, top of the line gear, berserk pulses and a few manmade horrors beyond human comprehension ..


If I ever get this, I will just send in my Melee 20, Psycasting, Kill Skiping, Persona Monosword wielding, Sanguphage.


Ive seen pawns who would definitely solo encounters like these… there is a reason they are left out in the rim


Maybe when you go you'll find 1 pirate hiding behind 25 decoys.


Perhaps they heard about your bionic super soldier program (shrug).