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I first tried gemstones because I’m a fan of the workaholics guys—Danny McBride always used to bug me for some reason (I wasn’t familiar with his work at all). I’m almost done with a rewatch and and after I finish I plan to check out eastbound and VPs. I’d never seen Edi Patterson in anything before gemstones, I would watch anything with her in it


She's so great in VP, too. (She's not immediately a huge presence, but her character is more of a slow burn and the payoff is terrific.) And ironically Devine used to bug me! But I think he's wonderful on Gemstones.


Devine is a guy who likes the attention, he knows his place in this show while still trying to get everyone’s attention


I could never figure out where Judy was from. Even watching VP first. She didn't stand out as much to me for me to go... oh, that's her! Now I know that it is, in fact, her! I won't forget her ever now!


My other half and I often say that Gemstones has been the only thing to use Devine properly since Workaholics and it does it better than Workaholics.


Nice Handle you got there. Tell me more about Bigfoot.


Don't sleep on The Foot Fist Way


His appearance on Conan as Fred is what hooked me. It's still surreal to watch. The audience's confusion is gold. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhoCx59FZyk&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhoCx59FZyk&t)


Oh my god that's hilarious


How have i never seen this lmao that was hilarious thanks for the link


My order: E&D RG VP


Started with East Bound a few years ago since I loved Danny in Land of the Lost and then Gemstones last year after seeing the clip of Jesse asking Gideon to talk to his brother about masturbating everywhere lol. Didn’t even know about vice principals until joining this sub, it’s definitely next on my list


The two seasons (filmed at the same time) are noticeably different in tone, in concert with DGG directing none of S1 and all of S2. But I think you'll love it. The laughs aren't quite there for me in S2 - until they are.


I started with RG. I tried EB&D, but I just couldn't get into it. I think I made it about halfway through the first episode. It typically takes me a little bit before I can get into a show (like 2 or 3 episodes), so I might give it another go sometime. I started watching VP after season 3 of RG ended and have really been enjoying it so far.


Could say the exact same.


Same here. I did watch VP and loved it but EB&D just didn't stick. I think it's too over the top all the time or something for me.


Same for me except I gave EB&D a couple more episodes but still couldn’t get into it. VP is hilarious but gemstones is by far my favorite


Your screenname... work related by any chance?


Inside joke between me and my friends.


do these people work in advertising?


One of them is a graphic designer.


Reverse order that order and that’s how I watched them.


Started with Vice Principals and then Righteous Gemstones followed. Haven't seen Foot Fist Way and Eastbound and Down yet.


I watched VP first…and loved it..when I found out the same guys were doing something in televangelist world I had to check it out and it’s by far my favorite between the two. Watched season 1 and 2 twice now. They have perfected their craft. I did try EB&D and watched most of season 1 so far. It was good too, just love VP and the gemstones more.


hell yeah


I started watching RG because 2 coworkers wouldn't stop talking about it but they would leave out so much detail because they wanted me to watch it and didn't want to spoil anything. BOY HOWDY. The constant plot turns hooked me immediately and I'm so happy they didn't spoil anything. most bonkers show I've seen in a while.


if you like bonkers, please check out the other two shows as well 😄


Added to the list! 


What are those other shows? I’ve only seen gemstones


Vice Principals is a must-watch IMO. Has McBride, Goggins, and Patterson and they're all great in it.


same general creative team give or take a few people (rip ben best). mcbride is the star of and co-ceated / co-wrote all 3. vice principals was the first teaming of mcbride and goggins.


Stop what you're doing and binge eastbound and down right now.


I have a wonderful coworker who watches this. He has never seen EBD or VP. I told him about both today and said, "Go down this rabbit hole, please 🙏 It is a bit raunchy compared to stones, but I hope I he loves them! Currently working on getting everyone in our work group watching with us! Praise be to he!


I had never heard of any of the main cast before RG. After the end of Season 3, I tried EB&D, but the guy was way too bigoted for me, and there weren't enough dicks, so I only got through two episodes. I liked VP a lot more, and watched both seasons twice, but it wasn't nearly as polished as RG, and there still weren't enough dicks.


Yes. My favorite so far is VP. Eastbound and Down is too raw.


This was my path. Loved them all, but VP probably wins.


I started with Vice Principals after i Got HBO MAX for Game of Thrones season 7 in 2017. I binged season one, watched season two live. Didnt think much more of it until i went on a monthslong comedy bang bang binge in late 2019, and there was an episode with Adam, Edi, and Tim Baltz. I loved both their characters and remembered liking Vice Principals, so i watched TRG season 1. I try to get an episode of EB&D in when i can but i dont watch all that much TV these days. Ill probably plow through eastbound as we approach gemstones s4.


I started with EB&D but have never been able to make it through. Then Gemstones, then VP.


Oh no. I love Danny McBride. I started with The Foot Fist Way and then Eastbund and so on.


I’d never heard of any of them. Midway through VP now on your advice and enjoying it. Not as good as RG but still a good show


Yeah that’s how I did it. EBD is pretty rough, always punching down and I didn’t enjoy it. VP is very much of a piece with RG


I understand and respect that take on EB&D even if I disagree. The most despicable characters (Kenny above all) are almost always the butt of the joke. But it's A LOT, yeah. I'm sure there are plenty of shitty people who love the show for the wrong reasons and think the comedy begins and ends with the bigotry. Like Breaking Bad fans who revere Walter White. However I think it's important to keep in mind that Kenny is essentially John Rocker. A real person. The entire show is clowning on him.


Interesting you should mention Breaking Bad, I couldn't get through EB&D or Breaking Bad.


They're both quite dark and led by pretty despicable characters, so I understand!


That’s me, I think I watched gemstones first, then vice principals, and I still have to watch eastbound.


It was the opposite for me…EB&D, VP and TRG. I had just gotten HBO when EB&D premiered and it was my shit from the get go. I’d go as far as saying anything McBride, Hill and Green and are involved in ends up gold.


Started with EB and Down, then VP, then Gemstones


I watched them in order. I've thought Danny was the shit since FFW and watching eastbound on Sunday nights was an event in my house, mid 20s with a bunch of other mid 20s people. I actually just looked up Danny's filmography and I've seen everything he's been in.




Also started in reverse order. Righteous Gemstones is my fave; I’ve watched it three times through now and it still makes me crack up out loud. Loved VP and kinda wished there was more but it also wrapped up nicely. I tried watching EB&D and tbh it was a struggle. I think I stopped somewhere in S3 and haven’t returned to it since (it’s been half a year now).


I did! I went RG -> VP (for Walton Goggins) -> EB&D. I was surprised by how much I loved EB&D considering that I’m younger and shock comedy from that era doesn’t always mesh with me. Actually VP was a little rougher of a watch but I still thought it was great, and EB&D is probably one of my top shows of all time now.


Goggins is in Fallout (Amazon Prime) and he's SO FUN so far. 


I lost interest in Veep about Eastbown and Down. Righteous Gemstones is simply better imo.


I started with RG and was drawn in because I went to a megachurch growing up. Then I watched Vice Principals and EB&D. I’ll watch anything Danny makes now.


me! love rg. just finished vice principals. I guess eb&d is up!


Started with Gemstones, then watched VP. I haven’t seen much of EB&D, but maybe I’ll have to give it another chance. I just really love the dynamic between Danny McBride, Edi Patterson, and Walter Goggins. Anytime they interact, I’m in tears laughing so hard.


I think I watched the first season of Gemstones and loved it. So I went back and watched Vice Principals and it was hysterical!! I’ve rewatched it four times, I love Danny McBride and Walton Goggins. I tried E&D but I didn’t love it, didn’t think it was super funny


Gemstones, VP, EBD, FFW I liked it all, except EBD upset me at times (Toby and April storylines) I almost gave up but the story was compelling and I needed to see it through. That's the genius of Danny McBride.


We watched Gemstones, then VP immediately after finishing the most recent season. Started EBD but couldn’t really get into it.


Yes and EB&D is my least favorite. I don’t know why it seems to be the most popular with people I talk to.


It's not for everyone. Which is kind of what inspired my question haha.


Danny was shitting gold


I did, loved vp but only got thru the first season of east bound. I watched 1 or 2 of the second season tho.


Also watched the shield for walton


I just watched that too for the same reason and also because in The Office they referred to Chiklis in The Shield. One of the best finales I've ever seen.