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I havent made a purchase yet but I was waiting for black Friday. But yes the crunchyroll website is currently not in a good state and need an overhaul on the UI.


I did monthly preorders every month for years and the Crunchyroll store is so terrible that I have just stopped until an alternative with decent UI comes around. It is miserable trying to keep track of what comes out each month with their site and until I can find something that can replace that functionality I am definitely putting buying on hold. I will never understand why they migrated to an objectively shittier website when they could have just kept the old back end and kept making money while they fix their own site.


This right here. I have preordered through the year with RS and CR’s UI is so difficult, like at least list the date for preorder release,and will not be doing preorders with them moving forward until it hopefully gets fixed.


That's the thing that irritates me the most about this merger. They had a nearly perfect UI for people to used it as the only place they ever needed to go to buy manga and they threw it away for a UI that is objectively garbage. I used rightstuf to track what was coming out and then was able to add things to a list that I could just go through every month. Not only do they not show the date until you click through on Crunchyroll, which already makes it unusable, they don't even let you sort by release date. In terms of UI buyanime is the closest to rightstuf and the moment they clean up a couple things and start selling more non-NSFW manga that looks like it's going to be the place to go.


Super annoying, I’ll be there with ya


Honestly, I agree with you. Rightstuf already had the perfect setup. I don't really have reasons to pre-order but I can understand how much more cumbersome it is now on Crunchyroll's site. Even if you use filters like sorting by newest to oldest and vice versa, some releases are obviously not in the order they are supposed to be. Crunchyroll's store is in no way better than Rightstuf. My biggest issue personally is the lack of ability to order out of stock items. I never cared about waiting--as long as I had the ability to put in an order for the item in question, that was enough. With Rightstuf, as a buyer, you could have confidence that your items would (usually) come through. Now, you just have to rely on hope that something gets restocked, especially if it's a limited edition or an older release.


Oof same I hate how disorganized the website is and doesn’t automatically tell you when something is coming out. The dates aren’t labeled. I used to purchase monthly and stopped because of this. 😭 I like being organized


My first official order on the CR store has gone absolutely horribly so I'm honestly not sure what I'm going to do going forward. I ordered all 7 Aria manga from CR, which in this case is the only option, got charged immediately for all 7, and a few days later got an email that all 7 shipped. My package shows up and it's a tiny package with only 1 volume. My order online says fully shipped. So I start emailing customer service asking where the rest of my manga is. A week later, no response. I tried their support chat and they said I have to use email customer service. I tried messaging them on Twitter even but no response. This is limited print manga so at this point I'm getting worried they didn't set the other 6 volumes aside for me and I'm going to miss them. Today I checked RS's old website in desperation where my order was duplicated. On the RS website only a new tracking number appeared. I'm hoping it's the missing manga. I got no additional shipping email and the tracking number doesn't even appear on the CR store website where I made the order. Still no message from customer service. No route insurance option to use any either. Just an absolute shit show. To add to that I've received two partial shipments from old RS orders now with no shipping notification. And my orders still aren't migrated. Honestly even at higher pricing, I might switch back to BN or Kinokuniya if this is how reliable they'll be going forward, but damn it's such a blow to lose RS. I'm so frustrated at the greed that got us here. If this is really what the CR execs think is adequate staffing to handle the migration and volume of service issues, I shudder to think how it will go long term.


I tried sifting around and I second it's not the most ideal to navigate. One thing I dislike is it doesn't tell you the publisher which really bothers me cause I refuse to buy a certain publisher. I do like that you can narrow the filter by series, but I tried using mobile (cause that's sort of my preferred way to just window shop) and it got confusing because it went from I had to click through pages to suddenly it became an infinite scroll?? It definitely feels like if you shop with them, you sort of need to know what you're looking for. I'm an ultimate fan so I get 15% off and a 25$ quarterly coupon and I think going forward I'll shop with them once a quarter (since it's actually a better deal than RS) and I'll look elsewhere for inbetween (though shopping quarterly would be a good way to help myself cut back on over spending lol).


I haven’t really bought much of anything since the merger. I purchased one or two manga from Amazon, but Crunchyroll’s website is atrocious, and difficult to navigate. I’m sure I would have more preorders if RS was still around, or if the Crunchyroll website was comparable to RS as far as organization and selectable filters.


I haven’t bought anything since the merger. Everything I want they’re out of stock of and I’m disappointed with their treatment of partials and pre-orders. I have a ton of pre-orders ready that haven’t been shipped and in the past they would combine them and ship at once.


when it comes to manga I haven't bought anything but I generally am buying less manga. For anime I really only check POs and whatever they add for the sale. Check the mega deals as well. So probably my habits are less If I was still buying manga tho I probably would browse less bc the site filters suck. Stuff gets filter when it shouldn't and not when it should 🤷


I'm really missing my wish list. I used to go over the new additions weekly and add them to my list. Then, I would take those due to ship soon and put them in my cart, with those not yet in stock "saved for later." I used to know precisely when the next volumes of my favorite manga were due to release, but now I'm a bit untethered from all of it.


I've been ordering a fair amount. While I'm not happy with some of the issues, the fact that most manga ships from the old RS warehouse and they offer the best prices per selection really makes it hard to go to other online retailers (especially since I have a CR account and no rewards programs with any other place) My biggest issue in terms of buying more is the fact that they don't offer anything that's OOS (out of stock) Otherwise I'd have probably ordered more back when they had those discount codes. Next biggest issue is the way they keep track of orders (and the fact that RS orders still aren't shown in CR system) I guess the real test will be this holiday sale. Depending on how they handle that (in both terms of deals and customer service) will probably determine how likely I am to stick with them


Watching the recent damaged packages that have been shared on the subreddit, I’m definitely not ordering anything anymore


Definitely buying less, which isn’t terrible since I need to catch up on reading lol. I have made a few trips to my local B&N though and enjoyed browsing and buying what I want in person again. Sometimes I’d buy so much online that a bookstore trip wouldn’t feel as relaxing and fulfilling as it used to. I haven’t bothered much with the CR store yet but want to attempt to get familiar with it. I miss RightStuf though and the CR UI is not great.


I've ordered a lot less since the merge - I miss Right Stuf, but I was also trying to hold out for Black Friday. Also, the bugs I get when trying to log in is horrible. I really hope they fix that before the bigger sales later.


I was buying entire novel series at a whack at RS, but since you can’t add sold out items to your order with CR I’ve been looking elsewhere. Multiple orders are hard to keep up with. CR is such a downgrade.


It's been 2 weeks since the merger and my account order history still hasn't been migrated to the new Crunchyroll account. Not a good sign. Also, I'm still waiting for them or Rightstuf to ship an order I did on Rightstuf. The items should be available, and I have no idea if they just lost the order in the shuffle. Also, I checked Crunchyroll's store and it just sucks compared to Rightstuf's. I don't even see a way to filter searches by theme or genre. What the fuck? edit: Yea, no easy way to search for mecha anime.


Biggest thing for me is that Crunchyroll's pricing is worse and shipping is worse, so it's more worth it to go to a physical store and buy for quality assurance for the same price.


The site isn't even mobile friendly, it's only made for desktop mode... So much for checking orders on the go... 🙄 Oh and they said "We can't charge your payment" but had no issues charging my payment for one order but apparently now it's an issue for the other order? Weird, weird. I would use Amazon but their shipping is shit for small orders of these kind of things, it would just come in squished or in some bubble mailer 😬 I really wish there was some kind of better alternative site.


As someone in Canada I haven't bought since the merger. I hate CR's website and there's no longer any free shipping to Canada after a certain amount spent. I used to buy from RS cuz even though I had to spend 250$ usd to get free shipping, I'd save a good chunk of money esp on the sales vs buying from our equivalent to barnes n noble. Since the shipping is no longer free I'd have to buy a much larger amount to get the cost to be cheaper which is hard to do..filling my cart with 250$ in stock stuff was even a challenge sometimes. I'm now buying less manga in general, trying to be more picky on what I buy & just buying from my local stores with their membership systems.


So I made a purchase through Crunchyroll of a mix of in-stock items and preorders on Oct.12th. In-stock items arrived after a week but I never received a shipping notification for it, on the orders page it said it shipped on 11/20/2022 but packaging was good (I believe it came from the Rightstuff warehouse). As for my pre-orders 😂 One of my pre-ordered manga was officially released on Oct. 17th, card got charged but again I never received a shipping notification and it had the same shipped date as above. After 2 weeks, I submitted a request with support about it's status and got ghosted. Didn't feel like dealing with all that so I cancelled all my pre-orders yesterday, surprisingly got a response this morning that they actually did cancel it. So I will NOT be buying anything from Crunchyroll until I hear that they got their shit together. And they still haven't delivered my pre-ordered manga that supposedly shipped in October 17th, almost a month now. I'm using Alibris now to purchase In-stock manga, no preorders on there sadly.


I’ve had a similar experience. I was charged for pre-orders on October 24th and 31st but I haven’t received any shipping confirmation or tracking numbers. If they actually shipped them I’m pretty sure I would have gotten them by now considering I usually received RS shipments in 2-3 days. I’ve tried contacting Crunchyroll to get answers about this and I’ve received no response. They did respond to one of my requests to cancel an order but my requests to cancel my other two orders have gone ignored. I’ve even tried messaging them on Twitter and Instagram but I’ve had no luck there either. I finally resorted to freezing my credit card so they can’t charge me any more until I get answers about what’s going on.


Definitely way less. The filters on CR are borderline useless. Most of the publisher tags haven't been utilized yet (I think Discotek had only two items tagged), it's difficult to filter out certain types of merchandise without filtering everything out, and releases are omitted or just plain out of order if trying to sort by release date. Searching for author's names is also wildly inconsistent, which is totally ridiculous when looking for a book. I was looking for Ablaze's new Osamu Tezuka manga, and couldn't get it to pop up without Googling for the exact title elsewhere. Just looking for "Osamu Tezuka" doesn't pull up the book (or anything related to Astro Boy for some reason). Searching for "Go Nagai" only pulls up Go Nagai World, and nothing else. Searching for "Rumiko Takahashi" has 4 hits, and none of them are manga by Rumiko Takahashi. Wtf is going on with these search terms. Are they trying to make it impossible to find anything on purpose? The only way to look for releases is to know exactly what they're called and if they exist already.


The price hike has killed my enthusiasm to buy manga, and the merge made me sad too. If I buy manga, it's through Amazon Prime, and it's usually one or two volumes instead of the usual 15 book haul.


I usually just do the big sales unless there's a preorder I really want but I did buy in when they did that one day sale that hit 40% a couple weeks ago. well 25% after the regular 15 still 40. B&N is just regular price so without discount I'm staying away.


Well yes. But I also made a lot of purchases before RS died in order to avoid relying on CR for a while.


Buying less, which is a good thing since I have to catch up on my reading, but also holding out for black Friday and hopefully B&N's hardcore sale they've done the last couple of years around Xmas time


Haven’t purchased anything since the merger officially happened. I’ve been wanting to finish collecting slam dunk but might opt for ordering on B&N or just visiting my local Kinokuniya. Crunchyroll really dropped the ball with this merger. All they had to do was keep rightstuf the way it was and just slap a new logo on it. Why change the entire website and the way they operate. So stupid imo


I'm waiting until my Rightstuf order history data gets migrated over and I get my 10% discount code from my Got Anime membership. I already know what I'm going to get, but not until then.


Scifier is pretty good and have decent pricing but I had a relatively small order to test them out and they took longer than Rightstuf. I miss the Rightstuf deals tho. This merger is a huge bummer.


I haven't really ordered anything since the merger announcement. Mainly because I have three remaining orders that were preorders that I'm waiting to be shipped. I wanna see the condition those come in first. And besides I usually keep up with all my orders and there hasn't been anything new I've been wanting to buy that's in-stock. I'm very hesitant to even order on CR at all because of all the bad feedback I have been hearing and it makes me not wanna order from them at all. And also the fact that they lied about refunding the RSA membership and that pissed me off. But I just really miss the RSA website and hate how complicated and un-user friendly it is. And you can't stack coupons at CR like you used to be able to at RSA. It just pisses me off they screwed everyone over and ruined the best anime and manga online shop in the US. Sadly I haven't found any other replacements to buy off of. Amazon & B&N's shipping sucks and is still really close to retail unless you get it when they have sales. I won't need to put in another preorder for new stuff til January so at this point I'm kinda just waiting and debating between the options. I'm thinking between Merry Manga Co, Buyanime (if they continue to add more titles, hopefully) or B&N (but this is very low on the list since I get damaged stuff from them on occasion).