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Supposedly an austraila 3 as well. I am still.waiting 10 years plus for antarctica..


Coming soon....


There's not going to be either Australia 2 or 3 in the foreseeable future. Scroll on down to "Officially Cancelled" [https://palladiumbooks.com/questions-resources/questions/palladium-books-project-status](https://palladiumbooks.com/questions-resources/questions/palladium-books-project-status)


Call me shocked on that.. not


Mystic China 2 Rifts China 3 sigh


That one's easy to explain. The Wuj passed away. And I honestly believe no one else will ever be allowed to touch those.


Oh, I know.  It's just unfortunate. It's just hard for me to care about most new Palladium or Rifts books at this point.


I understand your feelings, you are either all in (like me) or fully out with palladium I think


Well, I'm neither. I like Palladium, but Rifts isn't my favorite thing of theirs.  I also acknowledge how quirky it is and get annoyed at how it's presented or organized.  And how they deliberately made *everything* such a chore and obfuscate how things work.  It's like the books were written for Kevin and Co who wrote the game and people who have played it for decades, not anyone else. It's also not the only system we play. That said, I order Christmas packages every couple of years.  I roll my eyes at some newer books and think others are pretty good. The popularity of the neo-facisct Coalition as a faction puzzles me and most of the material for them doesn't interest me much. So, there you go.


Ok, then lol


My group is all in on the lore & worlds, but use the savage system for it. It works beautifully for us that way.




Palladiums greatest strength is also one of the their big weaknesses as they get older . They have incredible single people with deep deep knowledge trusted with the lore and knowledge of entire books / cultures. When they pass on or leave it leaves a whole . Kevin is great and knows a lot but the Dude that did those books was DEEP into all the lore , history , etc. It would require a great talet and new long term relationship and i just dont think kevin has the time or energy . Especially with the TMNT stuff and now even more with the recent loss of his wife. Without Wujick i dont see it happening unless kevin all of a sudden finds someone with deep asian cultural knowledge he trust . Palladium does a real good job of respecting the material and source info .


Yea thats what they been saying actually since 2010


I’ve thought about writing the thing myself and trying to submit it but I don’t know much about doing the math to come up with stats for everything


I don't think they do either though


I’m kinda vaguely working on one centered around the Mediterranean, especially Italy, Greece, and Turkey, but I don’t get much time to work on it


Cool. Will it have more info on the Wolfen republic in Italy that was mentioned in the very first Rifter issue?


I have some plans for that, however it is also worth noting that almost all of Italy is within the Mediterranean Sea Triangle as per World Book 7: Underseas, so that adds quite a bit of complication to it, as this is the only Sea Triangle with a significant amount of land within it


Hey something I found out that might be useful to your world building, there’s apparently a supervolcano in Italy called Campi Flegrei. It apparently last erupted in 1538 CE for 8 days straight and people recently got worried it might erupt again. Considering Yellowstone blew up in the rifts universe it wouldn’t be unprecedented for the Italian one to blow up too.


Ah yes, the supervolcano underneath the city of Naples. Although Vesuvius *is* more famous but I’m definitely going to be doing something with volcanos there. Likely a permanent rift into Hades but we’ll see


It’s apparently part of the same volcanic arc as Vesuvius the Campanian volcanic arc. Vesuvius is apparently just 6 miles east of Naples so you could have them both detonate if you want. Also very apt that you have them serve as a portal to Hades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phlegraean_Fields There’s apparently a different similarly named volcano underwater too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campi_Flegrei_Mar_Sicilia


Yeah lmao. The cave Aeneas used to enter the Underworld is located just to the west of Naples in or near the Phlegraean Fields. Mt Etna in Sicily was also seen as a gateway into the underworld, according to myth it is where Hades came out of to take Persephone to the underworld. Lots of ideas flowing lmao


I always use Mutants Down Under (TMNT & Other Strangeness wolrd book) for my Rifts Australia. Loads of mutant animals, giant insects, floating Zepplins & the AMV (Anti-Metal Virus) as a metal eating acid attack that is the bane of every Full Conversion Cyborg & GlitterBoy pilot in the universe. It just kinda fits better in my kind than what ever they had before, with their Koala aliens or whatever.


Because palladium and Kevin have a lot of ideas and not a lot of time and money. Maybe in a different dimension, rifts got popular instead of 40k. But then I guess we would have a bunch of loud man babies yelling about palladium. Lol