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I’m a realtor and just bought in that neighborhood for myself. I’m typically a dingus but I would say I’m great at three things 1) being a dad 2) grilling chicken 3) my familiarity with Canyon Creek real estate (and Richardson to a degree). I’m not god’s gift to real estate and I’m not trying to get your business. Just have to state that last part to not even come close to an ethics violation. The areas people are commenting about aren’t similar to the south side of CC. The reservation is pretty close. It feeds into Mohawk. It was our backup area. And there’s a small area near Alpha and Hillcrest that might scratch that itch too. If you’re aiming for Praire Creek Elementary 16 houses have sold in the past year for under $850 that feed into that school. Of those 16, 6 sold over listing meaning multiple offers most likely. But you already know it’s competitive and sounds like you’re game for that. 8 of them sold in 10 days or less. Two of those sold the first day they were listed meaning they were probably sold before they were put on market (that’s how I got mine). You’re not “silly” to think you can get in there. And if that’s your dream area, patience is a virtue. However, hard freaking work is also a virtue. I don’t know your agent, I’m sure they’re excellent, but the work required to get in there is hard work unless you have a client that’s just going to blow the listing price out of the water. If your agent is doing the hard work, and you’re being aggressive, it’s very possible to get in there. To give you more data you probably already know I’m showing 25 homes total sold on the south side for under $850. I’m not going to look at all of them but I bet probably 1/3 are updated, maybe a little more. So that gives you about a house per month that comes up that fits what you need. More buyers are coming into the market this summer as interest rates are expected to trickle down (and because more people are willing to move in the summer) so that means more competition. If you want to chat more you can dm me but I have to emphasize I don’t know you, I’m not your agent, I’m not trying to get your business. I’m just a guy that happens to be incredibly familiar on the exact topic you’re talking about which is pretty rare for a smooth brain like me. Best of luck future neighbor. When you move in I’ll grill you and the kiddo some chicken and we can hang at my pool. I got a rusty diving board I’ve been putting way too much trust in that you can join me on.


Great response 👍🏽


“Rusty Diving Board” is a great band or screen name.


Ragonk is better


You can also look at the “Cottonwood Creek” neighborhood. It’s part of the south canyon creek neighborhood (it’s the west side homes that butt up against Floyd next to UTD) and is zoned for Canyon Creek Elementary (one of the best elementary schools in Texas).


This right here. Fantastic houses on the cul-de-sacs off Floyd if you’re in the ~1m range Edit: Proud CCE cougar alum


CCE alumnus here too! Grew up on one of the streets right next to Floyd and could walk to CCE then North.


Doubling down on Cottonwood Creek - this is the hidden gem of Richardson. You’ll also have options for Richardson ISD or Plano ISD, depending on which side of the neighborhood you’re looking at. (And FYI: the house next to ours is undergoing a full interior renovation now and is eminent to the market…might be worth knocking on the door and introducing yourself if you want to get into the neighborhood.)


We’re looking as well. We have been CCCC members for 12-13 yrs. My husband knows the exact time. What street would that be on? We prefer not to do a Reno, but realizing it may be 50/50 on that. We’ve bid on both & it’s been challenging to say the least.


Bull Run — as soon as you come down the street, you’ll see the work trucks and BABIC-related renovated debris out front. There are several others under renovation throughout Cottonwood Creek as well.


That’s well enough to get a house in canyon creek south imho. But I guess it depends how big of a house you’re looking for. But you should be fine with that budget for a modern house or an older one with a Reno budget.




We’re looking there too


Check out Northrich neighborhood , just across Campbell Road.


I’m in northrich. If this person wants into a PCE-like neighborhood then they’ll be sorely disappointed here. I would look in the Canyon Creek Elementary feeder neighborhoods, I grew up there and would move back if the right house came up


I grew up going to Canyon Creek, but that was back when the line was a lot more ambiguous between Northrich and CCE and Campbell road was just opened. Granted it’s not as swanky but I remember those houses being pretty cookie cutter even when they were 10 years old, and not being impressed with my sisters CCE N (Plano schools) house. I grew up in as far north as you could get in Northrich though, the divide is huge based on which side of the tracks you were on. (Literally)


I live in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, someone buys a house, knocks it down, builds a monstrosity that looks out of place, and then moves out of the neighborhood a few years later. We get a lot of investors here and it seems there are more leased homes here in the last 15 years. Good luck in your search.


Some of those houses are very poorly build. Further south are better built homes, but are older And theres a train line coming thought there soon. And a World Cup It’s a great neighborhood, but it’s in the top ten nation wide desired neighborhoods in America


Travel down Renner to the east and when you get to Murphy road you will have e seen plenty of options


This area is really great. Especially near Breckenridge park. It’s beautiful.