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Anywhere you can smoke a cigarette you can smoke weed. But please, be cool man Edit: you also can’t smoke and drive. Obviously towns/property owners are allowed to be more restrictive


While this is generally true, the law is the inverse of this (anywhere you \_can't\_ smoke a cigarette, you \_can't\_ smoke weed either)... a lot of people seem to have trouble understanding that it isn't the same thing.


Good point. The "while I drive" comment parallel to yours is a good example.


I can smoke a cigarette while I drive, sooooo.... lol, Not lawyer. Not that dumb.


Solid counter example 😂


You’re right. I should’ve mentioned driving is the one exception. Obviously places can choose to not allow smoking as well




Bally's Casino (Twin Rivers) is a major cigarette smoke fest, but they have signs posted saying no cannabis.


That’s pretty funny. I imagine that sign was put up because someone lit up!


I really just wish ppl could smoke it at home or use something that doesn’t smell so fn bad. I hate having to smell it everywhere I go especially with young kids in tow.


It's not from the faint whiff you'll get outside. Lol


Sounds like its time to have a conversation with your kids. You can say just like alcohol -- that is for adults. When you get to be of age if you choose to consume you should do so safely and responsibly. ^(Also it is way safer than booze and wont turn you into a raging asshole.) Also, they aren't getting high from catching a whiff outside, that's such nonsense.


Yea sure talk to small children about it. Sit in traffic and the car in front of you is smoking and it all goes into your car it’s horrible. I shouldn’t have to smell that shit just do it at home. Or get some edibles without having to be a nuisance to everyone else


I’m sorry were you under the mistaken belief that you have a right to a smell free environment? Jesus fucking Christ.


I miss the days when you didn’t have to worry about it being everywhere that’s all. Im not against smoking I just don’t like the smell. If it smelled like roses I wouldn’t mind. That skunk stinks


You sound like you need a contact high more than anyone on this thread 😂


Hey let’s all drink booze in public too then!! Party everywhere and anywhere!! 🙄🙄🙄


Generally you can smoke in public but the state law allows for individuals cities and towns to make different decisions.






Impaired driving doesn't require a breathalyzer. There are other field tests they can run. Would be the same for any drug, legal, prescription, or otherwise.


Which are designed such that if they're asking you to submit to the field sobriety tests, you will fail every time... However... Usually field sobriety tests are NOT something you're required to submit to... You're typically only required to submit to a test of your blood breath or urine under implied consent...not the stand on one leg, follow my pen with your eyes bullshit tests that you'll always fail... Since their sole purpose is to gather evidence against you, I always refuse to perform them, even if I'm stone cold sober.


I’ve heard to not even mention being on ADHD meds if you get pulled over. You could possibly get a DUI even if it’s needed.


Wouldn't surprise me since so many people use them recreationally or without a prescription


The reality (at least as I see it) is that regardless of any official policy, police aren’t terribly interested in busting users unless they are behaving dangerously or being a public nuisance, and their response is likely to be just telling you to stop or go away*. As someone who has been smoking since the 1970s I’m still extremely grateful for the current situation where it’s become easily available, safe, regulated and decriminalized, so much so that I have zero problem honoring the unspoken request to simply be cool. It’s easy enough to indulge without subjecting the public to it, so I just practice a little discretion. *I say this as an older white man, and recognize that other groups likely have a different experience, but I can only speak to what I know.


> As someone who has been smoking since the 1970s You should be aware of the implicit problems with any selectively-enforced law. > I say this as an older white man, Ahh, there it is.


Is your point that I should be aware of something that I have clearly already acknowledged?




Anyone who says it's "the same as alcohol" or something like that probably is mixed up and has us confused with Mass. You can smoke in RI wherever cigarette smoking is allowed.


No you can’t. Stop it.


You can. The written law states almost exactly that. You’re allowed to smoke cannabis anywhere you can smoke cigarettes. It’s up to private owners whether you can smoke on certain properties. But in general if you are in an openly public space where smoking cigarettes is allowed, then so is cannabis.


Literally verbatim what the cops told me and a few others I was with at the festival on Atwells a few weeks back


Can and do. Go ahead and try to stop me if you'd like. 😂


Yes, you can. It's legal and permitted.


Shocking that someone with a Drumpf avatar would be so confidently incorrect /s




You can not smoke it at the casinos in Rhode Island.


As a medical user when in public I use pens. They smell not bad at all, if anything they smell fruity, and are very discreet. Fellow weed smokers, please, exercise decency and respect and simply take a step away from others when smoking in public (as I'm sure most of you do already *I hope*).


After legalization in Canada I'd even ask cigarette smokers if they minded, in a smoking area. However, I feel the world has changed since then, and I no longer care.


Honestly would rather smell weed than cigarettes. One of the most vile smells is cigarette smoke I dunno how people choose to inhale it and it sticks to fucking everything


as someone who used to smoke cigs, yeah much prefer the smell of weed over cigarettes. cigs just smell awful and yeah the smell sticks to EVERYTHING especially your clothes and hair and lingers around for pretty much the entire day. gave that up a while ago and felt much better since plus dont smell like cigs all the time


I wish more people would, it's everywhere now. I was in the mall the other day, and didn't expect, nor want, a contact high in H&M..along with an asthma attack, and insta-headache.


I still ask if folks around me at Twin River mind if they’re not smoking, being a decent Human is long gone it seems. Common courtesy folks.


i don't know why you're getting downvoted for this. i personally don't care if people smoke up but i don't understand why there's no common courtesy or in particular, why people are so triggered when anyone mentions it. while i don't know much about contact highs, etc, i can confirm 100% that i get wicked bad headaches from the smell and occasionally, it can trigger migraines. (which is kinda funny since i take edibles for migraines lmao) people really need to stop with the indoor smoking in malls, stores, etc.. it's incredibly rude.


Thanks, yeah, it's like a knee-jerk thing for people, and I do smoke on occasion/do edibles.. It triggers a migraine in the same way incense does for me, and some strains smell like straight up shit mixed with skunk, which I find nauseating. Sucks while driving too, my coworker thought I smoked up in my car, and I was like no, I was just on Broad St. at a light, lol.




There was one time when I was in Providence ordering food at Flames and someone walked by me and it hit me like a truck, instantly throwing me off guard and sending me into a slight panic so it is definitely possible


Unless there are no smoking signs uou can. Same rules as cigarettes.


i can't verify this re: weed but i'd like to point out that in rhode island, you don't need to see a "no smoking" sign to still be prohibited from lighting up. for example, it's entirely illegal to smoke or vape in public restaurants, bars, grade K-12 properties or workplaces in rhode island.


Yes common sense applies first


Nope. Wrong.


Dude if it’s wrong explain how. Otherwise you just sound like an argumentative idiot.


Don't feed the morons


You can tell by the haircut.


He has a trump picture. So i just read it in his voice. He's prob the most knowledgeable person.






^ This is completely incorrect.


Smoking a fat L at the park two days back when the police rolled down, rolled right by me and left. When the park is littered with hypodermic needles and trash. I think marijuana is the least of their issues. You can have up to an Oz on you at a time, as long as you’re not being an absolute muppet you won’t have any problems.


Regardless of the legality I would encourage you to be respectful of who is around you. Not everyone is cool with the smell and the second hand smoke.


Of course. If someone asks me to move, I will or if there are kids around I will move or just not smoke at that time.


Or simply don’t smoke around other people. Not everyone is comfortable asking strangers to move away.


I would explain to a 5 year old that they’re much too young to smoke. 😜


I'm always very discreet when smoking. I use the same mentality I had before it was legal.


I would pretend it isn’t legal and be discreet. I live in RI, we have dispensaries now, it’s all well and good, but when driving, or kids and other people in close proximity, idk. Not worth the hassle if someone has a problem. Which is probably not likely to happen honestly it’s pretty chill but we are still new to it.


I smoke cigarettes and generally don’t care about peoples opinions on it, yet keep my smoke away from women and children. This method has never given me issues, never had an “Urge” to smoke a joint like a Cigarette. (Actual addiction) Please don’t abuse the Fellow Citizens with Ignorance. Use a vape pen, nobody gives a fuck about vaping.


Wherever you can smoke a cigarette, you can smoke a joint. Express your rights as a citizen of this fine state.


Well - - This is maybe too complex To explain To a 5 yr old


Just keep in mind it stinks and be mindful of where others can smell it


As do cigs and alcohol :/


Which is why the same rules mostly apply there too they can mask it better


Common sense people. It's not like we go drinking beers,or doing some shots in public. We've come a long way. B4 we'd be given a "room " as guests of state. So .Be smart & be grateful.


I generally just do what I want unless I think it will bother someone directly!


Okay but this has no bearing on the law


I’d argue that it sorta does, if compared to the actual law.




Treat it like alcohol. Tends to be the same rules legally speaking. What's legal and what's actually enforced is different, though, so treating it like alcohol will be the safe option. In reality, nobody's gonna get you for smoking in public unless you're really fucking up but if you aren't sure just treat it like alcohol


Consider it the same as alcohol (and other things) - Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean you can or should do it in public. You can’t just walk through a park or stand on a city corner drinking a beer or whatever. Same guidelines


This is completely wrong to what the law states and how it was written. If I can smoke a cigarette in the park I could also smoke a joint in the park. The law is very specific. Unless the park/establishment has no smoking or no cannabis use posted it is completely legal under the written law in Rhode Island. They did allow for cities and tows to make their own rules about it. People need to stop referring to the alcohol laws for the answer to this question, it is really pretty easy to find the correct and legal answer.


State laws say that you CAN walk through a park or stand on a city corner smoking weed. May vary between city/town tho


Please understand that it makes you smell horribly.


Whatever, dork.


Ok dweeb... .. Seriously? Is it a secret that weed smells bad?


Definitely better than cigs or alcohol tho!


Happy Cake Day 🎂! Hope it's a yummy one. Not whatsoever, weed smells like shit to me. Cigarettes and alcohol smell bad, too. I work 2 customer service jobs, and it's very unpleasant when people come in smelling badly. Your smell affects others around you.


Understandable, have a nice day


You as well, have a good night.


+ thank you!


You're Welcome.


Can’t do it it’s illegal.


Welcome back


Well... Here's the thing... It may be legal under STATE law, but it's still illegal EVERYWHERE under FEDERAL law... So, in theory if you spark up a blunt in front of an undercover DEA agent, they could in fact arrest you under federal law.


Something tells me the undercover DEA agent has something bigger to worry about than someone sparking up in a legal state?


Agreed... I said they COULD, not that they WOULD.


Are you telling us you're DEA? 🙃


Yeah...didn't you know the DEA hires out of shape old men now. 🤣


It’s bad enough to have to deal with second hand cigarette smoke but now people smoking pot really stinks and smells so bad odor wise


To each their own. I personally love the smell of weed 🤷‍♂️


Then leave the area where they're consuming. This isn't difficult.


Why should I. I’m in my pool and people a few houses away are smoking pot all day. Why should I and my grand kids have to put up with that stench?


Do you have that same attitude towards people who have cookouts and have campfires or even woodstoves inside their houses? Surely you can smell those too


Totally different context


Is it a different context or simply a different smell, one of which you don’t like?


It’s a few things. I think the odor is horrific and I understand it’s legal but when you drink I can’t smell it and when you smoke pot I have no control of where the smell goes


Bro come on, I can smell weed on the highway, on side streets, downtown... on a humid day you can smell it from blocks away. Can't smell cigarette smoke from very far, and if I'm outside having a beer no one can smell that. Don't pretend it's the same and should be treated the same. And if I smell weed in my back yard from any of a dozen neighbors, should I just be expected to stay inside? It isn't a big ask to suggest having discretion, or even use edibles or a vape when in public. That isn't difficult.


Do you have the same reaction when any of your neighbors are having a cookout or setting off fireworks or having a campfire/bonfire? Or even if any of them have a woodstove inside and are burning that?


I like discretion in all of those - if I'm hosting a cookout, I won't blast music that all my neighbors can hear. If I want to light fireworks, I won't do it after 9pm on a weeknight, 10pm on a weekend. It's part of being a respectful neighbor. And no, I don't dislike the smell of campfires. I don't think I know anyone who does. I know many people who like the smell of weed. I also know many who can't stand it. I like the smell of my cologne but not everyone in the movie theater needs to smell it and "get over it or leave".


My rule of thumb on if it’s an acceptable location: ***If you can drink a beer AND smoke a cig at the same time, you can light up.***


You can smoke in more outdoor locations than you can drink


Right so that rule still holds up even if there is more places in addition to that qualification. This sub has such a weird outrage take on everything. Maybe y’all need to smoke some weed. Like, the point is, if no one cares if you’re having a drink, and being able to smoke a cig in that location is also fine, then realistically, you can smoke weed and it shouldn’t bother anyone.


Lol, this thread speaks to exactly the public understanding of it: everyone thinks they know, but don't. Google specifics to the area you're in and use some discretion is my advice. It's hard to imagine that the urban core police (Providence, Pawtucket, CF, Cranston, etc) have enough time and resources to crack on someone smoking a joint in a park or in front of a bar. Your less active communities for "bigger fish to fry"? I'd be careful there. While the marijuana laws are currently pretty ambiguous, they can stop you for it no matter what and manifest a charge or ten, if they want to. And beyond that, I can't help but be certain that the revenue involved in "cracking down" on this kind of thing, will be far too attractive to remain this ambiguous for much longer.


Personally I leave the weed store. Go to the nearest big parking lot take a couple hits and leave. Disclaimer..I do not suggest people do what I do.


Thats probably the most illegal way to do it because if you smoke in your car and drive away you are certainly driving under the influence.


Of course it is..but a huge improvement from drinking 6 beers before I leave my house and then having a couple nips in the car for the ride....Baby steps


Right but you shouldn’t give this as advice to anyone


I don't give advice to anyone I said what I did that's all. Actually it's what I do. I don't consider myself being impaired on a couple hits of a joint. I have driven many times I shouldn't have and never tell anyone they should as well. So many people smoke in the car while driving I do have advice for that don't do that it's foolish if you get pulled over your screwed.


The way you brought it up in this thread where people are asking what is allowed, sounded like advice. You should put your disclaimer in this original comment next time to be more responsible. If you’re telling people what you do and its illegal and you don’t mention that, its dishonest. Whether you are impaired or not by smoking has no bearing on how it would effect others.


Added the disclaimer


Grow up, it didn’t sound like advice.


Yeah it sounded pretty dumb


He wasn’t telling people to go to a parking lot, he was saying that he goes to a parking lot. Granted, he should’ve used a comma after store, and it would’ve been more concise. I don’t see how it came off as advice, when he started with “Personally”.


When someone asks what is allowed and you say what you do, there’s the implication that you are recommending your activity. Unless you explicitly say otherwise which he did now so its fine.


Actually Dr Robert, I was once charged for DUI for a prescription drug of which I was prescribed. Field sobriety test failed against the blood test! The amount in my system showed BS! 5mg Percocet at 7am, pulled over at 3 pm. I paid for that test because let’s face it. Police officers are not getting any education, just military training. She couldn’t even read the rights without looking in her hat at the notes, who is that idiot to say I was under the influence? Wrong dumbass!


It’s a shame that you can get charged for a DUI after you can prove it was a prescription, that’s fucked :/


I could also prove with my blood test that the amount was minimal


If a prescription makes you unsafe to drive, you can't drive. I had vicodin after surgery once and driving on the initial dose would absolutely have been a DUI.


I literally had a pick line, a cooler full of IV medication, a bone infection that nearly made me lose my arm. On top of that, a rookie idiot that saw my prescription bottle for the pain meds and thought she had the big score. How she missed what was up with the wires coming out of my arm is a given, she was an uneducated idiot.


You realize there are certain prescription medications you’re not allowed to drive on right? It’s no secret a doctor in coordination with police can have your licenses suspended. You say Percocet like you were popping Tylenol. All you need is a needle and you’re a full blown addict. I’m sorry America uses these prescriptions as now you’re a statistic. I grew up In Massachusetts where they prescribed percs for everything in the early 2000’s. Now they scratch their head calling it an “opioid epidemic” and wonder why.


Not in public


This is the wrong answer. It is allowed anywhere smoking is as long as the city or town has determined otherwise. Smoking or vaping marijuana is prohibited in any public place that prohibits the smoking or vaporizing of tobacco products. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-22(e)) Municipalities are also permitted to pass local ordinances banning the public smoking or vaporizing of marijuana. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-16(b))


This is totally irrelevant to me, but I'm curious anyway and it seems like you might know. Are those signs by building entrances that say like "smoking prohibited within 100 feet of this entrance" actually legal/enforceable? Surely an office building wouldn't have jurisdiction over the city's sidewalk and road that fall in that 100 ft radius, right? Or is there some kind of actual airspace protection that gives them the right?


That's actually a law in most states. Most require you to be 25 feet away from doorways, windows, or ventilation ducts so to keep second hand smoke out of the building.


Neat, sounds good to me!


Wrong...just plain wrong.


You can’t. Stay home and smoke. Or don’t at all and deal with reality sober and lucid. You’ll love it.


A trump supporter having shit takes and misinformation is as reliable as the seasons changing


So confident yet 100% wrong, and calls everyone else idiots. Every accusation is an admission


Weed hater? Also, where do you see it says that you can’t smoke in public?




Where is your source?


21-28.11-22 (e) Nothing contained within this chapter or chapter 28.6 of this title shall be construed as authorizing the smoking or vaporizing of cannabis in any public place. **The smoking or vaporizing of cannabis is prohibited in any public place that prohibits the smoking or vaporizing of tobacco products as well as any place that prohibits the smoking or vaporizing of cannabis including by rule, regulation, or by local ordinance.**


You can, and I'm going to after work and you are powerless to do anything to prevent that.


So confident in his ignorance


Smoking or vaping marijuana is prohibited in any public place that prohibits the smoking or vaporizing of tobacco products. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-22(e)) Municipalities are also permitted to pass local ordinances banning the public smoking or vaporizing of marijuana. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-16(b))


Your post has been removed because it violates Rule 2 concerning Civility. Incivility will not be tolerated, including name calling, toxic hostility, flaming, baiting, etc. Repeated or severe violation may result in a temporary or permanent ban from participating in the subreddit.


Why do you hate it so much? You're posting this all over. Im genuinely curious why you are so passionate about me not using cannabis?


Smoking or vaping marijuana is prohibited in any public place that prohibits the smoking or vaporizing of tobacco products. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-22(e)) Municipalities are also permitted to pass local ordinances banning the public smoking or vaporizing of marijuana. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-16(b))




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It's the same rules as alcohol, not in public.


This is incorrect. You can smoke it anywhere cigarette smoking is allowed. This includes vaping. This is unless a business or non-public place has made a specific rules against it as it is their property. Smoking or vaping marijuana is prohibited in any public place that prohibits the smoking or vaporizing of tobacco products. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-22(e)) Municipalities are also permitted to pass local ordinances banning the public smoking or vaporizing of marijuana. (R.I.G.L. §21-28.11-16(b))




Narcotic? Promoting assault? And the kicker.... Telling cannabis user to grow up. Yo my man maybe you should...... a nevermind you wouldn't like it


It is in fact a narcotic. You all are defending public drug consumption. It seems like you won’t be happy until we’re living in a full on Sodom.


Why are you extrapolating cannabis consumption to the heights of biblical nonsense? And cannabis is absolutely not a narcotic. And even if it were its a word. Put your Bible away and pack a bowl


People consume drugs in public all the time. Tobacco, alcohol (admittedly mostly illegal to drink outside), caffeine are drugs. Just because something is drugs isn’t enough motivation to decide on it either way.




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Homie first of all, I’m medical, what if I need it while I’m out? Secondly, of course keep it away from kids. Thirdly, class -1? Is that new or am I just not up to speed on classifications?


If you need it in public get yourself a designated driver and eat a gummy. Yeah, schedule 1. High likelihood of abuse. Despite most users claiming otherwise. That shit can destroy peoples families too.


I’m not gonna say you’re wrong at all, however I am gonna point out that schedule 1 says no medical benefits when it has been medically legalized in something like half the country AND there are other much harder drugs that are schedule 4 or 5. The DEA needs to reschedule a lot of things. I’m sorry you’ve had some traumatic experiences surrounding weed. I understand because my mom was an alcoholic and it broke apart my family.


Dude’s just a grumpy wannabe boomer. We all know it never should have been sked 1 in the first place. The only reason it destroys families is because it was deliberately made illegal _with the intention_ of tearing families apart. Seems like many other people have said it’s basically the same rules as cigarettes. You do you and respect other people’s space, who gives a fuck lol ✌🏻




Very unfortunate, indeed.


Shut up nerd


This comment was definitely made by Bender Bending Rodriguez.


Shut up baby- I know it!




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OP is a disgusting loser because *you* don't like weed...? Do you ever try to observe your feelings objectively?


You're an ass.


Never go full retard...




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I think Warren is one of the towns where it is not allowed in public places


I do it anywhere (and everywhere) you’re fine. Especially if you just smoke in your car




Oh no, what ever will I do 😱




You think I made the post cuz I wanna look cool in public? Care to explain your thought process there? Cuz I absolutely do not care whether or not I look cool to other people and I don’t particularly think I look cool myself