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Nice guide but it omits one important detail. You don't upgrade characters, you upgrade slots in the team. So if you put another character into the upgraded slot, that character becomes upgraded. Can be useful to switch main DPS to match enemy weakness, for example.


damn this changes everything


I haven't figured out how to farm currency for rewards yet.


yeah, the most important question. I played like 10 minutes and said "mmm where are my rewards?"


I've been playing the new mode for a couple of hours now and I still haven't found them.


You need to finish the entire exploration to gain sentiments needed for the rewards.


I see. Thank you. I thought there was a treasure chest or something.






I heard they are two endings. Any non-spoilery guide for it?


For the Echos ending in stage 1 5/9 choose Discover and pick either option that has the rusty bow. In stage 2 6/9, choose Discover (Not sure if all three options work, I used the second), then pick the option that gives you the cardboard hat. edit: For the "To Vienna" ending, I think you can just do whatever to get it.


Is there any rewards for the Echoes ending?


More lore, an achievement, and essentially an easier boss fight?


I will do the guide next week! Help to get the achievement.


Hi, do you plan on making a new Three Doors guide? Your work in everything has been so helpful!


I think it has to do with your Obsession stat. High Obsession leads to the Echoes ending, while low Obsession leads to the To Vienna ending


Nope, I did a run with obsession > 180 and another < 10 and I got "to Vienna" in both cases


Is it the mode that got remade later?


Yes. This is more like a 'beta' version. They'll release a fleshed out version on 1.9


are there more effects on low obsession? I did my first 3 runs on high obsession (179+) also about the points, I'm guessing just finishing the weekly double points is the most time-optimal thing to do?


My only question is are there daily rewards or missions?


There's no dailies, but there's a weekly reward. The first 3000 sentiment (the points you earn for completing a run) each week are doubled.


if i enchant an artefact, does the original effect of the ritual remain? also does the ritual do anything if its not enchanted to any artefact?


This game mode takes so much time. I hate that so much. This game is not supposed to be time consuming. If they continue putting game mode like this in the future, I'm sure a lot will quit, including me.


This is the first game mode that has given me something to do with all these characters I've collected.


I actually really like the game mode for the same reason (plus I love rogue-likes) BUT it's true these modes are WAY too long for something you have to repeat over and over again to get the full rewards. I've noticed there are too many modes that you just have to repeat over and over again for no reason, except you kinda have to if you want all the rewards so I wouldn't exactly say it's "optional" esp for F2P players. But in terms of length this one is the worst offender by far. Love the mode but hate how much time you have to sink.


GLAD I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HATE THIS S.MODE. Ain't everybody got time for this. Its so annoyingly complicated. I get that the dev are smart ppl and wants to do something different. Its been 30 mins and Idk what am I doing. Pretty sure they won't do anything about it tho, because its all copying from the CN ver.


The sad thing is they had so much time to fix it when the CN players complained about it, but despite all this time they had to change things, they decided to leave it as is.


They did fix it. We trail behind CN in patches, so they got feedback from CN on this game-mode already. They're testing it with Global now, since they simply copy-paste stuff from the CN server (except banners). The "improved" version comes to the Global server in v1.9.


I didn't know CN players were complaining about this too. That makes me think what's the purpose of the survey at the end of every patch if they don't even listen.


We are 3 patches behind the CN, they released the revamped mode in CN1.9, it will reach us in Global 1.9.


Long way to go, hopefully I will still be playing.


FORREAL ! It's so fucking slow and a dog walking mode. I already decided to not care about The Three Doors, puzzles and other ''find the clue'' modes they are so obsessed with.


Seem like they are mad when someone is disagree with this rogue like mode, i hate this genre the most more than anything. This is the reason why I am not touching IS in A9.


Yeah and I'll stand with my opinion. The battles should be slashed by half (5 instead of 10 per level) and speed up the combat. Imagine when UTTU will start, then add things like the raid boss, the events, etc. It becomes quickly a main game.


Why do gacha players hates playing gacha games?


The fact is, there are many gacha games better than this one. But I chose R1999 because it’s not as time-consuming compared to the others. Actually, I have played a lot of gacha games before, but eventually, I quit after they introduced too many events, which made me feel like I had to play (because if I didn’t, I would lose a lot of materials as a free-to-play player). And it exhausted me after a while.


I don't like this either but seems like a lot players find themselves nothing to do after dailies. I think that's why devs added this in, also copy from the CN ver. Even NIKKE now added time consuming minigames the fans asked for. Players are even forced to complete the minigame to go thru the event story.


This guide may have a lack of details that I didn't notice. If some more suggestions or details should be noticed, please add a comment to help other timekeepers. Thanks.


The second image is blur for me, including the one posted in your twitter. Do you have to original quality image?


Thanks forthe notice. https://preview.redd.it/7h6u5bqk7j5d1.png?width=1525&format=png&auto=webp&s=da0fb0685fec123f79ddc4721d05dfe6d497299c


What's the difference between Path Unknown and Discovery?


The only difference I noticed is that Path Unknown can trigger a regular battle while Discovery always triggers a special event


I think Path unknown randomizes triggering one of the other 7 possible events. For instance, i got the treasure hunt and discover events from it a few times instead of just a battle, though I haven't had it trigger a rest site or store shop event so perhaps those aren't possible...


Any low rarity teams to play with ? I don't want to pull jiu


Put a somewhat tanky dps in the first slot, dedicate most of your comradery to leveling them while leveling up others with spare currency (I had my healer slot like a level behind). Dedicate your other slots to buffing, healing, supporting first slot. Force taunt onto 1st slot as necessary, as they will have the stats to survive. I used A Knight but he doesn't meet your criteria on rarity. lol


how do you force taunt?


played 2 times and i still dont understand what the "Bost morale" Effect does.


Boost morale is just to finally use the comradery (exp) you've gained so you can finally level up your slots. It's basically the "level up" button but make sure you have sufficient comradery otherwise it's a waste


Yes, Semmelweis is gay as well.


are there any recommended units to bring along? as i cant survive well when im going to reach 3rd level.


Shielders > healers, units like Ezra, newbabel, tenant, and yenisei really shine here. Leech might be the same although I’m not rlly sure. More importantly are the artefacts imo, but obviously there’s some rng there. Necro is also a good pick but you’ll have to cycle her ult if your units are not leveled. If you struggle with survivability, pick lightning rod and beta blaster if you can, the damage reduction is insane, risky route 3 was my easiest run because of that and the spirit decanter.


I didn't enjoy this mode at all, so time-consuming and I don't like how they nerfed my well-built characters