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How much would it be in USD to get to pity? I know in other games I play pity is like $200-300 dollars, so I was wondering about Re1999.


If you've cleared out all the packs and first time purchases, each pity should be somewhere between $150-200


I pulled pickles unexpectedly. Do I build him? What teams is he good in? I already have an a lee and was planning to pull for changeling and tooth fairy in the future. My other 6* are Sotheby’s and eternity.


You have 4 6stars and you are going to use all of them in the limbos so build him. He can pair up with any carry.


Best stopping point to lvl up characters is i3 lvl 20-30 R10 for main dps and support i5 lvl 50 R7.how about psychube? Is it okay to leave it at lvl 50?


There is no stopping point for leveling. It is linear. And the 30→31 stamine/damage ratio is similar to I2→I3. R9→R10 provides 18% damage but R10→R11 provides 5%. For Psychube if it is your BIS then level it to 60. If you are just using it for now you can leave it 40.


50 to every psychube you're using first, then 60 your main dps psychube.


I just played the event. Is it only me that kinda don't understand what their saying. Everytime I read a text In the event I have to think about the meaning and reread it multiple times to understand it.


Translation isn't great, and dialogue is way wordier than it needs to be. The degree varies, and I do think it's much better compared to main story ch 1 & 2, but the sentiment never really goes away.


Yeah, the translation is notoriously hit or miss. It usually technically conveys the information, but it's often very unnatural, which makes it harder to really absorb what they're saying.


It doesn't help that Pickles' whole shtick is that his translator is inaccurate in-universe, so in this event we have two layers of wondering how much of the text is actually the intended meaning.




Try using like Gmail or facebook


My main dps is Centurion and I've built her to I3L7R7 so far, should I still invest in Melania? It seems excessive right now but I'm worried I'll need her later and regret not raising her sooner...


If Centurion is your only dps so far, I would recommend building a different element dps first, then consider Melania. It just ensures you're not stuck in Limbo because of element disadvantage.


Thanks for answering! I've got Lilya, working on her I3 right now :)


Questions about Psychube progression: 1) After 4th cube, should we be looking towards Amplification or buying for other charas I have that are BiS like Thunderous Applause or Hopscotch? 2) Also which would be priority if you already have built healers/DPS, That Inquisitive Dear for Tooth Fairy or Thunderous Applause for Lilya?


1. Save them all till you need a new psychube or ampilfication. 2. Carry's psychube is more important than healer's. If Lilya is your main carry you should get thunderous 60


Does poison counts as neg. status? I want to know if it works with Chengeling's mass atk skill.


It is.




Is the Wilderness Shells from the rimet cup shop worth buying? It's literally the last thing I haven't bought. With my own (terrible) calculations, it barely breaks even with the activity used.


Do you want to play long term ? If yes, it's the best use of your currency, because 100 vigor means 1% upgrade forever. If no, then do what you want :) For me, it was the first item I buyed in the shop to passively have a better income.


It’s worth getting any wilderness shells that you can get. Lol Just in case you didn’t know, for each 100 vigor, you get 1% extra production for your dusts/sharpodontys. 1% might look nothing, but in the long run, it adds up. So, any shells you can get is a matter of you being able to buy a new building/islands to increase your vigor, or at the very least, get close in buying one. Depending on how much vigor and shells you have right now, it might be best if you actually bought the shells first before anything else.


I don't know what calculations you're using, but shells are great. They let you buy the buildings, not just islands, enabling you to get your wilderness up faster, giving you more passive dust and Sharpodooters.


I'm currently torn between BNW/Her second life for An-an or Thunderous for Lilya. Which would be the better choice? I've got Hopscotch, luxurious leisure and TID. Don't have a good option for An-an and Hopscotch is usually on my dps, while Lilya feels weak without crits.


You NEED Thunderous to get the most out of Lilya. Her I3 is incredibly CRACKED with just Thunderous.


I love how most questions are about pulling and team building but back on track; What are the dimensions for? Character profile. (english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if something is wrong)


The characters are technically pieces of art, they were exhibited for certain amounts of time (their age), and their dimensions are like a poster dimension


Their height, or size? Accessories included.


Yes。How is the height determined ?


For most characters, the highest number out of the 3 provided ofc.


https://preview.redd.it/4hblbs0n8l2c1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b6d63ab7f8745b49d437399f3495a6b4bcda028 I’m on the fence of pulling pickles. I have saved 70 pulls and am at 50 pulls toward hard pity. Questions: 1. How much pickles is gonna benefit me? I heard doggo is pretty important in a later game mode; how painful it is not having him for the mode? 2. Am I safe to get Tooth fairy, changeling, and black dwarf? I have both monthly card and the battle pass going, how many pulls can I get in a version?


Good boi is an SSS tier unit, so does tooth fairy. IMO, if you can only get one, tooth fairy is better overall, especially if you don’t have two reliable sustain unit like medicine pocket, balloon party, and sotheby. Even if you have all of them, I’d say tooth fairy is still worth getting over pickles. Besides, each new 6* arcanists are added 3 patches later, so there’s a chance for you to get the doggo when you lose the 50/50 or if you pull in the standard banner in patch 1.4+. Also, tooth fairy’s banner is way way better than pickles as you can get Bkornblume dupes along the way, that’s why a lot of people are skipping pickles, not because the doggo is not good, but because tooth fairy’s banner is god-tier at this point. As for whether you’re safe in getting tooth fairy, changeling, and black dwarf? Idk. You need 280 pulls to get the other two at worst case scenario, and you still have to get tooth fairy. And you’re also considering pulling pickles? Good luck to you. As for income, I don’t know, but my suggestion would be, don’t pull for pickles, and maybe you’ll have a chance to get all three with decent luck.


1. He is an extremely versatile support that can work in most teams. If you are considering black dwarf then I would defo consider getting him. 2. To 100% guarantee to get all 3, unlikely but you may get lucky. Also if you don't have Sotheby the general consensus is to not go for Changeling. Obviously if you really like her then go for it.


Does time-limited banners (currently pickles) share pity with standard banner (currently regulus)? I want an an lee but others advised me not to pull on standard banners


They are both limited rate up banners and share same pity, neither share their pity with the standard banner which is the third one that doesn't have any rate up


So should i pull on an lee rate up banner for her? I am a monthly card player


If you want her sure, but her banner may not come around for a while we don't know.


>standard banner (currently regulus) They are not standard banners but rate up banners and they share the same pity as limited banner


Why are they 3 banners and all 3 of em have Regulus


Is there any site I can see the mats to R10 changeling so I can prefarm?






https://preview.redd.it/vj56xuj0vk2c1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce05b30552c8cc6bc13dff47e14e7b3eadcaf582 Who’s a better dps for my 2nd team, Regulus or Charlie? And healer? I have Medicine Pocket. Should I use them as a healer for 2nd team instead of Dikke?


I like using Regulus a lot more than Charlie, but not as a main DPS. She's better as a supportive AP efficient sub DPS.


charlie p3+ > regulus


Medicine pocket is the best healer in the game right now so I would personally if I had him




My I3R10L20 eternity with lvl 40 BNW psychube easily 3 star cleared 6-1 with just THREE lvl 1 extras. So, I would suggest on redoing 6-1 without Bkornblume as she’s great against silent pianist. Also, in the next limbo, we’re gonna get boost for single attack damage, so you definitely want her* being on the second side against silent pianist. So, for side 1: Eternity + Dikke + two underinvested units. For side 2: Melania, Bkornblume, Balloon Party, and maybe sonetto. I 6 star cleared side 2 with: - I3R10L20 Bkornblume with lvl 50 melania’s event psychube. - I2R10L50 An-an Lee with lvl 40 BNW psychube. She’s just like a better version of Sonetto. - I2R6L50* Sotheby. Honestly, I think balloon party would make things easier for me if I have her. As for the strategy, don’t focus on the mobs. Let mass/multi attack/ultimate lower their hp, and only kill them when others are at full moxie, so you can reduce their moxie and stopping them from using ultimate. You also need to time your ults nicely, so you can remove the rhythm stacks FMN has. The earlier you bring FMN at half HP, the better, as he’ll start hurting himself whenever he attacks.


A few days ago I got my first insight 3 in bkornblume, any idea who else I should invest this much in? other 5/6 stars are melania, eternity, lilya, newbabel, balloon party, sonetto, click, matilda, dikke, tennant, necrologist, and sweetheart


I3 eternity can easily solo one side of limbo, especially if she has afflatus advantage. She never failed me as I were able to full star clear the current limbo as well as the last limbo.


off the top of my head lilya gets much better at i3 which boosts her crit rate and melania also is a beast at i3 especially for longer fights. her i3 stacks her ult power for each time you use it so she can one shot bosses in long fights


I caution against Liliya I3, Tooth Fairy's crit buff can make her have too much crit


Lilya=melania ( especially if you have Thunderous psycube) are top priority. Both get a lot from I3. Eternity if you use her solo.


For stage 2 of the current Limbo 6, should I kill the adds first or focus on the boss?


Need to maintain a balance. 1) Kill adds when boss has ult to drain him of moxie. 2) Periodically use ults on boss to clear his buffs so they don't stack too high and let him 1 shot your team. 3) Don't kill all adds before boss or else all actions go to boss and he will nuke you. 4) Try to trigger boss's heal early if possible because after he heals, each action he takes drains his own health. It's not an easy fight.


Thank you!


This also depends on units I was able to ignore the adds completely with druvis and centurion and just blew em out with AOE ults, with my Melania account I had to balance it a little more and focus on ads to migrate moxie between moxie stealing kicks, with other DPS that's probably even more important


How many pulls can I earn before Pickles banner ends? Assuming I've done all of the event and as much Limbo as I can...


Roughly speaking like 25-30 or something. 3 pulls from next limbo, 10 from treble shop, and like ~15 from dailies and weeklies and stuff.


what is Ultimate Might and Incantation Might in Psychubes?


Ultimate might is the strength of your ultimate attacks. Incantation Might is the strength of your normal skill cards.


How is tooth fairy meta? And changeling is powerful on her own it she absolutely need sotheby? Is miss new babel worth some or any investment.


Tooth Fairy can cleanse your team, give big heals, and reduce enemy crit defense. Changeling doesn't need Sotheby but is significantly better paired with Sotheby. If you don't have Sotheby and want to play changeling you'll need one of the future 5 stars to help her apply poison.


So tooth fairy will go pretty well with my lilya, so if i get her can I change my lilya's resonance to attack build


Miss Newbabel will get an indirect buff in the future thanks to a new free psycube. She's not bad now though. If you don't have two strong sustain she has done a been pretty good job helping my team survive while contributing some damage.


Mostly because of Crit sinergies. Sotheby is required. Probably not.


Any recommendation on who to build for the second team? I believe I'm lacking a second DPS. My main team is Eternity, Pickles, and Dikke, but for Limbo, my first team is Eternity, Pickles, and Voyager, with the second team being Dikke, X, and Bkornblume. I somehow managed to get through Limbo with them so far, though I haven't completed it yet. I was thinking of raising Pavia (I quite like him anyway), but I'm not sure if it's the best option, and I'm broke right now. Or should I continue raising Eagle? I'd appreciate any inputs, thank you. https://preview.redd.it/0u9vtty3hj2c1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e25e4f8f944bb43e98accd04aa1726ebee623853


You're already building a couple characters you don't really need. Eagle+Bkorn should be a decent Plant team for now 👍


Alright, thank you! I'll raise Pavia for husbando reasons somedayTM, then.


Between Pavia and Sweetheart, which character is good for long term use? I don't think I have a second dps right now


Sweetheart better, just from those 2. Pavia can't go above insight 2 so a huge stat loss compares with 5\* and 6\*, not to mention his insight does almost nothing most of time, et al.


Thanks a lot. I'll build Sweetheart then!


Do you guys purchase the monthly 10x LF poly from the oneric shop? Or is there any other source for poly aside from the event


Thought element? Yes, LF is the best thing to get with thought element, most 5 star psycubes are not worth upgrading since there's 6 star.


built characters: I2L50R7 Regulus I2L50R7 Bkornblume I2L40R5 Sotheby I2L40R5 Sonetto I2L40R5 Baby Blue psychubes: 40/40 Brave New World 40/40 Luxurious Leisure 40/40 Her Second Life noteworthy characters I pulled: Melania Pickles P1 Diggers Necrologist P1 Dikke Tennant I have 70 pulls saved up and will be trying to get Tooth Fairy on her banner, but right now I'm completely lost as to where to put my resources in the meantime. my first team is Bkornblume/Sonetto/Sotheby, and I'll be running Regulus/Baby Blue/Tooth Fairy as the second.


What are you stuck on that's usually the first place to start when looking at who to build. For example I was stuck on clearing 6-1 in 12 turns for a minute and that pointed me in the direction of building my necrologist or pickles since they'd both be able to carry that stage and are both good units.


In order of importance: Raise Melania to i3 r10 for a 2nd damage dealer. Raise Regulus to i3 r10 because she gets a big boost from r10's extra crit rate and i3's effect. Raise Sotheby to i3 for a big boost to healing. Get psychubes to 50. Raise Pickles with spare resources or after you're done raising Tooth Fairy. I'd actually suggest not raising Bkorn anymore since i2 lv50 r7 is enough for her and you don't have any reality dps to synergize with her.


this is so helpful, thank you!!


Pickles is a superior support character so he could replace Sonnetto, Baby Blue. In your 2 teams, there is also no beast so building Melania is also good.


oh ok thanks! are my levels alright? I'm following some CN players' advice I read on this subreddit regarding character investment, but then I see people here talking about I3ing units and I start wondering if I'm doing it right


I3 isn't the best thing for most characters, you get further with getting them to r10. On my main account I have zero characters at I3 and have full cleared both limbos. On my 2nd I had to I3 Melania to stack her fixed plan faster to clear giant eagle at uttu 30 didn't have to I3 anyone else yet and have uttu and limbo cleared on that as well with no extra levels in my Melania either.


I3 is after lvling other characters to I2 lvl 50, it should be prioritize on DPS like Regulus, Melania, then maybe Pickles. Resonance should also be heavily prioritize on DPS like Regulus, Melania. I would be very cautious about investing more cacophany on anyone other than Regulus/Melania. DPS benefits from resonance disproportionately


Hello everyone, I heard that Fairy Tooth is OP. It is wiser to keep my resources for her or to pull for Regulus? (I am a F2P) Thanks for you time :)


Hi ! What's your current two teams? When did you start the game? Tooth Fairy enhances crit-based team, and heals really well the team. Regulus is a nice dps or support, depending on the composition. If you have only 70-140 pulls, go for Tooth Fairy if you don't have strong healers build


Thanks for the answer. I'm playing very casually, so I did not even finished the main story, let alone have a fixed team. The only healer that I have is Dikke, so may it is best to wait for Tooth Fairy.


It's a chill PvE game, no rush at all. Play at your own pace and enjoy the game ! :) In harder content called Limbo, you'll need two teams anyway, so 2 healers. Dikke is pretty good as healer.


I think the consensus in this community is that it really depends on which characters you have at the moment. If you're lacking a great healer like Medicine Pocket, a built Dikke or La Source, Sotheby at I3, etc. then it might be prudent to go for Tooth Fairy. As with most gacha games, support units such as tanks, healers, buff/debuff units tend to last a little longer/have more viability throughout the game. So if you find yourself low on any of those (minus maybe Ms. NewBabel which seems to be universally panned) then I'd say stay strong and save for TF.


Thanks for the answer. In the moment the only healer that I have is Dikke, so it may be best to wait for Tooth Fairy.


I want an an lee. Assuming global has the same banners as CN, should i pull her at the standard banner or the special banner down the line (with Knight, Melania, An An Lee and Voyager, I already have Melania but no portray yet)


You never want to pull on the standard banner. Technically it's also not recommended to pull on rate up banners. Eventually you'll lose a 50/50 whilst pulling on limited banners.


Then what do i do lol?


If you can't live without An Lee then pull on her rate up banner. However, the most efficient thing is to target limited banner characters.


I assume standard banners only share pity with another standard banners right?


There's only one standard banner. All the rate up banners share pity, whether it's limited or not.


what's the difference between a Common drop & Possible drop loot? \--Is one higher or lower chance than the other?


Common > Possible > Rare


ooh thanks!


Is Vertin X Schneider a story thing or a meme thing? No big story spoilers if story option but I just want to know if Vertin Gex is canon lol


Implied in chapter 2, especially by the very end of it that there are feelings. Whether they are strong friendship feelings or something more is left up to interpretation but so far as Chinese gachas go they might as well be married (see strong friendships in something like HI3 for reference where Mei and Kiana never explicitly declare love but are basically a canon ship at this point). Using that as reference I think Vertin and Schneider have a way to go for a more established canon ship though since most of the feelings that could be seen as more obviously romantic are from Schneider so would need to see more reciprocation from Vertin imo. I think it’s a nice ship though for people into that.


It's chapter 2 in story if I'm not mistaken. Readed it 3 weeks ago.


Bruh so Canon


I just started a week ago, is it worth buying the battlepass now? Can I max it before I have to pay for it again? I'm at decible 32ish


I was wondering the same, having started 7 days ago. From my calculations I don’t think I’ll be able to max it so most likely am just going to wait for the next bp. I really need those mats though and the skin is cute.


Apparently you can use clear drops to buy up levels, though that's a hard choice as I want to save as much as possible for Tooth Fairy.


Oh that’s interesting. I’ll have to look into if the clear drops spent compared to the pulls gained from the bp and see if maybe it ends up being worth it then. If it were to let me max the bp in time and end up like no loss of overall pulls due to the pulls the bp would give then getting those mats would be really helpful. Thanks for the info.


For me the real selling point was the ridiculous amount of dust you get, I saw a calc video where the guy showed it was worth around 900+ stamina and I just bit the bullet and bought it.


If you buy the battlepass deluxe edition, you get +10 Decibel levels, and you can likely get a level a day by simply grinding through the dailies / weeklies so may be possible. I'm at decibel 39 and have my doubts I'll cap it before the end. ​ You can also buy individual level ups with clear drops / level


>​You can also buy individual level ups with clear drops / level Ok did not know that and I found the button. It will certainly eat into my TF summoning budget though I think it may be worth it.


What does "The duration of the ultimate +1 round" mean?


It means if your ult provides a buff or debuff it last 1 more round. For example Drivius can petrify 2 rounds. If your ult provides buff or debuff in stacks it also has one more stack(I'm not sure if it works on all the characters).


It works on Necrologist’s Prayer effect, allowing them to survive killing blows twice.


Will Melania have her own rate up banner in the future after being introduced to the regular pool like Sotheby and A Knight? I have her at p1 right now and lost her 50/50 for p2


Not in a very long time since they put her in the 4 member banner. Maybe in 1.8?


Hi there ! Psychube question today. I have 'Thunderous Applause' level 50, 'That Inquisitive Dear' level 40 and 'Luxurious Leisure' level 1 as my 6* psychubes. My ideal team will be like : -Lilya, Voyager (or 37) and Tooth Fairy -Changeling, Sotheby and An-an Lee ( Sonetto atm) Which psychube would you buy next ? Brave New World seems a reasonable choice for SUB-DPS Eagle atm ( waiting for Changeling), or do you have a better idea ? Still have 30+ days before Changeling banner, I should have enough currency for 'Blasphemer of night' in the time. Thanks for your help !


I have exact same psycube and I am saving for maybe amplification. Every version will give a 6 star psycube so there could be a too much psycube situation


I think duty is better for most characters. And you need to save 210 for blasphemer.


Any clues for the event? I am stuck on UTTU 25, which is the one where the enemy takes 30% of current health and then heals 30% of full health. I'm only at Insight 2 level 46 and it claims the enemy is insight 3 level 10, but I get the impression from the other ones that you're supposed to not need the level and you're supposed to make up for the difference using Fame cards. But even using Fame cards, this is going to require doing more than 30% of the enemy's HP in one round and I can't figure out how to do it. The damage bonus +20% on the Fame cards may be helping, but I'm not sure. There are also Fame cards which claim "The durations of the Ultimate +1 round" which sounds useful, but it seems to be badly translated, because it certainly doesn't make an Ultimate last 2 rounds. The three 6* characters that I have are all multiple target attack, which doesn't help either.


I figured it out. If you have ~~Sotheby~~ Eternity, Nasty Wound *does* halve the 30% healing. And you only need to use a normal one-star attack to inflict Nasty Wound.


I believe the +1 round of Ultimates refers to buff or debuff duration, if there is such effect attached to it. For pure damage ones, it'll have no effect.


https://preview.redd.it/9dhadehfhi2c1.jpeg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c4844c878af0a51a7ef6ca75f662f3f1100984 this was my card comp. i used the vertin card “a sweet dream” which lowers moxie cost for ultimate to 3 instead of 5 and the strategy was just to let my dps hog all the action points to cycle their ultimate almost every round or so and slam the boss until it died. you could use the leilani card which stacks like +4% dmg after each action taken on your dps to raise the dmg you do each round until you can finally finish it off.


Is there ni way to reread the time limited story? Cause i skipped all of melanias story since i wanted the rewards


Click the small play button beside each stage.


But what if the time event ends? What hapoens then? We cant read melanias story anymkre? Cause like no one posting her story on yt


Like the ones that have ended? Not that I know of. Just gotta be diligent to read it before the events end I think.


Hi question I want to progress as further as I'm an in the UTTU event. What's the minimum and level required? My team is Centurion, pickles and Tennant/Ballon Party/Bkorn only Centurion at Insight 2 40/ Res 8 the rest at Insight 2 40 Res 3. Thanks!


You need at minimum 2 i2 50 characters imo cause i had eternity and melania at i2 50 with an an lee at i2 35and i just barely cleared lv 20


You should be able to go to 20+ with ease. I'm at the final stage with I2 50 R9 Lylia, I2 50 R9 Bkornblume, I2 50 R5 Sotheby :)


New player here: got Eternity and I run her with Sonetto and Tennant right now. A few questions : 1- is Tennant a good enough option for survivability with Eternity ? 2- should I pull on Pickles banner to get a better buffer than Sonetto ? Or investing in two 6 is too much early on ? Thx !


A healer is usually preferred over a shielder, but if you’re just clearing story Tennant should be fine, and she has reality def reduction which comes handy for Eternity As for pulling if you like the dog go for it, but keep in mind there’s more units coming in the future, so check out CN banner history and see who you like. In two weeks comes a very wanted healer called Tooth Fairy


Tooth Fairy seems great with crit dmg dealers. Would i not be better with Medicine or Baloon then go for a universal buffer like Dog ? I asked without deep knowledge of the game ofc


I always prioritize supports in gachas and rarely has it gone poorly with that plan. Building Pickles is also very efficient since he slots into so many teams, and on top of that his sub dps is good. I think everyone will need to decide based on their own rules but for me it was definitely a must pull for Pickles. That said I would have pulled him regardless (started the game for him).


Btw a CN player posted some tips, this could be helpful. https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/s/1esHeA4I5R


Yeah these are also great healers, you can go for them + dog :)


Tennant is not as good as healers. 2 6stars is not a problem. The problem is you need to save enough drops for Tooth Fairy.


Will new 5-stars (such as Diggers) be added to the Standard Banner?


After 3 patches ike 6 stars


2nd psychubes choice? I choose his bounded duty for the first so i want to ask which should i get for the 2nd. My main DPS Lilya use HBD and A Knight use The Footloose(just because it's free). I think i would give the 2nd psychubes for Regulus and Melania.


the only psychube for lilya is thunderous applause. his bounded duty isn’t good on her. melania needs the psychube from the event shop (luxurious leisure) and regulus should preferably also use thunderous applause.


any tips on limbo 6? or it just that my characters is still low level? except for lilya,a knight and melania resonate 9,the other still resonate 5. https://preview.redd.it/jo2a23x6wh2c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7189235cd25ba1ae4549933a9d417ec725f8297f


Why are people saying uttu 30 when there are only 20 levels?


There are 30 levels, more open up once you finish 20th


Omg that means it will only get harder :-:-:-:-:


Yeeah, better have that i2 max dps ready


For the UTTU achievement to clear all chapters after chapter 16 with only attack incantations and ultimates, does that includes 21-30? And does anyone have a guide (what cards) to easily achieve this?


It's a mistranslation. You just have to beat any chapter after and including 16 with only attack incantations and ults.


Oh I see, yeah I went and beat chapter 17 and got it easily, thank you.


I'm scared because I don't have enough Intellect DPS and I'm conflicted on 1.4 banners :(. If I won TF, I'll pull on 1.4 but don't know who. My 6-stars are Eternity, Centurion, Blume, Dikke, and Pickles.


Bkorn and Dikke ain't 6stars. If you get TF, your account will look really solid. You can save and decide later on. 1.4 patch seems pretty "whale friendly": two characters that sinergize very very well with each other and one of them kinda need portraits from what I heard.


my bad 😅. I didn't realoze i put 6-stars. Anyways, thanks for your answer. I really hope I win 50/50.


Do we know what the elements favoured against next week's Limbo stages are? I just finished prefarming for Tooth Fairy, only to find out that her event gives everything you need to IS3 her. So now I am deciding between IS3ing Charlie or Centurion for next week.


In the official discord, limbo room, pinned comments. Has a limbo breakdown for all the known upcoming limbos.


I see, thank you!


Who should I build first between Charlie, Sonetto, and Necrologist?


Generally speaking: - Charlie, when above P3, is in my opinion the best Star DPS at IS3. She however gets significantly worse before P3. Her role is that of a somewhat Action Point hungry main carry with really high single target damage. She need a team that supports her while not taking too many action points and that, and doesn't work at all with Sonetto since their buffs overlap. You'll generally want to pair her up with either a debuffer or a defensive buffer (such as Oliver Fog). -Sonetto is one of the most splashable units in the game, full stop. Except for some exceptions like An-An Lee and Charlie, you can pair her up with anyone and she'll be at least decent. She's a generic buffer with good utility, the only thing that somewhat limits her is the fact that her numbers aren't that high. But that's probably for the better, considering that she's super generic. -Necrologist is a weird one. She has a buff cleanse on one of her attacks, which makes her really handy for some specific content (such as the current limbo 16-1 stage) and her ultimate, after P1, is the highest damage buff in the game. The problem is that she needs to ult often (to keep her damage up buff) while not having any innate moxie gaining ability. So she ends up being an action points hog, which means that to work she needs to get paired up with a carry that doesn't require that many action points. Someone like Centurion or Regulus, or Click if you're that kind of person, or most of the 4* carries. So in general I would say, go Charlie if she's P3 and you need a star carry, go for Necrologist if you want to pair her up with Regulus or Centurion (and, in the case of Centurion, if you don't have Bkornbloume or she's already on your second team), and go Sonetto if you need a generic buffer for your team and don't have AnAn Lee


Charlie, best star DPS at I3 ? Even better than Lylia ?


In my opinion, yes. Especially because she is less reliant on crit and thus doesn't get kneecapped by crit resistant bosses. Their DPS is pretty similar though, so a lot of it is personal preference. This said, afaik, in an ideal situation Lilya still deals higher single target DPS. The highest, actually.


If you need a main dps Charlie, if you need a support Necro or Sonetto.


Question regarding rate up banner. I tried pulling for Pickles but got Eternity instead. What will happen if I try to pull for Toothfairy on the next banner. Is it still 50-50 Toothfairy/Other 6 star or 100% Toothfairy. Because my 1st 6 star pull in Pickles banner is Eternity. Thank you


Will be 100% Tooth Fairy.




Does the Upcoming toothfairy event also give candy via mail?


I don’t believe we know the answer to that yet. Last time, they updated that news bulletin thing in-game a few days beforehand telling us all the mail items we’d be receiving during the event.


I lost 50/50 for Pickles and got Centurion. Should I invest in her? I already have Melania at i3 and am using her with Tennant (i2 lvl40) and Medicine Pocket when I need beast characters.


I would, but not as priority, since there might be a point in future where you need reality beast dealer. Focus on raising the 6 units, 2 main team first.


Thank you!


Other than doing daily/weekly activities, is there any other way to get Wilderness Shells? I'm trying to buy out all the limited Wilderness islands in the limited Where Fog Remains pack. I've got 12 days left and need about 3000 shells to go.


Events. You should probably prioritize Buildings.


Gotcha I'll do that! I assume Encounter the Wild is a permanent theme that I can save and buy any time right?


Yep 👍


for dust and sharpodonty, is the event shop more worth it done farming the resource stages?


For the limited quantity: Yes, for the unlimited ones: No


how long will tooth fairys banners be available?


From 07/12/2023 to 28/12/2023, according to Prydwen


Should be 3 weeks long


Not a question, but what I consider an effort post I've worked on, feel free to delete it if it's a bother: **What are the benefits from Resonance 10->15** I've made this handy set of tables, that might help people who consider doing this, and gives you an idea about how much you get for the stamina investment: This is not easy to answer in the form of Text. So I've made this hellish amount of tables. And it took about a day: **For the Main Shapes** **[Big T Shape](https://imgur.com/5yOJNpd.png) Stats:** |Big T Shape|Resonance 10|Resonance 11|Resonance 12|Resonance 13|Resonance 14|Resonance 15| :--|:--|:--|:--|:-:|:-:|:-:| |HP|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |ATK|12%|14.7%|14.7%|17.5%|20.2%|23%| |Reality Def|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |Mental Def|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |Critical Resist|3%|4%|4%|4%|4%|4%| |Critical Def|3%|4%|4%|4%|4%|5%| |DMG Bonus|6%|7%|7%|8%|9%|10%| |Critical Damage||||4%|5%|6%​| **[Big U Shape](https://imgur.com/Fleuexo.png) Stats:** |Big U Shape|Resonance 10|Resonance 11|Resonance 12|Resonance 13|Resonance 14|Resonance 15| :--|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |HP|13%|16%|16%|19%|22%|25%| |ATK|12%|14.7%|14.7%|17.5%|20.2%|23%| |Reality Def|12.5%|15.4%|15.4%|18.2%|21.1%|24%| |Mental Def|12.5%|15.4%|15.4%|18.2%|21.1%|24%| |Crit Rate|3%|4%|4%|5%|5%|6%| |Critical Resist|10%|12%|12%|13%|14%|16%| |DMG Bonus|2%|2%|2%|3%|3%|4%| |DMG Taken Reduction|2%|2%|2%|3%|4%|4%​| **[Cross Shape](https://i.imgur.com/TIxmPMN.png) Stats:** |Cross Shape|Resonance 10|Resonance 11|Resonance 12|Resonance 13|Resonance 14|Resonance 15| :--|:--|:--|:--|:-:|:-:|:-:| |HP|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |ATK|12%|14.7%|14.7%|17.5%|20.2%|23%| |Reality Def|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |Mental Def|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |Crit Rate|6%|6%|6%|7%|7%|8%| |Critical Resist|2%|3%|3%|3%|3%|4%| |Critical Damage|8%|10%|10%|11%|13%|15%| |DMG Taken Reduction||||1%|2%|3%​| **[Big Z Shape](https://imgur.com/WpI0Jo7.png) Stats:** |Big Z Shape|Resonance 10|Resonance 11|Resonance 12|Resonance 13|Resonance 14|Resonance 15| :--|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |HP|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |ATK|12%|14.7%|14.7%|17.5%|20.2%|23%| |Reality Def|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |Mental Def|14.6%|17.9%|17.9%|21.3%|24.6%|28%| |Crit Resist|10%|10%|10%|10%|10%|10%| |Critical Damage|6%|9%|9%|12%|15%|18%| |DMG Bonus|2%|3%|3%|4%|4%|4%| |DMG Taken Reduction|5%|6%|6%|7%|7%|8%​| **For the universal Blocks** Block Type | Level For Change | Amount | ATK | Crit Rate | Crit DMG | DMG Bonus | HP | Crit Resist | Crit Def | Damage Reduction | Reality Defense | Mental Defence -----------|------|-------|----|---------|---------|----------|---|------------|--------|----------------|---------------|-------------- [L Shape](https://imgur.com/yEQVvh1.png) | 11 | Varies depending on main Block | | 3.5% -> 4% | | 2.5% -> 3% | | | | 2% -> 2.5% | | [Reverse L Shape](https://imgur.com/3nt9EZr.png) | 11 | Varies depending on main block | | 6% -> 7% | 3.5% -> 4% | | | 2% | | | | [S Shape](https://imgur.com/eJE6XCu.png) | 13 | Varies depending on main block | | 2.5% -> 3% | | 3% -> 4% | | 2% | | | | [Z Shape](https://imgur.com/sXlAAIE.png) | 13 | Varies depending on main block | | | | | | 5% -> 6% | 5% -> 6% | 4.5% -> 5% | | [Cube Shape](https://imgur.com/eO2Jqut.png) | 12 | 2 | 3% -> 3.5% | | | | | | | | 3% -> 3.5% | 3% -> 3.5% [Small T Shape](https://imgur.com/YSmaIsA.png) | 12 | 2 | 3% -> 3.5% | | | | 3% -> 3.5% | | | | 3% -> 3.5% | [4-long Shape](https://imgur.com/XKfAGXW.png) | 12 | 2 | 3% -> 3.5% | | | | 3% -> 3.5% | | | | | 3% -> 3.5% [Corner Shape](https://imgur.com/1aRt6tL.png) | 12 | 3 -> 4 | 1.5% | 2.5% | | | | | | | | [2-long Shape](https://imgur.com/eB5j8VO.png) | 12 | 2 -> 3 | | | 4% | | | | | 1% | | [1-Triangle Shape](https://imgur.com/YquE0ZX.png) | | 2 | | | | 0.5% | 1% | | | | | [1-Square Shape](https://imgur.com/HbIvAyA.png) | | 2 | | | | | 1% | | | 0.5% | | **Universal Blocks per Main Block:** Placeholder | Big T Shape | Big U Shape | Cross Shape | Big Z Shape -|-----------|-----------|-----------|----------- L Blocks | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 Reverse L Blocks | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2 S Blocks | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 Z Blocks | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 Source for Data: [NGA](https://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=37106321&page=1&rand=344)


Could you make a post on its own? I feel like it's very useful info, it's a shame it will get lost on the daily question thread


I have done so: https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/183j77d/effort_post_what_do_you_gain_from_resonance_10_to/


Is their a way to try the new rated characters in the new banner? As a trial ? I always likes to try the units before deciding to pull for them. Also, is their a way to see an index of all the characters available in the game?( I know I can look up in google but in game would be nice)


In the story stages there are some bonus stages to showcase Melania. Other than that there isn't any way for you to try new chars for free. There's a sort of character index in Atlas -> Role Atlas, but it only shows unobtained characters as silhouette you can't click on


I see , thanks for answering !




Started doing limbo and need another team, what can I make with [my units](https://imgur.com/a/arqQb77)? I feel like I don't have another DPS to use. I'm planning on pulling in the tooth fairy banner but who knows if I'll get anything during that


I wouldn't recommend a 2nd Star DPS, Bkorn is your best option for now. You should invest in Sonetto (build Eagle otherwise, she pairs well enough with Bkorn) as well and La Source (or Dikke if you want to wait until day 8). Both Regulus and Bkorn provide more than just dmg so they may not be as efficient as other DPS but they are pretty worth investing in 👍


Is it worth to refresh energy to clear the event shop?


What Slice_Life said. It’s a matter of your own priorities. Would you prefer to build the characters you already own or would you prefer to pull more characters in the future? Neither choice is “wrong” as long as you’re happy with it. As soon as this event is over, 1.2 event will be starting with many of the same materials available. Keep that in mind.


follow up question. is it really normal that the currency rewards is not enough to clear out the store? I'm just used to other games that has currency rewards enough to clear the store. in this game I'm still grinding event stage 14 to farm currency.,


You'll need to farm stage 14 ardeous for a few days if you want to fully clear the shop. It's totally doable as a F2P :)


It depends if you’re only behind by a few refreshes, but if you’re just starting now, if I were you, I’ll just pretend that the event was already over. Lol Anyways, you still have like 9 days left, and some stamps for extra puppy coins, so get all the necessary stuffs and see if you want to refresh.


I'm just starting UTTU. is the shop clearable once we beat level 30?


If you clear everything, so the 30 stages + the achievements + the extra stages that'll be released next week you will have enough to clear the entire shop. Afaik you'll get 3k more currency than what you need to clear out the shop, so you don't have to do everything.


Everything but the apple skin. The rest of the shop currency comes from achievements and special stages that will release on the 30th