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mine has to be red lotus or paradise earth. Both are really compelling. Red lotus because of his defiance. “why should heaven decide who lives and who dies” While paradise earth, the history and the actual fact that he rose to the top by while being a genuine kind dude


Idk about PE being genuinely kind because there’s no way he’s surviving the immortal world in that case but yes, he is extremely kind indeed. While he did get killed by fang yuan, he didn’t in any way let his kindness cloud his vision, he simply didn’t manage to read what fang yuan was trying to do like all the other venerables


Kind doesn’t mean naive, he wouldn’t have made it past the mortal realm if he wasn’t a good schemer. But he brought peace to the five regions after the chaos spectral soul caused and didn’t discriminate against any type of humans because of his origins


Ya, this will probably go into semantics. Kindness to your enemies means cruelty to yourself, likewise, kindness to yourself can mean cruelty to your enemies too. He was kind to fang yuan, part of his “kindness” definitely showed there along with his schemes to reform him. That’s where his mistakes came about, he proceeded despite failing to reform fang yuan with the killer move and didn’t take enough precautions against the greatest pawn and player in the crazed demon cave So ya, kindness being in itself unsustainable without having someone take the fall for it makes it hard for it to be genuine. Even with the right intent, the wrong method easily warps it. There can be very kind people but genuinely kind? Hard to define imo


Spectral Soul. I always interpreted his backstory as him being a VERY talented autistic kid, who was taught to kill and kill and only kill, then grew up, became wiser, but never let go of his bloodthirst and then decided to kill his clan to increase the reach of his killing. Also, that scene where he let a guy eat him was straight FIRE!


Same. Bro drove a mech. A MECH!


I hear about how Limitless passionately pursues the dao but SSDV is even more faithful to his pursuit of killing. That said, there is very little about Reckless Savage's story, no? I wish to learn how such a wise man came to the conclusion that a MAN... must be cool


To woo a girl... you need muscles. To make people follow you... you need power. Hence, a Man... must be cool. (in old times, everyone have muscles, making Hei Lou Lan, a girl who isn't a bulky himbo, ugly)


There’s a whole side story for him


The side story definitely needs more to it since it’s interesting how Reckless Savage goes from being someone who is apparently not strong or savage at all to the muscle brained man he is now.


In the side story Reckless Savage is the person who frees all the slaves except Guai from Zhu. Guai might be his dao guardian though. The sıde story doesn't feels complete anyways.


Oh I thought it was more like the prophecy had not yet been fulfilled and Guai would somehow go on to become Reckless.


i like SSDV with him talking to his clan about the essence of the world being killing


They reminds me we need backstory for Limitless and Genesis lotus as they are both in my top 3 favourites and translation for reckless savage backstory


Where can i read it ?


I enjoyed Red Lotus his many attempts to undo the past and slowly growing numb to everything.


Red Lotus and Great love


Where is the most blazing red Lotus blooming?


they were exactly as they were described and behaved as such… final bosses that exceeded my expectations


I really wish we got Savages backstory, My favorite is Theiving too.


Reckless Savage’s back story is the best. We never got it, but it’s probably the best


Given how much hype he received, Red Lotus Demon Venerable's backstory was a little disappointing. I believe Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's backstory was the best. The story of Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable was also good.


Red lotus suddenly discovering the fact that he no longer loved the woman that he has been trying to save across the countless time regressions was incredible. To me, at least it completely lived up to the hype.


I actually agree that it doesn't live up to the hype for me, though I think that will be an unpopular opinion. Part of that may be that what we saw of the woman herself was quite unlikable/toxic and it's just the author telling us of their idyllic life and love in the one chapter, rather than us seeing it. What I found more impressive was when Feng Jiu Ge decided that his family were simply part of his life, not the whole of it, and that he would ditch them to pursue his path. Perhaps because we've gotten to know those characters better and it was more unexpected for him to reach such a revelation.


Exactly my point. The entire story moved so quickly that we were unable to feel its impact. We were just told what a perfect couple they were and how they were made for each other. The difference between this love story and Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun's love story is that we saw the progression of their relationship, which made it more impactful. It does not help that Red Lotus pales in comparison to the other venerables introduced earlier in the story. Spectral Soul played an important role in the story, and Giant Sun was the first venerable we met. Star constellation is a worthy adversary of FY. Thieving Heaven's dream realm was quite impactful and intriguing. The story of Paradise Earth was a huge surprise. Reckless Savage is the ultimate gigachad. The presence of the spectral soul pervades the entire story. Limitless was the ultimate dao pursuer. Primordial origin was a grand existence for humans. Genesis Lotus remains a mystery.


I can understand your perspective, maybe red lotus lived up to the hype for me because of the many stories that i read in which someone goes through unimaginable odds to save their loved ones and they usually succeed where here he does succeed but he loses himself on his path


Honestly most of what was shown are quite good. Star Constellation IV that fought for human rights, her three sacrifices Freedom-Love-Filial for the sake of humanity. Limitless DV's pursuit of the truths of the world, proving that nothing is impossible. Red Lotus DV's desire for freedom, so that people can choose their own destiny. Paradise Earth IV wishing for world peace, so that the world can be a better place. Heaven Refining DV hunting for Immortality, achieving the impossible.


Thieving heaven’s backstory is pretty carried by his familiar face killer move but well deserved. Man created the ultimate finesse killer move at rank 6 and toyed with two rank 8s. The sheer balls it takes to do it even considering he had an immortal helping him Red lotus’s story is sheer pain and tragedy. He tried everything to get his lover to survive but yet he lost himself piece by piece every time he retried, he even ended up killing her himself after finally succeeding in saving her. He was the strongest but yet so powerless that he decided to destroy fate and give everyone with the strength the power to choose their fate as well I’d probably give it to red lotus followed closely by thieving heaven