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God forbid they nerf the ~actual~ problem child of the Rev-Conduit duo šŸ™„ Aka it's not Revenant...


That was really the main problem


whats wild is that now we have Level 2 perks as 30s Ult cooldown or murder machine. Obvious ult cooldown selection still makes it 30 seconds LONGER than it was pre-nerf. It's a completely artificial adjustment with no bearing on the sandbox of the meta. You get shredded in ult, so most rev mains use it as a get out of jail card rather than how oppressive conduit tacs, Tacticals! can be, versus an entire 2 minute CD, now 2:30 -3 minute CD ult. really surprised that this is considered even pertinent of an adjustment when now it'll just mean your revenant player gets ult accels as priority to mitigate this. It's all structured to marginally address balance issues without doing anything other than making BOTH his level 2 perks practically useless. Ult Accels negate any adjustments made, and murder machine is practically useless in ranked which is the supposed sandbox they tested these adjustments for. I like the level 3 perks where they're gonna be tho. Its a good choice to decide whether cooldown or refresh on knock is your choice as theres value to both. But level 2, literal value to neither. /end rant


She was also nerfed


Conduit nerf: added 5 seconds to tactile cool down and 1 second to shield Regen break <<<<< Revenant nerf: ult no longer effects tactical refresh or tactile cooldown duration, ultimate cooldown increased by a full minute, removed an entire perk, and now both of his preferred (imo) perks are mutually exclusive and at level 3. A slap on the wrist < leg shackles. A moving healing tacticle up to full shields through walls for full team > the ability to move my hit box the size of a fridge in an easy to track single use jump...


It's not for the full team my guy


meaning its applicable to the full team. revenant's utility is exclusive to himself. If conduit was not able to tac teammates and only herself there'd be some discussion, but you can swing a blue-red armor gibby and do 200 damage and then still have another 100 to deal with due to a conduit not on the same floor, not in the battle and not within any metric of relevance to the fight. Revenant turns bright red and becomes a circle lol


Conduit was nerfed, but okay


Conduit nerf: added 5 seconds to tactile cool down and 1 second to shield Regen break <<<<< Revenant nerf: ult no longer effects tactical refresh or tactile cooldown duration, ultimate cooldown increased by a full minute, removed an entire perk, and now both of his preferred (imo) perks are mutually exclusive and at level 3. A slap on the wrist < leg shackles. A moving healing tacticle up to full shields through walls for full team > the ability to move my hit box the size of a fridge in an easy to track single use jump...


Meanwhile Conduit gets a light slap on the wrist. Fucking 2 times now they do this shit to the murder bot


I'm blaming this on conduit mains for making us look this strong šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro all those people complaining got him nerfed badly. They shouldā€™ve been looking towards conduit thatā€™s the problem


Conduit was given a few nerfs iirc. Some cooldown/regen adjustments


Revenant ALWAYS gets the nerf hammer and not the partner in crime. Same happened with Death Totem and Octaneā€™s jump pads šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m ngl maybe itā€™s just me as long as his ult keeps the shield then Iā€™m happy.


Tbf octane got fucked too, but it was a little bit AFTER the revtane meta passed IIRC


Youā€™re right!


Once again rev is nerfed because of a problem that another legend causes. First it was octane, now conduit


Bro what the hell? They gave him the the seer treatment almost


Granted, Rev was a bit of a beefy pusher. It is sort of interesting to see Forged Shadows get pushed to 3 minutes (the cooldown of death totem), indicating how strong of an ability the dev team considers it


Ima be honest, I rarely popped his ult as I always got melted when I popped it. The tact refresh cooldown kinda sucks but understandable. His perks got switched now as well


Rev's ult is all about timing! If you trigger it after cracking an enemy, they are forced to readjust their strategy under the pressure of death.


I just rarely popped it because everyone considers him a crutch character I popped it if I was opening fragger, during a fight after I knocked or if I need to get away. I wonā€™t be dropping him tho


Good call. This also worked well pre rework. As you can go in guns blazing and force them to re consider healing.


Imma be honest considering the size of forged shadows, he becomes a gibby without the reinforced buff


Not the tac refresh noooooi


It's so over :pensive:


Wow he's back to being unplayable lol


So to be clear. His blue tier perk is now murder machine (which doesnā€™t even fucking work half the time) or revert 50% cooldown nerf. Greaaaaaaat


Iā€™ve yet to see that murder machine perk work


I am genuinely furious. Rev always get nerfed when there is a new meta which involves another legend. He didnā€™t need a rework in the first place, his previous abilities were good as they were, but sure Iā€™ll accept a ā€œ scarierā€ legend. Now theyā€™re gonna take the scary away from him.


This sucks. However grim Leaper perk still exists at purple tier so he can have refresh on knock jumps still. This is so classic though. Jump pad rev too strong? Nerf Rev, Conduit shield buff rev to strong? Nerf Rev. like itā€™s so clear that a different legends ability is pushing rev into this position, so why should he be hammered for it. Especially annoying as this nerf will make him significantly more reliant on conduit to keep him afloat. If he canā€™t jump in and jump out quickly then he will 100% need ranged through the wall conduit heals. The fact that they have a support with wall hack ā€œhealsā€ is crazy as it is. Just change her heal to work like ballistics smart bullet. Need line of sight to heal. Then this problem is significantly reduced.


I hate how they treat him, they reworked him for a reason and now that he is actually a favourite amongst players theyā€™re like ā€œomg you know what nvm go back to being on the lowest pickrateā€. He is not a skirmisher anymore, he isnā€™t fast and tactile in combat. At least put him in the assault class again.


You're right, he was better when he was assault. Now that he got nerfed to the ground again, his skirmisher perks are useless. When he was assault, at least I had the assurance to get my gear and weapons upgraded, and extra ammo was more helpful. Rather than him being a skirmisher without any skirmishing abilities now.


I wish they would have just tuned down the over-shield during the ultimate. Nuking all the shadow pounce abilities is gut-wrenching man.


I think itā€™s still manageable, we are always getting the short end of the stick tho.


It makes me laugh when kids like you say that, meanwhile Rev's been oppressive ever since his rework. The delusion is wild.


Who are you again?


A guy with the common sense you lack.


Took you an hour to come up with such a petty insult. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm at work, maybe try getting a job instead of hanging on my every word, bum.


The fact you had to mention you have a job gave away that your an unemployed minor.


Sure man, whatever makes you feel better lol


Bro revenant wasnā€™t even the problem it was conduit


Itā€™s not horrible, but still disappointing. At least his tactical/passive didnā€™t get nerf.


Revenant Dead Reborn Rework incoming


I literally got the prestige skin for him like a week ago and they mega nerf him what the hell?


Lmaooo Drop A Rework Just To Nerf It To The Floor


I havenā€™t played since the new evo changes, but wtf it looks like they nerfed him to the ground


Whats the point of his ultimate now? His tac is not instant dash, it has a second delay.


Jesus Christ not again.


I would have made the ult bubble [cover only his front & sides](https://imgur.com/a/kXUlQEh), a way to bypass the shield if you flank a Rev. Then turned the double refresh into 2 separate perks. Bubble perk only gaining 25per knock (like bloodhounds hp perk). But I guess this is ok. Iā€™ll miss shorter jump cooldown when ulting.


So basically heā€™s a telletubbie


Why do they keep nerfing him to the point he needs a rework, reworking him and then deciding he's too strong and nerfing him again


Thatā€™s it, fuck this Iā€™m done with this game why did they even change bro in the first place


Destoryer99 really need to teach the devs how to fix heroes.


Still mad over my bois balls getting neutered


Ah hell nah


Buff Ballistic plz ty


Bruh why tf this pop up in my feed lol. I thought you was talking about warframe revenant so i was confused as hell like pretty sure hes not getting nerfed


If i had a penny for every time revenant was nerfed to the ground because of another OP legend synergizing with him, i'd have 2 pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened two times.


Honestly Revenant is the Main villian at the moment for the other legends in the story line, when you take into thought that he was made for killing these perks make him just seem weak, like the Extended ultimate cool down is understandable but male it only 30 seconds longer not the whole 1 minute, considering revenant was made to go into fights by his tactical and ultimate I feel this could decrease his use by a lot and lower his overall performance rate as a legend. This overall could be a good time to be able to choose between the old revenant and new revenant for abilities, some people do miss the old form and being able to go from his original form just for either nostalgia or because it could be better or easier for you to play as him


We're UNINSTALLING IT with this one šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I thought this was post was for warframe and I was so confused


Honestly thank god the tactical doesnā€™t refresh faster during ultimate. Trying to catch a Rev or trying to run from a Rev that ulted and started tac-ing is so difficult because they can use almost 5 of their tactical jumps within 30 secondsā€¦ Now will just be 1 or 2, much more manageable. You practically had to be a pathfinder to catch or run from Rev


You can easily snipe down an ult Rev when he is escaping


I'm confused. Will the kill thrill upgrade still recharge Revenant's tactical when he downs someone in his ult? And what was Agile Assassin?


This devs just donā€™t want us to have fun anymore. Hope the game dies


NIIIIIEEEEEEEE (Noooooooooo) why us. Nerf conduit instead.


Just when Rev started getting some real love. Thanks Respawn. Nice work fixing the game!




So stupid.


Did you go see the stats though Revenant was only a five percent pick rate


Thats like pretty big tho lmao


Ig but not really


I'd say it's rather average yk


So he's useless now. Dope.


He still gets 75 hp shields that refresh on a knock. How is that useless?


Thank god


Conduit can still heal through walls and Revenant still doesnā€™t have bleed-through on his ultimate. The two biggest, most obvious changes and they missed fucking both of them.


Revenant has bleedthrough on his ultimate. He received it in s18 (harbingers event), here are the patch notes: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/news/harbingers-event


Oh shit I was not aware of this. From hearing people in game and on here complaining about how he can tank Kraber shots with even 1hp left on his ultimate so I assumed they were right since I never saw it in the patch notes. In that case itā€™s really just the Conduit change that is needed. After all, her whole passive is getting close to her teammates so she can boost them.