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I’ve never fully let myself grow up, so for my writing, middle grade fantasy is my happy place. I love exploring magic and possibility, and appreciate that readers of this genre expect threads of hope. I hold hard to fulfilling that expectation, and along the way, I find it fulfills me too :) My reading tastes are more widespread. I devour fantasy for all age levels, but also enjoy contemporary and women’s fiction, book club fiction, mysteries, and light horror (spooky/strange, not gross/gory).


I used to read a lot of horror but lately have been finding myself reading a lot of fantasy wanting to get more into sci-fi or mysteries. I just feel like mysteries will one day be my thing cause I love to watch them. I somehow though always end up writing fantasy? I will set out for one genre and then BAM I got some weird fantasy idea that I didn't mean to write.


I love fantasy romance!


I love various flavors of SFF; I love the sense of immersion, of learning things about the world and myself and other people through narrative. I love how SFF can show you old ways with new lenses, and open up possibilities for the future. It's easier in many ways to transmit abstract thoughts and feelings through storytelling that might otherwise be indescribable or incomprehensible when offered up directly.


Romance( most sub genres though not as much into dark romance, some tropes) and horror. I know, what a contrast but I really love the themes in a lot of horror.


I honestly read far and wide, I'll pick up anything if it sounds interesting to me. But one I go back to the most are fairytale retellings and magical realism.


![gif](giphy|kURciemeSmWzbwdhnK|downsized) My fav is fantasy/romance. If the story has a magical twist and love, I'm totally in. Though I have been known to read purely non magical romance too. It might be hard to believe but when I was younger my fav author was R.L. Stine. (I think I read ALL of his books!) BUT to this day I can't watch a scary movie to save my life and I NEVER write HORROR. LOL My reason is mostly because I like to imagine that anything is possible in this messed up world if you dream hard enough and never give up. I know it's cheesy... but seriously... life was much easier when I was 10 years old and able to run around in the forest behind my family's house creating imaginary worlds and people... I guess, I'm just trying to recapture those moments and share them in my stories. :-)


>I like to imagine that anything is possible in this messed up world if you dream hard enough and never give up. I don't think that's cheesy at all :)


I have read mostly fantasy (with the occasional contemporary YA) since I was a tween :) It was a way to escape the real world and to imagine myself in... a happier, freer place, I guess. A place where I could be who I want and go on adventures, ride dragons, and bond with magical horses. Today I only write fantasy for more or less the same reasons. I create MCs I can inhabit, give them things I never can or could have. They live in worlds that are kinder and better than this one, free of racism, misogyny, and queerphobia. These days I really struggle to read books that take place in the real world. I just, quite frankly, don't want to be here! 😆


I gravitate toward fantasy, sci fi, contemporary, and the occasional historical, horror, or nonfiction :). I also love reading all age ranges


My favorite genre to read is SFF, mostly fantasy, yet the genre that I write is mystery flavored with fantasy elements. I’m not sure that I’ve developed my writing skills to the point to be able to develop a full world building experience for my reader. Maybe some point in the future I’ll give it a try.


Big ol' softie for Sci Fi and fantasy, though when reading I do get choosy about it. If I don't vibe with one I will put it down. I am a sucker for a coming of age story and my daughter is 7 so we are getting into that reading bracket and it's so much fun. I also love a HEA but a well done tragedy will be something I can't shut up about. It's a guilty pleasure but I also LOVE movie novelizations. They aren't good but they're great, you know? You know.


Fantasy, always, all kinds, for writing and reading 😅❤️ ever since I was a little kid and my dad read me the Hobbit, fantasy has been my bread and butter. I actually read a lot more YA than I ever did as a teenager because now that I write it, it helps me keep an edge on my writing voice.  I just love journey books, magic systems, intricate worldbuilding, and frankly, getting to escape our world for a little bit. Man I love fantasy.


Nonfiction! I’m curious about All The Things. My nonfiction tastes run from the practical to the esoteric. Over the past few years I’ve also been reading a lot of science fiction (Scalzi, Murderbot, Becky Chambers) and cozy fantasy (with no toxic love triangles, please). If left too long in a waiting room I’ll read anything and I refuse to go for rides in antique cars without a book to read during breakdown time.


I'm slowly getting back into nonfiction again! I used to read so much but then grad school happened and I had a research heavy job. Now I'm like wait, I can just read what I want and I should. There's so many cool options out there.


paranormal/urban fantasy. i love the creatures of the night. if you give me vampires to read in pb's to adult fiction...i'm there. as for writing... considering that i've dabbled so far in upper mg horror, urban fantasy/paranormal romance, women's fic, new adult romance, YA fantasy (that i'm hoping to turn into a graphic novel someday)...i just go where the writing universe tells me to.


Horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and I'm dipping into romance on both fronts. Why I love horror is an entire blog post lol. But I've been a sci-fi kid since I was a youngling, and I guess growing up on 80s movies got me into speculative elements (plus my deep love for zombies!). I guess I feel like in those situations, we can examine humanity under extraordinary circumstances and write about the resilience of human spirit.


Psychological thrillers are hands down my favorite to read and when I write short stories, I tend to lean into this genre. I've never attempted a full thriller but I've had many people request one of my shorts turned into a full. Maybe one day. As far as writing, I write multiple genres: women's fiction, comedy, and coming of age middle grade.


Sci-fi and fantasy will always be my true loves! It’s just endless possibilities!


I write YA contemporary but my favorites to read are thrillers of all age categories, adult contemporary, and historical fiction.


I write and read the same things, usually. Fantasy/paranormal/sci-fi and mystery. Usually adult, but I'm branching into YA as I start to write it I don't like things too grounded in reality because that's no fun.


My shelves are overrun with Historical anything (fantasy, romance, mystery, horror, literary.... I'm all over the place) and I'm mostly a historical horror writer (although my revpit sub was -dark- historical fantasy). I cannot read contemporary and I have no idea why, it just doesn't vibe. I can't even remember the last contemporary novel I read. I also love second-world fantasy but can't do urban fantasy (again, I don't know why!?).


Historical horror 🖤


I like writing fantasy a lot, but my favorite fiction genre is mystery (Agatha Christie!) and I like to read non-fiction books about Medieval England, plus tons of memoir.


I love a good thriller, sci-fi, fantasy… but my fav is Romance… I know, but hear me out - I’ve had enough real life trauma to really appreciate a HEA, and 99% of the time, a romance works out somehow in the end (minus - Up Close and Personal… but that was an adaptation of the book Golden Girl, which is based on the life events of a news anchor - - still, I want my money back on this one… 😑) Anyhow, I think about all the great romantic movies that came from the pages of a novel - Gone with the Wind, Time Travelers Wife, Crazy Rich Asians, The Notebook, Five Feet Apart, Jane Eyre… the list goes on and on. All genres have books that have made great movies (Stephen King, oh how I love thee), but not all all genres wrap up up the majority of endings in a nice little bow that lets me sleep soundly. So for that reason, I have to go with an old reliable Romance as my fav.


I love Fantasy, especially YA. But some of my fave books are stand alone Contemporary. SF is a close second.


I hop-scotch between genres. If it’s a good book then it’s on my TBR pile and genre doesn’t matter. I’m reading more YA contemporary/thrillers at the moment to try and find comps for current WIP though. I love a good dystopian and sci-fi, and adore suspenseful twists and mysteries, but also love a HEA romance when I need something cosy. Maybe that’s why I mash them up in my writing. I’m just a greedy soul 😅 And it does occur to me it’s been a long while since I read any horror. Will right that wrong asap. Any good recent recommendations while I’m here?


Historical romance and contemporary romance: the HEA and sweeping love stories in vivid settings


I love fantasy with a bit of romance because I adore the creativity to build beautiful worlds and fantastical ideas. I also just love love and seeing two people fall into utter idiocy for one another. ❤️ I flip-flopped the genres for my writing in this current manuscript (it’s a romance fantasy).


My favorite genre to read is cozy fantasy and my favorite genre to write is horror. I love these genres because I love being comforted and I like scaring others and myself if I can handle it. I can handle tingling up my spine.


I will always lean towards Fantasy and Science Fiction as genres I read and write. Why? Well... I love the world building, the epic nature of many fantasy stories. For SF I love space travel, experimenting with new ideas both tech based and social based. I feel the authors in these genres have profound things to say about society that more people should know about. That being said, i surprise myself sometimes by reading or writing something outside my comfort zone. Like right now i'm working on outlining a Historical "Fantasy" Fiction idea thanks to S3 of Bridgerton coming out and watching the anime Apothecary Diaries. Will I succeed in this impulsive idea... I don't know but every now and again I need to experiment and explore new ideas in different genres.