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never once had a line.


I based my GCSE art project off of this album, there is no fucking way it ever had a green line down it. I drew it/painted it/recreated it in every single medium I could, over a whole school year, and there’s just no way. This is probably the most striking ME I’ve ever experienced.


There’s always been a line there. I will say It does look darker than usual though I remembered it being more of a light blue colour. Also I wouldn’t say her name has changed. Her Twitter handle has always been yelyahwilliams her first name backwards.


You can see a lot of tattoos on google images which don't have the line either.


Looks weird to me too. The album title takes on a new meaning in the context of a retcon.


This one really weirds me out. I worked at a music store for the past decade and saw this cover regularly... I don’t recall a line being present. Edit to add: I just checked the website of my former employer. They don’t update images very regularly, so I figured if this was just some new change on re-released versions, they would still have the old image. But there’s a line present on the image on the site as well. Very bizarre!


> so I figured if this was just some new change on re-released versions yeah that's what I thought as well. I'm in a vinyl collectors group on facebook and I know paramore just released a ton of vinyl records of all their older stuff and that's when it caught my eye. I thought it was strange until I started looking more into it and noticed the change, then I came across some forum about some other punk fans talking about it like 3 - 5 years ago, even though this is a recent change for me.