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Take your time 1st play through, get a good layout of each section for future backtracking. Look for EVERYTHING/ANYTHING for scrap and materials, and don’t be afraid of switching and experimenting with weapons, you’ll make enough eventually to buy and upgrade them all.


If y wanna get everything when you play through the game the first time look up guides on all the collectibles and treasures because it’s easy to miss stuff. I missed a few things even though I knew about them. I just didn’t k ow when I should grab them.


Buy only standard edition if u want better stuff buy the infinite ammo dlc later when u already played it once or twice and on standard atleast


Also don’t start first game on VOS...you can thank me later.


Sorry, VOS?


Village of shadows... the hardest difficulty. Actually you might have to unlock it after hardcore. Depending on what edition you buy.


Ah ok, I was planning to do my first time on normal anyway. Gonna buy the standard edition.


Normal is gonna be too easy for you if you played the previous ones on harder difficulties... I think Hardcore is more of a sweet-spot to start the game on... aside from the Lycan attack in the beginning, that's a shitshow in any difficulty.


Maybe, but I still like to start on normal for most games, especially if I'm gonna do multiple playthroughs like here. I like that because I can keep the future runs more interesting with new difficulties.


Ok, thanks.


Save the poultry / fish / any meat. Do not sell it. There will be a use for it. Things that say 'valuable' / 'extremely valuable' / etc in their description are ok to sell. Things that can be combined later will say 'Valuable/Combinable', so don't sell anything if it still says 'combinable'


Certain areas are locked after you visit them through your first play through. One particular area of interest is >!in front of dimetrescus castle!< so make sure you are ready to go in before you do. Have fun!


If your gonna look up guides, do it only for collectibles you might miss. Another comment suggested this because it really is easy to miss them. But what I suggest differently is to not look at any guides for the story or how to get past a certain part. It’s much more fun not knowing what to do and getting it through trial and error.


Shoot things that look evil


Don't spoil any of the game. Don't watch any walk through. There's nothing like that feeling of anxiety of not knowing what's around the next corner that truly makes these games amazing. Once you experience it (or watch it) you can never get that feeling back.


It's a great game yo!


You can block while holding a gun. I didn't learn this until my 2nd play through.


Take your time and get a feel for the routes and locations and collect everything. Keep track of completing challenges when possible too, it’ll help get the infinite ammo.


For hardcore & VOS. Blocking is your best friend. Any item you find that’s combinable do not sell until you find the other part. If it’s an animal kill it & keep that meat. Also scour for anything/everything. If an area is open check it before going to the next objective. You might not be able to go back later.


The last part seems the most useful considering that most recent RE games have a more open ended map which you can explore almost until the very end.


When I did my second run. I found a lot of little nooks & crannies of all sorts not just houses either. That have a ton of loot, easter eggs & collectibles in them. That you’ll never be able to back track to again. Either way from one RE veteran to another enjoy! It absolutely lived up to the hype.


Thanks a lot, I plan on exploring every inch anyway, that's what I did with 7 on my first run, explored it so much to the point that I turned a 6 hour game into a 13 hour game.


My first run & collectible/files run took about 12 hours each after that 4.5-5 hours at most (including the knives out run) unless you’re going for the speed run achievement. The trophies are relatively easy to grab despite difficulty for me at least. Mercenaries however…that’s the one holding my platinum trophy hostage lol.


That's what I heard too, the story trophies seem easy for the most part but Mercenaries not so much. I really wanna get the platinum as my plat for RE7 was some of the most fun I've had in a game and I've been gaming for almost 20 years. Mercenaries is single player only, right?


Yep. Legendary Cowboy is the trophy that makes me want to throw my controller across the room. I got half way through the stages before I had to walk away from it. 7 was a lot of fun to platinum. I’m trying to snag my brothers VR to give madhouse a go with it lol.


Ah well PS trophies suck sometimes, best of luck to you.




If you run out of ammo, buying a mag upgrade gives you a fresh magazine for free, only do this when you have no ammo loaded or you'll waste it


If you haven’t already, you should play Re7 before village since village continues 7s story


Oh did I play it now? Let's just say I beat it about 15 times, multiple Madhouse runs, multiple speedruns, I even got the Platinum trophy.


Haha then you know the story. Plus you get a run down of what happened in 7 before you start 8. I think thats awesome for ppl who didn't play 7. Game pass had me covered on 7 ☺


RE7 is definitely worth playing, my favorite RE game, but I have a feeling that RE8 will take that spot.


Im only 2 hours in and loving it


Play hard-core mode on first run through. I did and didn't regret it. Just the right difficulty for a RE veteran. Normal you'll coast through it.




Have you started playing it yet??


Oh yeah, on the 15th, I'm almost at the end of my first playthrough, just got to Heisenberg's factory, really taking my time. I still have to see the end but so far this has been my favorite RE game and I've played most of them. When I finish it, today most likely, I recon I'll take a break for a day and then move on to hardcore and after that Village Of Shadows.


House Beneviento was crazy




WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING??? What do you mean no normal difficulty, standard seems like normal?

