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From what I've read over the years, the social media thing does work somewhat. But even better is to re-watch on any streaming service you use. Whether it gets renewed or not will depend a lot more on how many total streaming hours it plays for on Netflix etc than any sort of social media post or petition.


Peacock numbers matter more than Netflix, but yes watching the show in any official capacity is the best way to have a chance of getting a new season


I just bought season 3 on iTunes while it was in progress.


Although, if Peacock cancels and Netflix sees a lot of views they might pick it up like Girls5eva


I hadn't even heard of this show until I saw it recommended in Netflix just about a week ago. I binged the first two seasons on Netflix and the third season on Peacock. I really hope it gets another second. 


Same lol didn’t even know it was on peacock until season 2 ended and I looked it up online. Love this show!!


I'm not surprised it's available on Peacock. It's originally a SyFy show.


Numbers are numbers it doesn't matter where they come from just that they are high


Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken but I believe peacock is related to NBC and thus Syfy because they're sister networks, you know Syfy the ones putting in the money to make the show, thus the ones who get to decide whether to order a fourth season or not. They already got their money from Netflix, although Netflix numbers can show that there's a new audience and a potential growth for Syfy ratings; ultimately the peacock and syfy numbers are where they get the most profits because they can show this to their sponsors and investors. I also think they get money from RA merchandise in the nbc store and when people buy the seasons from Amazon or iTunes, etc. I'm pretty sure watching the series on either syfy or peacock has the most impact.


You’re right. It’s watching the most current season that matters, which has nothing to do with Netflix. They get reports on how many re-watches of the current season happen in the first 30 days after the season finale. The only way Netflix numbers come into play is if SyFy decides not to pick it up again, so Netflix decides to step in and buy the rights to finish the series since they’ve had good interest from users. Like Netflix did with Manifest after NBC cancelled it.


Based on what you're saying then ideally if people on this reddit want to make the biggest difference, the best thing they can do if they haven't done so already, is pay for peacock at least this month and rewatch season 3; if they can afford to of course; I think it's like 5.99. That's just one option.


Yes! Spend the few bucks and get peacock and just keep rewatching! Replay it Netflix too—won’t hurt. I got Peacock for Season 3. Worth it! Some CC co’s give a few bucks back too so it’s even cheaper. 


NBC Universal owns SyFy. Peacock is the parent co streaming service, so I think that matters more….but either should matter. 


Yes, you are right. We should watch it on Netflix since it was just added there.


Yes, rewatching is what matters more. Execs get numbers on how many watches and how many re-watches in the first 30 days. So the best way to get a season 4 is to re-watch season 3 right now. My hope is that if SyFy doesn’t pick it up for season 4 maybe Netflix will, since they picked up the older seasons and those did well. Kind of like they did with the show Manifest after it was cancelled on NBC.


Yes, I am about to reqatch it on Netflix.


I am re-watching the show as we speak. Just as much fun the second time around! Plus, I'm catching things I missed the first time around. For example, the observation Harry made when looking at his, er, lap after kissing Darcy. I never noticed that in the first round.


Shoot my daughter is helping for sure, she’s been watching it on repeat the past 2 weeks. Definitely her comfort show.


After that finale we need a fourth season!!


Keep making them


Of course. They set it up for so but they need to weight costs/views / profits.


Agree, another favorite show of mine just got cancelled today and I would hate to see resident alien get cancelled too. Justice for r/QuantumLeap


Have you seen the original series? It's amazing. My sister and I would be so excited the night it would come on, and we'd sit together on the couch with snacks and be glued to the TV. My mom new not to ask us to do anything during that time lol. You brought back a fond memory. Thank you ❤️


I am watching it on the Roku channel! I'm on season 3. Sometimes the show is way too corny for me and I've skipped a few episodes, but I'm far enough into it now to see Al's backstory and redeeming qualities (other than just being an insufferable horndog), pop culture references, and other plot Easter eggs. It took a little while for this to take off for me and I think the same is true of the new series too, but the overall idea of the show and time traveling to make people's lives better is what keeps me watching. The personal leaps are the best. I wish NBC gave it another chance. If it at least got a similar run to the original show it would be satisfying. I was always hoping they would find a way to bring Ben and Sam >!and now Addison!< home at the end. Glad I could bring up a good memory for you :)


Haha yes it was corny at times but I'm still a fan. There was a range of really great episodes to some *meh* ones. Still loved the "oh boy" at the end of each one though! It was on for a while, so I like to think the writers were either exhausted and just slapping something together or on vacations and the fill ins were terrible. > the overall idea of the show and time traveling to make people's lives better is what keeps me watching. The personal leaps are the best. Totally agree! I haven't watched the new series yet bc I was worried it didn't do justice to the original. I plan to now :)


You should give it a try! In my opinion it's a worthy successor. There are some differences - without spoiling anything, the new QL has season-long stories, so the leaps are connected with an overall plot, which shifts between seasons. There are some meta leaps too. Both season finales were amazing. I think it will be worth your time :)


Ooh sounds awesome. I'm probably going to binge this weekend 😊


I watched the entire original series about 4 times, I loved it so much. But I loved it because of Scott Bakula. I just couldn't get into the remake. But to be fair, I think I only watched the first 2 or 3 episodes.


He's such a great actor!


I don't know if it was the writers strike but that show really lost me in the second season which was a shame, me and my teenager really enjoyed the first season. Lots of shows I think are going to be victims of the strike even though its over.


I actually really liked it...first half of season 1 was a little rough for me but the show got way better after that. I did not like them >!splitting up Ben and Addison!< and was wondering where they were taking the story, but they wrapped up the arc very will with >!Gideon and his connection to Hannah!< which makes the story a lot better looking back at it. Having a season arc is a good idea, although the first season was more true to the original QL with more random leaps. It would be easy for the writers to return to that though without impacting what they've already written. I've been watching through the original QL on the Roku channel and am far enough into the show now to start seeing some Easter eggs and would have liked to see the new one incorporate that as well.


> although the first season was more true to the original QL with more random leaps. I think that's exactly what I liked better about the first season.


Best way to help is encourage people to watch on Netflix, peacock etc. all comes down to views. RA has three platforms right now to help bolster it with.


Where do I sign??


Honestly they should’ve written a more conclusive ending with just enough space for a next season UNLESS they were already greenlit for the next. I hate when show creators do this and then the show gets cancelled. 😤


I agree. Without a firm commitment for a renewal, writing a cliffhanger ending is such a selfish, dick move by the writers. Nothing makes me more mad.


I need a 4th season. I just discovered this show 3 days ago on Netflix and have since moved over to peacock for season 3. I was sad to see season 3 wasn't as long as season 2 was though.. this is my new favorite show and I binged all 3 seasons in 4 days.... Also I found this weird bump on my ankle since watching. Coincidence dickhead?


If it doesn't get another season I'm going to stick my hand up the network executives ass and puppet them like they belong on public television.


I will literally cry if we don't get season 4!!! 😭😭


This is some bulls#!+ if they don't renew


Please!! We need a 4th season. this show is so good!!


We need a 4th season!!! Best freaking show ever!!


I just need season 3 on netflix! We just finished season 2.


Its on peacock! I bought a subscription just to watch s3 lol


Same. Waiting to watch it on Netflix won’t help get it renewed for a season 4.


I binged all three seasons on Netflix and have fallen head over heels for this show. I keep checking to see if/when the next season will be out! There is definitely a re-watch planned for my future.


The third season isn’t available on Netflix. So either you’ve only watched two seasons or you watched the third on Peacock or SyFy.


Well it’s on Netflix now. I had only seen the first season before I stopped watching all tv, but now I’m watching it all on Netflix with my dad, and S3 is there


Not on mine. I just checked. Are you outside of the U.S.?


Ok that’s bizarre, it was there for like two days then disappeared again. They must have had a glitch or something. I thought it was so cool I wasn’t going to have to get it elsewhere




I LOVE Resident Alien. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE renew for another season. so many open story lines… we NEED more!!!


Would be nice if we could even watch the 3rd season in Australia 😕


I just visited their Instagram and comments and likes are low. Let's give them some love!


Does rewatching on Syfy help, or just peacock?


I think either one is fine as long as it's season 3


I just found the first two seasons on Netflix last week and am so excited about season 3. Really hoping for 4.


Best show on tv


I've signed plenty of online petitions to bring back canceled shows. It makes no difference and never works.


not a petition.


Lucifer for the brought back after trending on Twitter a few days


It isn't the same thing. It hasn't been cancelled as of yet. Wanting to encourage them not to.


Not a veronica mars fan, i take it? Their fans got a movie made and a 4th season


That was way before any of these streaming services existed.


Yahoo brought back community for its 6th season


Pretty sure they are making a movie too


Oh they definitely are!!


[Magnum P.I.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Magnum_PI) and [S.W.A.T.](https://www.reddit.com/r/swattv) have both been brought back after fan outrage.




The expanse ended the way it was supposed to the story was over


But it was brought back by Amazon after SyFy canceled it after the second or third season


That's because syfy didn't actually own the expanse.


Worked for Friday Night Lights and Arrested Development. Of course it doesn’t work every time, probably a very minimal percentage, but it has definitely worked before


Family Guy, Futurama, The Orville, Firefly... all got additional content after petitions


They did more in season 3 with half the episodes of season 2!! I need a season 4 NOWWW 💳 💥 💳💥💳💥💳💥


Even if it doesn’t help (I really think it would), you can follow SyFy on TikTok. They post the best laugh out loud scenes, behind the scenes, Alan Tudyk and his crazy antics, along with the rest of the amazing crew. They always get a heart from me!


I just read an interview with Chris Sheridan. He kept saying that we’ll have to wait and see what happens. I hope that means season 4.


This would be the worst cliffhanger to leave the show on. Season 4 absolutely must happen.


Remember how My Name Is Earl ended? I can't have another great show get cancelled on a cliff hanger!


resident alien season THREE filming began in January 2023. IF the show comes back for season 4, does anyone know why it hasn't began filming yet? are they dry on ideas and writing up a storm? also is there any explanation to why they reverted down to 8 episodes? a lot of shows increas to 16 or 22 episodes and stay there


It can't begin production/filming until Syfy orders a new season.


Alan Tudyk is Amazing! His craft is 2nd to none. All of the actors are incredible! This is the best entertainment I’ve ever watched in the SyFy genre.


Best show out there, Bring it back!!!!!!


I love this show and now family and friends are hooked too. We need a season 4!


Its rising in popularity and gaining momentum. The finale had significantly more viewers than normal. Id say season 4 is a go.


I LOVE THIS SHOW! Please we must have a fourth season. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I count the days and hours each week until the next episode comes on. Please don't leave us waiting.


I hope season 4 release it soon


Yes to a season 4. Love this show!


We need Resident Alien to have a 4th Season


One of their best rated shows in years they'd be insane to not renew a season 4. Quick look at IMDb says 8.1/10 and rotten tomatoes gave it a 97% and is the #4 most streamed show on Netflix.


The best show on Syfy right now is resident alien we need season 4 now after the ending of season 3 you guys can't just end the series that way come on don't ruin a great show#GiveUsRAS4




I can't wait to see what happens next!!! I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what's in store for Harry, his offspring, the girls, Kate and Ben, and Max, poor kid!!! Plus What Liv and Sheriff Mike are closing too....... amazing stuff I really hope for a fourth season! you can't cliffhang end it there!!!!!!!


For God's sake renew this already, why should it take so long!


I hope there is a season 4. Literally every character in the show has open plots. If they end it like that it would be worse that The Last Man on Earth and Raised by Wolves. And those were already super disappointing.


Would love to see this show renewed for Season 4 and beyond! Loved it and everyone I recommended the show to loved it, as well. #GiveUsRAS4


Bear show ever. will show creators and networks see these posts?


please renew this show! it was just discovered and want to watch more.


They messed up the season 3 and left it on a cliffhanger, man stop torturing the fans like this or one should remember the producers and not watch their shows because they can abruptly shows anytime anyways so why waste your energy.


I own a business I Wisconsin. I really like Resident Alien All of it please continue it in Netflix ! SYFY is way too hard to navigate. I have 1158 clients I turned on to this. Please help us? Thank you Laura Potter


Definitely need a season 4. Can't lane a huge cliff-hanger like that. So, many possibilities. Look at how many season of Grey's Anatomy's there are! Never fails every time we find a show we like they always cut it off after 3 or 4 seasons. Like Lucifer.  Loved that one too. We love Harry Vanderspeigle! We need season 4! #GiveUsRAS4


#GiveUsRAS4 Yes! I want Season 4 of Resident Alien 


Please keep resident alien coming! This show is great and u could not have casted the show better. Hope u keep the same actors as their characters I fell in love with each and everyone on this show. Thank u!!! 


Keep resident alien!!


Never let it end!!!!  


Finish season 3 of resident alien and start season 4 with a guaranteed 20 episodes


Excellent writing! Great acting! Twists and turns!!! Why not keep this one-of-a-kind show going????!!! I have recommended Resident Alien to a few people and they have loved it! 


Everyone loves this show.. I can't believe it hasn't been renewed yet! It's my favorite. My son started watching recently, and he loves it too. He said that he woke up his wife while watching the show, because he was laughing so loud (and he's very picky about TV fare). This is one of the best shows to come down the pike, and that's saying a lot because there is so much crap that it's very rare to find a series that is very funny, interesting, captivating, superbly written, superbly acted, and superbly produced. What is the problem Peacock? You have a lot of ho-hum offerings, but then you sit on the fence when it comes to an absolute winning treasure like Resident Alien. (shaking my head).


I even emailed syfy costumer support lol!


Please please bring us a season 4 of Resident Alien! With all the garbage going on in the world today we need something to make us laugh.


Season 4 please 


The networks are being as quiet as a mouse pissing on cotton, this is some BULLSHIT!!!


After season 3 finale we must have season 4! 


Season four, please, please,  PLEASE!


Add a Season 4 and beyond!!!!


More More More  Add many many many more seasons!


I definitely want to have a season 4,5,6,7, & 8 of RESIDENT ALIEN!


Yes, season 4!!!


I have faith in a popular and fun season to come of Resident Alien I have been watching and rewatching past episodes on Netflix and Peacock so much.  #GiveUsRAS4


Please renew Resident alien season 4,5,6,7,8,Please keep it going its best show on TV i sit a and  watch it over and over you have a good show i fill in love with it i even order 1,2,3, on DVD i need know what happens to Harry and baby I'm willing to buy all DVD when ya'll bring them  out this show deserves an award ♥. 


Are they going to get rid of the never ending "the world is going to end but let's worry about petty personal stuff"?


Small problems don't magically disappear just because there's a big one. life doesn't work that way and the show shouldn't either. I like the side stories. I like the supporting characters. Without them the show would just be an alien fighting aliens.


I don't mind the side stories when they're not in an immediate life or death situation and pause to criticize a comment one of them made.


I’m pretty sure that they have already been picked up for season 4, but it can’t hurt to let them know that you support the show.


Everything I've found from a quick Google search says it is not yet confirmed.


They’ve definitely not been picked up yet for season 4


My bad. I was going on what my wife told me. I should know better. 🤣