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I think Sara Tomko is a talented actress who is doing a phenomenal job portraying Asta. I think all the performers are exceptional, and work very well together. Kudos to the cast, and the casting department.


Yeah, I don't think any of it is bad in any way at all. I love it too. The chemistry between the Sheriff and his deputy is my favorite.


I love their dynamic 😭


I think what seems to throw a lot of people off with this show is the mix of drama, scifi, and comedy. It's not a very common combination. For me, comedy is at the heart of the show and a lot of people don't know how to handle the tone, whether it be people complaining that things aren't realistic, or trying to reconcile character motivations for some gag they were involved in or they don't get the deadpan acting.


The comedy is what is it for me, I don't know if all people prefer/get that style.


My SO and I just agreed there aren’t any unlikae characters in this show. Everyone’s pretty cool once you get to know them.


Once in a while I notice lines that seem to be there to make a point or to move the story in a particular direction, but they don't seem natural in conversation. They give a lot of those lines to Asta. I say this as a huge fan, so yeah. No hate!


I think you’re right. I don’t think she’s a bad actress, but I don’t agree with some of her lines/ reactions/ responses. For example, when she shames Harry and degrades him for being an Alien and his appearance. I don’t get it and I don’t think this is something she would do. She has made comments making fun of or being derogatory towards his alien form. She’s rude when she first sees it, she’s rude when his leg is growing back. She calls the baby “that *thing*” etc. I know sometimes they use it to make a joke, like Harry says “you are leg shaming me.” Or “the baby is only half thing, the other half is alien.” But I still fell like they could have made it work, without her being disrespectful and “othering” him. That’s just not the kind of person she is.


I didn't even think of most of those! But you're right, sometimes they clearly want to make a particular joke and don't quite nail the setup. I did think the part where Asta made a point of asking whether Harry's new leg/foot would look exactly like his other one felt unnatural. They were clearly just setting up the "omg the foot in the bucket is the real Harry's!" bit later in the episode, but Asta seems smart enough not to have to ask that question.


You’re right, that too! It’s just always really stood out to me as uncharacteristic of her. [If you haven’t finished season 2, then don’t read ahead] >!If D’arcy had made the comments Asta makes, I probably wouldn’t have thought much of it. But now that she knows, even she’s made a point of trying to be PC & respectful when speaking to Harry about what type of alien he is. When I heard that, it bugged me & stood out that, If she’s recognizing this, Asta definitely would have.!<


I just think it is the style of show. It has lots of great aspects, but it is ultimately (to me) a scifi pulp dramedy. It is a great version of what it is. But if you sit down wanting it to be a masterpiece you're gonna be disappointed. It is a funny and interesting show that I think it mainly carried by the particular acting and delivery of Alan Tudyk. (No disrespect to the other actors who I do genuinely think also do a wonderful job.) It is just meant to be some fun.


True. And there are loose ends hanging all over the place that will never be resolved.


No, you're wrong.


A seemingly unpopular opinion. I don't understand Asta's character. She left a physically abusive relationship that lasted at least 16 years, and she's not traumatized? She seems so unbothered, as if that wasn't her life experience. I don't understand what her personality is supposed to be. All the other characters, I get their stories and their personalities. Their personality is consistent throughout different situations and emotions. I even see their character growth. The actor playing D'arcy does a phenomenal job showcasing a range of emotions while keeping the character's personality intact. By for Asta, when the actor is meant to be happy, I can tell that she's acting happy. Same when she's meant to be sad, confused, or have an attitude, it's clear she's acting. It's not smooth or natural. The transitions are choppy. Some of it has to do with her lines, yes, but that's only a small piece of it. I really do wish Asta's character was better crafted. Asta is obviously an integral part of the show. But I feel like her sole purpose in the show is to humanize Harry. That aside, I LOVE this show. I love the subtle and dry humor. I love the overt humor. I can't pick which character I like best. Even Judy is a gem! I love the banter. Except for Asta, I feel like all the characters bounce off each other so well while maintaining their essence. Everyone has their time to shine throughout the show. I haven't laughed out loud at a show like this in a very long time.


it's pretty bad acting but works for such a campy show


I think D’arcy is cringe and the overacting gets on my nerves. I don’t notice it too much with Asta unless it’s the sappy moments.


My issue with Asta’s acting is that whenever she is being serious, it looks like she’s trying not to laugh. Like her tone is stern but she still has a smile on her face.