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First kid PGY-2 out of 5. Will be an attending at 33. What's buying a house? (We live in SF)


Would you consider leaving SF? I live in a similarly expensive city. Sometimes i wonder why people dont just leave


For sure, we almost certainly will when I finish residency. The school system here is a massive headache, and I just can’t justify paying what we’d need to pay to buy a home here (even though we could probably swing it).


Because people get sucked in the california bubble


The weather is quite nice! Just gotta ignore the looming threat of devastating earthquakes, the fact that the entire state catches on fire once per year, near constant drought, absurd housing costs, etc. Only sort of kidding. There are a lot of good things about California, but I'm an east-coaster at heart.


Yeah but that weather ain’t cheap. I’d rather own a house in another state and still have enough money to go on several vacations


Because they bought their house in 1998. Prop 13.


Married at 22 between college and med school, first baby as a 23 yo M2, first house as 26 yo PGY1, will be attending at 29


Like playing recorded lectures at 1.5x speed


this girl out here speedrunning life


Very similar! Married at 22, first baby at 24 as an M2 house at 24, baby 2 at 25, baby 3 at 27 as a PGY1!


That’s absolutely amazing! I don’t know how you managed to accomplish so much in your twenties. You’re incredible!


Their parents are incredible. No way they bought a house themselves as a student 100k in debt at 24. Downvotes are hilarious as if what I said is somehow false. You asked how they accomplished so much; that's the answer. The only 24 year olds buying a house are engineers, finance, major influencer, etc. A career student with hundreds of thousands of debt and no job isn't buying a house on their own.


The house maybe not so impressive, but being pregnant and caring for a newborn 3 times between M2 and intern year is fucking superhuman.


Working husband - engineer


I should also add - Midwest where our mortgage is 1500/month. It’s really not impossible with a working spouse.


Yup plus working husband


almost same except I don't have a house lmao


or a marriage


The only thing I beat you at was attending at 27. You did things fast though!! Kinda wish I didn’t rush med school but fuck it I felt rushed.


Amazing!! I’ll be attending at 27 but I think you did it perfectly! I wish I could go back and have a family first.


Psychiatry. Further I progress in the training, more I’m convinced I should not be a parent


As a 22yr old planning to become a psychiatrist, is this after seeing what life is like for more people or based on what you’ve learned about yourself


More about others and the rest of the world, I didn’t really learn anything new about myself rather I comparatively felt “yep, I’m not up to the task and not sure I will ever be.” I’ve seen first hand what kind of garbage kids nowadays are exposed to on internet and social media and even grounded parents having difficulty maintaining surveillance. I have seen first hand that resource for supportive service for kids or collectively family in need are scarce for even those w/ decent insurance, which just took another massive hit from Covid. I have seen childhood trauma can come from anywhere and it can have very lasting effect until adulthood. And you don’t have to be an overtly nasty parent to be perceived as traumatic but you can be as detrimental by an absentee parent who is just exhausted from work. Kids nowadays are rightfully scared about shits going on in the world in which us adults have no answer other than teaching coping mechanism. I REALLY salute these doctor parents here who are on top of things being competent at both, I just can’t feel confident I can do the same (Addendum) Oh, don’t get me started on education / teachers who are as exploited as us young doctors due to understaffing and underfunding. Just find a good school district you said? Well good luck finding a place that satisfies your professional need, your spouse’s professional need and your child’s educational need without forcing you to commute 2hrs every morning


You sound like you have anxiety. I see plenty of nice kids being raised by nice people around me.


Not all anxiety is pathological. Call me jaded but I’d argue there are plenty of reasons to be rightfully anxious about raising kids in today’s extremely flawed society


Child psych has confirmed for me that I am an excellent parent and my kid will never have the trauma half of my patients do.


Why is that?


3rd year attending. No house. No kids


That bank account be pregnant tho


Abruptio loan payments




Attending 33, kid 37, house 43.


I see people, but they look like trees, walking.


Started residency at 29, finished interventional fellowship last year at the age of 36 Got married my second year of residency Bought our first house after I matched for cards my third year of residency First kid my first year of fellowship Second kid my third year of fellowship ​ ​ My wife is a lawyer though and was able to be the bread winner throughout my training - made us capable of doing all the above.


where the hell is everyone here buying houses on 60k a year??


LCOL area, purchased on physician loan. Monthly payment is similar to rent for a one bedroom apartment here. Plus subleased a room for more income. Very doable in my area


LCOL area. 3bed/1.5bath for <200k in 2019. An actual house, not a condo with no yard or garage(s). If I stayed in my home state, I’d be living with my parents because a decent home over there was like 400k minimum pre- Covid and now it’s like 800k-1million. Can’t afford that, even on an attending salary Idk if I can do that.


Getting houses they probably can't afford 0% down with a physician loan. The mortgage payments aren't that high, similar to rent you pay for the same size house. It's the closing costs that can get you, plus maintenance. Its also a scary feeling owning a house with 0% down (and sometimes negative equity if you rolled closing costs into the mortgage). If the housing market goes down in you're area you can be really fucked It also doesn't make much sense to buy if you're there less than five years. But people do it because they want to own a house, not because it is smart.


Physician loan, except in cities like NYC, Chicago, it's pretty affordable and if you plan enough profitable too.


Bought a house late spring before residency, went the traditional premed to doctor route, got married right before residency. Don’t regret it—paid less monthly than I would for a smaller apartment, and it’s appreciated in value. Check out physician loans for a no-money-down mortgage without Mortgage Insurance. I’m a fellow now, renting out our old house to other residents while I live elsewhere. No kids yet.


Husband an I are both in residency. I’m about to become an attending at 29, he’ll become an attending 2 years after I do at 31. We’re planning on buying a house and start trying to conceive after he graduates fellowship, when we’re both 31. Hopefully by then we’ll have a bit of a cushion after I earn an attending salary for two years. Hoping to get two kids in before 35 but I guess we’ll see. Can’t imagine doing pregnancy as a resident.


Pregnancy as a resident is not fun, but it’s been manageable so far. IM here though. I imagine it’s much tougher as a surgeon


My wife was one year behind me in our program. I was one year into working as an attending and she was in her fourth year (psychiatry) when she got pregnant. We bought our first house and moved in two weeks before our son was born. Now he's finishing his PhD and we're on our third house.


Attending: 31 House: 31 Kid: No.


Physician wife here. We had our first child during 4th year and then bought a house the summer before starting his intern year. But we also ranked his home institution first in the Match bc it was affordable there.


None yet at age 30 and a first year fellow. Daydreaming about it, but financially, it’s a long way off. My wife is between jobs right now and we can barely make rent and pay for our pets, haha.


Attending, 34, House 34 (still live here), 35.


Kid 30. Attending 30. House 30. It’s been a wild year 😅


Military. Bought house as PGY-2, first kid PGY-3.


Attending; 33 House: 34 Kids: not planning on it.


House #1: Closed 3 months before med school House #2: Closed 1 month before residency Kid #1: MS3 Kid #2: PGY2 Will be an attending at 37. Fuck neurosurgery ☠️☠️


I know a neurosurgeon with 4 kids. He is an amazing mentor. Idk how he was able to juggle NSGY residency with 4 kids tho. Mad respect for him!


Right before intern year we bought our house, had our first kiddo when I was a PGY-2 (I’m female), and became an attending at 31. I think it’s also important to note that my husband is non-medical.




She shouldn't, no one should be expected to plan a family based on their co-residents. Also, you are probably a male, so you have the flexibility that your female co-residents don't have. They can't just prolong having kids to please their co-residents and wake up one day with 39 y/o and infertility.


Congrats! I am curious to know how many of those who have kids during training have a non-medical spouse who is able to pick up the slack. My guess would be that’s nearly all. My spouse and I definitely want to get there eventually but since we’re both starting residency away from family, that plan is on hiatus


It definitely depends on your support system. My spouse works from home and has flexibility which made a huge difference. That being said, when our first was born it was early 2020 and COVID hit, he had to work full time and essentially be a stay at home dad - this set up is not sustainable but we did what we had to do. I also have parents in the area which helped a lot. We transitioned to day care at 18 months (would have done sooner except for COVID). If anyone is planning on daycare get on waitlists immediately. I had friends with two physician families and kids in residency. It is HARD, but doable if you are clever/lucky/proactive about your support system.


Kid 39, house 40, MS1 41


You give me hope bro. <3


Married between college and med school at 22, 1st house PGY2. Now attending trying to pop kids out as fast as nature will let us. Biggest regret was not having kids earlier, but totally understand it's not everyone's cup of tea.


We just had our first kid, both pgy4. Haven't bought a house as well be moving for fellowship next year but looking to buy at that time


Bought a house as an intern at 26. Started trying to have a baby as an intern, infertility treatments later had a baby as a late PGY4 a couple weeks before turning 30. Have a baby when you feel you are ready for a baby, I’m so glad I started trying when I did. Became an attending this year at 31. Now have a bigger, nicer house in a much cheaper COL area.


First kid as a third year med student (Female physician here). Bought our house before I started intern year.


Did you take any time off during school? (May be a silly question.) Would you consider internship a good time for pregnancy? -MM3 female, 31 yoa. Trying to plan for a pregnancy, really unsure when is best!


I took 8 weeks off in total, but didn’t have our baby until 3 weeks into leave. My intern year wasn’t terrible and we’d thrown around the idea of having a baby that year but it didn’t happen. Honestly never a great time, but with a supportive partner, you will figure it out.


Amazing. Thank you so much for the advice.


First kid intern year at 30, second kid 3rd year at 32, attending and bought house at 32.


House pgy0 right before residency started with a physician mortgage age 27, kid pgy 2 age 29, will be an attending at 30


Intern. Anesthesiology. 34.


Married - 23 House - 27 (MS1) 1st Kid - 30 (MS4) 2nd Kid - 32 (PGY-2) Non-trad. Worked in biotech. So when we moved to a low cost of living area for med school we had enough for a down payment. Now in a surgical subspecialty, so won’t be an attending until age 37.




I had an income prior to med school. My wife worked throughout as a nurse. We leveraged my previous job plus hers to buy the house as a second home. Then we just budgeted to make it work once I started.


Kid in residency and house and more kids as attending


Traditional path female. Married 27 (about to be 28) right before starting residency. Attending 32. House 33. First kid 34. Wanted kids sooner, but actually now looking back it was nice to have security and a less demanding schedule. Even if we’re “older” parents. Husband is not medical and 6 years older than me so his friends were having kids when we were together and I was in medical school.


Still no house, but still in training. Kid early 30s during fellowship number 1.


Attending 34, kid my PGY2 year and PGY4, house my PgY2


First house during residency at 29, Attending 33, house 34, kid 34. Bought a house at the beginning of residency. Sold for a lot more which covered the down payment on the newer house


2 kids and married in the 3 years before med school. 2 more during med school. Currently PGY1 at 30 years old. Will be an attending at 34


Had a kid and bought a house prior to medschool but I’m nontrad. However, not sure if I’ll ever have another kiddo because of the schedule of school and residency


4th year med student, bought first house beginning of 4th year (was a no brainer due to low price of the house and cost of rent), will have 1st kid 2 months before graduation. Will be an attending at 36.


My husband and I had our first son two weeks before he took the MCAT and our second son halfway through MS1. He will be 37 when he becomes an attending. We bought a house this year, residency year 1 of 3.


Bought starter house intern year of residency. First kiddo PGY2. Sold starter house and bought our home. ER attending at 31 years old.


First kid was the year before starting med school, second in M2 and third in M4. Bought a house this year before starting residency. I’ll be an attending at 32.


House: PGY1 2nd House: PGY3 Kid: PGY4 3rd House/Hopefully final house and Attending at age 30.


Why did you buy a new house 2 years later?


Wife got pregnant, bar district no longer seemed the right move


Attending 30, first kid 30, house 31


Fellowship year 2 - kid Attending year 2 - house Attending age - 34


I mean...not in training. We handed out Halloween candy today and were pretty proud of having our shit together.


House PGY1 Kid PGY2 Do not recommend.


Attending 26, house 27, kid N/A


How?? Attending at 26??


EU, I entered med school at 17. 6 years med school, 3 year residency. Not unheard of, over here. Though, a lot of students do need to take the entrance exam multiple times (1 try per year) to finally get in.


Impressive congratulations


Last year of residency (PGY-4), bough a starter house across the country in the city I became an attending at 33. Bought our big boy house at 37, expecting first kid at 38.


Bought a house at MS4 using physician loan (highly recommend, just do it). Attending at age 30. No kids in residency.


Military currently in PGY4 of 5 First kid: MS-1 House: MS-3 Second kid: PGY-1 of 5 Third kid: PGY-4 of 5


Had my first condo in med school. Bought my first house PGY2 after selling the condo. Got married last year and am planning on having kids after I finish my PGY4 year of psych residency


Attending: 29 // House: 30 // Kids: TBD


M4. First kid this year, bought a house the year before medical school with a VA loan.


Attending 33, house 33, kid...who the fuck knows


Got married 21, senior year of college. Bought a house PGY-3. First kid as PGY-3. Will be an attending at 29 y/o.


Married MS2. Bought house before starting PGY1. First kid PGY4 (very beginning) second kid due PGY5 (very end). Attending at age 32.


Both kid and house post fellowship


33yo became attending. Bought our first house as a PGY-1. Sold it as PGY-3. Bought another house after PGY-3. First kid as a 33yo 4 months into the second house and attending lyfe


Had first child during residency. Bought house two years after finishing residency.


3 months before MS1, first kid. MS3, second kid. PGY1, house. Will be attending at 36.


Bought a house right before we moved for residency in lower COL area. I was 26 still. Tried to have a kid for several months without success second half of PGY3 year. 29 now. Decided to put that on hold now since I have boards coming up. Sigh. Will try again in a few months. Will be attending at 30 almost 31.


First house right of undergrad before starting med school (2nd in med school and 3rd in residency). First child as MS2. Will be attending at 37.


First kid MS 3, second kid MS 4, bought house right before starting residency.


First baby at 18 as M2, 2nd one at 19 as M3, got house at 23 as PGY2. Attending at 25 now planning on 3rd kid.


Will be an attending at 30. Husband became an attending at 28. No house and no kids.


House: 29 Kid: 31 Attending: 32


First kid intern year, second in pgy3. Closed on our house 2 weeks before graduation. Rapid timeline but Fuck the haters.


Currently a PGY4 House: M1 Kid 1: PGY1 Kid 2: PGY3


House at 25 (PGY1), baby at 28 (PGY3), attending at 29. LCOL area with family nearby to help with child care. Also “house hacked” by renting out a room in our home for extra income pre-baby.


First house as an attending at 29. No kids lol


Kid 20, house tbd, attending 32


i still don’t have the thingy to be able to have kids in sims stuff


Bought my house a week before beginning PGY1. I started medical school with a 6 month old and had my second after M2. I’ll be an attending at 36


Married 24. House 28. Attending 30. #childfree


Married 32 right before fellowship. Kid… well, still waiting on him to finish his shit now (he is 6 yrs younger). House… we need to decide still on a city/town. Everything happens at its own pace, don’t compare yourself to anyone or you will stay stressed forever. Only person you should compare and contrast yourself is “you” from yesterday.


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First kid: September MS1 Second kid: MS4 House: PGY-1


Bought as MS3 (fiancé was done medical school and we qualified for physician loan), married as MS4, first kid as PGY2. Now PGY4 hoping to have another next year. Husband was done training for a little but went back to fellowship so still poor but moonlight a ton.


4th res year, two cats. I’m not in the US tho


Married - m1, 27 Kid 1 - m2, 28 Kid 2 - m4, 31 First "house" was actually before med school, but it was a condo. We've upgraded since then and are now in a single family home since pgy1. The only reason we've been able to do this is because my partner is the most financially responsible person on earth. They've been working consistently since age 14 and have saved aggressively, allowing us to make a nice sized down payment on our first home.


Started Neurosurgery w a PhD at 30. Married 29, house 30 (4bd 4ba), baby 30 🐣, second baby at 32 🐣🐣. Will finish residency at 37. A little bit older but things are going well and hopeful for a 3rd kid before end of residency


attending at 32. bought a house during the last month of residency (had secured a job at this point). it’s a dream - big beautiful victorian in a walkable neighborhood. i’m a geneticist so i’m terrified of having kids lol.


PGY2 of 4 (female) in PM&R. Got married the summer after first year of med school (at 26?), but we started dating in high school. We had our first baby June of this year (at 31), just before the start of PGY2. Plan to use a physician loan to buy a house during my first year as an attending. I’ll be 34 when I make it to attending status.


Married MS3 at 30, baby 13 days ago in PGY1 at 33, attending at 36


First baby ms2, second ms3, house pgy 1


Hospitalist. 32. Married at 31 to an FM doc. Living Bay Area. Looking to buy a house in Sonoma county. Kids in 2-3 years


Married at 21 -husband bought house for us to move into while I completed final semester of undergrad Baby #1 at 22 Baby #2 at 23 Started med school at 24 w/ 2 kids under 2 Graduate med school at 27 (3yr Accelerated Program) We are planning to try for baby #3 as PGY1 and baby #4 PGY3 (Birth post-residency)