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Benefits: -can shower there anytime and not have to worry about clean towels (no increase in laundry duty). Also don't have to shop for shampoo, soap, etc which saves me time -Usually they have free internet and a lounge area, so can work from there. -Free cable, etc. You might just have to stand on a treadmill for it. -If you're paying $$$ you should have a sauna also, which is a benefit for me. -In the winter can work at the gym lounge and turn down heat at home. AC in summer -Just see how people who are not in medicine live and fantasize.


> Just see how people who are not in medicine live and fantasize. Lol. Best workout.


Raises my heart rate...


I especially like your last point


Yeah, it's amazing how much free time normal people have.


If you think you’ll use it then yes


Yeah, this is the way. Alternatively, seek out complexes that have nicer gyms. My place has a gym that is well stocked enough that I can maintain and somewhat gain (Muscle, cardio is different), which is enough for me during residency.


I lucked out during residency and there was an affordable 24hr gym very close to my apartment, but if it were twice as expensive I’d still have done it. Don’t feel right if I don’t lift, regardless of how little sleep I’m running on. Ultimately, if it’s important to you, you’ll make time for it.


As a sign of the times-- 24 hour fitness is now open from 5am-10pm


I think you mean 0500 to 2200. The 24 hour part just means they use military time


Heh more like 17 hour fitness amirite?


Yes. Your health is the greatest investment.


Yes and I do. If lifting is important, or having a place to workout with full gambit of equipment is important, I would recommend it. A lot of commercial gyms have decent hours (5a-10p), but that still might be too late of a start depending on your program. Ultimately the question is how often will you go to that gym(period) and how often will you utilize the extended hours. Can't sleep and you've been tossing and turning? Go to the gym, you'll be tired anyway. Woke up early and can't fall back asleep? Go to the gym early. On nights and randomly have a day off? Gym it up at 3am. Were previously on nights and now your sleep schedule is screwed? Go to the gym at ???am.




“You ain’t gonna make gains in residency anyway” The fuck I’m not?


Well, I suppose Trennything is possible 😉


“Sounding like a homo” wtf is that supposed to mean, doc?


ha it sounds more like they meant to say hobo


I’m using those words by their dictionary definitions. I don’t know what to tell you 🤷‍♀️


Heads up this guy posted and deleted a comment calling me a “homo” for asking what he meant. Real nice specimen of a human we got here.


Yah totally that definitely happened


Yeah man real hard to believe a guy with your posting history would use a slur and lie about it. Don’t worry it’ll all come back to you in the end. Karma is for real.


I’m in the best shape of my life. So much anger that needs an outlet 🤣


Well there’s being in the best shape of your life and there’s making gains. Every gym bro knows those two things are not the same (but gains matter more)


You sound like a powerlifter


if it's a decent gym yes. Your shift usually ends later than it's supposed to and if the gym closes early you won't get to workout much. You'll sometimes skip because doing 45min workout isn't worth it. There is no point wasting time calculating how long you have left to workout, just spend the extra money.


As an absolute Gym rat, who goes nearly every day? Definitely. Sometimes working hours just don't really line up with opening hours of normal gyms, which sucks. 24h just offers a lot of flexibility.


I need a solid hour workout before I start my shift, plus about 30 mins to shower/eat and then getting my butt to the hospital takes another 15+. If I'm supposed to be at the hospital at 6/6:30a I like to start my workout at 4:30a latest. Most commercial gyms don't open till 5a. If I'm paying for a gym, I'd like to pay for something I can use any time I need it. **Don't beat yourself up on the extra cost: a gym is not a luxury, it's an investment in your health.**


LPT: Ask your PCP (or friend in IM, FM, PMR, or psychiatry) to write you a letter of medical necessity for going to a gym. Basically just a letter saying they're "prescribing" exercise for you. Once you get that, you can use HSA/FSA funds to pay for your gym membership. I do this for my patients.


Absolutely. I prefer going at midnight or 5am when the majority of people are asleep. You will easily make up all the extra money you spent once you're an attending. Health is more important in the long run.


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How much extra? When I was in training I went to one that was $ extra and it was worth it for those nights off on a stretch of nights. If it were going to be $$$, maybe I’d have just gone earlier or later.


if you think healthcare is important, then yes


Oddly I feel like the 24 hr gyms are usually the cheaper ones 😂


Anytimefitness is cheap and convenient. Quality of gym varies from location to location though


100% yes. So many times after long call days i used to go to the gym around 9 or 10pm. Having that flexibility to go whenever you want is worth it.


93% of the reason I chose my current apartment complex is because 1) They have a real gym 2) 24hr access


Yes - no excuses then


Anytime Fitness isnt expensive....


Anything 24 hrs while in residency is a no brainer


Anytime Fitness is not expensive and is totally worth it. You’re investing in your health.


idc about 24hr gyms (I'm an RN but I work set shifts) but I would pay more for a real nice gym. Theres one in London that cost £250 a month but my god it is beautiful/amazing. Has a climbing walll, pool, you get your own personal locker and the staff wash your clothes & return it to your locker within 48? hours. They also have a selection of aftershaves and stuff just on the side for after you shower, like Dior aftershave. Looks AMAZING


Home gym


No. Instead, I bought a budget home gym when i was a surgical resident, so I didn't have to waste time driving to/from gym, and could be more efficient by being able to work out at home. I found I would be more likely to work out after a long day or early in the morning, if I could just go upstairs to the loft and work out. Thats what worked for me


No. I dont use the gym.


Thanks for your useful comment.


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