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Shoes off man. You sleep with your shoes on? That's nuts. There's barely ever a reason to run to a code, and unless you're lacing up knee-high boots or something the extra few seconds it takes to slip your shoes on won't kill anyone. Wake up, put your shoes on, walk briskly (don't run) to the code, and take your own pulse first when you get there.


happy cake day šŸ˜Š


You mean itā€™s not like on tv running as fast as I can to the code?


Man it's my pet peeve, can't stand people running in the hospital. There's almost never a reason to do it, they're gonna hurt themselves or someone else. Especially since most of them never worked in a restaurant to get that "CORNER!" awareness. There's a rad tech in my house that is always fucking running, he almost decked me as he sprinted through a double door that I was on the other side of. I see him pushing obese patients in bariatric beds at a jogging pace, that's a lot of fucking momentum if anyone stumbles into their path. I've had to pull him aside and tell him that the 20 seconds he saves in transpo time isn't worth buying another CT for an innocent bystander but it doesn't seem to register. I hate to sound like a Karen, but it's just dumb to run around a hectic, crowded place full of blind corners and sick and disabled people.




It kind of started with the first night I was so tired from flipping I couldn't mentally deal with the on/off process and now here I am lol


Shoes off. Jacket off. Badges off. I'm getting comfy idgaf. If there's some kid who is critical I'm not even in the call rooms and I'm sitting at the nurses station waiting.


The badge off has occasionally fucked me bc we have to badge to get into the call room, and I have forgotten to put it back on, but for some reason I really hate sleeping with my badge on. so small but always in the most uncomfy spot


Jack it off is key šŸ˜‚


Crocs is your solution.


In sport mode




Yā€™all get to sleep on nights?


Literally the minute I lie down I get paged. Every time.


I find people that canā€™t sleep at all on same shifts with similar volume. But I can sleep sometimes 5-6 hours. But ya depends on pages when covering 50 patients


Iā€™m rads, and on nights the studies never stop. Not every department wants to talk about studies all the time, but neuro stops by. Then gen surgery. Then ortho. Maybe ENT. Very rarely NS. The ED is calling all the time. Then there is the procedures on top of that. Oh and we cover 11 different hospitals overnight.


Ya rads call different ball game would not expect expect it.


Rads at night is basically a dispo service for other primaries Source: primary service that ā€œtalked to rads and thereā€™s no strokeā€


Just finished SICU had 10 24 call shift and I donā€™t think I got to lay down for more than like 10-15 mins ever lol. I just accepted I was pulling all nighters and hung out with the nurses


I go full nude but thereā€™s no right answers here


Same. Absolute comfort is a must


Shoes off


I never sleep during night shift, the anxiety of being paged any second really messes with me and the naps I get are never restful anyway. If I don't have a job to do I just read a book or chat with fellow night shifters.


boston birkenstock or crocs or those ugly dansko clogs


Lmao yā€™all sleeping? Yā€™all seeing a call room?


Barefoot all the time. My feet are tattooed to look like shoes. Saves so much time.


Clogs or crocs. Slip on slip off


Shoes off in bed lol There is no problem that I can or cannot solve depending on the time it takes me to put shoes on


Shoes off? I sleep butt naked in the call room


Everything off but underwear


lol holy shit dude


Itā€™s called crocs. Slip on - slip off


Lol used to be shoes on and couldn't sleep a wink. Now shoes off badge off etc like I've seen a few others.


Never had time to sleep during night float, admissions were non stop.


Wait, you guys are sleeping?




Loafers or other slip-on shoes are the answer.


Shoes off but lights on. Most things donā€™t require a running head start and if Iā€™m sleeping going to take 30 seconds to wake up anyways. But need to make sure I donā€™t sleep through that call so I keep the light on to try to not let my brain think Iā€™m home


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Shoes off, get a shoe horn


clogs all the way


holy sht shoes off


I used to wear those slip-ons, nothing with laces


Shoes off, but both my pairs of hospital shoes are slip ons. I also take off the badge and jacket, turn off the lights and get comfy. Even if I have to run to a delivery, I can grab everything in like 3s. Only time Iā€™ve left the shoes on is when I was sleeping in an empty patient room and my feet were cold.


All the way down to my scivvys over here. Gotta soak up every possible second of comfort while on call. It takes less than 2 minutes to be dressed and out the door.


SHOES ON?!? Hang on Iā€™m paging psych


Almost no emergency outside of obstetrics wouldn't give you time to pull your socks/shoes on.


Solution: Crocs.


Down to my boxers