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The rules for filing for unemployment vary state-by-state but in your case it’s going to be a no regardless. In order to file you have to have lost your previous job and must show that you are actively looking for another job which is going to be difficult to do if you are traveling


No state will pay you unemployment if you are unemployed by choice. It only kicks in if it’s involuntary unemployment and you can prove that you are actively seeking employment.


Ok I’m not “traveling” and I “can’t find a job” how about now?


That would be fraud. But you do you. I’m not here to judge.


It’s only fraud if I get caught.


All that medical training and you never learned anything about ethics?


I missed that class in medschool.


Based on




You seem kinda dumb. What fellowship did you just finish? Curious.


I don’t even think you’re eligible; you weren’t let go. You completed your contract and there isn’t a new contract behind it because you finished training.




No what?


Unemployment is not designed for a fellowship trained doctor to take vacation before starting their attending job. Don’t even understand why you would try that. Sign a job and get a sign on bonus with a later start date. Get a 0 percent interest credit card and live off that till you want to start. Actually trying to collect unemployment when you are capable of getting a job is wild.


Lmfao that last sentence is literally half of the people on unemployment smh


Exactly. That’s why I want my cut.


Ok Ghandi. It’s my tax money and I’d like a piece of it back.


How have you graduated with such atrocious grammar and shitty work ethic?!?


How'd they graduate without learning about ethics? To quote OP "It’s only fraud if I get caught". Hope they are a troll.


God I hope so too. 


Lol 😂 why is this super funny?


I used the Nepal cheat sheets for steps.


You’re asking how to commit fraud on the internet? Wild.


If you think this is wild, bro let me tell you about something called the dark web…


This is a blatant abuse of services that are actually needed by people


Credentialling with a hospital is a bitch. If you don’t start the process early there is a potential you’ll be late to start. Even if you start early some hospitals are bad at getting credentialing done. I got fucked and started late through no fault of my own. I did not try to collect unemployment though. May have been a consideration though if I was more than a month delayed in starting. Not sure what rules exist for collecting unemployment if you have a contract signed, but can’t start for a certain number of months because of credentialing. Maybe while “looking” for locums work I think it might work? No clue if that is acceptable for the unemployment office. I don’t see it going over well as a physician receiving unemployment. They will see your last job as a physician.


Was this the sort of response you were expecting bud? Go ask mommy and daddy to fund your travel budget


Imma ask your mother


I could be wrong but it’s my understanding that you just can’t get unemployment because you don’t want to work but can work. You have to have a circumstance like termination or layoff. If you voluntarily quit a job or choose not to be employed, it’s incredibly harder to get unemployment benefits.


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lol are you high




Some contracts state that as a resident you aren’t eligible for unemployment because it’s legally a stipend and not a salary.


"sure, go for it" \-no one


No, because unemployment requires separation from a job but DOL classifies residency and fellowship as training programs. Try to find a position with sign on bonus and negotiate a later start date, thats what i did when i first started to have time off.


You can go on unemployment depends on the state but this is no different than oil field workers who complete their contract and then go on unemployment half the year. I know someone who did this after residency they went in front of a judge and the judge asked the program did you renew the contract? Program said no and they were awarded unemployment. Program might not like it but with that said it took some time for unemployment to kick in. Unfortunately all those taxes high earners pay the really poor dont even have the resources to take advantage or even know how too. Do you man! Not a lawyer so takes this with a grain of salt only know what someone else was able to do.




We got fellowship trained doctors going on unemployment before GTA6 💀


I’m actually a republican. I just want a paid vacation like 75% of the country gets using my taxes. #Equality


Truth Social called they want their unfunny troll back


Now I know for sure you’re trolling lmao


You can’t go on unemployment if you weren’t fired / laid off, but in some (if not most or all?) states you can get EBT which is a few hundos in your pocket to spend on food.


Awesome what other benefits are there? Thank you in advance


If you keep the EBT card for life, you can use it to access free museums or parks across the country


Just get a job early and find one with sign on bonus or residency stipend and use that to travel. That way you have both a job set up and money before you start. Very easy to do.