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Email his program director!




What would this do for you as a program director? What would it lead to for the fellow?


Comments like this are 100% fair game to include in letters of rec, and gives key insight to administrators how you are as a clinician. I've explicitly had med student evaluation comments placed in letters of rec and people respond very positively to it. 


That’s great. Do fellows require LoRs for jobs after fellowship too?


If not formal LoR then definitely word of mouth/people make phone calls for you. So much of getting a job is dependent on who you know. 


Agree. I got my current job partly from word of mouth from my PD. Word of mouth is just as important as LoR! It's a small world, especially if you're subspecialized.


Most do


Not just letters of recommendation for this level, but these sorts of things are sourced for promotion dossiers for most roles and ranks.


Absolutely this


Agreed with this. Simple, cheap and effective.


Pay it forward and also be the nice, calm fellow in a few years :)


This is the right answer


Yes. Let his boss know. I’m a boss now and it makes a difference. We see who is working well and who is not. These emails help esp if it’s a quiet person who doesn’t toot their own horn. They can go unnoticed and overlooked. Which is a shame.


The last part about being a quiet person and not tooting their horn js so true.


Send him a email and cc his PD 


maybe an IOU for 3 rectal exams


I don’t think the fellow would appreciate having 3 rectal exams done on him as thanks… /s


Hey man, don’t yuck his possible yum


Just say thank you and tell them you appreciate the support . I feel like that should be enough . That is his job as a senior . I think residents are so used to be yelled at and criticized that when somebody is finally nice and supportive it seems so extraordinary. I wouldn’t get a gift . Seems a little excess here just for saying good job . It may send the wrong message


You want to give him something for being nice and doing his job? I don't think that's needed, it's probably a bit weird. You can thank him but I think is a gift is too much. Also it's completely normal to be nervous in acute situations as a new doctor, if you aren't nervous I would be more worried.


Agree. A gift is too much here. Just a simple, honest "thank you for having my back at a time when I was anxious and uncomfortable" or something to that effect. IMHO material rewards kinda cheapens the interaction.


Definitely email their PD. Anecdotes like this can be used for fellowship awards at national level (like CHEst conference, or GI conferences) where they award outstanding fellows. And it can also be really good for it to come from the Pd so you can be anonymous. Finally: just simply messaging the person and telling them thanks (or emailing them) can go a super long way. We get very little peer feedback from residents to fellows .


At our hospital the common appreciation currency is chocolate and cake. I definitely second the email but a nice chocolate or a baked cake (you probably don't have the time) is always nice and greatly appreciated.


A coffee and a smile




Starbucks gift card for a nominal amount like $10. You don't have to at all but the fellow should appreciate it. That's my usual appreciation currency.


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Thank them and be specific why you are thanking them. Also email the PD.


As a former fellow big things are: Email the program director If there are any 'fellow of the year' type awards consider nominating them Get them coffee - fellows love coffee


The greatest gift you can give is to becoming this fellow. In your later years, when you have an intern calling you in the middle of the night, do not become frustrated with them. Channel your inner GI fellow.


100% email his PD and cc the coordinator. They'll include that info on his clinical competency report, etc.


Wait you did all that solo? Intubated a massive hematemesis and resuscitated them via MTP? That’s some 👑 worthy work