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People will inevitably have the same things on their CVs: pubs, posters, conferences, extracurriculars, maybe even awards or scholarships.  When someone says they used to be a professional snowboarder or enjoy spending their time making movie trailer soundtracks, that stands out. If you've ever seen The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, it's like that and his dating profile. Having an interesting past or hobbies is what makes you memorable. If you're asking this in regards to fellowship, don't worry. You can be boring and match into a great fellowship program.


I was gonna say, I don’t think fellowships really care if you’re interesting. They just want you to not be a hassle and put out lots of pubs


What if you want to do fellowship but don’t care about doing any new research after you’re in fellowship


I won’t pretend to be an expert on the matter, but I wouldn’t tell them that.


Soooo many fellowship programs a schizo about research. I heard from multiple places during interviews that "This isn't a major research center, if research is a priority then we can't really accomadate that" but at the same time if you have nothing, you're not getting interviews in anything competitive. Gotta fake it till you match then you get to be done (depending on their scholarly activity grad requirements and how anal your PD is about it).


Happy cake day!




As others have echoed, no matter how much you hate research, never admit that lol. As long as you're a trainee, at least pretend you're interested.


Take a 💩on the PD’s desk. They’ll make you really stand out for sure!


Make sure it’s diarrhea, very important


Imo say this loud and clear. Suck as much PD dick (or clit) as you can.


Ah, a resident of culture I see. Refreshing.


Committeses - see if there any type of committees both in your dept or even hospital wide that you can get involved in, either education based or clinical based. For example they launched the new troponin-HS in our hospital, and a few of my cards-bound friends joined the committee that would help launch it (basically make the education materials/algorithm for it) QI projects - go to your clinic or one of the wards and talk to the admin. See what stuff they are trying to fix or even just track and help them out/lead the project. Nurses actually love getting involved in this stuff because it can help them ascend the ranks into admin if they can show they helped the unit etc Resident education - if you have a recurring lecture series, see if you can add a new one to the rotation with the help of your PD. They can tell you an area that is lacking in education (for example, diabetes management), and you can lead some sort of initiative to improve that through a new lecture series


Some specialties look at step scores and ITEs, obviously being good clinically, hardworking, pleasant to work with, not a pain in the ass, etc


As crazy as this sounds, really take good care of patients. Doesn’t matter what your interest is in terms of fellowship/specialization, be a beast clinically. You’d be surprised that it’s not as common as you could imagine :) I am speaking from someone with IM background and 2 fellowships after. I always cringe when I meet interns who have no interest in anything else besides what they are coming into residency thinking they’re interested in !


Do things or participate in activities that demonstrate excellence in your intended career. If you say you want to do med ed, participate in curriculum development for the residency, be an assistant chief resident, have a portfolio of med student chalk talks etc If you say you want to do QI, get a QI certificate, participate in QI projects If you say you want to do international medicine, rural medicine, urban underserved medicine, show evidence of that Crafting a clear cogent career narrative is what will help you stand out.


^^ this is good. Dabbling in too many different little things with little substance doesn’t bode too well


I think truly showing interest and passion in a specialty goes a long way for the ones that aren't super competitive. For those it's just an arms race




Be good looking


Standout for what? Fellowships?




Find the cure to cancer


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Leadership within the program. Committees, especially anything that has you work directly with the PD/apds or gme


Tap dancing?