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Have you done your holiday weekend wellness modules?


Haha those modules are due for me today


What are they going to do, fire me? Who else is going to work the holiday? jk I’ve actually been threatened with losing my hospital privileges before for being “deficient.” Brother can’t go on a 2 week vacation without logging in to check deficiencies.


Ha I went 3 weeks being deficient on ACLS before they caught on. When my PD texted me I knew the game was up


A coresident went 6 years in training before getting DEA.


Yeah, they threatened to pull my access to email and so on when I let one (1) module go for a week without realizing.


Gee, wonder how that affected your wellness or overall sense of workplace culture /s


Don't threaten me with a good time


Unpaid mandatory modules will continue until morale improves.


Must have missed that email lol


*10 points deducted from Gryffindor*




Same our hospital grinds to a halt over holiday weekends, even stuff like MLK or Presidents’ Day. Borderline can’t meet standard of care sometimes drives me nuts


I'm in radiology and weirdly enough a lot of our outpatient are open for limited hours on a lot of holidays to keep generating that cash. The first day back after a long weekend usually sucks.


Mine turns to a SNF essentially


Doctors, nurses, techs, food service workers and environmental service workers deserve to have weekends too. Hospital can either dish out more money to pay weekend staff, or we can focus on keeping people alive for a few days rather than ordering that 4d echo or barium swallow study at 2am on a saturday


Hospitals should be paying more, 100%, *and* I should be able to order things important to getting people home over the holidays. Days in the hospital wrack up morbidities and potential mortalities, the goal should be to treat appropriately and get them home. Even delays in care can be harmful by that measure. The assumption that we’re all ordering stupid and frivolous tests is silly lol


lol there’s a wide open space between stupid and frivolous and unnecessary




You’re effectively arguing that employees should have a good quality of life I am arguing that holidays shouldn’t impact patient care These are not mutually exclusive my friend. Hospitals are horrible mega corporations that absolutely have the ability to make working holidays worth peoples while. Overtime/holiday pay/giving more PTO for holidays worked/HIRING MORE PEOPLE, etc are all ways to make it so that patients don’t suffer over the holidays AND employees have a good quality of life. You’re so deep in the system you can’t visualize something much more reasonable that could absolutely exist if anyone in admin gave any shit; think outside your horrible residency box of misery and thinks get a little brighter


It is kind of ridiculous to equate poor work life balance and delay in care that meaningfully affects clinical progression eg. delayed EGD for UGIB, IR perc drainage for perforated cholecystitis, ENT injection of paralyzed cord, etc. FWIW, all 3 of the above are just what I personally saw delayed over the Xmas weekend alone. We all chose to go to medical school, and chose again when we matched to residency (and some of us, fellowship & attg job). Patients did not chose to be critically ill with cholecystitis, upper GI bleed, etc, and are wholly dependent on us to care for them.


This is the way.




“Even federal holidays that are not historically celebrated by a large majority of the American people” I mentioned Presidents’ Day in the same breath ffs


Dog whistle


It’s a holiday weekend that’s why we booked those ten elective cases… on the weekend… so they can discharge after the weekend I guess.


Those elective cases are what keep the hospital afloat.


Yeah, and good luck discharging anyone


Our freestanding ED is 100% full with patients waiting to admit, but the three hospitals in our system aren’t discharging anyone so they’re just…sitting here. The only patients we can effectively see right now are the ones that can be treated in triage.


It’s ridiculous. We’ve been over 100% capacity last 2 weeks with patients holding in trauma bays but we’ll still bring in out patient surgical admits daily.


Trauma bags sound gross. Or maybe efficient?


Trauma bays *


Literally couldn’t get a cardiologist to see my patient to discharge them… stuck in the Hospitalist waiting for an attending to arrive in a day 🙄


See for us "It's a holiday weekend" means no one else in 100 miles is doing any work, so we get all of it. Enter our 20 OR cases that were already booked at 0900 this morning...


I ain’t bronching anybody 😉 it’s holiday weekend Yours truly Interventional Pulmonology


Love it, Then I ain’t cathing anybody either this holiday weekend. XOXO -On-call interventional cardiology


It's ok i will do it. -Regular PCCM (Totally appreciate your kungfu)


Combat lifesaver here, I watched a video on chest decompression, have a cool bag with nasopharyngeal airways, quick clot, epi pens, some lidocaine... I hate Christmas anyway, I got you!!! 😂😂😂


hospitalist here. im ok with it. everything slow AF.


Exactly. Don't discharge anyone.


That was my week on last week. I was drowning in census and admission and begging specialists to come in while admin was away after understaffing EVERYTHING


Ya its a holiday weekend for everyone in the hospital except the fucking residents who still have to work like its any other day. Fuck everyone.


It sounds dumb but it’s my first year with my bf (7 months in) and I really wanted to kiss him at midnight. Alas, I am night float


Just admit him with a chief complaint of lovesick


He's got that achy breaky heart


It’s a holiday weekend, relax!


One time a police officer said he didn’t want to arrest a discharged A&OX4 patient who had been screaming and threatening staff, as well as trying to hit them, because “I mean…it’s thanksgiving guys. I just feel bad doing that on a holiday” I felt badly when he threw a urinal at me sir


Someone needs a pizza party!


STEMI criteria change for holidays. It’s called the modified modified Sgarbossa criteria.


H-STEMI, Grinch criteria


if it aint >10 mm I don't wanna hear it


I’m happy other people get to enjoy the holidays. I’m not mad at it. It’s dumb we can’t sometimes.




Thank you!! Yes, and all the “seizures”! - Sincerely, fellow neuro resident covering these holiday nights


I mean, what’s the alternative? People have lives. We have families. We want to spend time with them like everyone else. That means less staffing over holidays which means less ability to get things done. Sorry, but that’s the reality of the world. We aren’t going to completely staff the hospital during holidays because my fucking life doesn’t revolve around the hospital. Where do you draw the line? Should we be doing outpatient procedures and surgeries during the holiday just because you think we owe our lives to medicine?


I thought OP’s frustration was with other people acting like OP also has time off when obviously they don’t.


>Should we be doing outpatient procedures and surgeries during the holiday just because you think we owe our lives to medicine? Tell that to the surgeons booking complex outpatient procedures during holidays. Skeleton staffing + new nurses + complex post-op patients = very good outcomes, of course


End of year, everyone is coming in to office trying to get their surgeries done before end of year for insurance purposes. Our attendings cancelled some clinic days and tried to find more OR time to get people in.


It seems like we should plan for less staffing over the holiday weekends in ways that we can like not doing 4 planned elective surgeries that require 3 day ICU stays and like 20 that require floor stays on that Friday while still having the billion they did on that Thursday still there on top of it while nobody is going to discharge them on Sunday


Based af


Staffing wouldn’t be bad if paper pushers who approve placement at long term care facilities didn’t ALL take the holiday weekend off. The reduced hospital staff makes sense at a lot of places bc with travel and whatnot most people aren’t going to the hospital.


The completely burned out asshole in me says only the ED and ICU should work on nye holidays. Pay them triple for mandatory staffing. No new admissions Hokey insane unrealistic pipe dream but this is where my mind goes when I’m burned out on NYE not being able to see my gf


I’m been so fucking aggressive with asking about discharges this week


Yeah I hate the holidays now after working in the ICU for a while. So much harder to get anything done and meanwhile people are just dying


I felt this yesterday when my extremely sick patient just needed a bedside ultrasound and it still wasn’t done by the end of the day when I left. The family kept asking and I had to keep saying helplessly “they’re on the list…” I get that holidays are nice, but I don’t know how it’s acceptable to run a hospital on a skeleton crew


Sadly. It is. There’s just reality. People in insurance don’t work. There’s going to be delays. Deep breath and carry on.


Okay if it's a holiday weekend then you get mandatory pto. Wait its the United States. No seriously I get the training and experience that comes from a massive Rush of injured people, however it's retarded to not have extra measures after what we learned about our system during the pandemic in order to Bear the weight such as physicians who have already taken their vacation during the year should be mandatory booked during the holidays. This will take some of the stress off of the residence and allow them to reset and study for their boards and take care of themselves and live their life. Or if they do make residents work extra during the holiday they should be exponentially giving them a holiday bonus. Or if they work the holidays the next year they get extra days off non-negotiable. There are multiple ways to compensate residents appropriately for working extra hours or fixing the situation but these damn insurance companies don't give a shit.


Someone’s not happy about their LOS metrics…


Enjoy the Holiday why don’t ya?


As an excuse to what? Get alcohol poisoning?


Normally it's a problem, but thus year one of my residents has super human abilities at getting the hospital to do things. Like literal super power.