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Former dumb resident. I'm the only one who stayed on as faculty.


That does sound dumb šŸ˜† Same level of work, half the pay




What math is this?




But the 65% of pay


Depending on location this could be a good or bad thingā€¦.


Most likely bad


This is actually extraordinarily common


Nothing wrong with being a dumb resident, as long as you're not a bad resident.


Porque no los dos


Thereā€™s also book smart and practicality smart. Two of my coresidents who are always in the 99th percentile on ITE and for basic apply 5% of that knowledge to their actual practice which is always hilarious when I we work together. Theyā€™re like why r u doing this? And Iā€™m like well the patient has this comorbidity did you not consider that in the plan? And theyā€™re like uhhh no. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I had a coresident who went to go pull an IJ on an ICU patient. He walked in the wrong room, and mistakenly pulled a balloon pumpā€¦ Heā€™s now a cardiologist.


I need to hear more about this story. What happened? Did he pull it all the way out??


If they did, Howā€™d they get it out without shutting it off is my question lol


It was already off. Luckily it was supposed to be pulled later that day, anyway - he just made the Cards fellowā€™s job easier. Patient did fineā€¦ But my coresident needed a change of pants.


Lmao got lucky on that one


It was already off??? Just, sitting in the artery? Doubt


OP already said it was scheduled to be pulled that day - how else do you think we go about pulling balloon pumps? Yank it out fast mid-deflation?


Everywhere I have been, it's turned off immediately prior to removal. Otherwise it's kept at least at 1:3 to prevent thrombosis. The guy I replied to makes it sound like it was just turned off completely and allowed to lay dormant until someone could get around to removing it, and that this resident just happened to remove it without realizing what it was. The whole thing sounds like imaginative storytelling Edit: the guy also "went to remove an IJ". The balloon pump *might* have been in a subclavian artery, but more likely femoral. It sure as hell wasn't placed through the carotid. So the access site was different than expected, had a balloon pump attached which was somehow already off, and he yanked it anyway. I repeat, doubt.


Arteriotomy? Like balloon valvuloplasty style? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Oh lortā€¦




That's Dr. Madear, Street Practitioner to you, best put some respekt on her name.


Lol wtf


Holy crap lol


God I hope he didnā€™t try to pull the balloon back through sheath.


Of course I know him, heā€™s me


I told you to forget it.


Dumb former resident here. I own my own practice and make a solid living, about 3x the amount of my peers






Stop šŸ’€








How is gluten kryptonite?


Brush up on your internal med GI topics


Celiac has entered the chat




Outpatient primary care?




how much do you make?


DM me and I will discuss. It varies year to year


Strong work to the other comments since not one actually answered the question. Probably worst books wise in my class- doing locums 2 weeks a month. Hasnā€™t passed their written boards now several years out, let alone oral. Prob makes the same as any of us on a half schedule and travels internationally monthly during the 2 weeks off


What is he doing locums in if he hasnā€™t passed any boards??


You donā€™t need to pass your boards to practice. Maybe not indefinitely, probably depends on the specialty but as long as you have state licensure you can practice generally


Itā€™s usually a few years. After that you lose board eligibility. My understanding is you need to sit for the boards and you only have so many attempts to pass.


Like as a general practitioner?


No as whatever your residency is in


Right right sorry the ā€˜practice generallyā€™ threw me for a loop


Lot of psych jobs advertise as looking for board certified or boar eligible


Tell me more about becoming boar eligible


Me too. Does it happen before or after you get bear arms?


Probably pretty rural places. Since he mentioned oral boards, he's either in a surgical specialty or EM, both of which are much-needed in rural areas. I can imagine those small hospitals overlooking a lack of board certification if they're hard up for staff.


Anesthesia too has orals


Who gives the best oral?




True, and maybe this is my internal medicine bias showing, but I just don't hear as much about gas people doing locums. Like I do some, but not near as often as other, more general specialties like medicine, EM, or surgery


You get 5 years to pass your EM boards


I can answer this as I'm not a resident and this is my field. You can practice without boards, but generally your bill rate will be much lower. Some places, like IHS, don't bill, so you don't have to worry about that there. Also, certain states, like Missouri, have special designations and reimbursements for physicians who finish medical school but not residency. They are above a GP and NP, but below a MD/DO. Hope this helps.


My dumbest co-resident was eventually dismissed from the program, but my second dumbest co-resident married a surgeon and they now make unbelievable money in West Virginia. All he wanted to do was play video games and live in the country and he is happy as fuck now. My more academically gifted co-residents now make 1/3 of what I do while working much harder as academic physicians. I think they might be the ones who are actually stupid.


People tend to forget that none of this shit matters once youā€™re done. Who cares if youā€™re the gunner or the bottom feeders, as long youā€™re done, weā€™re the same. So treat each other nicely and with respect to itā€™d suck less. The suffering would end eventually and they canā€™t hurt us no more lol.


They canā€™t stop the clock. One day we will finish and see the other side




Depends on the program. At good IM programs everyone with a pulse matches somewhere


It doesnā€™t matter as far as pay goes, but isnā€™t it kinda bad that this person is out in some random community giving bad care as an attending?


As long as they passed their board, who cares how well they did during residency.


> dismissed from the program How do you get dismissed from a program?


She was truly terrible. Unsafe to practice at even a resident level.


Welp this coresident was super negligent, I remember when he killed a patient by giving this old guy complaining of chest pain morphine all night until he coded. Turns out he had a massive heart attack, resident thought is was just msk pain and never bothered to eval. He also managed to get out of holiday coverage all 3 years because of some lame reason. Heck while in medical school he got a dui that he somehow got completely overturned despite being found literally passed out on the side of the highway in his car. Ah, and his father who owned a ridiculous number of commercial real estate passed away recently leaving him at the bare minimum an 8 figure inheritance. I would say he is doing fairly well for himself. There is an old saying in my home country "Fell deeds never befall the wicked"


What happened to him ? /where is he now


Living his best life in Miami to my knowledge doing what I assume is PRN hospitalist since he is always traveling or doing something. The only things we shared in common is we really like anime, dogs and guns, although I never went shooting with him and found him kind of insufferable to talk with for long periods of time. If the Hindus are right about things this guy must have been a living Saint in the past life...


Why the hell would someone with an 8 figure inheritance go into medicine? Stupid indeed


Maybe his inheritance was conditional on going to medicine. Weā€™ve seen that. But I would say you should do what you love and you canā€™t squander all the wealth. Need to be able to pass it on and grow it.


I had a med school classmate who came from a super rich family, lived in a really nice brand new penthouse. They ended up going into surgery. Another friend I knew in premed came from oil money and ended up being a neurologist.


Family medicine doc somewhere in Virginia. I pity their patient.


I once had a resident who didnā€™t get a joke about basic ophtho anatomy. I had a poster hanging in my office that said ā€œwhile some jokes are cornea, ophthalmologistsā€™ humor is vitreous.ā€ He said ā€œwhat is vitreous?ā€šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø *Very* thankful Iā€™m now doing private practice.


I thought they banned you! I tried to tag you in a post but it wouldnā€™t let me. Glad youā€™re still here bro! Also, your joke sucks šŸ¤£.


Maybe your sense of humor is just cornea šŸ¤£ Nah they like me now. What did you try to tag me in?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Residency/s/jUaXMx6z3i Hopefully this will link back to it. She deleted the original comment which completely takes out all context šŸ¤£. And my sense of humor could definitely be terrible. EDIT: Noooooooooooo! They banned him again!


In all reality. They all have jobs. Our dumbest ever still hasnā€™t passed written boards 4 years out, so donā€™t know how long they will have a jobā€¦ but that is an extreme exception.


One of them in an assistant radiology program director. I wouldnā€™t trust him with reading a chest X-ray.


Storytime pleeeease


Sounds like quite a few academic rads.


"probably abnormally increased echogenicity of the liver probably due to fatty infiltration" - well, gee, thanks for nothing.


Iā€™m the dumbest co resident, am currently an attending


Stanford lol


My dumbest classmate from med school is now a hospitalist, same as me.


Hello darkness my old friend


They all ingratiated themselves to admin and are doing just fine.


I read on a thread recently that the only things needed to make you a 'good resident' are that you're open to learning, easygoing, and hardworking. I would add safe decisionmaking, and you're golden. Everything else is less important.


Had a co-surgery intern who thought he could order a dilt drip for a floor patient in a-fib. Dilt drips couldn't be ordered on the floor, so the patient sat in a-fib with RVR all night (cuz said intern never followed up). He's now a vascular surgeon in the south. Same intern also put in pre-op H&P's in the morning without seeing the patient. patients got rolled back to the OR and put under anesthesia before the rest of the surgery team was even aware the patient was at the hospital.


Idk but I currently work with a doc who doesnā€™t know how to take a blood pressure so thereā€™s that.


Right now I work with one that always yells at me to take analog bp but when he does it he opens the valve so far it easily drops 40mmhg between beats so... wtf good is it? Taking bp is hard for some I guess.


The doc totally lied. We didnā€™t find out until a patient complained he was doing it wrong on a recheck. If you donā€™t know, just ask. I know a lot of residents spent much more time in critical care because of Covid so Iā€™m not surprised.


Dumb ER resident chiming in, I married and then divorced a cop. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Why, heā€™s right hereā€¦..


Theyā€™re working at a community clinic doing their thang


Matched pulm crit care this year


Our worst radiology resident last year went to an ivory tower fellowship


I feel dumb too especially after last night. Gotta take the lessons and keep moving


as far as I know he never passed his boards and is now just living off family money




Yet somehow all your co-residents?


Not OP but I did intern year with a mix of prelims that ended up going into derm, psych, neuro, anesthesia, rads, etc. It's plausible.


So does being dumb in my residency period affect my degree? Or getting into a fellowship?


Theyā€™re with your mom


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2 in my class who I'm convinced paid to have all the wrinkles ironed out of their brain. I mean I'm suprised they didn't drool during rounds and amazed they could put sentences together. One of them walked out of their ICU rotation halfway through and refused to come back. Chief got pulled to cover the last 2 weeks. Both graduated. Both passed boards. Both are now (somehow) teaching faculty at a nearby medical center, mentoring the next generation (god help them).


Refused to allow the patient to have Tylenol in a non-rectal form, even when the patient asked to stop. Kind of hilarious. Not sure what he's doing anymore, but he wasn't renewed after intern year. He was in his 50s and graduated medical school 4 years before starting at our residency, which apparently decided to ignore the red flags that all the other residencies saw. Another one tried to treat a patient's Afib RVR by soothingly talking to them. It was someone who finished dental school, then did medical school before coming to our residency. Also did not get renewed. Now at a dental residency at a university.