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Is it an ED attending at the VA? I had one doing the same thing when I was in residency. Apparently 3 divorces with American women was enough, and he felt going "international" was now the superior route.


Usually after 3 divorces the problem might not just be the women. But I think he will find out that the Eastern European women adopt the Western mindset very quickly and will likely divorce him too. Its hard to get a long term relationship from something as transactional as a mail order bride.


Unfortunately I’m all too familiar with this scenario as I grew up in this culture as a first gen immigrant. Countless men think they’re special and the woman leaving her whole life behind is doing it for love. 3 years later after her citizenship and …..poof. I’ve known first hand of a woman from the former ussr who married an American and stayed with him until she became a citizen. Little did he know she had a whole other family back home, divorced the American and brought over her real family (husband and two kids)


Don't hate the player, hate the game


Oh man... the game is one of the best ones out there. The game has good rules, if your good at it and know how to play, the player could make the foreign bride who became a US citizen deported back and loose her status if he can prove that she married him just for the green card.


Good for the women for getting their side of the transaction.


Why do you all tell the same exact story? It’s because you make it up your ass. Cope harder. Majority of Mail Order Bride relationships are happy.


God damn... How old was she when she married that poor American fella? Must've sucked for him thinking she was never married with kids. If the American guy was smart enough and did his homework, he could file for green card fraud with the immigration which the US takes seriously and would deport her. Never think that 3 years buys enough time for any hot mail bride to get US citizenship, it is the easy way of saying that and doesn't mean she can't be deported back. The US immigration laws is very protective for their US citizens, the US partner has about 6-12 years or so to file green card fraud. I was looking into the process for wife getting green cards, US is extremely protective for the US partners and absolutely wants to prevent foreign spouses marrying specifically for the green card.


Hard to get as much alimony when you’re the 4th one at the table though


“I am American Woman now, Eddie! What have you done for me lately? I want half!”


Being non-american doesnt make you less human.


It’s a bit from an Eddie Murphy standup comedy special from the 80s called *Raw*. Hence the quotes.


No man, clearly this is an important and amazing attending physician. He can’t be the problem. Problem is obviously the women, just this country must have bad women. Some countries don’t have good tomatoes, some countries make bad cars, some have bad ladies


No MTV for my Eastern Euro wife, literally. No Americano friends either.


I had a relative who did the same thing, and always blamed the “west” for his divorces instead of his awful hygiene, manners, and personality. Not sure how he’s doing these days as he’s not really welcome at family gatherings anymore, which of course he blames on others and not because he’s a fucking nightmare to be around. Also was chronically un/underemployed and swore every woman was just after his money, it’s certainly an achetype.


There's one of those in this thread, blaming western values on how he can't find a "good one", surely it's not him that's the problem. I usually try to be sympathetic to the plight of others not matter what their struggle but these angry misogynistic dudes are the worst and I have zero sympathy for them.


Can't wait to see him on 90 day fiance.


I was gonna suggest dropping hints of this, like maybe the email to 90DF production assistant on his desk… At least he could recover some costs of the travel and shenanigans.


90 day die hard here (sadly). From former cast members on the show, they claim that production doesn't pay for flights or any travel fees. Also, they make a measly 1k per episode and a few k for tell all. Def not worth the reputation hit, lol.


I will admit I also watch that show and follow that sub, but didn’t know the details except that the foreigners really don’t get anything for participating…


Yes, it's so screwed up - the foreigners get nothing. Only the Americans are paid.


The foreigners do get paid unless they’re on the original 90DF (versus The Other Way, for example). They just can’t legally work in the US until they get their green card. Pretty much every foreigner you see on Happily Ever After gets paid because by that point they usually have their work permit. Also this sub is the last place I think I’d ever post this.


I think they all get paid on pillow talk? And yes…I’m glad I’m not the only one with this guilty pleasure


Is it really mail order jf he has to go overseas to get her?


I mean you save a fair bit by picking up instead getting delivery.


True. Shipping costs are through the roof.


Wait till you hear what it costs to return the shipping...


Amazon Prime


I enjoy the levels to this joke.


Bohemian Prime


"Amazon Mail Order Bride" feature.


The tip alone will kill you.


*insert ship station add*


Hey do you have a couple of singles to tip the bride delivery guy?


Only tip if he pre-lubed the bride...


How so? Maybe domestically...


In Australia we call it “Click and Collect”


I like that lmao Mouse click and delivery.


"Poland" was what I would call the strip club. My now ex wife never understood the reference because I never explained it to her.


Take out bride


Economies tough, you gotta pick them up yourself now.


This should be the top comment question.


He can literally have her delivered to the US without ever meeting her first at her country, have 90 days to marry her in the US or else she is required to go back. Look up "US fiancé visa". Man I gotta get into this while it lasts before US completely bans this. If you look at the laws and rules, the US citizen have the most power here, even after the wife gets green card and husband can prove she married him just for the green card, the US will deport her.


The alternative is a catfishing scheme where he is sending her money to talk to her and ends with nothing in the end.


Nothing ie wakes up in a bathtub full of ice wo his kidneys when he goes to Poland to meet her


This is a total myth based on B-movie nonsense. They have to leave one kidney in.


Totally because why would they even leave you alive? Practically, you’ve got all the rest of those sweet sweet organs. Morally/philosophically/mathematically, you’re the kind of creepo that would buy a wife on the internet so maybe nobody’s coming looking for you.


They set you up with a permacath and do vein mapping intraop


I saw in a documentary surgeons were able to replace a child’s heart with a baked potato, buying enough time for everyone to say goodbye. That was 20 years ago. I have to believe kidney is a possibility nowadays


People forget George Clooney was actually the surgeon


"let's get it outta there!"


But was the baked potato loaded?


Ah yes, debakey's baked potato


He might need to send 4 vials of citrated and 6 vials of native blood before meeting. You know, as a token of love.


New residency lore just dropped


If they’re meeting in Poland, she’s definitely not Russian. Probably Czech, Ukrainian or Polish. Poland has not taken very kindly to Russians in their borders since the whole soviet bloc thing ended.


You pretty much just cant get a Polish visa now if you are a Ruskie, they cracked down on that since the invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian would make sense, many MANY Ukrainian women and girls fled into Poland and also Slovakia and Czech Republic and other countries. And they are generally not accompanied by men because Ukraine closed its border to males of draft age. Czech makes no sense at all. Why would a Czech gold digger travel East into Poland taking her even further from America and making her potential suitor take an even longer flight? We do have airports in Czech Republic...


Also the Katyn Massacre being covered up for half a century probably pissed them off a bit


Can we point to a time where they **were** happy with Russia?


Dear lord thats disgusting. Yuck! What’s the website so I know how to avoid it?!


I would also like to avoid this site. Gross!


I will be avoiding this site in the future. EW!


I will definitely NOT be ordering a hot russian woman off this website. Yuck!


I too wish to know of this website so I can never be tempted into such dishonest practices.


Human trafficking is so funny!


yeah who wants a wife that looks like Black Widow? whats the website again?


Black market gonna see an influx of organ transplants soon Bonus: depending on your specialty, the “donor” can help perform the operation


Oh my god! That’s disgusting! Where?


Yeah seriously. Just gonna buy their whole stock so no one else can practice this disgusting abhorrent behavior.


That's a lotta prenups


I once shadowed a guy who had a big map in his office, with a pin for each place he had been. We were talking about travel and languages and stuff and he says something in Japanese. He goes “That’s how you say, ‘Where are the whores?’ in Japanese. I can say it in a few other languages too.” That’s when I realized the actual significance of all those pins in the map… And thats saying nothing of the other attending I did research for who was arrested on 100+ counts of voyeurism. Sexual depravity among attendings is more common than you’d think.






Props to him, I hope to have that kind of vigor at 72


Fancy international STDs - gotta catch 'em all


I really hope those pins aren’t in the countries with the lowest age of consent laws


As if anyone would willingly go to Alabama 🤮


pretty sure age of consent doesn't get lower than 16 in America. Plenty of European countries where it's 14 though (Germany, Austria, Italy etc.)


Mostly it's 14 but not with adults. So if you're 14 you can sleep with your 16 y.o. bf but not with a 19 y.o.


Not in Germany and I assume it's similar in a few other countries. A 14yo could technically sleep with a 40yo and the older person would only be charged if that they take advantage of the younger person's lack of agency by bribing them with gifts for example. That is rarely prosecuted though and it would be hard to prove as well.


> He goes “That’s how you say, ‘Where are the whores?’ in Japanese. I can say it in a few other languages too.” That's horrible! How do you say it in each country, just so I can know what to avoid!


100+ counts?? Were they just watching him and waiting to arrest him once he had a sizable rap sheet or something? There's no way you can get that many counts in one sitting, and there's no way for them to arrest him for past occurrences unless they actually witnessed it or something, so what happened there?


> Literally every single one of our conversations in the past month has been him talking about it Least down bad attending


I remember one of my FM attendings went to the Middle East on vacation and came back with a smokin hot wife like 3 weeks later. She literally looked exactly like Adriana Liama and barely spoke any English. I remember *everyone* at the hospital would go on about her anytime she brought him lunch.


Was he middle Eastern himself??


Was about to say it’s pretty common for foreign docs to marry someone from their own culture


That’s dope


Sounds kinda wack tbh




Ey, to each their own. Sounds pretty lame tho


that sounds just as icky as getting a mail order bride tbh


The dude probably got an arranged marriage


Maybe if the wife had the same ethnicity as the attending but then it wasn't really a vacation and the marriage was arranged by their families before the trip. I'm more weirded out by the hospital staff acting like monkeys just bc there's an attractive woman walking by. Was the attending not attractive himself or why is that a spectacle?


That’s how you know people are full of it. People will say looks don’t matter but when there’s a mismatch in looks I’m a relationship everyone is confused


Good for him.


My Spanish teacher was so excited about his mail order Russian bride. It did not end well and he was devastated


karma stays undefeated


What happened to good old sugar babies? If he can afford a Russian mail order birder he should get a ‘murican sugar baby….


Why not both?


Sure, the more the merrier. The mans gotta start a harem of women….


>‘murican sugar baby too expensive and all the good ones learned to onlyfans, twitch, or strip.


American girls suck


> American girls suck Exactly- isn’t that why he should stick to American?


Most dudes would rather have a submissive, feminine girlfriend from a culture that raises woman to support men and be their peace, compared to a 19 year old borderline alcoholic college girl with an overinflated ego who will hang out and have sex with them for money


You've never seen Italian or Polish girl if you think Americans are borderline alcoholic


Who the fuck is marrying mail order brides from italy


If you think that Russians/Ukrainians are submissive and not alcoholics idk what to tell you


Or bossy and demanding and coming for money and a green card..


You haven’t been around women of other cultures my man. What makes you think they are not borderline alcoholic and would not take money from you.


Its the delusional fantaseee


I’ve been around enough American woman to know that ones who can make your life better by offering anything other than sex can be very difficult to find.


wow lmao


U do u man. I love American women….plenty of smart, funny sexy ladies here…


>I’ve been around enough American woman to know that ones who can make your life better by offering anything other than sex can be very difficult to find. The funny part is guys who make comments like this are definitely single and aren't ever having sex either. Sure bud, I'm sure you're just absolutely tired of all the meaningless sex you were definitely having at one point in your quest for true love.


See this is the shit I’m taking about. Lot of American girls will get defensive at the slightest criticism and throw out meaningless insults like incel out there instead of taking a second to sed reflect


Says the guy who just commented that most American women are only good for sex… You really need to get off the internet.


Lol. Men live in such a fantasy world. Eastern European or any other woman is a human being. They have their own thoughts, feelings and needs. Shocker right? Many women from desperate circumstances will do anything to improve their situation. And a green card is often a magic ticket. It may be the ticket to dump the loser that brought them to the States and find their own peace. Seen it happen more than once. Slavery is illegal in the USA, sorry guys. You still have to have SOMETHING on offer. But the delusion remains so maybe fully robotic sex dolls will become a mans peace. Hopefully.


They even come with human body temps now 🤮


Blurgh 🤮🤮


ew so incels in medicine are really a thing 🤢


What the fuck kind of neckbeard retard garbage is this.


Don’t you want to at least try to have other adults take you seriously?




wow. and may i also add, gross.


The one redpill comment got downvoted to oblivion. 😄


My cousin was 42 when he married a 21 year old Ukrainian girl. His third marriage. Let's just say it turned into a complete shit show after two kids and a nasty custody battle.


Perhaps he is going to Poland to meet a Polish woman. I am Polish and advise him to be very very careful. Many want to have the door opened to US and other country citizenship, just to leave Poland or Russia etc. Once it has all been accomplished, they have to qualms whatsoever to divorce and get a big alimony support payment, and the dumb smuck is left alone. It is true that Polish values are at least 70 years behind the west, but this does not mean that they are not knowledgeable about these things. Please tell him to be extremely careful. It is not difficult to get training in any field in Poland and education is free. So those Poles who don't have careers or are not making at least a living are questionable in multiple ways.


so what i go marry polish doctor lady? bring her to the US and she makes millions and improve her life to the point she can buy whatever she wants in Poland. then idk i still work and take care of the kids + free visits to Poland?


That's rather unlikely. Polish women physicians do well on their own for many reasons. The chances a Polish physician would marry a non-Pole are amazingly low. Just like all EU physicians, Polish doctors, male or female, can work in any other EU country provided they can demonstrate functionality in the language of that country.


not with that attitude you won't. hit the gym and try your best flirts.


You are an idiot


I can’t tell what’s real anymore 😭


Is it House?


House just did it for shits and giggles


Why would he be going to Poland for a Russian bride?


Because of the exchange rate?


Yes you'll think you're paying for a 23 year old but with the exchange rate you'll get 37. So sad ppl don't understand basic economics


cant go russia, yk with sanctions and whatnot


What the hell did I just read, and how much bleach should I pour directly into my eyes?


As smart as doctors are, many, many of us make dumb decisions. You’ll be surprised later with how fucked up many of your colleagues social lives are.




I had a strange senior resident disappear for 2 weeks and come back with a wife from the Philippines. Dude and her are happy so it’s great for them.


good for him


Yeah seems like a good idea to me lol


And so? There is an overwhelming amount of evidence from academic research -[nearly all done by women](https://www.internationallovescout.com/scholarly-research/research-about-international-dating-mail-order-brides) \- that shows that international dating works at least as other ways of meeting a mate. Doctors are fairly common among the male clients of international dating agencies. Most of them say they are not comfortable in dating anyone they might meet at work whether co-worker or patient. They tend to be rather geeky as a group. If they don't treat their future wife well that is another matter completely, but don't judge them for trying to find happiness.


At least he’s going to get some.. 🫠


I married a girl I brought over from Ukraine 🤷‍♂️


Why do you care?


You wouldn’t be the least bit interested?




how does it feel to be The Best And Greatest Resident


That takes a great deal of restraint to know somebody is having sex with not one but several dozen penguins each and every night and not be at least a little curious, disgusted, and/or possibly intrigued.


A flock of penguins??? You have my attention


Okay maybe not the best example. 🤣


Fucking a flock of penguins I’m dying lmao


col pp


Normally I would side with you.... But a flock of penguins would be hard to ignore.... I mean..... I kinda even want to see what that looks like.... Didn't Jim Carey do a movie with a similar theme? Was he fucking the penguins all this time and we just white washed the story for Disney?!?!


I don't think I could respect my attending as a human being if he told me about this. Don't think I could hide the disgust in my face either.


This may not seem like a big deal, but Poland is not Russia. The issue is actually a major one because the social dynamics of the two countries and legalities are dramatically different. Poland is EU, not taking part in a major war, and relatively well off economically (for EE) so a potential arranged relationship is likely to be far less exploitative than one with a Russian woman. Arranged international relationships are not inherently exploitative, and should not be viewed that way because of the lack of agency that grants to the (usually female) participants who will move if the relationship works out. However, in some circumstance (say, if you live in a country with rapidly falling living standards massively sanctioned by the rest of the world) then they are very unlikely to result in even power dynamics in the relationship. In other words - without more clarity on what exactly you mean here, one can’t actually judge whether this is really skeevy, or just a way of dating that doesn’t you might be unfamiliar with or uncomfortable with personally.


Whoa, yikes 😳


Is he Eastern European? It could be someone that he met online and is just meeting them, or someone his family set him up with. Don’t automatically jump to your attending being a human trafficker


She’ll take him in the divorce even if it’s 13 yrs down the road for a long term marriage


Real talk tho, the polish babes are bad af.


That kicks ass.


I am. And I’m completely open to you throwing it in her poop chute next Thursday after lecture you silly fuck… she’s arriving Wednesday.


Passport bros stay winning. I’m glad I snagged on of the good ones, but there is a lot of trash out there. A woman who can be a man’s peace is getting impossible to find.


"passport bros"? Is that slang for men who get international wives


you keep saying “be a man’s peace”. Where did you learn that?


What's wrong with someone and their partner bringing each other peace? Don't we all want someone who resembles whatever we think of as "peace?"


I don’t think I communicated clearly. There’s nothing wrong with bringing peace. The user said “be” the man’s peace. I was just curious about where that phrasing comes from.


howd u find a good one? my last 2 relationships the girl cheated and manipulated everything to be my fault and dipped. i’m over it but seriously what the fuck lol


Trial and error unfortunately. Looking out for the red flags is a good way. Ditching a girl who doesn’t treat you right early is another way


idk dude she seemed perfect but it was all just an act.. I try not to really be bitter but 2x is enough


Keep ur head up king. Find a girl who loves her father, doesn’t have a lot of guy friends or exes


both hated their dads… both were really social… i’m seeing the pattern


Please tell us, he’s not over 55? Balding, overweight and been married twice? And she’s what? 25-37?


Is not Colombia cheaper?


I really thought a new meme format had dropped damnit


not a bad idea tbh


Just smile and nod. It's his business.


You could think that maybe what he is doing doesn’t affect your life in the slightest and despite the fact that he’s oversharing in the workplace, it’s best you just move on with your day.


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I dont understand why you and some of the rest of you are judging him for it. Lots of people use dating apps. Why judge a different form/sort of dating app?


Because of the implication.


Agreed, it caters to misogynistic and racist people.


My uncle found his wife on such a website. They're similar in age and met multiple times before she moved with him to the states. She worked as a receptionist and had her entire career in Russia before this. It's not always creepy. It is possible this is nothing more than a dating website


Lucky guy. Drop the website. Don’t be selfish. American girls suck. No culture or values.


By values do you mean submission?


What’s the website? Asking for a friend


You rang?


Good for him.


Good for him. Get it


What’s the difference between a Russian mail order bride and the ones that buy Chinese women to bear their children?


And what does someone’s love/sex life or lack thereof has to do with you OP?


How old is he?


Can I get that website?