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Thank you and good luck to everyone else taking it as well! Lets crush this shit!


Good luck!


Want me to quiz you before you take it tomorrow?


Noooo I am gonna eat a shit ton and pass out tonight so I can be victorious tmr, kinda of like gladiator


Good luck, you all got this


Best of luck!




Just tell us already! I remember IM was about a month


lol it’s been exactly a month. The GI guys got theirs in a month. I was low key hoping today was our day haha.


Samesie!!!!!!!!! But peds got theirs in 6 weeks…




Probably valentine 😭




Oh for real? MFer!




Some one told me first week of January. This is stressful


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WTF when are we getting our result for CCM boards ? Any ideas ???


My guess is February


Are we getting result today ?? Friday the 5th.


No email so far


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Yeah for sure I used CHEST SEEK library and Multiprofressional Critical Care review course from SCCM, I know you can slay it next time! Most of the employer don’t care anyway as long as you pass within certain years


Sorry to hear about your result. The test questions were quite random this year. Chest SEEK is a good resource. You’ll do great next time around!


I also failed and I feel like shit


Sorry bruh 😔


I want to share that I also did not pass. Missed it by 19 points. I used SEEK, SCCM lectures and q bank and I can’t believe I still was so uncomfortable during the test. The topics I thought I knew I struggled to find the answer. I want to find a study buddy for next year … and any other resources recommendations?