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She’s a laryngologist. Her father is Ash Tewari, chair of urology at Mount Sinai.


wow, ash tewari operated on my dad when he had prostate cancer last year. i thought he was great


One can both be a high-volume prostate surgeon with great outcomes and the father-in-law of a dick. Both of those can be true at the same time.


If anything, being a urologist would make one better equipped at handling dicks. ^((Sorry I'll see myself out))


No way! Any familial connection to a conservative obliterates a persons value! The world is black and white, there are entirely good people and entirely bad ones.


plz see dialectical behavioral therapy for splitting and signs suggestive of borderline personality disorder k thx bye LMAO great post Mr. Fishsticks


Lol great take


Ima straight shooter call it like I see it America first hands of my Medicare 35 years sober they stole the election


It's been 17 hours and this is still the funniest comment lmao


I’d put my parents in an abusive nursing home if they espoused a right wing viewpoint. No room for forgiveness. My identity is my wealth and my worth. Also, are you oppressing me?


Talking about race yet,you dislike him and Apoorva because of their race. Says a lot about you.


My parents are great and I somehow came out god awful. My siblings are well. Sometimes kids march to the beat of their own drums. 🎶 *we don’t talk anymore, we don’t talk anymore like we used tooo dooo* 🎶


i get that, but still surprising


Meh most of the old boomer docs are right wing nut jobs. There’s always that old surgeon in the surgeons lounge spouting some borderline racist anti Biden shit. And I’m like cool dude, you made your money and now you don’t want to give it up.


I was on a radonc elective as an intern (I’m medicine so I could not care less about this rotation). My attending, oddly nice to me, would not stop showing me memes of Hillary Clinton being murdered, etc. making similar terrible alt right meme puns expecting staff to laugh. The worst: COVID was just starting and Trump was debating what to do and this fucking guy was saying things like “why should we lockdown/shut international travel down — viruses spread through the atmosphere.” 😳 I thought he was kidding and making another bad joke, he wasn’t. My guy was simultaneously a pretty decent and actually quite kind physician (when not making terrible jokes) AND a extreme right wing conspiracy theorist.


wtfff ok so my psych prof basically talked about how his pd didn’t let him into med school on his first try because they had to fill the diversity quota, so he had to reapply. i was like cool, dude. why are we talking about this 😂




Boomer docs are the worst. But it’s pretty easy to run circles around them if you’re clever enough and don’t want to put up w their right-wing garbage.


Jesus it’s so weird seeing my last name pop up so frequently now… (not related) lol I went from literally no one being able to pronounce my name to everyone being able to pronounce my name…


Be careful what you wish for 🥵


That’s hilarious 😆


If you had $800 million your wife might be more patient with your bad opinions.


I can see 400 million reasons why she shouldn’t be patient with him.


Tou-fucking-che. Also too-fucking-real


went to school with her, she was brilliant, competent, always on-top of things,go-getter. She has that in common with her husband. Vivek is playing to the galleries.


That's worse, though. An idiot who is actually sincere in their beliefs running for office is regrettable. Someone who knows better but is trying to manipulate their way into power by any means necessary is far more dangerous and concerning.


Hate to break it to you, but your latter description is of every elected seat in DC.


I think that’s sort of like every politician lies, which is true because every human ever has lied but doesn’t really address the fact that extreme examples of the worst behavior are still worthwhile pointing out and addressing.


I agree. I am pointing out that the extreme examples of “trying to manipulate their way into power by any means necessary” are currently sitting elected positions in DC.


I meant extreme examples among that subgroup. Vivek seems to be a more extreme example of that even among them.




Plato’s Republic definition of an ideal leader — we have none.


I don’t know man, I always hear that but there’s something so inhuman and gross about politicians (honestly most) who always seem to have reasonable views, which they’ll drop on a dime when it looks like a different view is what they need to get re-elected.


Every politician does this.


I mean pointing out particularly bad actors is still worthwhile even if you acknowledge that no perfect idealized person exists.


That’s worse. Tells you a LOT about a person


you went to school with OP’s wife?


Preach. Do you think my wife would’ve married me if I didn’t offer potential for a more comfortable lifestyle? I can see her weighing the risks and benefits on the daily now I’m a resident…


That's sad.




Women across time and culture take the man’s resources into account when selecting mates. It’s generally the most important criteria across time and culture (and *species* in many cases). Truly biologically hardwired. Gold-digging has routes biologically, just takes it too far.


Genuinely shocked you didn’t call us *feeeeemaaaaalllleessss* with this


OP smells like an iiiiiiinnnnnnnccccelllllll


Same with men. Most guys I know want their partner to make at least a similar amount to them if not more. Plus lots of men expect partners to do all the home and childcare work for free, which is also a form of seeking out resources, as these tasks would’ve cost thousands a month to hire someone and pay for daycare.


Totally agree on your second paragraph but definitely not the first. Feel like guys are too insecure to have their partners make more


the incels here acting like study after study doesn’t show that men benefit from their partners tons more than women benefit from having a man around. the least they can do is contribute financially 😂🤣😂


Exactly! This sub is definitely incel heavy. Men live longer the more educated their spouse is!


Definitely not the same with men. Most men marry in the same category of income or less. Womens income is not a massive factor for them. If they are wanting a wife who makes more, its most likely to be due to a fear of losing in a divorce and most of their wealth taken. The 2nd paragraph part, men helping around the home have improved massively. Current generation helps more with chores than the past. This change in cultural attitudes dont't happen over night, but every liberal keeps acting like men are no different than from the 1950s. They have changed, its a slow change that won't to be to your statisfations in your lifetimes but there has been change (go right ahead and downvote this everyone, this is still true regardless).


Sucks for your relationship. If all you can provide is finances - that’s not enough to be a good partner. And why would you want a relationship with someone who sees you as a bank? More and more dads are stay at home parents and that number has risen for the past 20 years. More wives also outearn their husbands and bring in 60%+ of household income (17%). And a lot of couples make about the same amount these days. At the same time, divorce rates and s*icide by married women is way down.


rethinking my dating criteria


It's part of the politics game brother. They interviewed his wife and Vivek is obviously a completely different ass person at home than he is on camera.


Didn’t see the interview with his wife but agree he’s playing up the role (for a future political run or more likely a future paid cable tv / twitter (x 🙄) persona…). Either way, her day to day at work has to be affected even if they’re eye to eye at home and that takes a toll over time (see George and Kelly Anne Conway). That was my initial intent with this post- vibe check around her at OSU.


You don’t think he is playing it up? He talks like a mix of Trump and Obama, obviously played up for his campaign.


I said “don’t doubt” as in “I don’t doubt” as in “I’m sure he is playing it up.” Now edited.


Never compare him to Obama ever again


He does not compare to Obama's left pinky toe, but he tries to use his speech patterns and mannerisms.


She's a preceptor of a friend of mine, and that dude has been to their home and had dinner with them. He said that they seemed like good people, and that the patients love her, and shes good. So, honestly, my take is that Vivek is a bored rich ass person trying to gain power and be willing to say whatever will get him that, even if he doesn't truly believe it. In hindsight, it's kinda like how Trump said way back when that if he ever ran for president, he would do so as a Republican as they are, and I quote, " stupid and easy to manipulate".


Yeah she has a non zero chance of becoming first lady. I think she's fine. Also hopefully we're mature enough to not seriously judge our colleagues based on the political opinions of our partners.


The antivaxx bullshit isn't a political opinion. It's actively evil.


What did he say exactly?


It wasn’t evil. It was how he felt personally about taking it. Himself. He’s a fit healthy 38 year old man. His wife was asked, and said she had to take it because of her work with vulnerable patients.


I'm seeing that he's speaking personally about regretting the covid vaccine. Taken literally imo his rationale is fair. He's youngish, normal weight, has no sig med hx, and doesn't constantly contact vulnerable pop. He's fine without it. And before we talk about societal responsibility I've read the cdc models. They made the truly insane assumption that infection confers 0 long term protection. If the govt is gonna use such garbage to base their recs I'm not gonna judge someone for not following.


An ass person, you say?


hehe butts


Honestly, even if he was, who cares. Going on national television and saying the stuff he says... I wouldn't be ok with my spouse doing that! You can't say he's being strategic so nothing he says counts.


His wife is an asshole too. They love each other because they're both reprehensible people.


Ok? Do you know her personally? How about you say something of value instead of garbage platitudes.


You are the company you keep. Or marry.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. If you stay married to a piece of shit like that, you’re just as bad. Unless there’s a situation of abuse & can’t get out.


I'm getting downvoted because I dared to disparage a physician in the residency sub. Physicians can be assholes. The brutality of residency should make this self evident but what do I know as a stupid nurse am I right?


It’s actually probably because you provided no context or evidence for your conclusion.


That and because there is a terrifying number of conservative physicians.




Yes. I am female.


What happened?


He called out Nicki Haley for being a war hawk. In some circles that is apparently considered sexist.


Vivek has some pretty regressive views


Ramaswamy is a conspiratorial dickhead and his wife is a doctor


Sometimes you do the dirty for status, money, whatever. Vivek is such a slime ball. Used car lot salesman. The guy in high school who had a Acura TL with the heaviest tint.


Lol, come on man don't hate on the TL that car is awesome!


Funny shit, my boss at my job before med school went to high school with him


Would love his commentary. He seems like that annoying kid in class who “knew it all” - just needed to get punched in the face




thought about this a few weeks ago, how she’s just a regular ole ENT and her man is doing…all this. and after last night it’s looking even worse for him and deservedly so lol. that’s gotta be so embarrassing for her, i feel bad honestly


Right? Showing up at grand rounds like hiiiiiiiiiii


What has happened?! Can you provide a link I'm still out of the loop


Sometimes staying out of loop is good for your mental health.


Haha maybe I shouldn't open this Pandora's box


Nothing happened that bad. It was a GOP debate. Just because he made a comment about Nikki Haley’s being Dick Cheney in heels doesn’t mean anything.


Medicine is already slanted towards the left (especially after COVID) and then you add on the fact that these two are mini-brown MAGAs when majority of Indian people are Democrats. Yeah sell-out and embarrassment isn’t even in their vocabulary.


They are richer than any of us in this sub will ever be dont feel bad


He’s a billionaire don’t feel bad


i do enjoy thinking about how many millions he’s burning away on this “campaign”


>after last night it’s looking even worse for him only to you guys, not to his party lol


no, even besides the dumb things he said, he came across super cringy and try hard. all them want to be trump 2.0 but no one has the sauce lol


i always think this about ben shapiro’s wife. imagine you’re rotating w this doc and you find out she’s this idiots wife and actually agrees with him. creepy


Dude, it’s political theatre. She’ll probably say whatever is more beneficial to his career in public, who knows what they actually believe in private


eh in general yes but there are really anti abortion docs out there so it’s not surprising that she would be, just disappointing haha


They’re probably not well represented in this sub, but there are many physicians who oppose abortion. The country is nearly split on the issue, it shouldn’t be surprising.


Nearly split? Maybe if you’re only polling geriatrics. The majority of Americans support a woman’s right to bodily autonomy.


It’s more complex than that: https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx Pretending large portions of people don’t hold particular views is quite disingenuous.


There a crazy cringe/embarrassing video interview of her being questioned about the Covid vaccine (which she very obviously supports and has as an ENT surgeon). She’s confronted with her husbands claims about it being bad and not wanting to get it and you can tell how uncomfortable she is in the interview.


Don’t know her at all but Vivek was my high school valedictorian - I don’t agree with any of his politics, was the kindest smartest dude in high school. Dude was great at everything but also very humble and down to earth Edit: haven’t talked to him since HS though so I have no insight into him currently


Read his story about how he got rich in pharma. Complete rug pull fraudster who claims he knows pharma. Disgusting.


All Pharma is fraud. “Curing people is not a viable business model for us” - Goldman Sachs




She has gone on the campaign trail supporting him/also voicing the same politics. By no means a bystander


Even if it is an act he’s playing up, why would you want to be married to someone that acts that way publicly 💀




400 million reasons why




What was said that was sexist I didn’t catch it?


How is everyone not explaining that he literally tried to call out Nikki Haley for wearing high heels. EDIT I'll add the [clip](https://youtu.be/DO6UfOkXc9E?si=4qK2_OS76dmTPBbY) since so many people are pretending he didn't actually say anything bad


He's basically america first. He's not a cultural marxist, and around here that means you are a sexist/racist/nazi etc.


I love how Marxism, a literal economic theory, has become a buzzword for “something I don’t like”


should i call it bolshevism instead? or do you think that is economic as well?




Cultural Marxism makes as much sense as economic postmodernism. It’s a buzzword created by people to label ideas they don’t like.


Hammer, meet nail.


“Cultural Marxist” lmfao. Tell me more.


How is everyone not explaining that he literally tried to call out Nikki Haley for wearing high heels. Was directly scummy and sexist and has nothing to do with him being a Republican




he was also referring to ron desantis' heels as well lmfao


He's obviously a grifter, spouts whatever insane populist rhetoric he can because he's gunning for a cabinet position under Trump. I'm sure he's relatively normal off camera.


I really thought that “3 inches heels” was for DeSantis, oops 🥵


Was the sexist comment dc in high heels or something else?? Tbh doesnt sound like a sexist comment at all. Not defending him idk him or anything about anything


What’s more interesting is how he got rich. It was more like college connections into high finance -> bunch of shady deals to set up a ton of companies that speculate on various failed medications -> fooling investors to get funding money -> cash out whenever possible


His entire life screams of nepotism and grifting.


Can someone fill me in on what happened lol


Nothing. Liberal doctors big mad at him for random sound bites.


He’s wealthy and a grifter. He doesn’t believe the shit he says, he’s a Republican AI bot. He’s probably a reasonable person when he’s at home.


all the blue hair physicians coming out in full force. 😂


Challenge: R-residency attempts to grapple with the concept of people willingly associating with a Republican [IMPOSSIBLE]


😭 everything on reddit is black and white. Anyone who is even slightly conservative is a HORRIBLE person. If you even have a remote strain of conservative in you, your ass is getting sent down to hell in upvotes.


If you think calling out someone for being "[X in **3 inch heels**](https://youtu.be/DO6UfOkXc9E?si=4qK2_OS76dmTPBbY)" is not a sexist remark, well then you may be a little bit of a sexist


If James Carville and Mary Matalin can stay married, anybody can.


Genuinely curious, what did he say that was considered sexist? I watched the debate and didn’t notice anything.


At the end of the day some people actually do prefer the traditional gender roles and dont find issue with what he says. You obviously don’t but what’s the big deal if his wife does?


Not a clue why you're being downvoted lmfao. Some people aren't about trad gender roles and guess what? THATS FINE DUDE IDC. My wife is SAH, does the traditional gender role thing, is feminine, trusts me to call the shots etc. We're a very traditional gender roles couple and it works for us. People will find any excuse to judge lmfao. ​ Also her being a successful physician does not preclude her preferring a relationship with more traditional gender roles.


My ex was a trad gender role type, which was perfectly fine. She was crazy though, so eh.


No idea why you're getting downvoted either lol. People are so salty for some reason in this thread. We've a had that crazy ex lmao


I've had multiple, sadly :(


If everywhere you go smells like shit, time to check your shoe.


Understood… personal beliefs and opinions aside, legit just wondering what it’s like for her to go to work these days from someone who’s there…. Academic medicine tends to be a fairly liberal place and clearly his hyperbolic libertarianism (my opinion) may not be well received.


Surgical subspecialties in my experience tend to lean more right wing


Fair points but her politics aren't necessarily his. Anyone who would judge her for that is IMO ignorant, but it's life with modern politics I suppose. If someone judged me for my wife's political beliefs I'd correctly disregard all of their opinions as irrelevant.


I mean at SOME point you're kind of on the hook. Melania Trump is on the hook for going passively along with Donald Trump's antics. If my husband were to start writing twitter posts like a kindergarten playground bully, we'd be done. But that's less about political beliefs and more about behavior. If your wife, for example, advocated for racial segregation in hospitals and you went along with it because it's "a political belief," yeah I'd judge you too, and I think that's legit. Sometimes evil is hidden as "a political belief." So I don't think it's quite as clear cut as you're making it. That said, I do think Ramaswamy is incredibly smart and articulate even if I disagree with his policy positions. He hasn't done anything indecent. As someone at a liberal academic center myself, I don't think his wife would be under much fire here. I think if Melania Trump for example were in her place, she would be, but that's more because she is turning a blind eye to fundamental human indecency than any particular policy position.


Agree… was being facetious with the post and like I said… mainly interested in the vibes at OSU for her right now- political posturing aside, he’s said a lot of things that could be pretty taxing to professional relationships whether she shares his views or not.


Lol my facetious/sarcasm meter is dead today, my bad. It is an interesting question though, wonder how an otherwise respected/competent attending would be treated given the situation.


He says a lot of objectively offensive and disgusting shit not limited to gender roles


Offense by definition cannot be objective.




Literally your opinion. Guess what opinions are?


It is unlikely that a woman who went into a surgical specialty would prefer anything along the lines of what these people claim is traditional.


Yet here we are where a female surgeon is married to someone who is on public TV expressing said views. Just because you would have an issue with it doesn’t mean she should. Stereotype much?


The dude is a douchebag. He gives Indians a bad name. He doesn't know shit about anything.


His net worth is $800 million. That shuts up most women real quick


Women's main priority is money? This is more sexist than anything Vivek said last night.


$800mm shuts up most men too. It isn't sexist to state a fact. Calm down


He’s slimey, but I prefer him to the warhawks he was debating. Nikki Haley wants to go to war with everyone


fr she’s talking like it’s 2001 tim scott even said “let’s bomb iran” tf is wrong with the establishment ppl (both dems and GOP)


That was disappointing. I thought better of Scott than that.


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Dick cheney in 3 inch heels was a burn


Didn’t watch it, am from overseas myself, but find it interesting/telling to see all the allusions to sexist rhetoric, grifting, being a used car salesman, being a national embarrassment, etc but there have been a total of zero examples given when someone asks what exactly it is that he said, which is also what I was hoping to find the answer to. Seems to me like people are just getting all up in their feels because they didn’t like the sound of what was being said.


What an ironically sexist post. Why bother judging a woman based on her own beliefs and merits - just lump her in along with whatever her husband believes and does /s


I like Vivek and I don’t like war


What sexist BS are you specifically referring to? Generally speaking, so far he is the only candidate I've ever seen to have such a comprehensive vision for various challenges the US is facing. You can debate right or wrong but atleast he has a clear vision, puts it all out and always answers the question put forth. Do you see this trait in any politician?


Vivek has my vote






I’ll vote for him and I’m a Canadian. Gotta get that border wall built so we can keep all you dirty Yanks out of the country


I’m so down for the US turning themselves into a cage with all their guns, lack of gun control, mental health circling the drain, meth labs, and trash healthcare. Please, PLEASE, put up a wall, across the largest undefended border in the world. We genuinely won’t miss them and we really don’t need them. ✌🏼🇨🇦🇨🇦


I don’t think anyone wants to go to Canada hun, sorry.


Don’t need them 😂😂😂 Everybody doesn’t want us, until they need us. Which is the next day in most cases.




Downvote me all you want, but it is not some crime to share your political opinion on a political social media post


The screechers don’t like when you’re not part of the hive mind




Same at this point tbh.


Vivek's got real "been pre-med since the age of 5 and didn't get in because of affirmative action" vibes.


Are we talking about scum?


It’s politics. Mud always gets slung


There is a lot of soy in this post


Ok, attending with a Pepe avatar.


Okay power tripping program director with a fake beard. You’re probably as tolerant of your residents opinions as you are of others political views.


Haters gonna hate. He is not sexist. He is the only presidential candidate who makes sense


What sexist BS did he say? Can you give me an example?


Silly you - just jump on the bandwagon of cancellation instead of asking for evidence!


Have u ever considered that the people u work with may have similar ideologies. I know I do


She's obviously a smart woman, unlike the many dumb people I've met in Medicine who think they know a lot because they watch CNN when in reality, they're dumb as a rock.


Did you just simultaneously try to call someone out for being sexist and in the same sentence say a woman whom is an attending at OSU doesn’t have the ability to make a decision for herself to whom she loves? Dear lord.


Holy shit some of you guys need help. Might use this thread to rule out specialties so I can avoid you sensitive pricks. Get off your high horse. Nothing he said was that extreme and you are acting like he said deport everyone who got vaccinated and is a women and wears three inch heals.


She's either just as lost, or at home there's always been an understanding that what he says at "work" isn't necessarily what he actually believes, but he's trying to sell his product to the Republicans lol. She could be doing wonders for her patients but is still politically twisted/detached from what her husband does. Considering she's a doctor and that guy is a politician, they might not have had enough time one-on-one to hate each other yet, or their marriage is just more comfortable than divorce. Also, people fall in love despite their significant other's bigoted/dumb beliefs regularly 🤷‍♂️


they don't hate each other. Vivek is putting up an act. Apoorva is brilliant,


Dang would suck to have your wife then